Today we begin… Right here and now, we take total personal responsibility and cancel contracts, etc.  We breathe and find our center.  We meditate.  With these simple steps we have opened a doorway to reclaim our minds.  The past two days experiences have given a glimpse of what can be achieved with daily practice.  As we progress, weave the previous days experiences into more intricate patterns during your day.  Catch yourself as you commute to work.  Someone challenges you on the road, send Love.  Breathe consciously for a few minutes for every hour worked.  Bring these new awarenesses into your life.  We have started to reclaim our mind and now we begin to support our bodies.

What do you eat?  Do you know where it comes from?  Do you know what it is made of?  Can you pronounce all the ingredients?  Do you look at the ingredients?  Are you completely aware of the food and beverages you ingest on a daily basis?  Are you conscious in this area of your life?  Is your food prepared in a Loving manner?

This can be a very profound experience, so here we go…

Shine the light of your awareness into the area of your personal diet, eating and drinking habits.  Begin your quest for the Truth.  Come to know the things that you put into your Temple, the Body.  Become intimately aware.  If you don’t know what it is, find out.  Perhaps you will be surprised to find out that much of our mass processed and distributed “food” is pretty devoid of nutrition and more importantly, life energy.

So, today I ask you to take stock of the situation.  Get your journal to the ready, keep it close by all day and become an investigator.  Check everything you are inclined to eat and drink. Know what it is before.  Ask the questions…

From personal experience I can share that I was very addicted to fast food and other very unhealthy and “unnatural” foods.  Today I can barely eat out with the rampant infusion of artificial ingredients, corporate greed and unconscious food preparation so prevalent in many restaurants today.  I have seen the food services industry in a new light and it has completely changed my life, health and vitality.

So, please become keenly aware of your intake.

Today, find and commit to a detox program.  There are many products and supplements out there, find what resonates with you.  Drink lots of clean, pure, fresh water and label your water bottles with short inspirational inscriptions or words such as Love, Gratitude, Peace, Balance, Abundance, Success, Highest Good, Trust…  You get it.  Water becomes structured and takes on the resonant frequency of these words, so when you drink it your body which is mostly water takes on these frequencies as well…  Investigate… google: messages from water

Consider everything…  Start right now.  What did you eat and drink since you got up this morning.  Write it down.  A pattern will emerge.  You will discover something about yourself that was previously not known.  You will awaken in you a desire to know what is going into your Temple and as your practice deepens your tolerance for impurity may and likely will change.

I have come to discover that our bodies are made to function perfectly.  We just need to fuel them in the right way.  So, today… Eat something local, organic, fresh and prepared consciously.  You will find it or you will make it, either way bring consciousness into your diet, find and start an internal cleanse program and become a food investigator.

It’s your body… the only one you get this go ’round.  No matter where you are on your path your body will respond to this change.  Take notice now and commit to the practice that brings purity to the food and drink you put in your temple.  You are,  Worth it!

Please share your experiences in the comments or on Facebook!   I know there will be a great many discoveries to share.  Some fascinating information and deeper understanding can and will come in your investigation.  Welcome it.  Open to it.  Share it.  I am very interested in comments relating to HFCS and wheat and gluten allergies… Thank you and Blessings on your Journey, my Brothers and Sisters.

Love and Kindness,


Heroes of the Now