Tag: West Virginia

High School students spots relic of ancient sun with super wide orbit

Pulsars are types of neutron stars; the dead relics of massive stars. What sets pulsars apart from regular neutron stars is that they’re highly magnetized, and rotating at enormous speeds.

Excerpt from uncovercalifornia.com

A Pulsar with the widest orbit around a neutron star has been discovered by a team of high school students and the discovery has been confirmed by astronomers. High School students from many states who participated in NSF-funded educational outreach program have found the pulsar after analyzing data from Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT).

In a research paper accepted by the Astrophysical Journal, lead author Joe Swiggum, a graduate student in physics and astronomy at West Virginia University in Morgantown, said, “Pulsars are some of the most extreme objects in the universe. The students' discovery shows one of these objects in a really unique set of circumstances.”

The object has been codenamed PSR J1930-1852 by astronomers. It was discovered in 2012 by Cecilia McGough from Strasburg High School in Virginia and De'Shang Ray from Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Baltimore, Maryland.

The discovery of a pulsar with extra wide orbit could help in understanding the concepts behind binary neutron star systems. Nearly 10 percent of known pulsars are in binary systems with most of them orbiting white dwarf companion stars. The Pulsar has been found with the widest separation from the other star in the binary neutron system.

During Pulsar Search Collaboratory (PSC) workshop in summer, students who are interested in analyzing survey data collected by Green Bank Telescope (GBT), spend weeks in checking data plots and searching for unique signatures of pulsars.

The Pulsar Search Collaboratory is a joint venture between the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and West Virginia University which offers real research opportunity to students.

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Surface of Venus revealed by new radio telescope data


Excerpt from smnweekly.com
By David M. DeMar

New radio telescope data from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory has revealed for the first time ever just what Venus has under its thick veil of clouds that otherwise occlude its surface from view.
25 million miles distant from us, Venus looks to the naked eye – or through a light telescope – much like a cloudy marble, thanks to the thick cloudbanks of carbon dioxide ringing the planet. However, the surface underneath, long a mystery to planetary scientists, has been laid bare thanks to the work of Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Observatory radio transmitter and the Green Bank Telescope, a radio telescope located in West Virginia and operated by the National Science Foundation.
The two facilities worked together with the NRAO in order to uncover the hidden surface of Mars. Arecibo sent radar signals to Venus, where they penetrated the thick atmosphere and bounced off the ground. The returning radio signals were picked up by the GBT in West Virginia in a process known as bistatic radar; the result is a radar image that shows craters and mountains strewn across the surface of Venus at a surprisingly high resolution.
The image is bisected by a dark line, representing areas where it’s particularly difficult to receive useful image data through the use of bistatic radar. However, scientists are intending to compare multiple images as time goes by in order to identify any active geologic processes on the surface of Venus such as volcanic activity.
It’s no particularly easy task to compare radar images in search of evidence of any change in this manner says Smithsonian senior scientist Bruce Campbell, but the work will continue. Campbell, who works at the National Air and Space Museum in the nation’s capital and is associated with the center for Earth and Planetary Studies, added that combining images from the latest NRAO endeavor and others will yield large amounts of data on how the surface of Venus might be altered by other processes.
The radar data, and a scientific paper based on it, will be published in April in Icarus, the scientific journal dedicated to studies of the solar system.

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Extraterrestrial Neighbors? Study Says Blast Of Unknown Radio Waves Came From Outside Our Galaxy

Excerpt from  npr.org On a graph, they look like detonations. Scientists call them "fast radio bursts," or FRBs, mysterious and strong pulses of radio waves that seemingly emanate far from the Milky Way. The bursts are rare; they normall...

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Renegades, Elenin, Sun & Starships


By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on September 26th, 2011

My friend Krsanna is an ET contactee who gets information from her ET friends. Here is her interpretation of what just happened.

Guest article by Krsanna email: timestar@ti...

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Kryon: The Cave of Creation


6 August 2011

Channeler: Lee and Kryon

Many times I have reviewed a concept with you that I again present. Deep within the earth, there is an interdimensional cavern that will never be found. It has 3D properties that connect ...

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Parcival – Generalities 06 Ap r11



April 6th, 2011 Channeled by Jay Bland, M.A. Parcival – Generalities

It is me, Parcival. You have been busy.

There are many advances going on in our world and continued progress toward balance is happ...

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SETI@home needs your help!

We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.
~ Anais Nin


“SHAGGY” Arch Faces Series by Seth Dennon

Hello Everyone:

I believe in supporting SETI@home efforts strongly, more information is below.

In Loving Light,

~ Seth Dennon


December 2010 | SETI@home needs your help!

In the last few months SETI@home has made great steps forward thanks to the generosity of volunteers like you. In October, SETI@home received donations that allowed us to make the exciting purchase of new high-performance servers. Over the last month, the project has been in an outage as the team here at UC Berkeley has worked tirelessly to clean up the databases and complete a full server migration. This will allow the project to run more smoothly than it ever has before. Without the support of user donations, this major upgrade to the project would not have been possible.

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The Akashic System

a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll

Saturday, 11 September, 2010  at Syracuse New York  (posted 12 October, 2010)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The masters had a phra...

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Lee & Kryon – Energetic Consciousness

13 September 2010 - 7:05am

Channeler: Lee and Kryon

LIVE KRYON CHANNELLING "Energetic Consciousness"

This live channelling was Given in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia Saturday July 17th, 2010


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The Journey Through Human Experience

by Owen Waters

In this physical world, the entire range of human experience varies all the way from caveman to cosmic consciousness. These are stages of development which both individuals and humanity as a whole pass through.

