Tag: worrying (page 2 of 2)

Out of the comfort zone?

Today I was off, because I'd worked three days worth on monday and tuesday. The maintenance crew of a hospital had shut down an air conditioner, without knowing their actions would fry a RAID5 system in an IT room serviced by that very air conditioner. There was a backup, but access to it was too slow for the doctors' tastes. They never were very 'patient', that's why they're doctors. Since I'd written the original jukebox software, I was called in to write a restore program to bring back to life the 4.5 Terabytes (4.947.802.324.992 bytes) of medical images.  It worked, so today was my day.....

Woke up at 7:30AM, filled to the brim with energy. Did the laundry, and moorelife.nl, and then sat down to write, with the media player on Ayreon. I just love that music. And then it occurred to me that we lightworkers have it easy: we see connections instead of boundaries and obstacles, which kinda gives us the edge. Because let's be serious: if you voluntarily limit yourself to a subset of the whole, how can you hope to defeat that very same Whole? By divide and conquer maybe, but no matter how tough your boundaries are, there's always someone or something able to pass them. This was most eloquently described by a Dutch band called the 'Small Orchestra': They sang about the Berlin Wall when it was still very much a reality, except for the birds: they don't care about a bunch of concrete that stops ordinary men and women! They just fly from East to West whenever they feel like it.

Thus, we can relax, and just go about our business: not only does not worrying give you much more energy left over to work on stuff that really does make a difference, but it focusses you on the tasks at hand in a far more effective way.  Today's writing session thus proved to be highly effective, leaving me a manuscript that for the moment covers no less than 146 pages, with ideas to easily reach 300 pages, which is my minimum target.

But an observation has crept into my awareness: I'm no sensation writer! My stories don't revolve around all out drama and disaster. Just can't do that, because it takes me out of my comfort zone. Some writers are great at that, Stephen King comes to mind. And though I at least enjoyed him immensely in the past, it just isn't my cup of tea anymore. Mine is a world of Innuendo, just like the Queen album that currently playing on my media player quite by accident. I'm a guy of synchronicities, wanting to show that deep and intimate interconnectedness of the world around us. 

Heck, even love between my two main characters doesn't exceed PG13! Not that I wouldn't love to, but it is not within my comfort zone to write about that stuff to untold millions, without first having created that same comfort zone around it. And that zone is hard to capture in the written word. Maybe I'll succeed, who knows. But for now, I'm just trying to finish this novel.

Laura told me something interesting the other day: That it is not all that difficult to become Holland's most famous scifi / fantasy writer: she went looking for Dutch writers in this genre, and came up blank! Well, that at least lowers the bar. Unless of course I crank it way up there again by wanting to rub feet with Asimov and Heinlein....

Love your Light, 

Dre', a.k.a. Sander R.B.E. Beals

P.S. For the introduction of the novel my publisher eventually requires fifty valid E-mail addresses of people willing to receive a one time promotional E-mail about the novel when it comes out. If you're game, please mail me your willingness at andre@moorelife.nl. Your mail address will not be used for any other purpose.

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In the illusion time is a cruel master

03/10/2010 by John Smallman

In the illusion you spend a lot of time waiting for things to happen, or waiting and hoping that certain things do not happen. Either way you do a lot of waiting, which is stressful, boring, and unprofitable. In the illusion time is a major issue for you and seems to control your lives – because without it there would be no cause and effect.

In Reality there is only the eternal now. Here, cause and effect are one, ever present, undivided. Being so immersed in the idea of time you cannot conceive of life without it, let alone imagine what that might be like. In Reality you have no needs, so time would be irrelevant. In the illusion time is a cruel master whose slaves you all appear to be. You are governed by the passing of time because what you have waited for with joyful enthusiasm will pass on with it, leaving you once more bereft and discouraged.

Living in the now moment — accepting what is, without concern for what has passed or has yet to arrive — is the way to peace. It takes a lot of practice, but if you persevere it will become second nature. Children do it all the time when they are left free from the constraints and pressures of the adult world — a world which adults are so keen to impose on their children! When you live in the now you are relaxed, and your creative ideas flow much more smoothly and easily than when you set yourselves goals and dead lines to meet.

