Tag: shame (page 1 of 2)

13 Things Anyone Who Loves A Highly Sensitive Person Should Know

Excerpt from huffingtonpost.com When I was in kindergarten, a boy in my class tossed my favorite book over our elementary school fence. I remember crying profusely, not because I was sad to see it go, but because I was so furious that he was s...

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Black Holes, the Large Hadron Collider, & Finding Parallel Universes

Excerpt from huffingtonpost.comI am a huge science enthusiast and an unabashed science fiction fan. There are tons of really cool stories out there that fire the imagination and even inspire young people to go into science. (I know they did me.) ...

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Aliens Even More Likely Now To Be Out There ~ Average star has two potentially Earth-like worlds

Concept art depicting the lights of an ET civilisation on an exoplanet. Credit: David A Aguilar (CfA)

Excerpt from theregister.co.uk

Boffins in Australia have applied a hundreds-of-years-old astronomical rule to data from the Kepler planet-hunting space telescope. They've come to the conclusion that the average star in our galaxy has not one but two Earth-size planets in its "goldilocks" zone where liquid water - and thus, life along Earthly lines - could exist.

“The ingredients for life are plentiful, and we now know that habitable environments are plentiful,” says Professor Charley Lineweaver, a down-under astrophysicist.

Lineweaver and PhD student Tim Bovaird worked this out by reviewing the data on exoplanets discovered by the famed Kepler planet-hunter space scope. Kepler naturally tends to find exoplanets which orbit close to their parent suns, as it detects them by the changes in light they make by passing in front of the star. As a result, most Kepler exoplanets are too hot for liquid water to be present on their surfaces, which makes them comparatively boring.
Good planets in the "goldilocks" zone which is neither too hot nor too cold are much harder to detect with Kepler, which is a shame as these are the planets which might be home to alien life - or alternatively, home one day to transplanted Earth life including human colonists, once we've cracked that pesky interstellar travel problem.

However there exists a thing called the Titius-Bode relation - aka Bode's Law - which can be used, once you know where some inner planets are, to predict where ones further out will be found.

Assuming Bode's Law works for other suns as it does here, and inputting the positions of known inner exoplanets found by Kepler, Lineweaver and Bovaird found that on average a star in our galaxy has two planets in its potentially-habitable zone.

That doesn't mean there are habitable or inhabited planets at every star, of course. Even here in our solar system, apparently lifeless (and not very habitable) Mars is in the habitable zone.

Even so, there are an awful lot of planets in the galaxy, so some at least ought to have life on them, and in some cases this life ought to have achieved a detectable civilisation. Prof Lineweaver admits that the total lack of any sign of this is a bit of a puzzler.

"The universe is not teeming with aliens with human-like intelligence that can build radio telescopes and space ships," admits the prof. "Otherwise we would have seen or heard from them.
“It could be that there is some other bottleneck for the emergence of life that we haven’t worked out yet. Or intelligent civilisations evolve, but then self-destruct.”

Of course, humans - some approximations of which have been around for some hundreds of thousands of years, perhaps - have only had civilisation of any kind in any location for a few thousand of those years. Our civilisation has only risen to levels where it could be detectable across interstellar distances very recently.

There may be many planets out there inhabited by intelligent aliens who either have no civilisation at all, or only primitive civilisation. There may be quite a few who have reached or passed the stage of emitting noticeable amounts of radio or other telltale signs, but those emissions either will not reach us for hundreds of thousands of years - or went past long ago.

It would seem reasonable to suspect that there are multitudes of worlds out there where life exists in plenty but has never become intelligent, as Earth life was for millions of years before early humans began using tools really quite recently.

But the numbers are still such that the apparent absence of star-travelling aliens could make you worry about the viability of technological civilisation if, like Professor Lineweaver, you learn your astrophysics out of textbooks and lectures (and publish your research, as we see here, in hefty boffinry journals like the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society).

But if movies, speculofictive novels and TV have taught us anything here on the Reg alien life desk, it is that in fact the galaxy is swarming with star-travelling aliens (and/or humans taken secretly from planet Earth for mysterious purposes in the past, or perhaps humans from somewhere else etc). The reason we don't know about them is that they don't want us to.

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Wanderer of the Skies – December 4, 2011

{mainvote}   Greetings from the Federation:

We have been in council of late discussing your human condition. You know that we are not perfect, as you are not. We are not gods. We have trouble from time to time understanding your hum...

