by Prophet Phyllis Ford
Arlington, Texas
You are my people and I am giving you the resources, the strength, and even my grace to move forward and to conquer and acquire on many levels. I desire not only for your needs to be met but for your way to be made and the path already prepared because as you come into this new season you will see events occur that will assist you as well as prepare you for victory as you come forth as Kings and Priest in the earth.

This season has ushered in a new hope and a new level of faith with waves of praise and worship that will come forth out of the mouths of my people who will speak forth things of great gladness & joy. This is a new time and I am preparing a new way, a wave of my presence, that will sweep over the land, this wave will come forth like a tsunami, a new wave of glory like never before.

There shall also be a cleansing and a washing away coming upon the land and this has begun in this specific hour, it will not be hindered, says the Lord. So as you will see the travail of this land, you will also see those who will rise to the occasion and declare words of power and might and the works of my hand shall be established in the hearts of My people.

So embrace the waves of my glory that will come forth, embrace my anointing and the love of my truth which will tear down and uproot strongholds that will try to set deception in the land —allow me to release that which I have already placed in you which is able to overcome the works of the enemy that has set fear amongst the people.

This is a time not for you to focus on what you have been through but where you are going. Time to focus on what I have called to you and even more so what I have already placed in your hands to accomplish the task ahead, so stay positioned, before my presence because this is that which will transform your life and impart to you what you need for the journey ahead. The glory which I am placing in you and upon you will help you overcome the weariness of your trials and all the times of the past, and reposition you into becoming that which is most important now—your repositioning has everything to do with being able to refocus, implement and establish the work ahead. You will not be able to make the transition if you allow the things of the past to hinder the vision which has been set before you.

I have prepared keys, blueprints and patterns that I am releasing now to enable you to initiate and better understand what must be done. Staying in my word and in my presence will be essential as I give you the keys to unlock the mysteries in my word and better understanding great truths that you will need in order to lay hold to the destiny that is being revealed in you in this hour. You will need to know what is required to lead others and understand the glory that I am releasing upon you that will enable you to soar above the plots and devices of the enemy.

· The blueprints that I am showing you are from patterns that have been established before the foundations of the world. They are new to you because you as a people are just arriving to the time of the fulfillment of these things to come.
· They will help you understand the inner workings of the Kingdom and what must be utilized, even the building process. It’s essential for you to not just understand the importance of ruling and reigning but it is also important to understand how to rule and reign in the midst of trouble and uncertainty.
· It’s essential to walk in the instructions I’ve given you and to be quick to obey my instructions. The patterns and blueprints are strategies that are being revealed in my word that you must not only know but be able to access by faith according to what I have placed in you and you must walk in them so that you will be victorious.
· Your understanding of identity—understanding of being created in my image and likeness has everything to do with being able to overcome the obstacles you now face.

But know this –this is the hour and the time of great transition, of learning how to be complete in me and not walking in fear but a higher level of faith. It will determine how much you will be able to overcome and how you will be able to help others crossover.

These next three months October, November and December will prepare you for some serious events, even decisions that are being made in governments, in the nations throughout the land and your nation as well which will impact the next two years.

This is a significant time for the watchman, the purpose of the watch and even the hour of the watch. The troubles of this nation must be bathed in prayer for in that place of prayer remedies and strategies will come forth.

During this time you will see great light and great darkness, a people prepared and a crying out of a people. The hands of great strength and the hands of those who are full of iniquity. Trouble that will come but also those who will rebuild in the midst of trouble. Prepare your heart and allow me to direct your life so that you will be ready for that which is being set before you. Don’t allow fear to overtake you but challenge fear with a greater level of faith, a deeper reliance upon me for I will direct you, protect you, even push you forward to achieve what I have called you to be. For in the crucible of the coming uncertainties I will bring you forth as righteousness ones to gather with others who will walk in my anointing and power.

So it is important that you don’t allow fear to grip you, deter you or keep you from advancing now. If you will turn away from the fear that is so strong and prevalent in the land you will rise up and do exploits even beyond what you ever thought possible because your faith will rise to the occasion with the strength of my glory to walk in places in me that you have not walked before.

I have said that great challenges are coming in terrorism upon your land, earthquakes and with great changes in government and the like but know I have a covenant that I have established that will not be broken. In this hour you will see the diversity of things to come but set your face like a flint and walk out the strategies that will be implemented in this hour and much will be accomplished. The time of acceleration has begun but also I am accelerating that which I placed in you, you will stand, you will advance and you will accomplish the assignments before you.
Know that I am moving upon the land and I am moving upon my people so that they may fulfill the work ahead and see the results of that which is a part of my covenant promises. Keep your eyes upon the harvest….don’t allow the harvest of those who need me to fall by the wayside. Bring them to me. Bring those who are hurt, those who are angry, and those who don’t understand. Bring them to me—bring those who need peace and they will come to know and understand that there exist a peace that passes all understanding. There can be trouble in the land but you can have peace in your spirit that will lead you and guide you through the storms.

Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Many will be waiting for you asking questions, needing your help, wanting to change but not knowing what to do. Will you lead them forward? —Will you mark this time as those who heard their Lord and obeyed? The hour is before you know now don’t let it pass you by, says the Lord.

Prophetic Insights :
In this month of October—the Joy of Lord and praises of God’s people will change and even alter how things are dealt with and the answers and solutions to problems will come. The new song and the worship of the Lord has been ushered into this new season releasing a Holy Reverence unto the Lord. The People of God will inhabited the praises of God and a transformation of the wineskins will come in the appearance of the God’s people. The redeemed of the Lord will reflect the strength that can only come from the glory unto His name and the peace of God will come in and the quell the troubles and calm the storms within their hearts. In this worship and waves of glory the people will go forth with new hope and an awesome level of faith to lead them into finding the way, the remedies and the strength of God to obtain answers and see great results. The Lord spoke Psalm 24. Something powerfully in the realm of the spirit has happened as we are passing through the feasts of the Lord now and entering into this month of October carrying the inspiration and power to overcome and it is even shifting some things in the atmosphere. The Lord is preparing his people with His glory and the people of God will not operate out of what they see but who they are.
(KJV) Daniel 11:32
And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
Prayer alerts: we continue to pray over the regions mentioned in September’s word. There has been a strong indication of a tsunami alert.
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~ Phyllis Ford Ministries ~
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