Tag: yesterday (page 3 of 4)

The Full Merger of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine


5 September 2011

Channeler: Lisa Gawlas

Indeed we are in a vastly new landscape of space and time. Even space and time are changing to our new environment. What was (spiritually) required of us even last year, no longer is val...

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Cresting the 9th Cosmic Energy Wave

A Family of Light Oneness Energy Channeling Article by Simeon ChiRa 8/9/11 Yesterday and today, August 8-9th, 2011, we are crossing the mid-point of the 9th Universal Heaven-Pulse of Light resonating with the universal timing code of

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HEAVEN #3899 How Do You Make Your Garden Grow?, July 29, 2011


God said:  

Yes, the weeds that you point out in another’s garden are your own. Pay attention to your own garden. In this case, weeds refer to faults.

If you did not have the very weeds you point out, you would no...

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Gaia’s Message for July 2011


Channeler: Pepper Lewis

Thursday, 14 July, 2011 (posted 18 July, 2011)

2011, like other recent years, continues to accelerate all of the thoughts and things associated with life on earth. The year, as measured by your current ...

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HEAVEN #3830 Rest in God, May 21, 2011


God said:  

You may consider too many things. You may weigh too many things. Would you just let yourself be?

When you are feeling lethargic, maybe you are supposed to rest more.

When you are feeling energetic, maybe...

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Aviso Envisions 1 Million Self-Charging EV Retrofit Stations by 2011 End


Latest developments of Ismael Aviso include: MEG powers 800 Watt bulbs for 4 hours; OU Researcher Replicates Aviso's Coil-Short Cascade Effect; Intellectual Passport Bypasses Convoluted Patent Journey; Aviso's EV isn't Sel...

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HEAVEN #3677 The Journal of Your Life

God said:

The world has taught you safety above all. Where did the idea of safety come from? It came from the idea of fear. Dismiss fear, and you won’t be craving safety. You will be craving to live life to its fullest. I do not tell yo...

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Low Grade Expectations….

That's what's wrong with me, as I figured out on the way home today. I just don't expect much from anybody, all on account of them having Free Will, as I found out in these past nearly 48 years. Having finally met my Big Sister Endra yesterday, it w...

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Are our kids more evolved?

I've never been able to truly sense the paranormal, figuring I'm a bit handicapped that way. Or it could be that that's just the way I handicapped myself before coming here, just to see if I could make higher realization anyway. But that does not mean...

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In the Now…. or is it?

Cheered along, I pull the door closed behind me. The ladies are awake, but their schedule is a bit more relaxed than mine.

Laura will have to be on the train by eight thirty, armed with my netbook to do her homework on the train home. No, I've no...

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NaN: NOT a Number…..

NaN is not short for Nanny, but Mathematical Slang to indicate that some value is not a Number. Since I'm in a playful mood, and inspiration was running rampant this afternoon on the train home, we'll start off with a limerick:

I once knew a lady named Anaïs Nin,

Who wrote all she wrote about cardinal sin.

She always took the Kama Sutra to bed,

But had this objection to using her head.

For that, the young lady had mine instead....

Point is, I mentioned the Kama Sutra yesterday as a training field for teaching the ancients to recognize humans in various close configurations as being harmless. Because of the vastness of the displayed Twister configurations, I figured traces of it's use should be still widely in use in the current epoch, possibly even in fields of interest we consider something entirely different.

And there is. Combine Yin and Yang with Natural Numbers: almost any human in the western world knows what 69 means. Notice the similarity in form to the Yin and Yang? It was actually miss Nin that put me up to the idea, one of the few moments we both used our heads! 

But there is more. First of all, 69 can only be relating to homosexual couples. Because otherwise it would be an 83 if it was a hetero configuration with an aggresive male, or a 38 with a dead or uncooperative male. 11 would be a platonic relationship, whereas 12 and 21 are configurations with one silent and one talkative partner. 88 is Anaïs favorite, two females open to anything. Isn't that any man's dream?

There must be more, but these are left as an exercise to the reader....

Love you Love,


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the Gulf spill within us…..

Bernardo brought me this yesterday or the day before already, but I just never got around to it. Thanks again man!

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Dismantling the OLD? Like Hell I Am….

Where did this notion come from, that old is somehow less valuable than new? Surely if All is One, everything is just as valuable as the the next thing...

It was only when playing with my second novel, in the dual timeframe, that actually reverted both to delta-time that I noticed that anything just hinges on one thing: the appreciation of the individual. No suppression of the ego, but a rightful appreciation of what it is, regardless of the timeframe it came in. Because believe it or not, I've always been me, even though my temper used to be more violent. It just showed different aspects of itself:

Over time, I've used and abused various nicknames both before and on the Web, which were all employed because they felt well:

Acesoft - Used to be my 'brand' during the Commodore 64 days. The axxompanying logo bore an ace of spades, inspired by Motörhead's Ace of Spades, coupled with the fact I was a big softy by then. 

SelfAware - or at least becoming so right that very moment. My site than was called Selfaware's Special Spots, and was basically just a compilation of what I liked and loved. 

Paid2Think - focus on work, and being in a profession where I realised I was being paid to do just that....

Deviant - Feeling myself to be the odd one out, at the time writing my very first (Dutch) novel

Moorelife - One of the longer periods, but then you've experienced most of this live right here!

Nothere  - a very brief one last year, but very significant in what it evolved in

Make It Real - Title of my second novel, but also very much the central theme of my life right now.....

Do you see a pattern emerging here? But is any of it more important than the other aspects? I feel like no, All of it defines All of Me Now! But it also feels like it's come full circle, like the next time round, it'll be for real.....


Yesterday, the rest of the Make It Real cycle came into existence. I'll not spill the beans just uet, but the theme's for book two and three of the Make It Real cycle have been outlined Together, they in turn seem to outline  reality to me, which is way beyond my wildest dreams. And the weird thing is that it now looks like Analysis complete, ready for Design and Implementation. And of course after that, Test, Deployment and the Enjoy,emt of Use!\

Love your Infinite Light, 


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