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Confessions of a Spiritual Teacher


a message from Sarah Biermann

Wednesday, 16 March, 2011  (posted 28 March, 2011)

Thank God(dess) I Don't Have to be Perfect

Perfection (doing it right) is not required to be a Spiritual Teacher. Actually, imperfe...

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Akashic Records for September 2010

a message from Akashic Records channeled by Jen Eramith MA

Wednesday, 1 September, 2010 

What energies and experiences can we expect during the month of September 2010?

This month appears as a h...

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this message came as a direct result of my having asked Jeshua

"what can i do to extend my love into this appearance "  (the oil spill)

what you will read below is jeshuas response as to who we are and

how t...

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Most Time Travel is a Small Segment of the Totality of You

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 02:08 PM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

What a day! Many of you are probably feeling as if your being has been scrambled. And so it has. This full moon is merely an indicator of what will be shifting within your society in the next few weeks.

Does it not appear as if everyone is angry? Is there not a great deal of shame and blame floating very close to the surface? Many of you are confused. We continue to discuss the joys of the New Age and yet you feel as if you are surrounded with the pain of the Old Age.  Do not fret – all is well.

Please remember that we access a different perspective than you currently allow yourself to experience. You limit your view to the narrow stream of your current life rather than the totality of your being.

Many of you are quite interested in time travel – but even time travel is a small microcosm of the totality that is you. Let us explain. The totality that is you has had many experiences on earth, as well as other realms. If you believe and thereby expect to only access the existences you have had on earth, you will not be able to “see” your lives between your earth existences or your lives in other locals. You will be limited to what you expect to see and/or experience.

There are so many other exciting arenas to explore. You are fully capable of exploring your lives on earth in whatever historical perspective you wish, your lives between your earth experiences and your lives in other arenas. Such exploration is yet another tool in your new tool kit.

As is true of the tools we have mentioned previously, your time travel tool has always been available – just much more difficult for you to access.  A bit like the difference between a canvas airplane of the early 1900s and a jet. Both are capable of transporting you through the air, but the jet is so much faster and more comfortable.

Now what does time travel (we prefer the term, Experience Travel) have to do with the anger and rage displayed throughout your current world via the media? Everything and nothing. From a larger perspective, the small squabbles you are learning about are mere blips on the screen of life.

If you remember, many predicted that the end of the world you now know it – the introduction of the New Age – would occur in a cataclysm of some sort – perhaps a nuclear war or a similar catastrophe. Instead, this New Age transition is occurring without a world cataclysm, war or revolution. In comparison to those predictions, this transition is and has been extremely gentle. There is, of course, vocal dissent and civil unrest in various parts of the world, but certainly not to extent that was predicted even a few years ago.

If you would allow yourself to Experience Travel to a view above, or perhaps a better term, through your current perspective, you would note how easy this New Age transition has been and will continue to be. The naysayers will fade and those who wish to explore the New Age will move to the forefront. “Life is Good” is an extremely appropriate term for this transition.

Some of you may experience a more dramatic transition than others. That is your choice. But again, we will tell you that such pain is not necessary. Allow yourself to see the positive aspects of any and all situations and you will soon find that your life is truly joyous.

But then, as you have learned from several channels including this one, if you continue to “beat the drum” of pain and anger that is what you will draw to you – not to the earth or the Universe, but to you. The difference between you believing that “life is painful and then you die” prior to the New Age and after the New Age is that it was possible to achieve a world filled with pain interspersed with joy prior to the New Age. Now it is only possible for you to achieve that vision for yourself.

The world and the Universe have moved on – in large part due to your subconscious efforts. It is now your choice whether you wish to follow the joy of the New Age or to remain behind in the pain of the Old Age.

It is also your choice to tap into your Experience Travel capabilities. Or to worry about this or that issue. Or if you wish to experience a personal life of joy, while others on earth are allowing themselves to continue their life of pain.

Your new tool kit is no different from your computer commands. If you wish to correct your spelling errors in a computer project, you merely have to select spell check – but you are certainly not forced to. And so it is with your tool kit.

As we continue these blogs, we will provide more explicit tool kit operating instructions. For the time being, we are merely pointing out the features of your new tool kit – not the least of which is your ability to easily implement your Experience Travel skills.

