There is a great deal of talk this month about portals, star
gates and vortexes.  The past few months have opened a greater flow of
the crystalline or lightbody energy into the earth.  There are more and
more places where people may access this flow and no matter what name
you give it, it’s there for you.  The Goddess has spoken for quite some
time about how manifesting and transitioning in your life is becoming
easier.  With the opening of these portals, to give it a name, you do
have greater ease with shifting, moving and transitioning.  

this channel, the Goddess begins right at the beginning by talking
about the energies of ‘Nama Sika, Venia Benya’.  You can feel the strong
flow energy as you are linking within you, then linking to those around
you.  She speaks of how fluid the crystalline energy is.  It moves
smoothly and easily through all who work with it.  It shifts and aligns
in a different manner than other type energies.  Therefore, if you
reach out to align with a vortex, portal, stargate- whatever you want
to call it; you can find yourself shifting into an entirely new space
or level of consciousness.  Many have been doing this in their sleep
state, now it’s easier to utilize it during conscious intention.

practical use the Goddess worked with was that you step into the
column of light and look at your life. She speaks of how we can work
with the column of light by looking in from the outside.  In addition
you may shift in and out of it as needed as you are in your place of
creation.  The column comes to us in a linear manner because that is
what we are used to and is easy to understand.  In reality it is
nonlinear which makes it quite easy to shift through dimensions and
space with ease. You can work your life as it is right now, look to
your past and shift energy and then create what you want through
greater awareness.  

Nama sika; venia benya         I AM the one, I AM the whole

I greet you beloved family! I greet each one of you with the words of this phrase; Nama sika — I AM the one.
I invite each one of you to feel that alignment within yourself as you
hear those words, as you breathe those words down inside. Breathe in, I
AM the one.

Venia Benya — I AM the whole. As you
look around from that space of linking within yourself, you may find a
deeper alignment takes place within you. This alignment is with the
other people who are here present within this group. But you will also
find that you have a deeper alignment with animals, with the trees,
with the earth, with the stars; because each one of you may be a tiny
particle of energy as compared to the entire universe or omniverse but
it takes each one of you, as these particles, it takes each person to
create the whole. 

Open up for just this moment, feel yourself
for who you are and allow that alignment with everyone and everything
to be here and a part of you, as your reality. Just in speaking those
few sentences and inviting you to let that energy move through, can you
already feel the difference that takes place within? You are each a
special gift, simply because you are who you are.

With that I
invite you to take in one more deep breath and as you breathe down
inside of yourself let that breath move through you, anchoring you, to
where ever it is that you are located. Then as you breathe out, have a
sense of letting your consciousness shift into the space of the
magnetic grid.

This grid work has undergone an immense
transformation beginning in the mid-90s in preparation for the year
2000. Since that time it has shifted exponentially. The reason for that
is that the more people seek to create and alignment with this grid
work the more the grid expands. So too the immense influx of energies
from the universe are having an effect upon this. So look around,
recognize how this is your space and yet it is you in alignment to
everything else within and around this grid work.

Have a sense
of shifting. As if you move outward, you find yourself linking with
the crystalline grid. As you do so you have let go the magnetic pole of
the earth. Feel your energies as they expand in every direction, feel
what it is to be in this pure crystalline energy. It supports you, it
stimulates you; it creates opportunity for you simply by finding the
alignment within.  

breath] I invite you to then have a sense of moving into the soul
plane. This is another shift in consciousness; it is another dimension,
if you want to use that word. It is a space for you. As you arrive
within the soul plane, consciously reach out for your I AM presence.
This is you in your entirety; this is you as your divinity. As you
allow your consciousness to expand, feel as if you are blending fully.

you have that sense of coming home? Do you have that sense of love and
awareness? Open to feel the acceptance, for you as the human that you
are! As you continue to manifest more of your consciousness within this
space, open to feel my essence as I come here within the soul plane. I
reach out to each one of you, I acknowledge who you are as the
individual in this lifetime, I acknowledge who you are as your divine
essence. As my energies merge with you, feel how we shift into the All
That Is.

As you arrive within this space, have a sense of
looking around and seeing who and what is here. As you continue to
shift, as you feel more and more of your essence moving within, open to
receive the communication that is here for you. Take a look around, so
many of you view this area as if it’s a workspace. As you look around
you, what comes to your awareness? I hear such diversified answers from
you; some find the problems they’ve been working on, others feel
themselves as being overwhelmed, others are seeking change. The All
That Is is all of this, but it is also more.