In the illusion it seems counterintuitive to attempt to live outside of time — in the now moment — and yet you do see people doing it, very happily, and you wonder what is the matter with them! If they realized how insane it was, then they would be worried! (How come they do not realize how impractical it is? And why are they not worried and pressured?) This obsession with time is endemic in the industrialized areas of the planet, where you are all crowded together and seemingly getting in one another’s way. So you build more roads and airports to enable you to move out and find more space for yourselves, but it does not work, as you then spend even more time travelling — which is also a form of waiting — to places where you work, live, or just visit. And time rushes on, leaving you anxious and confused, so you rush about some more, worrying all the while. Who is it that is insane?

In Reality all is sublimely content and at peace, as there is no time threatening you with wastage of it or with the deadlines it imposes on you. Reality just is. This is a difficult concept to grasp when you are so deeply immersed in the illusion. The illusion places stress and anxiety upon you because it can offer no certainties. At any moment catastrophe might strike — you see it happening to others every day — and so you have to take all kinds of preventive precautions. These are then found to be inadequate and new ones have to be devised. Life is a constant struggle to provide safety and security, and in the illusion this is impossible. You distract yourselves with grandiose plans and schemes that seem to work, and then yet another unforseen and unforseeable event occurs, throwing you once more into a state of perplexity and distress, in which you feel a strong need to fix on someone to judge, blame, and punish.

To awaken and let go of the illusion is the path to joy and freedom; and you are going to awaken — it is unavoidable. To help pass the time until that moment arrives, practice living in the now moment. As you become more accomplished at it you will start to find peace and joy, even within the illusion. Your energy signature will change as your stress dwindles and your serenity increases, and this will be sensed by others below the level of their conscious awareness.

Wherever you are, you will extend a palpable field of calm effectiveness that will bring a most beneficial consequence to all with whom you interact, be it from a brief passing on the street, from thinking about someone or e-mailing them, or through a more extended physical encounter. When others call you to mind, the overriding impression they will have will be one of a calm and peaceful nature that is without any need to judge, condemn, or find anyone unacceptable.

If you continue to do this during the remaining time you spend in the illusion, you will be adding most helpfully and powerfully to the intensity of the divine field that envelops the planet and which is assisting in the awakening process. And of course you, too, will reap the benefits of this satisfying way of living. You will find that the involuntary judgments and condemnations you are accustomed to making will occur far less frequently as your acceptance of what is intensifies, bringing you an increasing sense of peace and an increasing awareness of it, as you approach the moment of your glorious awakening into full consciousness.

You are all divinely loved and cherished in every moment, and you are infinitely honored and respected for the path you have chosen to follow — a path that is leading you unerringly out of the illusion and towards your heavenly destination.

With so very much love, Saul.


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The Enormous Scale of Creation

by Owen Waters

In the Middle Ages, most people worked the land. They were peasants who rarely ventured far away from their place of birth, so their concept of the world was quite small. Likewise, their concept of God the Creator was small in scale. To them, God was an all-powerful, wise, elderly, human-like figure who lived somewhere above them and would, one day, judge them in person.

People, at the time, didn't realize the massive size of the planet upon which they stood. To them, most of their universe could be seen from the top of the nearest hill. Today, with cosmology and the Hubble telescope to help us, our view of the size of the universe has been stretched farther and farther.What we have learned, since the Middle Ages, includes these realizations:

1. The Earth is not the center of the universe. Apparently, when this was discovered, it came as quite a shock.

2. The Earth is round. This was excellent news at the time: No more worrying that you might take to sea and sail off the edge of the world.

3. The Earth travels around the Sun. This means that, while modern-day life on Earth may seem to be expensive at times, it does come with the added bonus, once a year, of a free trip around the Sun.

4. The Sun is over a million times bigger than the Earth.

5. There are 200 billion other suns in our own galaxy.

6. There are well over 100 billion galaxies in the universe.

7. As big as the universe is, in order for God to be everywhere, God has to be bigger still.

When you view God as Infinite Being, the All That Is, or the Absolute, you have a sense of scale that still encompasses all of Creation, no matter how far the universe stretches. The infinity of Infinite Being encompasses all of space. The 'Being' part of Infinite Being created all of space within its consciousness.

In fact, in a universe full of infinite possibilities, how do we know that this isn't just one of many universes? The possibility that there may be infinite universes in all of Creation boggles the mind further still. If there are infinite universes, then ours is just one small one compared to the extend of Infinite Being, the Creator of all that exists.

The question is, where does the individual fit into this enormous scale of Creation?

As individuals, we each appear as a manifested part of Creation's infinite array of possibilities. However, that's just the external appearance.

The deeper into consciousness you travel, the more you become aware that the All is One. That the infinite possibilities are all expressions of the One. Beneath all expression is just the One, and the One is Infinite Being.

