Site icon Dimensional Bliss

Understanding Multidimensionality!

“No great advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion, without controversy.”

          -Lyman Beecher


“MULITIDIMENSIONAL SETHD8” an illustration by SethD8 – 16 Feb 07




by Daniel Jacob

Once upon a time, humanity thought the Earth was flat! If you tried to explain it differently, people   just shook their heads at you and said you were crazy.   Then, Columbus sailed to find a “New World” for himself.   Presently…much of humanity thinks of the Earth as one single, objective, “mass reality.”   We all live upon it (i.e. we share it), and where that one Earth goes, everyone must ride along.  Spirit now establishes for us that such a concept is every bit as archaic and limited as when we believed that the Earth is flat.”   DJ.


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From My Ears to You!  I am listening to Around the World in a Tea Daze performed by Shpongle
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