Use your new tool kit or not. Experience Travel or not. Live in joy or not. The New Age is about choice, as well as an expansion of your being. All of which or none of which is required for you to continue living on earth.

But to not believe or access some of the multitude of skills that you now have readily available is similar to those people who discounted the value of flight with the statement, “If God meant for me to fly, he would have given me wings.” So be it. Amen.

Life Tapestry Creations.com   If you would like to receive my free blogs as they are posted, please click the subscribe button on the upper portion of my subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail subscription request you receive in your inbox

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Buttons Pushed

Last week I had a conversation with a good friend who shared a smart (and effective) exercise she uses to re-center herself when she gets her buttons pushed. As I listened to her describe the process, I knew I had to share it with you.

The next time you get your buttons pushed and you find yourself fixated on a negative experience, in the middle of a shame attack, or ruminating about something that's upset you, try this. Take out four pieces of paper and put one of the following four sentence stems on the top of each sheet:

1. I know I'm acting in alignment with my Highest Self when I...

2. The things that knock me out of alignment are...

3. When I'm out of alignment, the behaviors I engage in are...

4. The best actions for me to take to get back in line with my Highest Self are...

Once you have each sentence stem listed on a separate piece of paper, set aside twenty minutes to do a "mind dump" for each category. List lots of examples for each one. What do you do when you're at your best? How do you think? What actions do you take? What kinds of situations knock you off track? And then, what habits or behaviors do you engage in that keep you off track and feeling stuck? Finally, what do you do that helps you to re-center so you can get back in alignment with your Highest Self?

I intended to give you examples for each category but, after doing the exercise myself, I discovered that it's better not to have any preconceived ideas. They interfere with the process. So, let yourself go, write down whatever thoughts or ideas come to mind, and when you're done, I'm sure you'll learn something valuable about yourself. I know I did. I'll give you a way to share your experience in this week's Take Action Challenge. Have fun!

Take Action Challenge

Don't wait to get your buttons pushed before doing this exercise. Instead, give yourself the gift of twenty minutes and use what you learn to respond differently the next time you're faced with a challenge. I'll post each individual sentence stem on my facebook page this week and invite you to share your ideas. But, don't look until you've done the exercise yourself . And be sure to use what you learn to keep yourself empowered and on track! 

This week's video is of the first woman on Rolling Stone's Guitar God list. I may have shared it long ago in a newsletter, but it's worth seeing again. She's fantastic! If you loved the movie August Rush, you'll recognize the playing style. Enjoy! You'll find it here.


Do you have an important message to share with the world?

April 23, 2010 in Boston
Join Cheryl Richardson and Reid Tracy (HayHouse CEO) for the new and exciting program called Movers and Shakers. Two workshop participants from each city could earn a chance to either host a weekly radio show on Hay House Radio for one month or host a live online event.

Life Makeover for the Year 2009(sm) is written and produced by Cheryl Richardson.© Copyright 1999-2009 Cheryl Richardson, P.O. Box 13, Newburyport, MA 01950, www.cherylrichardson.com. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Have a question for Cheryl? Call in during her live Internet radio show -- Coach on Call -- on the Internet at www.hayhouseradio.com. The show airs live on Mondays at 5pm ET (2pm PT) and is replayed throughout the week.

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The Temple of the Dolphins

We come forth from the watery depths of the river of your souls and the inner abyss of your being.  We come forth to help you breathe deep.  Forget about your humanness and breathe deep with your heart entering a place of pure joy.  you sit upon the shoreline watching the other aspects of yourself play, For too long you keep yourself in suits and zippers and shoes when the very Being within you just wants to be set free. 

Many of you have worked in the 'Temples of the Dolphins in ancient Lemurian and Atlantis.   The sea is a part of the very fabric of your being it lives within you.  Your blood and glands pulse with the Sea from time immortal. Listen within for the Ancient Ocean breaking on the walls beneath the cliffs  Hear the sound of the birds and your heartbeat as we (the dolphins) escort you back into time, a time when you were more fluid, a time when you were bendable, more pliable. Let us swim you into a time when you enjoyed every inch of your body and your life. 

