Last week I had a conversation with a good friend who shared a
smart (and effective) exercise she uses to re-center herself when she
gets her buttons pushed. As I listened to her describe the process, I
knew I had to share it with you.

The next time you get your
buttons pushed and you find yourself fixated on a negative experience,
in the middle of a shame attack, or ruminating about something that’s
upset you, try this. Take out four pieces of paper and put one of the
following four sentence stems on the top of each sheet:

1. I know
I’m acting in alignment with my Highest Self when I…

2. The
things that knock me out of alignment are…

3. When I’m out of
alignment, the behaviors I engage in are…

4. The best actions
for me to take to get back in line with my Highest Self are…

you have each sentence stem listed on a separate piece of paper, set
aside twenty minutes to do a "mind dump" for each category. List lots of
examples for each one. What do you do when you’re at your best? How do
you think? What actions do you take? What kinds of situations knock you
off track? And then, what habits or behaviors do you engage in that keep
you off track and feeling stuck? Finally, what do you do that helps you
to re-center so you can get back in alignment with your Highest Self?

intended to give you examples for each category but, after doing the
exercise myself, I discovered that it’s better not to have any
preconceived ideas. They interfere with the process. So, let yourself
go, write down whatever thoughts or ideas come to mind, and when you’re
done, I’m sure you’ll learn something valuable about yourself. I know I
did. I’ll give you a way to share your experience in this week’s Take
Action Challenge. Have fun!

Take Action Challenge

wait to get your buttons pushed before doing this exercise. Instead,
give yourself the gift of twenty minutes and use what you learn to
respond differently the next time you’re faced with a challenge. I’ll
post each individual sentence stem on my
facebook page
this week and invite you to share your ideas. But,
don’t look until you’ve done the exercise yourself . And be sure to use
what you learn to keep yourself empowered and on track! 

week’s video is of the first woman on Rolling Stone’s Guitar God list. I
may have shared it long ago in a newsletter, but it’s worth seeing
again. She’s fantastic! If you loved the movie August Rush, you’ll
recognize the playing style. Enjoy! You’ll find it here.


Do you have an
important message to share with the world?

23, 2010 in Boston
Join Cheryl
Richardson and Reid Tracy (HayHouse CEO)
for the new and
exciting program called
and Shakers
. Two workshop participants from
each city
could earn a chance to either host a weekly
radio show
on Hay House Radio for one month or host a
live online event

Life Makeover for the Year 2009(sm) is written and produced by
Cheryl Richardson.© Copyright 1999-2009 Cheryl Richardson, P.O. Box
13, Newburyport, MA 01950,
All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Have a question for
Cheryl? Call in during her live Internet radio show — Coach
on Call
— on the Internet at
The show airs live on Mondays at 5pm ET (2pm PT) and is replayed
throughout the week.