With the last
teleconference, when we were here together, there was a column of light
that went from all the way out in the universe through this space,
down into the earth itself. And that column of light was represented as
the light body energies. The Omniverse is, all that has to do with
your galaxy, with your universe plus other universes and galaxies that
are out in the various shifts and consciousness. With the various
portals and vortices of light that are opening up right now upon the
earth, there is a greater influx of this beautiful transparent energy.

you take in who you are, as you allow your consciousness to align with
this column of light, you may have a sense of how it has shifted over
the last couple of weeks. [Deep
breath] One of the things that I believe you are all very well aware
of is just how fluid the crystalline energy is. It is as if it is
flexible, as if there is a constant flow, as if there is more and more
potential or opportunity that moves through this space.

As you
consider your days upon the earth, you have been seeking ways in which
to manifest in a more efficient manner. What would happen if you could
shift your focus into this beam of light or one similar to it and feel
as it transports you to another reality? It may be that it takes you
into a space out in the universe. It may be that it takes you into
another place within your own world.

As other people were
speaking about the Star Gate or the Lion’s Gate, that opened up here
during your month of August, they were speaking of this type of energy
that opened up to the Earth. If you look at your world, this happened
in multiple different locations. If you look at your world and consider
back over the history of consciousness in which humanity has been upon
the earth, you will see that there have always been places upon the
earth where energy from the universe was able to transcend into the

There are those of you who continue to know what those
alignments are and what it means to you. It may be that you have a
sense of those spaces becoming even larger. There are other portals or
energy shifts in consciousness that have come about because of the
places in which people live. You may have heard before how karma is
released. You may have heard that the Mayan calendar has come to an end
therefore everything that is created is new and different. The truth
of this matter from my perception is that if you have a sense that
other like existences are having or have had an influence upon you,
then it is so.

As you look at potential experiences that will
be occurring within and around the Earth some of those potentials have
been predicted, but what is unique and different is that so much of the
foundation of the Earth has transformed. It is being hundreds of
thousands of years since those energies that are close to the Earth
have transitioned. The consciousness is shifting through direct
intention instead of through an unconscious manner. All of these things
are coming into play and affect the Earth itself, but not only that,
they affect you. Just as we spoke of: Nama sika; venia benya, at the very beginning, so too you can observe or discern how that has influenced you in this space.

at your life; do you have a belief or a sense that experiences of your
past are having an impact upon you in your everyday life? Through your
choice, I would suggest to you that you turn around and look back at
your path. Look back and see perhaps a pattern in your current life,
look back and see influences that are having an effect upon you. Look
back and see if perhaps this goes beyond the life in which you are
currently living. For some of you it is as if in looking back, you see
the branches moving out as if some of what is affecting you is an
ancestral alignment. Sometimes it’s in these lifetimes you feel those

If there is anything that comes to your awareness as
we speak right now, I invite you to consciously take a deep breath in,
and as you breathe out as if you are sending an essence of love, of
compassion, of awareness; breathe out and send that down towards your
perception of your path. That energy may move through and release every
little occurrence that comes into contact with. Sometimes when you do
this it will clear out on a superficial level so as to allow you to go
beneath that. Let your intention to clear experiences of the past from
their effect upon you now be very clear in you and taking one more deep
breath and send that energy once more back through those experiences.

you may also choose to step within that column of light.  As you do
so, you may find that the column itself is transparent but within it
there are many, many different functions. You can step within this
column; you can step within this light and as you breathe deeply and
send forth that intention to release the past you may see how it clears
in a much more complete manner. You may also step into this space and
shift yourself into that time so that you can clear it in that manner.

may have a sense of traveling through this column of light and it is
as if you are looking around and you see the kaleidoscope of your life.
You are used to working with things in a very linear manner. Therefore
this column may come to you through a linear perception. Life is not
linear, you therefore have the ability to find yourself connecting with
an experience and shifting the effect of that experience. [Deep breath]
As soon as I suggested that, I could see a multitude of releasing
taking place and it just got swirled up and transitioned through this
column of light.

