Category: WEBPAGE

Silver Trigger Update

As we are approaching the critical point of November 11th, there are deep underlying structural changes in the global financial system.The Jesuit plan for financial crash that would then lead to a global cryptocurrency similar to Libra has collapsed.F...

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The Spiritual Transformation Program – Episode II #GE-04a

The Great Experiment Series. Readings: STP Prospectus: Webpage: Overview, LESSON 95: I Am One Self United With My Creator [para 1-2], SRI AUROBINDO: Savitri: The Call To The Quest, LESSON 95: I Am One Self United With My Creator [para 7, 10, 13, 15], L...

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The False Flag Formula – 15 Ways to Detect a False Flag Operation

Makia Freeman, ContributorA false flag formula is becoming readily apparent in the face of so many mass shootings and bombings in the US. The phenomenon has become so commonplace in the last 3 years that it’s becoming more American than apple pie. According to, there have been 353 mass shootings in the USA for 2015 so far. However, as scary as that number is, the good news is that you don’t have to be afraid of them like y [...]

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The Mystery of the Tennessee Bat Creek Stone

  by J. Huston Cherokee or Hebrew? The Bat Creek Stone was professionally excavated in 1889 from an undisturbed burial mound in Eastern Tennessee by the Smithsonian's Mound Survey project. The director of the proje...

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~The Impeccable New Moon of January 2012~


By Lisa Gawlas

There was nothing “usual” about yesterday (Jan. 23rd, 2012)… The energy of this particular new moon was like nothing I have ever experienced before. It felt much more like a whole New Day, a ...

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Massive OU Claimed in Freaky Pre-Halloween Video


Only days before Halloween, a very odd video was posted to YouTube describing a solid state overunity system. The video claims that with an input of only ten watts, a kilowatt of output can be obtained.


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Cycclone Magnetic Engines Inc. Acquired by Lodestone Motor Corporation


A company claiming to have an overunity magnetic technology, Cycclone Magnetic Engines Inc., has been acquired by Lodestone Motor Corporation. This company, based in Australia, plans to continue developing the technology.

by Hank...

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Chukanov’s “Angel-I” Quantum Free Energy Generator ready for demonstrations


Kiril Chukanov, of Chukanov Quantum Energy, LLC has announced that his "Angel-I" generator prototype has been completed, and produces around 30kW of output with only 7.5kW of input, by harnessing quantum free energy.

by ...

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Witness: FEMA “dream warfare” captures targeted persons for FEMA camps in U.S.


Alfred Lambremont Webre

Seattle Exopolitics Examiner

Two independent witnesses, one in Sweden and one in the U.S., have confirmed in separate interviews with reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre a new and chilling form of rem...

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Aquarius New Moon Intentions


Posted on February 2, 2011 by My Greater Presence

A Note from Karen: Today (February 2nd) is the New Moon in Aquarius.  For awhile now, I’ve had a page on my website giving people information every month on making t...

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Are you are ready to take the Cosmic PLUNGE?


Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - Message from Palenque Mexico - Dec 8-9, 2010

The following is the part ONE of messages that we received, during our most recent journey to Palenque, in December of 2010. You can find other and futur...

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Swedish prosecutors seek Assange arrest

Because earlier I posted an article where Assange predicts a "New World" because of his planned next revelations in Wikileaks, this article's relevance is related to that posting. Things are not what they first seem to be. But if you are a...

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Crop Circle and Vision Confirms that the Dimensions are Merging.

20 May 2010 - 5:39am
Channeler: Aluna Joy Yaxk'in

May 8, 2010 - Message received in Sedona, Arizona
during a ceremony circle with Willaru Huayta and Aluna Joy.

