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Sananda: A Time of Great Release

22 March 2010 – 6:01pm
Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Lightworkers,

I come to speak with you this day about the reconnection of the Great Crystals which have been lying dormant within the Earth awaiting the exact timing to be re-ignited. This has occurred and heralds the beginning of the Great Awakening of the sleeping masses of Humanity. This will bring many to your websites and your daily lives for they will be seeking to discover the truth about themselves and their purpose here on Earth. While the Awakening is occurring, it will be done in waves, spreading across the surface of the Earth and along with the Awakening will come a tsunami of Love energy that will impact everyone and everything upon the Planet.The energy of Love is a very powerful force and there will be no place
left within each Soul that can longer hide that which has remained
hidden and the truth will begin to surface within each mind and heart.
It will be a time of great release of the pent up emotions that have
been suppressed for too long and since most of you have already been
undergoing this process and are almost through this, it will fall upon
you to lend a stabilizing hand wherever you see the need. Be alert and
aware to those around you who are stirring into wakefulness and know
that this is now your time to be of greater Service to the Light. Hold
fast and ground into the Earth and radiate your Love and peace outwards
each day as this will assist with the recalibration process.

Events now will transpire with rapidity and life will take on a surreal
element as many changes take place in every corner of the Earth you live
upon. The Earth is changing minute by minute and soon this will become
more and more apparent to all. It is a wondrous time to be on Earth and
in the forefront of the Great Awakening. Hold to your highest visions
for peace and goodwill, harmony and abundance for all to anchor into the
Earth, as it is your Light upon the Earth that is needed at this time.
Gather together in your groups and send out daily great waves of Love
radiating outwards and visualize this energy entering into the hearts
and minds of every man, woman and child upon the Planet. See everyone
feeling joy and happiness, for these are the higher frequency emotions
that uplift the vibratory frequency of the Planet itself.

Be open to many scenarios taking place within your own lives that may
seem to come out of nowhere and take you by surprise. Know that these
are the final stages of the completion of your individual contracts and
agreements and that it does not necessarily mean the end of a
relationship that is in completion, it merely means that a certain
aspect of it has now run its course and that there can be new beginnings
for you with the same person if there are mutual feelings of Love
between you. All personal relationships are now being tested and tried
because of the higher vibrations of Love that are now entering the
atmosphere and all that no longer serves that which your Souls have
chosen to experience at this time is being recalibrated in the same way
as the Earth.

The most important thing to remember is that you are Love personified
and that you walk the Earth as a blessing to all. Radiate that Love to
all around you and send your blessings forth. You are the Ambassadors,
the Light Emissaries and your time is now to anchor this great Love into
the Earth so that all may Awaken and remember the Light that they are.
Be the steady pillar of Light and have faith that you will all come
through these days into the new way of life that has been destined for
eons of time. All is well and we sincerely and humbly thank each of you
for the role that you have been and are now playing as events begin to
unfold. You are each honored and revered for your dedication to Service
in the Light. We send blessings.

I AM Sananda

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message with others, as long as the
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Peace Be!

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