In the 'All is One' ultimate reality, you are not just a part of Infinite Being, you are a viewpoint of the One. Nothing can be truly separate from the One. It can only be another facet or viewpoint of the One.

That means that you are the One. You are Infinite Being.

Now, it may not be appropriate, in this external world of separate people, to announce, "I, personally, am Infinite Being." But, as you travel within, to that sacred space of your inner being, the truth dawns. You do realize that, deep down, that is what you are. You are Infinite Being, and so is everyone else, at the level of their deepest spiritual essence.

Because people are an expression of Infinite Being, the potential within each and every one of us is infinite.

There are no limits to what you will become in your journey back to your original spiritual home. And, there need be no limits in the life that you are now leading.

Society will benefit enormously when such realizations become commonplace. Today, however, the chances are that, throughout all of your life, you have been pressured to be modest. Society has been terrified of the idea that a person might think themselves important. "Don't even think about rising above your station," they cry.

Admittedly, inflated egos can be a tiresome bore, but it really is time to question any social conditioning which places limits upon human potential. A society that encourages all of its members to develop their full potential would be more supportive, creative and productive. Everyone would benefit.

The sooner more people think in terms of unlimited human potential, the sooner they will saturate the global mind atmosphere of the planet with that New Reality idea.

Just think of yourself this way:


*If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend! They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Owen Waters is the author of "Love, Light Laughter: The New Spirituality," which is available both as a paperback and a downloadable e-book, at:


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Perilous Mayhem!

St. Germain | 01 September 06

Matters still remain very perilous as the last cabal see the final chance to continue their mayhem. They do not realise that their continual threats against the Iran alliance, is highlighting the very action that horrifies the majority of people. A sudden turn of events can take them by surprise, but the specter of enlarging the Middle East confrontation has been hanging over those countries for quite a long time. It has been continually placed in the front line of the news, and the prospect of a total war has been found most chilling.

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The Fourth Dimension – Explained

+ The Fourth Dimension     It seems to me that there is a lack of clarity over just what the fourth dimension is. And also on what exactly the Fourth Dimension does. In-fact, on many web-pages that I visit, I find an array of documents that say that the fourth dimension is the fragment of the whole Emotional Plane which is known as the Astral Plane – which it is surely not.   The truth of the make-up of the fourth dimension is veiled in the ‘impossible structures’ of mathematical artists, such as M.C. Escher, and which is quite brilliantly depicted his ‘Day and Night’ illustration which is shown below.         The fourth dimension is often thought of in terms of ‘movement’, since it is here that we find ‘thoughts’ [from the Mental Plane] and ‘feelings’ [from the Emotional Plane] travelling through the Fourth Dimension [the ‘Cosmic Motherboard’] and then into the Physical Plane atoms to manifest various objects and outcomes. We also find unrequired objects and outcomes exiting the Physical Plane and travelling, once again, through the Fourth Dimension, so that they can once again be ‘stored’ as ‘feelings’ and ‘thoughts’ in the Emotional and Mental Planes until they are needed once more.   So now you can see why mathematical artists, such as Escher, are so ‘drawn’ to depict a two-way movement in their works of four dimensional art. Since probability comes from the Fourth Dimension into the Physical Plane atoms, and is also returned back through it. And Escher’s next illustration is another quite excellent example [and quite a prophetic warning] of that.         The Capetown Toltec Elder Théun Mares tells us even more about this Fourth Dimension. And what we find, is that the Fourth Dimension can be imagined as a giant ‘rubix-cube’ which is viewed from the ‘inside’. And it is here that all of the ‘pressure’ of the Mental Plane ‘ideas’ and the Emotional Plane ‘feelings’, is ‘vented’ into the Physical Plane atoms, to manifest some object or outcome.   And if you are still con-fused, let’s make two diagrams of the 4th Dimension to make things clear. In next chart I will show the 4th Dimension filled with lovely ideas and lovely feelings, which can only ‘vent’ into the Physical Plane atoms to make a lovely world.     As you can all see, if the Fourth Dimension is only ‘passing’ nice thoughts and nice feelings from the Mental Plane and the Emotional Plane to the Earth-Plane atoms, then the ‘contents’ will look quite beautiful.     We are all capable of creating such beauty…     However, that is not always the case. As you can see in the next chart, if the Fourth Dimension becomes filled with terrible ideas and terrible feelings from the Mental and Emotional Planes, then the ‘contents’ will look quite horrific.       And we are also capable of creating such horror.     OK, so if we drew a chart of the Mental Plane and the Emotional Plane ‘feeding into’ the Fourth Dimension, which in turn pumps objects and outcomes into the Physical Plane atoms, then what would all this look like? Well, the following chart shows exactly that.        Of course, if we con-sider nasty ideas [even ‘afterwards’], which lead to nasty feelings, then the Fourth Dimension will fill to the brim with nasty probability, which will ‘vent’ through into the Physical Plane atoms. And this, of course, will make a nasty Physical Plane experience for all of us.   At this point you can probably see why we all need to focus on lovely thought and feelings, regardless of what we are experiencing, since lovely thoughts and feelings can only make a lovely world. And the next chart shows just that.           At this point many people ask: “but I only think about nasty things ‘after’ they have happened, and so surely I can’t be responsible for any of the terrible news stories that I am always hearing about ‘before’?” And, if you were thinking something like that, then you are about to have a bit of a shock.         You see, following the destruction of Atlantis the Black Priesthood that followed the ways of the demonic hierarchy distorted the language system in every single country of the world, to ‘promote’ a three dimensional reality. They made up words for ‘before’, and ‘after’, like ‘last Wednesday’ and ‘next Tuesday’, which turned out to be more of a ‘hook’ for hanging things on than anything else. And this concept of dates as ‘hooks’ is made clear in the following chart.                                                              Yes it can be quite a shock to find that you understand the workings of the 4th Dimension. Which is made very clear in the chart above, when Sananda tells us all what a day [‘hook’] in time-space really is made of.     A day is made from many things, and many ‘times’…     To put it in very simple terms, a day is made of everything ‘said’, ‘thought’, and ‘felt about’ that day by every single person that ever ‘spoke about’, ‘believed in’, ‘thought’ or ‘felt’ anything about the same day. More-so, it makes no difference from which point in time-space [another date-hook] that you ‘contribute’ some belief input from. Since in all truth you can ‘contribute’ amounts of belief ‘before’, ‘during’, and even ‘after’ the very thing that you were ‘believing about’.     Believe me when I say that ‘there is only Now’.     And by this I mean that you can ‘believe’ something about Tuesday 18th July 2006 at any point ‘before’ it, at any point ‘during’ it, or even at any point ‘after’ it. But make no mistake, whenever you choose to ‘believe’ something about Tuesday 18th July 2006 has little to do with anything: since whatever you ‘believe’ about will always head straight for the very date [‘hook’] that you were hanging your ‘belief’ upon. Which in our example case is the hook in time-space that is being Tuesday 18th July 2006.     If the Heavenly Beings known as ‘The Ancient Of Days’ were to look down upon our example date-hook of Tuesday 18th July 2006, then what might They Say about it?           Well ‘The Ancient Of Days’ would say something like:     “Based on our small statistical sample of 7 ‘belief inputs’ what we find is that the example ‘hook’ in time-space known as Tuesday 18th July 2006 will contain the following ratios of energies which will make it manifest as a day that has: [1] 28.58% of all people worrying, [2] 14.29% of all people experiencing loveliness, [3] a 14.29% availability of ice-cream, [4] 14.29% availability of good luck, [5] 14.29% of the populous will be ‘thinking’ that the ‘Bogie-Man’ is coming, whilst there will also be the certainty of [6] 14.29% of ‘very cool music’ to be listened to. Obviously ‘during’ energies would normally be arriving, as well as the ‘before’ and ‘after’ energies cited in our example date. And so, as ‘The Ancients of Days’, We Conclude that on our example date-hook it is such a shame that there is only 14.29% of ‘loveliness’ about. It is also a shame that 28.58% of everyone is worrying about something. And it is also a little sad for all the world’s children that there is only a 14.29% possibility of finding some ice-cream”.   Yes, it’s a shame our example date didn’t have a 100% availability of equality, nobody worrying over anything, and enough ice-cream for everybody. But then we’d all have to arrive at the qabalistic goal of ‘unity within time’ to be making ‘4D group-scores’ like that.   At this point, you may be fully understanding why it is that ‘aristocrats’ and upper ‘illuminati’ members do not read [‘believe’ about] negative newspaper stories, or indeed watch [‘believe’ about] the terrible tales about wars and class differentiation on the television news ‘programs’. Even ‘afterwards’. Since the karma of doing so is actually quite terrible.   This is also one of the main reasons that the remaining dark-side are found by some to be a bit tricky to depose. Since it is all of us newspaper story believers and T.V. watchers that have been ‘conned’ into conjuring the inappropriate reality structures in the Physical Plane that we all ‘say’ that we wish would end.         At this point you are probably fully understanding why the ‘illuminati’ originally devised a system of social control called ‘The Method Of Temptation’. Which was designed to ‘trick’ Mankind into ‘conjuring’ negative objects and outcomes into the Physical Plane, by pulling them through the Fourth Dimension from the Mental and Emotional Planes: largely by the method of ‘believing’ the stories about such things ‘afterwards’ – though sometimes ‘during’ too.         Of course ‘after’ heads straight for ‘before’…     Which is why the Ascended Masters are so fond of telling us all that: “There Is Only Now”.   We also need to be aware of something the Pleiadian ‘walk-in’ and channel called ‘Celestial’ has told us all on Her Blue Star web-site, when She warned us all that: “the truth is often stranger than fiction”. Which as far as the case of the true nature of non-linear time and the Earthly manifestation of our very reality is concerned – it most certainly is.         Or should I now say ‘most certainly was?’     What will you ‘believe’ in today, and which ‘date-hook’ in time-space will you be believing about, and hanging things on?     Currently I am believing about NESARA coming to the UK and the rest of Europe. I am believing about the uniting of all the world’s ‘channels’, instead of the warring between them. And I am also believing in the removal of all the worlds corrupt judges, politicians, and lawyers too. Amongst other things.     I was also going to say that:     “I have now completely stopped reading anything negative at all on the internet, such as the ‘same old’ 911 stories, and the various given reasons for the delays in Global NESARA. Since if I do ‘believe’ such things [which I can not], then I partly made the very things that I ‘believed’ all about. This is not to say that such knowledges are not useful at first if you are ‘coming from nowhere’, and building up your personal account of ‘how it was’ and ‘how it is’. But, beyond a level, all that such negative accounts are, are the very ‘spells’ [beliefs] that made the very things that we all despise happen in the first place. And this explains the line in the Phoenix Journals that speaks about ‘no written record surviving the 2012 planetary changes’”.   But then, Gea, the host of a very uplifting Dutch Ascension web-site asked me to write a more positive article about a better way of watching such ‘shows’, listening to such ‘chats’, and ‘reading’ such articles. So please look out for the follow-up document to this one, called ‘The 5D Survival-Guide To Successfully Watching T.V., Holding A Conversation, And Reading A Newspaper’.      Oh, one almost last thing. How about making the following mantra:     “I [your full name] call to my Monad, my Soul and to all Ascended Masters, and I ask that it is noted that I am formally withdrawing by misappropriated ‘belief’ from any negative media story that I ever ‘believed in’ that ‘was’, that ‘is’, or that ‘will be’, NOT of my Soul and Monad’s true desire. This notice will take effect in all Seven Eternities Of Time; in all Seven Evolving Super-Universes; and in all past, present, future, and parallel incarnational experiences. I thank my Soul, my Monad, and all Ascended Masters for hearing and noting my request”.   And one very last thing. The date-hook in time-space that is known as Tuesday 18th July 2006 asked me to ask you all something. And the thing that this ‘future’ Tuesday wanted me to ask you all is to make the following mantric statement on it’s behalf:   “I [your full name] call to my Monad, my Soul and to all Ascended Masters, and I ask that it is noted that I only contribute my ‘belief’ towards making the date-hook in time-space that is known as Tuesday 18th July 2006 the most Spiritually Perfect Day that Mankind has ever seen since the Earth started it’s Millennium Ascension process. This notice will take effect in all Seven Eternities Of Time; in all Seven Evolving Super-Universes; and in all past, present, future, and parallel incarnational experiences. I thank my Soul, my Monad, and all Ascended Masters for hearing and noting my request”.     Of course for a ‘perfect score’ everyone would have to ‘join in’.          Become a guardian of the Fourth Dimension, and not a victim of it – John Grau. View Article Here Read More

Messages from Ker-on & Atmos 17/18 Jul 06

Messages from Ker-on & Atmos


Ker-On  | 17-July-06


We could always see that events would get worse before they got better. Out of the situation that now faces you in the Middle East, will come the opportunity to move politicians towards the understanding that the people involved seek a peaceful outcome. There is a lot of pressure from inside the countries not to just stop the confrontation from escalating, but to bring a halt to it for all time. Out of a difficult and delicate situation you will find it is possible to prevent it drawing in other countries.

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