Category: Window of Opportunity (page 1 of 3)

March Monthly Update, Another Interview and the Breakthrough Conference Report

You might want to listen to the March monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter or read the transcript there: listen to the Youtube version here:

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Is Titan submarine the most daring space mission yet?

The submersible could extract cores from the seabed to unlock a rich climatic historyExcerpt from bbc.comDropping a robotic lander on to the surface of a comet was arguably one of the most audacious space achievements of recent times. But one...

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Day of the Reset (March 17th, 2015)

  As we are getting ready for the Event, we need to do the inner Reset.The inner Reset means forgiveness of all debts, physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual. It means forgiveness to yourself and others. It will consequentially mean financia...

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IS:IS PORTAL ACTIVATION PART 2DECEMBER 15TH, 2014    It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the tim...

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Window of Opportunty 2014-2015 Videos

  Here are the Youtube videos for the Window of Opportunity. They have been created in 13 languages.     English: German:

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MAKE THIS VIRAL! Window Of Opportunity 2014-2015

A new Window of Opportunity is about to open on the surface of this planet soon.  This Window of Opportunity is our greatest chance until now to make the final breakthrough into liberation. Although the battle is still far from over, the Chimera g...

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A Letter To My Siblings

Zen Gardner, GuestA note from Zen: An answer to a question from awakening siblings about how have I kept up with world and American events being outside the US so many years. This is part of a discussion on world topics that we’ve been debating including the engineering of our society and its reactions/non-reactions to the world around us as presented by the mainstream media and the ongoing social memes. This is midstream in our conversation. – ZI read – a lot. And w [...]

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Are You Ready To Go Home To 5D Earth?

Now is the time to start working in overdrive on our spiritual progression.  This window of opportunity is closing and it’s imperative for those who wish to make the transition to decide whether they want to be part of the new transformation of 5D Earth or remain in this three dimensional, fear-ladened reality.  Each day, we have the opportunity to synchronize our minds and bodies, through intention, prayer and meditation, to the cosmic source of abundant energy, which is h [...]

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Galactic Federation of Light Hilarion April-14-2013

Hilarion — April 7-14, 2013
Thanks to Oracles and Healers:

Beloved Ones,

As the days march on into the new Age of Light and humanity is being cleansed

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Galactic Federation of Light Hilarion April-07-2013

Marlene Swetlishoff: Master Hilarion’s Weekly Message — 7 April 2013
Thanks to Wes Annac:
Link to Original:

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Fifth Initiatory Gateway ~ 05-05-05


The Fifth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ 05-05-05

On May 5th 2012, we enter into the fifth initiatory Gateway of Light through the First Ray of Will and Power, and the Initiation of Revelation Overlighted by Chohan El Morya, Archangels Michael and Faith, and Elohim Hercules and Amazonia. This first ray is primarily concerned with owning our personal power, and aligning our will with the Divine Will of God. Through this initiation, we detach ourselves from control and domination issues, and become the empowered “warrior” of Divine Will. In so doing, we will truly understand what it is to wield power, rather than submit to it.

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One heart, one mind, and with one intent. – Michael channeled by Ron Head


May 3,2012

As we move closer to the opening of the powerful gateways of this new month, we wish to urge everyone to begin to focus on their intentions for this opportunity. Begin now to get a clear idea of what you wish to focus u...

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Montague Keen – February 12, 2012


February 12, 2012

Veronica, my dear, the time has come when those who are awake and aware of all that is happening in your world must stand together and do whatever is necessary to reclaim your world. Those with missions to comple...

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