During a ceremony circle, atop a red rock vista in Sedona, Arizona with a group of old and new friends, I received a message about the birth of the new world and how the dimensions are now beginning to merge. Unfortunately we didn't record the message, so here I will do my best to recall what I received . . .Our group circled together, and quickly I began to see heart cords emerging from everyone's hearts and merging at the center of our circle. All of our cords began to braid like an intricate weaving. This unified cord began to rise up, and then they opened like a moon jelly fish of light. It was our collective light body. It was very beautiful. Tentacles of light that were draping down were anchored to the Earth all across Sedona. It appeared that the points that these chords of light were anchored to were in very specific areas. At first I thought our ceremony was just about anchoring light in Sedona, but quickly the vision grew.

The light body created by our hearts began to grow so big that it reached out to the place between our atmosphere and outer space. The Earth and its atmosphere were completely encompassed by this umbrella of light. Cords of light began to anchor all over the world. It became apparent that many people around the world were assisting in what we were doing here in Sedona, even though we were not aware of each other. Once all of these cords, from the heart centers of the light workers, were anchored to the Earth, they began to go deeper into the Earth's core. At this point, all of these cords reconnected into a place that looked like a seed, or a giant egg. I began to realize that this was an embryo for our new world. Our love, positive intentions, and creative power that came from our hearts centers were acting as the fertilization for this embryo. It was also apparent this embryo was about to hatch. It was quite apparent that Earth needed us, but we also needed the Earth. It is a divine symbiotic relationship.

I began to examine this egg/seed/embryo to understand it further. I could see the light body and the light cords going through to the center of the Earth to this embryo. But the light cords did not stop here. They passed all the way through the Earth and circled back around again. At this point, the earth looked like a tube torus. If you don't know what a tube torus is, it simply looks like a giant spiraling cosmic bagel. The embryo was in the center of the bagel.

So again I looked at the embryo, and I saw it was attached in two places . . . like two umbilical cords. In one place, it was attached to the world we are in now. On the opposite side of the bagel, it was attached to the new world. The center point was this embryo. I saw that the world we are in was beginning to be absorbed by the new world, and the new world was being absorbed by the world were in. It was becoming ONE. The egg was beginning to hatch.

The Star Elders shared that this was yet another step toward us manifesting the new world. It was a huge turning point. They also shared that we would begin to see the effects of this merging immediately, and that it would take several months to complete. We ended our circle knowing something powerful had shifted in us and the world, but we didn't know to what extent we had shifted. A few days later it became apparent.

We discovered later that on May 8th (the day of our ceremony) that there were spectacular, multiple solar flares. This can make people feel agitated and un-easy and accelerates transformation immensely. Solar flares can break apart old patterns that are no longer needed so new ones can emerge. This can make us feel hyper and exhausted all at the same time. It can also wreak havoc with technology. I lost my computer monitor.

On the evening of May 8th, something else miraculously happened that really anchored this vision into reality. Near Stonehenge in England, a crop circle appeared in the night. The next morning it was reported to us by our dear friends Bea and David. The crop circle accurately described the vision we had the day before. The crop circle shows the two spiraling dimensions traveling through a large center circle . . . very much like a tube torus / bagel. This was yet another confirmation that what we were doing here in Sedona was connected to a much larger global activation.

We began noticing many symptoms of this new activation. Time and space was beginning to wobble even more erratically than before. We seem to be loosing track of time easily. The day simply disappears. We are not sleeping very well . . . again. There is lots of tossing and turning in the night. We are hearing reports of many unusual dreams. We are feeling huge power surges followed by energy drop outs. There were many reports of nausea, and body aches and pains. Many felt deep grief. Some felt like they were walking on water. Others said that when they closed their eyes at night, everything was spinning. There have been visual disturbances, inner ear issues, throat and thyroid issues, cold feet (from being between worlds) and even a weird symptom of having tongue dryness. These symptoms are already subsiding here in Sedona, but they seem to be spreading across the earth quickly.

PS... We placed all Sacred Site and I AM Blessings Water Essences on sale that will help with keeping the heart open while integrating the new energy pulses... Order Here

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in is an internationally known author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic who inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to God. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988, Sedona AZ 86339 Ph:928-282-6292 928-282-6292  Webpage: E-mail:

Copyright © 2010 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Ph:928-282-6292 928-282-6292 Email:

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