Let’s shift, let your consciousness move
outside of that column once more. Take stock of your consciousness as
if you are looking at yourself from the eyes of your divinity. Have you
changed as a result of releasing the past? Are there emotions that you
would like to nurture at this time? [Deep breath] Breathe in deeply allowing those emotions to shift.

the completion as it moves through you. Life is about living in the
moment, if you look at your life as it is in this moment, is it possible
to feel joy, happiness, peace or contentment?  Just, what are the
emotions that you are feeling at this time? You may have an intention
of what you would like for your life to be. You may have a focus or an
awareness and all of that may be having an effect upon you. But where
is the majority of your energy? If it’s caught up in the past, let it
go. If it’s caught up in the future in such a way that you are waiting
to experience life until, and you can fill in the blank, then realize
that you are still not living in the moment.

 Move through your
mental body. Humanity at this time upon the earth is encouraged to plan
for the future, look for the future; let the focus be upon the future
and upon things outside of themselves. If you take this moment and
breathe deeply, breathing all of your energy and all of your focus down
within you, right now, consciously let go the rest. What you will find
is that the more you allow these energies to be a part of who you are,
the more centered and balanced you will be at any given time.

a sense of stepping back within that column of light, into that aspect
of it in which you work with your own personal life. This time rather
than having a sense of looking towards your past, shift your focus as
if to have a sense of looking towards your future. Here within this
column of light, everything is illuminated, everything is cleared out.
This in turn allows you to have a more distinct understanding.

within this column of light, this crystalline energy, this light body
energy, let it all come within you, let it fill you up. Feel the
contentment, feel the knowledge of who you are, even if it seems more
than what you would consider or what you would expect, open to the
potential or the possibility that you do accept this as you.

you look towards the future have a sense of letting flow from you, your
intention of what you would like or how you perceive your life to be.
Here within this column of light shift your focus and see yourself;
perhaps one month from now, one week, one year, two years, whatever
length of time you would like. Feel yourself in the flow of your life
and then put down your foot to stop and look around.  As you look
around, what do you see? From a purely objective standpoint be open to
receive clarity of what that is. As you look at whatever this may be,
you can find out for yourself, is it truly what you wanted? You may
ask; is there anything you would change? You may consider that even
this is but a fraction of what the reality will turn out to be.

often as people are doing an exercise like this, those things that are
at the forefront of their conscious awareness are the foundation of
what they see, but there is always more.  As this has not yet occurred
there are even more potentials than what you see. [Deep breath]
Breathe in and come back, step outside of that energy, step outside of
that space and once more be fully present in this now moment. This is
you in your life, this is you opening to greater potentials, this is you
recognizing the opportunity that is here for you.

You have
these various portals all around the Earth, but yet you need not be
physically located with any of them. You put forth the intention of
aligning with one of these portals and then allow yourself to simply
move through and see where ever it is you may go. If you go out into the
universe feel what that experience is for you and let that energy flow
back within your consciousness. As you experience another place upon
the earth know and feel what that means to you as you bring it back

I now invite you to have a sense of letting your
consciousness shift in such a way that you separate to a degree from
this column of light. The flow is immense, the vibration just sings,
feel it for yourself. As you gather together your thoughts have a sense
of clearing out any thoughts or beliefs that no longer work for you.
As you consider your emotions, let go those emotions that have been
holding you back.

As you consider your physical body have a
sense of breathing in this vibration and let it move all the way down
from your consciousness into your physical body. As it moves into your
physical body, let it move through the bloodstream, let it move into
every cell within you, into your DNA into every article that makes up
who you are with a sense of clearing out debris, clearing out
imbalance, clearing out anything except what it is to feel good and
what it is to have the physical body that serves you best.

you come back together as a group, I invite you to have a sense of the
hologram of the Earth. It comes up within the group itself. There is a
double hologram as if Ariellis, the new Earth, and your physical Earth
are represented within these holograms. As this continues to rotate in
front of you infuse within the hologram, your consciousness of what it
is to live in the moment and to have everything you seek to have right
now. As you infuse it into the hologram see how those energies of this
column of light infuse a sense of balance and a sense of diversity, of
vibration. Breathe in your intention and as you breathe out feel how
these holograms take on an illuminated sparkle.

The holograms
themselves shift; they actually move into that column of light and
through that column of light, they move in whatever direction they need
to as they merge with their physical earth. You may feel that energy
coming into the Earth on which you are located. It moves into the
center aligning with the crystals and the vibration. It anchors linking
within the core essence of the Earth, and then it emanates out. From
there it moves through the earth itself, it moves up through the grass,
the water, the trees, it moves up through you.