The energy of play is something that you have forgotten as you are so busy being grown up, so busy being official, so busy acting the title of your job, the title of your name, but not the 'title of your soul'.  We ask you to strip down and let the glistening essence of your celestial Dolphin come out.  Do not come out in fear of being slaughtered or being made into tuna, do not come out in fear of being in toxic waters or toxic shame.  Do not come out unless you are willing to be free, free of what haunts you, free of what burdens you, free of what keeps you in between the lines of your life.

Open up your chakras allow us to align them.  Imagine one of us from your dolphin star family, standing in front of you, body to body, chakra to chakra, heart to heart, as we blend and become One you are set free from your human constraints.  You have forgotten how simple life is, you have forgotten that all of your needs will and shall be met when you fully believe it is so.  You have forgotten about all the original love that birthed you, This love is fluid and free moving as are we; it is not to be locked away or boxed up kept on a shelf for a rainy day. It is to be shared with everyone and anyone. You have forgotten to acknowledge your brethren in the same part of the sea that you live, in your neighborhood, in your city in your country, they too are your family. 

In Mother Ocean there are no fences, no walls nor doors to keep anything out or anyone in, everything is a part of the One Ocean.  We have no enemies in the ocean because we believe it is so.  Even those that would like to make us prey, do not – because our intention is as such.  We believe we are not endangered from man, from sharks, from the larger members of our own families.  And it is so. 

We are not here for ourselves, nor have we ever been.  We are here for you.  Eventually (sooner than you realize) you will come to a point of realization that you are within all species and all species are within you, then there will be no need for us to continue our teachings in physical form.  The evolutionary patterns will shift into the next notch.   We are the dolphins.  We leave from this body, but we stay with you.  Remember our words.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 - www.thequantumawakening.com thequantumawakening@hughes.net

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The Flame of the integrated Christ, bridge to the New Earth!

Master Sananda through Paschalis Kazakopoulos | Athens, 1 Apr. 10

Beloved light workers of the new dawn of the Light, I am here today among you to bring the message of change that is about to come in the global consciousness and the global collective unconscious. What is about to happen…

Beloved, your self is the bridge of change from one reality to the other. Many times, change is not easy and demands efforts. But these changes have been constructed and change is now in front of your reality. While the diamond codes of the Christ have been activated in your consciousness are embraced and wrapped now by the New flame of the Cosmic Christ consciousness; this pink rose-gold flame comes now to embrace you through the diamond Christ shape that you truly are, guiding you in the new reality in the New Earth.

Beloved workers of the new dawn of the light, of Earth, of the New Jerusalem; take now a deep breath through your heart, through the heart of the integrated Christ which burns inside you. Take beloved ones this deep breath and now come in the innermost of the interiors of your soul and let this pink-gold energy burn like a flame in your heart, and now see, see those light flashes which extend like lines in time-space.

Beloved ones, there are many realities. Which reality you will choose is solely your responsibility. There are realities which define the trail of Earth ending somewhere. There are realities where Earth is being destroyed. There are beloved ones, realities for heaven on Earth. There are beloved children of God, sons and daughters of God, the living and direct contact with the Source and the community of the light which is now being structured. There are also beloved ones realities of a hell on earth. There are many realities.

Choose now the reality which this flames reflects, this flame of the integrated Christ. This rose pink-gold energy which burns now in your hearts while change is being completed. And this flame wraps the diamond codes of the Christ you hold.

Come now, embrace this reality. Breathe in through this reality and see everything around you through this reality. See yourselves too…

-How do you see yourself in this new reality?

-How is your life beloved ones, in this reality? Is it joyful?

-Is it aligned? Is it integrated?

If so, see with the eyes of this reality!

Release any guilt syndrome, every shame and sin being held in your consciousness because this does Not exist. It is the complex of fear that lead you there in order to control you loved ones. Now come, let yourself to resurrect, through the sea of the Spirit and begin your course for this reality.

Now as never before is the time to make a step forward without need to look back because this step is a new page in your integrated reality which doesn’t share with any egoic syndrome. It shares with the Divine Presence and co-creates and moves forward to have a beginning and a target. Many times you move without having this compass in your reality.

I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life!

This is what is being radiated within you, by this rose pink-gold energy as it wraps the diamond codes-carriers that you are.

Open now your heart and receive this awakening within the innermost of the interiors, because beloved ones, you are this bridge, you are the builders and now the bridge is built. The time has come to cross over. And so you pave the way for those to come and follow you, and that’s what you do.

