Bashar: To the images we are imparting to them,
telepathicly, that you look of course very different then they do, and
actualy they are even wondering how you can even stand up.

Men: I wonder that myself.
Bashar: its not that they have not encountered
other by penal forms, but because they are so initiatly 4 legged, it
always seems a little bit mysterious to them and curious to them that
something can actualy balance on 2, and so they wonder it that, and it
is part of theire appreciation of the differences.
Men: Now tell me this for that creature to
be that type of creature, it had to start from some level of
consioussness first right, just like we started from a level of
consioussness, that then produced my being?.

Bashar: Well if you mean it that way yes, altough
remember that on the spirit level we are al the same kind of
consioussness, choosing to experience incarnations in a variety of
forms, but as you mean the consioussness of the material evolutionary
world it self yes, there where what you would call primary forms, before
the form that is now in existence.
Men: I see, and that primary form is the
same for all species throughout the entire universe.?

Bashar: No no no no no, i’m saying that in theire
environment there was an initial form that actualy had 8 legs, and over
time evolved into that wich has 4, and has grown larger in its domain,
and has become in your terms capable of supporting incarnational spirit
mixed pressing inteligence in a way that you would recognize, as a

Men: Ah okay!! well its true that everything is expressed from
consioussness first?
Bashar: Well everything is Consioussness, of
course on that context yes, if you wanna call that the primal form then
yes, everything starts from the same primal consioussness, but it
doesn’t realy express itself as one form ,per say, Its formless, does
that makes sense?.
Men: Yes, then it could choose the form
that wants to matter.

Bashar: Yes and it chooses all forms, The primal
Consioussness chooses all forms that it can choose
Men: So thats why there is no limitation to
Bashar: Correct!!.
Men: You know thats the one thing i was
getting from your talk earlier that, We are Un-godli , Un-limited and
its so
Bashar: Un-godli?!!.
Men: Well you know what i mean, and its so
interesting that we realy boxed ourself into this quote on quote corner
of humanity
Bashar: Yes.
Men: Why, when we are so much bigger then,
Its amazing
Bashar: Thats the mystery of it and the
fascination of it and the beauty of it and the power of it, is that you
can do that, being such unlimited beings
thats why you are so fascinating to so many species, cause thats why we
call you the Masters of Limitation.
Men: Yea i heard you say that several times.
Bashar: Theire are not many civilizations we have
encountered that have imposed the same degree of limitation upon theire
experience of life and this to us is a form of mastery

Men: Because the default behavior is to not be
like that?
Bashar: In that sense you can call it the default
behavior yes
, The default state of being is
to be unlimited but also at the same time to experience absolute
limitation asswell thats the polarity, and everything in between, but as
you meant it yes, Recognizing that puts you in a state of higher
awareness yes.
Men: Wow, cool, this has been a very
interesting seminar so far so thank you
Bashar: Thank you.
Men: Have a good day.
Bashar: I will.