Tag: White House (page 2 of 3)

Private Message Ashtar Sheran to Laura Tyco – 5 Nov 2011- Disclosure White House Response


We wish you well on this glorious day. Although it has come to our attention, that the White House response to your petition has been a serious disappointment to many of you. This matter will need to be pursued until you get satisfact...

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Scorpio New Moon: October 26, 2011 by B. Hand Clow


24 October 2011

Astrologer: Barbara Hand Clow

Global (and individual) balancing began with the Fall Equinox and was reinforced by the Libra New Moon on September 27-and now the time for truth and personal integrity h...

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St Germain: Join Wall St. Protestors-Take NESARA Flyers


I don't know whether this is true, but it's very interesting channeling.


Ashtar on the Road Teleconference 10-4-11

"Good evening. It is I, St Germain, and I am honored and overj...

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October 2011 Monthly Visions: Stop Waiting and Start Leading


a message from Dana Mrkich

Wednesday, 5 October, 2011

There is a constant heightened state of alert being felt these days, as if something big is just about to happen. Forums are buzzing with various angles on what this somet...

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Significance of Happenings in US August 23


By CM thru Johan Aug 24, 2011 - 3:54:33 AM

I just asked CMAton if there is need for a different focus or change for this evenings mediation. Here is what he said : '' It was not without reason that the Pentagon and the W...

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UFO video No.1: HAITI, AUGUST 6TH 2007

Channeling of Himaalih from "The Myradees," channeled by Maria Bertram, December 27th 2010


This document was written by Maria Bertram and Manne Lindberg...

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Seven startling things most people still don’t know about the national debt, banking and the money supply


by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Most people, even smart people, know surprisingly little about the way money really works in Big Government. With the debt ceiling fiasco suddenly raising awarene...

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Gemini New Moon: June 1, 2011 by B. Hand Clow


31 May 2011  

Channeler:  Barbara Hand Clow

view chart: www.handclow2012.com/newmoon.htm

The New Moon in Gemini has arrived! It's time to quicken and share the great innovations we seeded during the Spri...

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The gullible mind explained


Funny satire... But don't let it tempt you to think that you are better than those who are gullible...


by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) In light of the string of ...

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Time Vortex over Antarctic


I don't know how true this is. The sensationalistic use of words does not inspire confidence about the truthfulness. But it's interesting. Read with discernment.


Deadly time vortex appears over Antarctic Fi...

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Project Blue Beam

By Serge Monast
Originally Published 1994

[Note: Serge Monast [1945 – December 5, 1996] and another journalist, both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of “heart attackswithin weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease. Serge was in Canada. The other Canadian journalist was visiting Ireland. Prior to his death, the Canadian government abducted Serge’s daughter in an attempt to dissuade him from pursuing his research into Project Blue Beam. His daughter was never returned. Pseudo-heart attacks are one of the alleged methods of death induced by Project Blue Beam.]

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The Egyptian revolt and the Mayan Calendar…


Thursday, February 10, 2011

In the following article, Carl Calleman zeros in on the Egyptian revolution via the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar. The piece will give you an idea of how the cosmic impetus of the Ninth Wave fits in...

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