I now open the heart of the integrated Christ in the heart of the planet, while all these flames awaken like seeds and embrace the diamond Christ carriers of the Light you carry, on a planetary level. This is about to complete till the month of June, this year.

Beloved ones, know that we support you and push you in this step with all the love, with all the support and with all the blessings of heaven because you deserve it. Because you are the bringers of the Light. The Light of the World. Now this pulse is transmitted. Those who attune with it awaken from sleep, or in a better way, from a nightmare. Give them time, help them, support them, embrace them, as Spirit embraces everything.

May you be the example of the New Earth for this transition.

Teaching Alpha and Omega.

Jesus/ Yeshua/ Sananda

Channeling from the School of Mystery, 31 Mar. 10, Athens
Website: www.angelicreiki.eu

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You are Free to: Print, save in your P.C., share with friends, according to the following conditions: You must mention the author, the creator of this work and the website www.angelicreiki.eu

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Adele’s March Message

I hear it every day…where has all the time went…I have lost the last fifteen years. When looking back over all the years that have passed you by …all the years that you have already lived…all the years that have gone and shall never be back again…Think of all that you gained from those years…Time is not lost to you…you have just started to find that which makes time stand still…...

When we look back onto our lives it is the measures you have made in that time. What have you accomplished and what did you learn? Was it not to do the same thing over and over again or was it to give you the comfort to keep moving on?

When I look back I see a world of experience with every step I took, sure there were times that I made one mistake or another. But those mistakes took me on a journey to find who I am. And that I would not give up for anything in the world.

You know being able to see those in the spiritual worlds that live around us each moment of our lives is not what everyone wants. I was always considered weird or individuals would feel uncomfortable….well..that has not changed much (smile) but it also had me at one point trying to be just like those who I was choosing to be around. Once when I figured out that they are no better than me, it was all in their own mind in how they needed to be liked by everyone. I learned that it is perfectly normal to be me and if there was not anyone who liked me because of what I could do... then…It did not matter. Because I liked me and I liked that I could be a part of what no one else could.

But those were also the days that so much pressure is placed upon someone, so much to be liked or not liked, so much to be a part of what was going on in the neighborhood or area in which we lived.

I also found that the mistake I might have made, gave me a look at why it was a mistake and by whose opinion. You know what I found? I found that a mistake that another individual makes is judge by whom and what society says is a mistake. The shame that is placed upon an individual by those whose views say it is a mistake …is the mistake.

You see how can we judge another individual in their learning growth and development on this planet of Mother Earth? When one understands about Soul Contracts then one can clearly see the life learning lessons that each individuals is here to learn for the Soul’s growth. As the soul evolves in this learning phase then you have contracts that are finished as long as the individual then learns the lesson and moves on to not re-do that lesson again. Evolving at a rate in time that right now is going to push you to look back and examine all that you have lived. This is why so many have that question....Where did my life go? Where did all those years go?…Well…. they went to evolving your beautiful soul to the level to recognize this. To grow in your light of love with humanity, to look at all that has ever been placed upon you from so long ago and truly, truly start to live.

To journey back in time to see your own growth and development is a plus, do not knock yourself down before you pull yourself up.

And right now the energies are pulling everyone up… up… and up…That is why you are feeling this and feeling as if you have someplace to be, but where that is you do not know or understand…It is to let go of that which is behind you and move forward to that which awaits you.

Let go of your own self judgments. Why is it that so many are judging others? I have to add this as it keeps coming up time and time again, from so many who write to me. Many do not want to look at their own self, they believe they have all that there is and they are doing it all in the light. And so many cannot see pass the light that they say they walk in, to see they too, are being judgmental of others for not being the way they expect them to be Wow…what a statement, I know. You see when we look at others in their journey, their struggles and comment on them to get over it…well, is that not their journey to walk? that is their time to work through that which is in front of them, why is it so hard for you to say you live compassionately but have no compassion for another to work through their own stuff? So when you are trying to tell them to get over it, you are also placing yourself in a protective net of not seeing that you may have the same issue and you may need to work on it so you too can get over it. That which is reflected in our own surroundings may too be that which we need to look at see within our own self….