As this
happens, feel what it is to anchor those energies. Allow your
consciousness to flow back, you pause briefly in the soul plane, you
have sense of letting your consciousness move from there into the
crystalline grid, and it moves down to the crystals. Your consciousness
comes back through magnetic grid, and once more you feel that essence
of the Earth. You feel that magnetic pull of being upon the Earth.

if you let your consciousness come down fully with you into your
physical body, let yourself ground here within this space. Now, as you
are here in your physical location let your consciousness reach out
until you align with that beam of light. If it assists you to consider a
particular place upon the Earth, you may do so or you may also let
your consciousness expand and it will go where ever it needs to go.

within the Earth, with the gravitational pull of the Earth it feels
different. But just as you were able to step into that flow of the
column of light, up in the All That Is, so too you can step into this
flow right here, right now. [Deep breath] And as you breathe deeply let
yourself go where ever it is you would like to go.

As you
arrive, you have a sense of looking around using all of your senses to
pick up what this is to you and your perception. So expand, allow your
vibration or your essence to move through, experience what this is to
you. And then once more you allow your focus to shift back within you
and whatever location you find yourself. Shift back into your physical
reality. Feel what it is to have released your past. Feel what it is to
have experienced a potential of you future. And recognize that
everything comes here into this moment in which you are. [Deep breath]
Breathe deeply and make a conscious choice to allow the majority, if not
all of your focus to be in the present moment.

What makes me
feel good right now? What gives me joy right now? What takes me into
the experience of manifesting my entire self upon the earth right now?
Let those be some of the questions that guide you through out your

As you continue to anchor within your physical self let
yourself ground, let your focus or your attention come back within this
room. As you come back within this room if you would like, you may
press *6 upon your phone and I am open to receive questions that you
may have.

Question:  Hi Goddess can you hear me. (Yes I can.)  Thank
you very much for this evening.  I’m building a – I’ve asked this
question in other ways before.  I’m building a structure now with
crystals and metals and magnets.  It’s a little more elaborate than
I’ve done before. It has a little bit of a motor and it will create
energy and magnetic impulse in the structure itself.  I was aware that
in Atlantis they created something that created a portal into the
Astral and opened up the connection to the Astral, which they probably
shouldn’t have done.  Things came down from the Astral and kind of
controlled the minds of the Atlantians at that time and brought the
downfall of Atlantis.  There may be a little bit of an arrogance to
think that I might be creating the same thing, but the structure is a
little more elaborate than I usually have done.  Should I be worried
about creating the same thing, having the problem?

Answer:  Alright
beloved it first of all comes as no surprise to me to see you working
on this crystal and this structure that you are speaking of because you
were a part of the Atlantian group that did similar experiments. 
During the time of Atlantis there were many different experiences,
experiments, levels of lasers: various things that were taking place.
And the intention was that it would create a transformation upon the
earth that would allow for earth itself to be able to experience their
divinity in a much greater degree, and these lasers were going to open
up and amplify the crystals.  In addition to that it would be used for
medical reasons, for shifting physical things upon the earth.  It was
many fold.  So that is why I see that you are still in alignment with
what you were doing before and that is why that conscious thought came
to your awareness. 

My sense is that it is not going to
occur again for one humongous reason.  The ascension of the earth into
the next dimensions has been through a conscious intention this time
and through a much more consistent and solid foundation.  Indeed any
time that you open up such a package as you are speaking of that
amplifies the energy there is always going to be an opportunity that
more will come through than anticipated or less or that humanity will
react in one way or another, so absolutely those are potentials.  We
see such a change in this because of the fact that there is a much more
solid foundation taking place right now and we think that what you are
doing now is much more in alignment with what you have always
intended.  It just wasn’t the right time, there wasn’t enough knowledge
available, but this time it feels like it is much more so in
alignment.  We see you working with the column of light that we worked
with this evening as a means of amplifying the energy that you are
magnifying.  It’s like that’s the starter, or that’s what enhances what
you are working on.  So utilize it to help you for your benefit.

Ok thank you very much.  I am trying to figure out a way of actually putting in lasers but I haven’t had the background in that.

feels like there is someone else that is going to, that you either
have talked with before or that will come into your awareness in the
near future, and this individual feels like they are going to hold the
part of the key that you have been missing so far.

Ok thank you very much.  

Good luck with this you’re very welcome beloved and good luck.

