Hi Andre
Here is a article I recently posted at my blog site about The New Children.  I am an advocate for these Indigo's and Crystal's who are so commonly labeled with ADD ADHD Autism, etc. and as an Indigo Adult I am now focusing my holistic counseling practice on the healing of these sensitive souls.  If you could post this at moore life that would be awesome.  I love your site...
Bright Light!

By Leigh Donovan, HHC

Many of today's children that have been handed a label such as ADD, ADHD, Aspberger's Syndrome and Autism are best described as highly sensitive children dealing with a loud, abrasive, and extremely toxic world.  Being the high vibrations that they are, they are unable to function within the density of today's mainstream, without consequences. 

We look at them and ask them to conform.  We tell them that they have a syndrome which causes us great inconvenience and ask them to change to fit the old mold.  And yet—unless we drug them into submission with Ritalin or the like—they simply cannot and will not. They are unable to de-evolve.

Often referred to as Indigo and Crystal children—these sensitive beings are here on a mission.  They are the road maps for the future, the canaries in the coal mine.  Manifesting and demonstrating the problems and effects of an imbalanced way of living—they are showing us the way.   Therefore when we give these children what they really need, we are simultaneously making the changes that are so badly needed in the world. 


These children are our road maps.  I challenge each one of us to soften and change our thinking about these bright and special children.  I think that they've come here to show us a new way, a better way.  They are highly evolved souls on a mission to help us during this amazing time of radical change.

By showing the world what should not be considered “food” through their food sensitivities, they are reminding us to move away from a boxed-food-diet and eat whole, unprocessed and natural foods; By beating their heads against today's linear learning model that asks them to sit down, be quiet and take notes for eight hours they are teaching the world how humans’ best learn and process information in this day and age; and the list goes on and on. By identifying these antiquated or unnatural modes of living and being, we can bring a new awareness and understanding to the primary and underlying cause of some of the most prevalent "behavior problems" that these children commonly exhibit.  


Rather than stigmatize these little creative beings with labels that tell them there is something wrong with them—let’s check in for a minute and observe how we can allow them to help us change and grow.  These children are snap shots of the evolution of the human species.  And thus they are demanding, in their own ways, that we re-examine many of the ways we do things today.  The belief that “we do it this way because this is the way it has always been done” is beyond unacceptable to these children.


Although it is a real challenge to always be perfectly present for today's child--it can be done.  No one is capable of perfection, and no one is claiming that these little guys and girls are guilt free.  They are, at the end of the day, children.  They will make us want to pull our hair out and bite our nails off--and that is to be expected. Despite this, we can make our lives and their lives much healthier and more balanced when we listen to their indirect calls, and answer them.

Changes in diet, lifestyle, habits, creative forms of play, and in the techniques and styles of teaching utilized in school and at home can go a very long way with these children.  As an advocate for these new children, I encourage us all to reframe the way we look at them and they way we discuss their challenges—shift our paradigm so to speak.  When we do, we will begin to see that many of the things that we have become desensitized to are actually hazardous, unhealthy or down right outdated and in need of an upgrade!

Let's challenge ourselves to follow these little individual maps.  Through this process we will begin to experience major personal growth and notice many wonderful shifts in our own lives. As a result, we start to BE the very change that we seek and will begin mastering the art of living the difference.

Leigh Donovan is a freelance Health & Wellness Writer and a Certified Holistic Health Counselor. She helps families improve every aspect of their lives through nutritional counseling, spiritual guidance and lifestyle coaching. Leigh assists children with food sensitivities, digestive issues and accompanying behavioral problems. For a complimentary health & wellness consultation for you and/or your child please contact her at Leigh@Your-Healthy-Child.com. www.Your-Healthy-Child.com / www.HealthBeWithYou.com.

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