Dear Ones do not be hard on yourself as these energies are lifting to show you once again the beauty that is within you and which lies before you in your journey. We have all been in this energy for some time that each has grabbed a hold of and claimed as their own. As this energy is lifting away, it will be like a blanket that is being pulled away from you, the more you tug it back the more you are saying that you do not want to let go of something that was not yours from the beginning. DO not lay claim to that which is holding you back…Allow your fingers to let go and walk into this energy that is before us. It will surround you with so much more accomplishments and love than ever before.

As we are in the middle of March the energy is here to lift you up, keep your eyes on the sky as there will be an illumination soon which you cannot ignore and will be that which brings much light to many and a few heartaches to some. Keep your arms open wide and embrace those with Love all around you. As there is no time to waste as it has been said before, watch the happenings at the Vatican and all the religious and political organizations that are around us. As each day new doors are opening for you to see the light that is shining through as it grows stronger and stronger. New discoveries are being reported each day…these my friends are the Akashic doors which have been opening little by little for each time we make a discovery to bring us closer to the answers of humanity , the Akashic is exposed brighter and brighter. But Just as these doors are opening so too, is that which is given to each of us to then be the bearers of illumination. The responsibilities lie upon our shoulders, so do not look for when the discoveries will be made…Know they are being made each moment of our existence.

May your days be filled with wonder, may you always see for what it truly is and may you find peace in your heart to accept those around you with the love you have for self…

Time has not lost you …you have found that which makes time stand still…...you hold it in your hands each day…you hold it in your heart every second…you hold it in your mind to recognize….now send it freely to where it needs to go…………..

Love, laughter & Light, Adele Copyright 2010 Adele Linsalata and Angelic Wise Ones http://www.angelicwiseones.com This material is free for public use to copy, distribute, and display if abided by these terms.  Credit must be given to the author Adele Linsalata and the work must be used in its entirety.  The work may not be altered, added on to or edited in any way.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.  Any of these conditions may be waived if permission from the copyright holder and author are given.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.  Contact Adele Linsalata at adele@angelicwiseones.com

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Birthpangs of the Mother

Posted here as a video before, but some might prefer reading it.....

~ Re-minders from Home ~

From Steve Rother:

This month the group had a message about the Earth and the magnetic fields that we
all live within. They explained how it would affect humans in general and how we could
prepare. They said the magnetic field has lost more than 10% in the last 100 years. The group talked about the cycle of the Earth shifting magnetic poles about every 500,000 years and how we are now overdue. They did say the Earth will not shift poles as we
have already changed that, yet there is still a lot of work to do and the Earth will go through magnetic fluctuations which may cause strange phenomenon and be felt emotionally by sensitive humans. Oh, how fun!

They said that this decrease in magnetism is a contributing factor to the overall human enlightenment now taking place, and that there was something special about the three years before and the three years after the final dip which will be in the year 2012.


Big hugs. Have a great month!

Greetings from Home

The Re-wire of Humanity

This day we share with you much that is going on. Your physical bodies are changing every day in order to carry more of your own light. The physical re-wire you are going through as individuals is now starting to spread throughout every part of the entire planet as you have reached a collective, critical mass. We have mentioned a bit of the re-wire process and told you about some of the physical properties that will be changing and some of the things that will be taking place with every one of you as this goes forward. You will see a huge increase of sexual energy, life-force energy on this planet, in a lot of different ways. Over time, you will begin having conscious control over certain sets of muscles that you have not had conscious control over before. You will find that you can be conscious breathers instead of unconscious breathers. You will find that you will have more ability to tap into not only into your own telepathy, but on conscious levels you will be able to tap in through each other quite clearly and very easily. In order to get to this process, there are many physical changes that your bodies must go through. It is an evolutionary step and does not actually happen overnight, but when you look back at it 100 years down the road it will look as if it happened overnight. Let us tell you about the process so you can see what is taking place, because much of your preparation is happening on a time schedule that will put you at the right place at the right time. You are not the only one that is changing. The Earth herself is changing as well.

We have mentioned before that you are literally going through a re-wire process so that your energetics can hold more of your own spirit than the physical body has ever been able to hold before. When you first took the body, there was a huge portion of yourself that would not fit into the physical body. You left that portion behind in the other dimension you call Home. You actually connect to Home through this part of yourself, which you have called your Higher Self. It is that part of you which lives outside of your physical body. More of that part of you is now going to be in the physical body. The children being born every day are bringing these attributes in. Their eyes are getting brighter and you are starting to see more energy coming from them, and more capabilities. You will also see them communicating telepathically in ways that you have never done before. But yet, you are evolving into that exact process.