Ok very good thank you.   

You’re welcome.

Question:  Hello Goddess. (Hello.)   You
have probably heard this kind of question before and it’s my
partnership, my main relationship, my child’s father and I’ve just
recently started to open up and see everything I have desired and that
it may be possible.  I don’t know how to proceed with the person I’m
with.  I kind of feel stuck in the relationship (Ok) I care for him but

can you clarify things for us because we’re sensing two separate men? 
Are you with one man who is not the father of your child and your
interest is in shifting things around with the father of the child, or
is there only one man because we’re sensing two?

there was one in my heart, which I was trying to get rid of.  A
relationship from last year that opened up my connection to source and
was incredible, but it cannot be with that person and I have tried to
energetically cut cords and what not.  I’m with my child’s father right
now, and that’s who I live with, and that’s the relationship I need to
thrive and I am having trouble doing that.  I don’t have the same
source connection and wow incredible feelings with him.

Answer:  Uhum
Ok so – right – so what we see you doing is what so many humans do is
you have a relationship and when you look at it in an objective manner
or in an analytical way you see the pluses and the minus’s in those two
little columns and that’s how you base much of your decision upon. 
Then you look at another individual and again you have those two little
columns and things are weighted differently in those columns.  Then
as a human you talk to yourself sometimes convincing yourself to
believe a certain way, sometimes going with what is the stronger
feeling, and indeed there is no right or wrong as we look at this.  We
see how with the one individual your heart really soars it brings out
more potential for you and through that feeling of excitement; that
feeling of awareness; that feeling of joy; you launch yourself into a
different modality or a different road of opportunities and perceptions
for yourself.  Then when we see you with this 2nd individual, that’s
the one that you call your baby’s father that you are currently living
with and because it is such a dramatic difference from the other you
notice more so the contrast of it.  The focus becomes on what is not there and what is not working,
instead of focusing on the things that are working.  Even when you
have those conversations inside of yourself where you talk to yourself
and you say, "Well this is what I want to work.  This is how I’m going
to help it work.  This is what I’m going to do." You are undermining
yourself because there is a part of you that just isn’t believing it,
it just doesn’t resonate. 

So when you are in a
relationship and you are questioning what is the best direction for me
to go it is always essential for you to go back down within yourself,
go into your core essence and become in that place of alignment like
what you did on the journey tonight.  Then from that space when you
begin to look around at everything, even if the individual you were
with last year is not the actual individual that you would be with in
the future, if it represents something that is more so what you seek
then that needs to be your path.  Or if you can recognize that when
you’re in the space of your core essence and when you recognize that
you are creating the opening, the alignment, whatever it is within
yourself and you allow that to be your divinity then it may not matter
who you are with.  You can still have that excitement, that joy, that
awareness because the foundation comes from within you and it spreads
out to everyone else around you.  Does that make sense to you beloved?

does and I would love to do that and not look to anyone else outside
of me to help me feel my divinity, but you know, we have our
relationships, partnerships and I hope I can do this I hope I can find
that divinity, that spark and that connection with source no matter who
I’m with.

Well we think that it is much more there
and much more prevalent within you than you give yourself credit for
and as you shift your focus away from the people outside of you and
become more clear within you then when you turn around and look at the
people outside of you it will help to clarify situations.

you are asking am I no longer going to be with the man that I’ve been
with and the father of my child?  Am I going to be with someone else, be
it a 3rd individual not known?  Am I going to be on my own?  All these
various questions that we feel swirling around within you.  At this
point there doesn’t feel to us as if there is a really strong
preference one way or the other because we see you as divided.  So as
you through meditation; through journaling; through whatever it is that
works for you; as you find that means of alignment within yourself and
we also feel that just because you are busy between work, your family,
the various things that you have going on around you that you put your
own times for nurturing yourself at the bottom of the list.  That’s
another means that creates that disconnection within so shift it
upwards closer to the top and let yourself have that time.  Let
yourself take that time and then you are going to find that as if you
wake up sometime, or as if a door opens, as if you suddenly seem to have
a sense of rightness and a sense of knowing.  The relationships are
not going to go away they are not going to just magically shift, but as
you allow for the greater clarity within yourself then the perception
of everything else does shift.

Oh I look forward to that.  Thank you so much.  

You’re welcome beloved.

