Tag: yeshua (page 2 of 2)

Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael and Yeshua February 29 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael and Yeshua February 29 2012

http://lightworkers.org/channeling/153804/message-archangel-michael-and-yeshua-22812-be-reborn http://www.franhealing.com/Current-Channelled-Message.html http://www.franheal....

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Message from Yeshua ~ 2-24-12 ~ Just BE! ~


26 February 2012

Channeler: Fran Zepeda

Greetings, beloveds. I come before you today to bring you information on your Ascension. All over your world there is much shift. Many are feeling it as a kind of dropping in energy, but...

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Message from Yeshua ~ 2.8.12 ~ Radiate Your Love ~


9 February 2012

Channeler: Fran Zepeda

All beings, human or non-human, sentient or insentient are of the Light. That is their true essence. You all are experiencing, in your own respective ways, the lessons you require for gro...

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Message from Archangel Michael and Yeshua: 12.14.11: LIVE IN JOY


Channeler: Fran Zepeda


Greetings, beloveds, all beings of light that you are. We are Archangel Michael and Yeshua.

Now marks the time for the greatest awakening of all. Many more are feeling the higher dimensio...

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Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael and Yeshua December 15 2011

Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael and Yeshua December 15 2011

http://lightworkers.org/channeling/148608/message-archangel-michael-and-yeshua-121411-live-joy http://franheal.wordpress.com/ http://www.franhealing.com/ Greetings, beloveds,...

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Message from Yeshua: 11.20.11: BE THE LIGHT OF PEACE


Message from Yeshua: 11.20.11 Channeler: Fran Zepeda


My beloveds, I come before you today to appeal to your yearning for peace. All aspects of peace are available to you now. You all may not be aware th...

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The Ascended Masters – Who They Are


The Ascended Masters

Who They Are

compiled by Dee Finney

Ascended Master - a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity...

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Jeshua and Your Ascension Process


a message from Goddess of Creation,

Jesus/Jeshua channeled by Shelly Dressel

Sunday, 17 April, 2011  (posted 6 May, 2011)

This journey if really filled with a powerful energy. The Goddess began be taking us into the...

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Easter 2011~~the Old and The New and this time of Transition


25 April 2011  

Channeler:  Celia Fenn

24th April : Easter 2011...the Old and The New and this time of Transition......

So, here we are once again at that Sacred time in the Christian World known as Easter. ...

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Message from Mother Mary


Mary's Message

Mary appears often at ECETI Ranch often with messages. Here is a picture taken by Kan a monk from Japan during the Self Mastery Teachers Training. The room was filled with divine feminine energy and everyone wa...

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The True Christmas Story

a message from Mother Mary channeled by Judith Coates

Friday, 24 December, 2010 

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Gentle ones, blessed ones, children of the Most High, I greet you in love, for...

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author unknown
greetings unto you...beloved and "wholly" friends...
a promise kept..
heart of my heart!!!!
light of my light!!!!
being of my beingness!!!!
i do come again...
oh...you have known me by many names...
names...dear one..   are   "of the world"
you have known me by many names
many "names" given to one thing...
the love "you" are....
the love we are together as one...!!!!

yet...do you notice what a name
can "bring up" within you??
many past associations with a name
will never show you the truth
of that which i am...
nor will it show to you the "truth"
of your brother or sister
the name you give yourself
could not possibly reflect
the love you are...
truly...what a wonderful world it would be
if each of you called one another
"lotus blossom"
ahhhhhhhhhhh...what a wonderful world it would be
if each and every "one" saw the "other"
simply as that...
~love in blossom~
i am simply the "lotus" within you
that is in   ~full bloom~
i am that part of you that knows
this is true...about you
i have come again to bring
the purest of waters
to your seed of re-mem-brance...
i have come again
for i am a part of "you"
that remembers the "truth of you"
coming again to open the shutters
you have placed over the windows
that reveal the true "view"
of your glorious self...
it matters not to me what name you
choose to give to that which i am.
it is not about the name and all
the "fan fare" that could be given to a name...
you are the jeshua..
the buddah...the allah...
i am simply coming to you
~from within you~
to remind you that it is "time"
it is time to let go of all the worldly    ~thought~
and           remember
the truth of who you are
there is no separation between us
except when ~you choose~
to believe otherwise...
your free will has in truth
always been that choice...
to see yourself as one with...abiding in
swimming in love
or to see yourself
as alone and separate from love
thus creating many moments
of experience that would lead you to
believe this could be true...
it has always been "your choice"
that creates your experience...
that is all dear one...
it truly is that simple...
no matter what name you give to the
essence of that which i am...
that which "you are"
the essence is one and the same...
pure love
now...an easy yoke
to see that each and every "one"
carries within it
the essence of divine pure love...
it is for you to "see it"
within all things...
as you "see it"
you will find me clearly once again...
then...you will know from the depths of your being
that i am with you always...
be at peace...breathe me in
and all that i am as often
as you think of me...
breathe in the "love of     ~your self~
for today...i will call myself LOTUS
if you would like to be added to this list simply send me an email
at deniseanew@aol.com.....you will be added in love....

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