New Human Templates

The children being born now do not have to go through that same evolutionary process, for they are being placed well above the curve. The rest of you here are the ones of you evolving to catch up. This was always limited on planet Earth. The template that you have chosen to house your spirit during this incarnation is a limited template. The illustration we give you is that it only holds a portion of your soul. In the beginning there were 500 of these templates and you chose one. It was probably the same one you chose the last lifetime and the same one you chose before that, for you have a tendency to be creatures of habit even as souls. You choose the same type of template because you get comfortable with it. You choose male or female. You ask, “How am I going to work this incarnation? How am I going to do my magic this time? Is it going to be easier for me to learn my lessons as a female, or is it going to be easier for me to learn my lessons as a male?” Most of the time as creatures of habit you choose the one you have become comfortable with and stay with it for many, many incarnations until there is a reason to change.

Creating Home Here on Earth

The Earth herself is adapting. If you look at your physical body as you re-wire and you consider what we are telling you in that much of your energetic system is now going to house much more of your spirit, the exact same thing is true of planet Earth. She is re-wiring as we speak and has been for some time in order to hold more of the energetics, in order to hold more of spirit from Home on planet Earth. If you were going to create heaven on Earth, you are going to need Earth’s cooperation. That is what is happening. She is starting to evolve faster than you ever thought possible.

Watch the Pacific Ocean

We have mentioned many times that the Earth is not sick. She is pregnant and moving through a birthing process, and you are starting to see the labor pains begin. We made a prediction several years ago and we repeat it again today because it is on the verge of unfolding. Watch the Pacific Ocean, for that is where the energetic openings will first happen on planet Earth. It may very well be in the form of seismic or volcanic activity, but watch the Pacific Ocean and the Ring of Fire which was actually the birthplace of planet Earth. Watch the evolution as the Earth starts going through her own birthing cycles. It will become more intense; it will be more difficult. There will be times when huge portions of the population will leave. You have seen this in recent weeks, and you will see it again. It is not that anyone is doing anything right or wrong. It is not that those people who left were not of high enough vibration to stay here. In fact, many of them were of such high vibration they could not stay much longer and they simply took that opportunity for a way out. There will be a balancing on planet Earth of energetics in many different ways. All of those people who are leaving in order to make this happen are coming back as Crystal Children with some incredible attributes. They are coming back because for them to take that route is easier than raising their vibration consciously, which is the route you are taking right now. Yet none of this would be possible if you here were not making strides to do that. That is the piece that will help every person on planet Earth when you evolve yourself to where you gain your own spiritual confidence.

Overstretched Templates

The Keeper has mentioned about you finding your voice and discovering that place that is the voice of your Higher Self. That is you on purpose and what really resonates as truth throughout every part of your being. Connect and share that piece whenever possible, for that is the one piece that you brought from Home and you now have more capability of giving than ever before. Each one of you has chosen one of 500 templates available to this planet. It is the reason that you sometimes see someone who looks like or even acts like someone you know. They came from the same template. The good news is that there are only 499 people that you have to learn to get along with. But here you are no longer limited by the 500 templates, for that is part of your evolutionary change and the physical re-wire that is happening to your bodies right now. You are outgrowing the templates that originally housed your physical bodies and your energetics during this lifetime. Now they have the capabilities of new attributes, new properties, and new energetics in the same physical body you were born with. This is the opportunity for you to go through an evolutionary step and be re-born without going Home. That is exactly what has been predicted by many on this planet for a very long time. Why would you doubt it? Of course, now it is happening to you and that is the beautiful part because now what takes place is that you are being birthed to a New Earth.

The Earth is going to continue to go through some changes. The Ring of Fire surrounding the Pacific Ocean will see more movement in the years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 than ever before on this planet. You will see different anomalies take place. You will see the shifting of energy and all of it can be lessened and controlled—none of it needs to be negative, none of it needs to be catastrophic. It can all be an evolutionary step forward. The way you do it is simple: you feel you. Yes, you can feel the sadness and you can feel the trauma. Anytime there is trauma on planet Earth, it sets up a wave of energy that is felt by every single human being. It is easy for you to get wrapped up in a trauma and in the drama around it. It is easy for you to say, “What a shame! How horrible!” You feel your heart sink and then walk around all day in that half-lit mode. That is actually harmful to your physical bodies and serves no purpose whatsoever. The idea of what we wish you to do is to celebrate these changes of planet Earth. Look at this in one simple perspective: you had a tragedy in this place you call Haiti, but look how the world responded as one. Everyone wanted to do something—whatever they could do to try to ease the pain, to connect. That lesson in humanity was worth more than all the lives that were given in order to make that happen.