Question:  Hello Goddess. (Hello)
What I wanted to ask was…. Throughout my whole life I’ve had a
confusion state of not doing what I feel I’m supposed to be doing. 
Whether it’s a career path, I’ve been in and out of several careers and
jobs that have not been satisfying.  I’m kind of lost at this point. I
have certain things I’d like to do and I’m not sure if they are
realistic for me at this time in my life. 

We see as we look at you that there is a sense of potential, a sense
of awareness, a sense of grandness whatever you want to call it that is
actually a representation of your divinity that you are keeping
outside of yourself. When you say that you think there is more, you
think there is something else, we agree that there is.   We see like a
bubble of energy, a bubble of potential that you are carrying around
within you and also up above you.  Because of that link to what’s
inside of you, that’s what makes you think or it brings up the sense of
discontent or sense of something more.  It feels on the one hand that
it would be helpful for you to be a little more clear to yourself
whether it’s writing things down or prioritizing things; somehow
someway it feels like there needs to be a more grounding aspect to
this.  When you take a deep breath in you are reaching up to those
potentials and consciously bringing them down into your physical body. 
This is a way of grounding those potentials and those things that feel
bigger than you, into who you are as a physical person. We have a
sense that not everything will happen all at once and a change may not
be apparent to you in the immediate time frame.  But the first thing
you will feel is a sense of awareness and a sense of feeling more
content.  Then as you look at the jobs around, as you look at what you
are doing even if it’s not the exact thing you want to do, there will
be something about it that feels better to you.  That is why our first
sense to say to you is to really, truly have a sense of bringing down
into your physical reality these things that feel far out. 

other thing you can do is go into your I AM presence.  Let yourself
expand into something like that. As you are expanding and aligning with
your divinity, it is the best way to support you or help you as you
are bringing these things down into your everyday life.  Does that
resonate with you beloved?

Yes it does, I guess I just really need to make up my mind as well.

think that as you do this it will be easier for you to make up your
mind.  It’s hard to make up your mind when you are ungrounded.  Also,
when it seems like such a fairy tale or so far out there it makes it
hard for you to take the steps that are needed to make it a reality.  So
by grounding it into your energy field, it brings it closer to you and
makes it more real as you take the steps to make it a reality.

That’s what I need to put into my meditations more, the grounding.


Okay, thank you so very much.

You are welcome beloved. 

Hi Goddess, I hope I can ask the question in the right way, it’s hard
to phrase the words. This issue is about blame and responsibility.  I
seem to have trouble dealing with criticism when people want to blame me
for something.  I just don’t know how to apologize in a way that I am
accepting responsibility but not blame. I really dislike being blamed
and earlier today I feel like I was blamed for some things and I don’t
think I deserve all the blame that was pushed on me.

As we’re looking at this, we see that it has several layers to it. 
First of all, through your sensitivity you have a sense of taking on
things that are not yours to take on.  But you do so because you are
sensitive, the energy is there, it gets dumped on you and rather than
stepping to the side and letting it go past you, it sticks to you and
becomes a part of the things that may be bothering you in your daily
life.  That sense that things are not your responsibility is coming
because in part you are making it a part of your responsibility.

next thing we see as a part of this is that when you feel someone is
blaming or attacking you, it brings up within you a sense of
vulnerability and a sense of standing on your feet.  We know you as we
look at you and take in this energy; we know that you are someone who is
conscientious in his way of living.  If there is something you are
responsible for, you take the responsibility.  By the same token or on
the flip side of it if it is not your own, by stating ‘this is not your
responsibility, this is something you can appreciate or sense the
individual is quite upset’ whatever it is that makes ‘real’ the
situation.  By stating it in a calm quiet voice and then taking a deep
breath in and breathing out releasing it. What you are doing is stating
your opinion, you’ve stood up for yourself by doing that and at the
same token, you have not taken on what is not your own.  Instead what
you are doing is expressing whatever that is, then putting it back on
the other individual. 

Now when people are in a judgment,
criticizing and when they get into an interaction like that it’s like
there is a trauma or a drama that is going on and it pulls you in as
you go back and forth, back and forth.  As you do that, you are getting
more disconnected within yourself because you are getting caught up in
this; and it becomes something based in the ego.  By allowing yourself
to take a step back, whether it’s a physical step back or an energetic
step back, when you disconnect from whatever that experience is, that
is allowing you to come back once more into that space of balance
within your own self, come back into that space that is your divinity. 
Absolutely you may still feel bad, you may still feel guilty, you may
still feel remorse; you may still feel whatever those human emotions
are.  But as you reaffirm who you are within your divinity, you will
find there are steps you can take that will take you to the next part
to repair things with the individual or you may find information it
will come to you and you will acknowledge what I said or did was not in
the best interest.  You can accept it and express it and it will go on
from there. 

