Tag: www.crystalline-sanctuary.com (page 2 of 4)

Shimmering Ones message for 18th feb


18 February 2012

Channeler: Karen Doonan

Greetings dear ones, we come to guide and support as you now begin to move in vibration and cast off the veils that have held you in place for aeons. We are the Shimmering Ones and we c...

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Shimmering Ones message for 17th Feb


17 February 2012

Channeler: Karen Doonan

Greetings dear ones and we are here for all of you as you now undergo the mass transformation of EGO and allow that which is YOU to stand forward. We are the Shimmering Ones and we are ...

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Nephilim message 10th feb


10 February 2012

Channeler: Karen Doonan

Welcome I am Icarus of the Nephilim and I come once more to guide and support as the energies and vibration of planet earth begins to heighten and those who have awoken prepare to work ...

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Allow these New Energies to dissolve the old


By Karen Doonan

The energies that are now flooding the planet are now cleansing, not only is mother earth cleansing the planet in the form of the rain and the wind, blowing across the planet, clearing the cobwebs, blowi...

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High Council of Orion message for 28th december


28 December 2011

Channeler: Karen Doonan

We come to further support and guide as all are now beginning to turn their thoughts inwards, for many the dawning of a new calendar year is a time of deep thinking and we are here to h...

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Dragon Realms message 25th december


25 December 2011

Channeler: Karen Doonan

Dear ones we are with you as you celebrate this time of family and of loved ones. We will not break into your day of celebrating other than this message to show our love and support to ...

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High Council of Orion message for 19th December


19 December 2011

Channeler: Karen Doonan

Welcome dear ones we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and support as the energies begin to once more intensify across the planet earth. Many are now moving into new wa...

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Faerie Realms message for 12 December


12 December 2011

Channeler: Karen Doonan

Dear ones we come to play and to ask when you last played? For the way of illusion is to take that which elevates your vibration and hide it in full view yet make you blind to it. We as...

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High Council of Orion message for 4th December


4 December 2011

Channeler: Karen Doonan

We come to guide and support at this time of mass cleansing and clearing across the planet and we guide that all is now unfolding across the planet earth. For many of YOU the last few we...

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High Council of Orion message for 20th November


20 November 2011

Channeler: Karen Doonan

Dear ones we come to guide and support as the new energies unfold across the planet earth. Many of YOU are now beginning to find your feet once more as the energies begin to be anchored...

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BEings from beyond and before time message for 2nd november


2 November 2011

Channeler: Karen Doonan

Beloved brothers and sisters we come to communicate with YOU at this time to reassure YOU that all is perfect. The unfolding of the new will continue and many will now move into the next...

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BEings from beyond and before time message for 31st October


31 October 2011

Channeler: Karen Doonan

Welcome beloveds we have come to communicate and support at this time. We are the BEings from beyond and before time and we come to guide around the further dissolving of the old energie...

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High Council of Orion message for 28th October


28 October 2011

Channeler: Karen Doonan

Dear ones we come to guide and support as the last of the denser energies are being transmuted across the planet. Many of YOU may have felt the strong pull of these energies and question...

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