Wake Up Call

You now have the capability to connect on very deep levels with heart energy right from the beginning. These are pieces that each and every one of you must learn because you are not born in bodies that were capable of this. You are now adapting to new possibilities and new energies, which will also bring a new relationship to everything around you. During that time, know that many times you will be in this higher position where you can help to bring other people up. That is why you are there. Please do not lower your position, do not feel sadness, and do not feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. Instead, feel the opportunity to help. Feel the opportunity to be on purpose and to spring into action in some way, because that is the piece you came here for. It would be a shame if you spent all these years on planet Earth waiting for this opportunity and then sleep right through it. The wake-up call is now. The alarm clock is ringing and you have a choice. You can reach over shut it off and pretend it didn’t ring, or you can hit the snooze button and pretend to wait, or you can jump into action.

It will happen to every human on planet Earth. Every one of you is going to go through this evolutionary change that will be difficult, because humans perceive change as difficult. However, you can change your perception before it happens and when you see activity in the Pacific Ocean, the lungs of planet Earth. When you see activity around the Ring of Fire, know that her lungs are stretching and new pieces are being built. This is not about the destruction of planet Earth any longer, instead it is about building a new environment for empowered humans. The Earth is doing her job. What are you doing? That is the question that she is asking you now for you are a part of each other. She needs your help. The connection between humans and Earth is much stronger than anyone ever thought possible but it is here, now. The effects of these shifts do not need to be negative. You can wipe these things out with your thought patterns and especially if you add one to the other.

The Power of Light

The way you count on planet Earth is to add 1 to 2, to 3, to 4, to 5, increasing by one the entire time, but that is not the universal constant when it comes to connecting energetic fields. When you connect energetic fields, it becomes exponential: 1 to 2 to 4, to 8, 16, 32 and so forth very quickly to the point at which it begins growing at incredible rates. Those are the harmonics of your vibration, because harmonics can be combined on top of other harmonics and can bring things into harmony on this Earth that has never existed before. You are creating it now and the opportunities are here in front of you.

Dear ones, this shift is not going to be easy. You are already seeing part of the challenges, and yet it can be the most joyous, beautiful shift that has ever happened throughout the universe. We ask you to take your part. Hold your energy, hold your highest hopes and dreams of everything you want in your life, every piece you deserve and are thankful for. Create the new world with your thoughts right now and watch your body evolve into it. It is an amazing process and never before has this happened on planet Earth. You are setting history with every breath you take. Do it well. Do it on purpose. Do it with the full consciousness that you are a spirit pretending to be a human and that you have something of value. You will find your purpose on planet Earth. You will be the highest you can be and we are so incredibly proud of you. It is not easy being a human; it is not easy for us to watch you being a human. There are times when you cannot find yourself. You look in the mirror and you have tears because sometimes you feel so alone, and yet you do not understand that we are right behind you. We hold you sometimes when you sleep. We see that you are having a bad dream and softly touch the corners of your cheeks to help you smile, so we can help change your reality a little bit because you have given us permission to do so. Now, you take that and do it for yourselves and each other. Touch each other the way that the angels touch you. Empower every person you see around you. You no longer have anything to fear from this, for it is not a race to see who gets there first. Nobody gets there until the last person arrives.

We are in this together and know that we are here waiting for you. The moment you wipe the sleep from your eyes, we are there to remind you of who you really are. We are so honored to be in your presence, for you are masters of the Gameboard and we are honored to be here. We know the pain you have experienced and we honor you for that pain; you will see this pain quite differently when you arrive Home. We know it is very difficult for you, but no one else can do it. It took the bravest of the angels to take off your wings to come down and play, yet here you are. Welcome Home. Know that we are with you every second of every day if you so choose. Also know that you are doing a fantastic job and we are incredibly proud of you.

It is with the greatest of honor that we leave you this day with three little reminders. Nurture one another every chance you get. Treat each other with the greatest respect. Play well together.


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