The key is about when it gets into that place of
ego and drama and altercation, it doesn’t help anybody.  It’s taking the
step back, becoming balanced within yourself, then coming back into
whatever may need to get resolved.  Does that make sense to you beloved?

Yes it does. Thank you.

feels to us as if this thing from earlier today is not fully resolved
as if there is still more you can say or do. The time will be right and
you will know what to do and it will all transition. 

Okay, thank you.

You are welcome.

Goddess? (Hello) Hi.  My question is… I’m at this stage right now
where this meditation was very good with clearing what’s causing
blocking now.  I’m trying to find employment which I haven’t had for a
long time. The block that I cleared, the meditation worked very well I
think. But I’m trying to figure out what step to take next. I can’t
seem to focus or figure out exactly what I should do.  I have all these
interests with some experience and skills to go along with it, but I
can’t seem to figure out what to do take the next step. It feels

Answer: As we’re looking at you
talking about work, potentials and ideas, what we see happening to you
is that  you get caught up with the analytical aspect of what you think
you should be doing that is going to bring in the most money or you
think would be a  better career path.  And then when you get back into
the place of what resonates with you and makes your heart sing; it feel
like it’s something very different than what you think you should be
doing.  It’s almost like you go there with this wish you put out to the
universe: ‘I really wish I could do this, but I’m going to be logical,
I’m going to be practical and I’m going to do this instead’.  It
creates these two sides of yourself or aspects of yourself that are
competing with one another to take dominance over what is going to win
out. That perception that come to us in just such a manner as that,
again, just as with the individual ahead of you, when you get into your
personality or get into something very earthbound based and you get
away from your divinity, then you get into something that says it has
to be one or the other it cannot be everything. When you are in the
alignment with your divinity, when you take time each day to experience
your divinity and let that be within and around you then you begin to
see different potentials that allow you to have these magical things
you would like to have in a practical manner.  It’s almost as if it
brings it together in a more blended fashion.  Then what you see
happening in your daily life becomes the manifestation of something
from a stronger, more balanced, more blended part of you rather than
something more disconnected.  Does that make sense to you beloved?


we see happening too is that you have not been able to get a job or
have not been able to stay with a job because you have been too much
focused on one side of this or the other.  So if you can change your
thought process, if you can change your belief, we have a sense of an
affirmation for you that goes something along the lines of: ‘I am
choosing my life through having a daily reality that reflects my joy
and abundance’ or you can make whatever feels right to you.  If you wake
up and say that be it to yourself, you write it down, you breathe it
in; howsoever you want to do it.  As you begin to have the belief
system and the mental alignment to go along with it, it will feel more
real for you and it will be your reality. It’s almost as if things
speed up and manifest much more quickly for you. 

Okay, okay I will do that.  Thank you very much.

beloved, you’re welcome. Again I remind you to remember to nurture
yourself. Remember to take time to love yourself. Remember to recognize
that if you feel the frustration over looking for work and not being
happy with things. That’s an indication that you have separated once
more. So bring all of yourself back together as if you are winding a
ribbon around yourself. Bring everything back, blend it together, then
breathe it all down within you. By doing that, you will once more affirm
who you are and what you truly want to manifest within your life.

Alright, thank you.

right beloved friends and family with that we will bring this evening
to a close. I am ever available to you. I do see you for who you are, I
see you as the human, I see you as your divine essence. Let your own
consciousness open up to see yourself as well. You are all such
beautiful essence of light! Don’t forget in the days to come that you
have more tools available to you than ever before.

Open to work
with the crystalline energies. Open to accept your divinity. Open to
allow the type of life that you truly would like to half as if you are
bursting forth with your arms open wide. [Deep breath] Accept all the
joy, the abundance and the magic that can be yours!

I am ever with you and within,


This is Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation; the
feminine aspect of source essence, for the free teleconference offered
on the first and third Sundays of each month. All rights are reserved.
You are welcome to share this information; we just ask that you keep it
intact. For further channels and information on both the Goddess and
Shelly please see our website: