Morning Messages

Dear ONE,

I feel that there is a message for me now, so I release my consciousness to you. (I have made a few changes to apply this message to everyone. When the Collective Consciousness of the Arcturians speaks through me, they always speak to the Collective Consciousness of Earth. I needed to hear this message AGAIN, so I thought some of you may need to her it again too.)

Dear Ones, please just release you grasp on your immediate reality and join us as we take you to New Earth. Yes, of course, it is also already created, as there is no time. However, as each of you surrender to the flow of the ONE, your consciousness constantly makes adjustments of this reality. You, our dear ones, are still struggling with your survival consciousness, which is limiting your experiences at this time. If you can allow yourself to release the need to survive for even one week, you will see a great shift in your reality.

We realize that we are asking a lot of you. To fully trust your SELF is, indeed, a challenge. However, trust must begin within. As long as you do not fully trust yourself, how can you fully trust us? “Maybe I was wrong? Maybe I just imagined it? Maybe I am too conceited to think the I could do this?” These are old core beliefs that must be rooted from your subconscious. You will only hear these old whispers of survival/fear if you dare to trust your SELF completely.

You are saying that you want a deeper experience of your SELF and of your relationship with us. In order to regain this connection, you need to go deep inside your self to find the parts of you that are too afraid of “being different.” Your daily self has found that there are actually many who are just like you, but your unconscious self has not yet received that information. Much as a Mother would be brave so as not to frighten her small child, you must be “brave” to show your wounded past that you love your SELF so unconditionally that you can let go of all the limitations and reasons that have held you back.

When you release old beliefs that limit you, you remove the barriers that you have been feeling between who and where you are now and the expanded reality that you feel within. Remind your frightened self that you have always been that Being. In fact, you have always been a Being within the ONE. Therefore, you need not gain, achieve, deserve or work for what you seek. All you need “do” is accept that that which you so desire has ALWAYS existed—just beyond the veil of third dimensional illusion.

We hear you thinking, “I have heard, written and done this over and over again. Why do I still have to do it?” Our answer is, “Because you still hold an earth vessel.” While you maintain this vessel you still must breathe, again and again. You still must eat everyday. You still have to bathe, clean your home, go to work, exercise and meditate. You also, need to face the frequency of fear on a continual basis. When your consciousness is expanded, you can easily choose love. However, if you are tired, sick, in traffic or had a bad day, fear is a more formidable force.

There is nothing "wrong" with you that you have to repeat these daily activities. They are just a compnonent of a polarized reality. As more and more of your consciousness resides in the fifth dimensional New Earth, your third dimensional activity will fall away from your reality, and you will focus more and more on your new reality. However, you are among the many who are “awakeners,” in that your life-contract was to assist in the awakening of humanity to the great moment of Planetary Ascension.

To release your vigilance to “survive” and trust your SELF, is a huge initiation because you are handing the controls of your earth vessel over to your Multidimensional SELF. Fortunately, your Multidimensional SELF includes your 3D earth vessel, as well as your ego who is in charge of care and maintenance. In reality, you are not releasing your ego-control of survival. Instead, you are expanding your control of survival to your Multidimensional SELF who is in constant contact with myriad other expressions of your SELF. With this awareness forever alive within your consciousness, fear of “death” is gone, as you KNOW you cannot die.

On the other hand, you still will need to confront the fear of loss of your present, third dimensional earth life, especially the fear that you will not fulfill your life-contract. We say to you now that fear will not assist you in that fulfillment. However, unconditional love of your self, unconditional acceptance of who you are right NOW and minute-to-minute unconditional forgiveness will pave your path Home to the resonance, which you have never left--only forgotten.

See that Home now through your wondrous tool of imagination. With eyes open and full awareness of your physical surroundings, look around you and see, not the third dimensional reality, but the fifth. Whatever remains the same are areas of your life that are already fifth dimensional. Whatever alterations you see to your 3D life are areas of your reality that are about to change. The reality is that we cannot “take you to New Earth,” except in your imagination, for YOU are the creators of this reality.

At the same time, this reality has always existed, because it resonates beyond time and space. Therefore, to experience fifth dimensional Earth, you need to expand your consciousness to the resonance of that reality. You will likely find that your adventure will be different with each visit because YOU will be different. We close our message reminding you that you cannot conceive of a multidimensional reality from the limitations of third dimensional consciousness. To change your life, you must chance your consciousness.

We are HERE, NOW to assist you with this change,

The Arcturians

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