As revealed in my f...

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Letting go of sadness

My dear friends...

I made a comment here last week that everything "bad" that is occurring in our collective and individual lives---from the earthquake in Chile to the terrible explosion in the mine in West Virginia---is part of a Larger Process by which All of Life evolves.

I know that it is very difficult to see that "silver lining" when you are one of the people whose husband or wife or child died in one of those tragedies...and so I want to talk this week about the process of grieving, and how that can be affected and facilitated by moving to higher and higher levels of spiritual awareness.

Grief is one of the Five Natural Emotions. The others are: Fear, Anger, Envy, and Love. These emotions were given to us as gifts. They are tools that, if used well, can help us all to move through this life and remain physically and mentally healthy. But the trick is, these emotions must not be withheld.

Grief that is repressed will turn into a very unnatural emotion: chronic depression. Therefore, when I talk with anyone about the process of grief, the first thing I tell them is, "feel it. For heaven sake, feel it. If you are experiencing grief, allow yourself to express it."

I say this because many people-perhaps most people-hide their grief, or at the very least, try very hard to control it, to hold it in, to repress it. This only guarantees that it will linger all the longer.

So the first thing to do about grief is to let it out. Cry it out, scream it out (in a healthy way, not in the form of abuse of another), bang it out (I have encouraged people to use a baton, or some other instrument with which they can hit a big pillow. A baseball bat works wonders on an told tire. A compressor hose can also be powerful, used on some old telephone books.

Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross used to say that every hospital should have not just a chapel, where one goes to be quiet, to pray or just sit in peace, but also a screaming room, where one could go to scream out one's grief. But no, she would say, what they do in hospitals is give the person who is grieving over the death of a loved one a sedative and send them home.

One of the problems in our society, Dr. Ross used to say, is that we are taught to sedate all of our Natural Emotions. Even love. With the result that these emotions are repressed, leading, as I mentioned above, to very unnatural emotions. Repressed fear will turn into panic. Simply envy, when repressed, will turn into jealousy. Repressed anger will turn into rage. And repressed love will turn into possessiveness.

So, advice #1 on grief: Let it out. Find a friend, go to your pastor, minister, rabbi or ulama, check out a grief-and-loss counselor, get to an emotional support group...find someone with whom to let it out.

Next week---Advice #2: spiritual healing for a wounded heart.

Love and Hugs,

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Making sense of it all – Part 3

We conclude today our three-part series:

Life's Gifts and Life's Tragedies - Making sense of it all

So many 'bad' things happen to good people. What's "up" here? What's this all about? How does the spiritual student make sense out of Life's gifts and Life's tragedies?

As it happens (there are no coincidences in the Universe) I am hard at work now on the biography of Barbara Marx Hubbard, a futurist and visionary of the first rank, and a woman who is changing the way we think it is to be human. In the chapter I am just finishing, I tell the story of how Barbara found out about the life-threatening (and, ultimately, life-ending) illness of her son, Wade. I should like to dip into a little of that writing here, because it is right on point....

Okay...from the book, then...which is titled THE MOTHER OF INVENTION: The Legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Future of You....


Barbara is being driven by a dear friend, Carolyn Anderson, to Palm Springs, where she is to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Global New Thought, and will deliver a major address in the form of her acceptance speech.

It's a beautiful day and Barbara is enjoying the drive and the good conversation with Carolyn. Their lively exchange is interrupted by Barbara's cell phone.

"Mom, it's Wade."

"Wade! How are you, darling? I'm just on my way to Palm Springs to-"

-"Mom, I've received some interesting news."

Barbara does not miss the concern in her child's voice. "About what, sweetheart?" There was the slightest pause. "About what?"

"I've just been diagnosed with a major tumor." Barbara caught her breath. "They say it's fatal, but I don't believe it."

"Oh, Wade...where is it?"

"It's a brain tumor, Mom. They call it glioblastoma."

Barbara did not know it then, but in the medical profession they describe this condition with three words: Death Upon Diagnosis. Untreated, the average patient lives three months. With treatment, one to two years. Wikipedia says that the single most prevalent symptom is a progressive memory, personality, or neurological deficit due to temporal and frontal lobe involvement. Shortly, Wade began exhibiting all three. At this point, though, none of that was happening. Wade sounded perfectly fine on the other end of the phone-and very determined.

"I want that tumor out," he said.

Barbara told him that of course she would support him, and do everything in her power to see him victorious in the battle that both knew lay ahead.

Wade hung up and Barbara told her friend at the wheel what she'd just heard. "Oh, dear," Carolyn continued her drive in a deeply pensive mood. Within hours Barbara was to speak on the potential of humanity, and now she would do it knowing that her own son was threatened with death. If he had been in any immediate danger she would have canceled the appearance and raced to his side. But this was not the case, and they both knew it. So she pushed ahead and made the presentation-though what was anticipated as a light-hearted and thoroughly joyous occasion became for Barbara a very challenging evening.

She did not elaborate in her talk about Wade's circumstance, but she re-framed her remarks in the context of tragedies that are occurring in the lives of so many people in so many ways, at the same time that so many new possibilities are being born.

"Concurrent realities, I call them. They create the terrible dichotomies within which so many people now live," she told her audience. "The only way that anyone could hold a positive vision of the future would be to see our present-day circumstance in spiritual terms."

She paused for a moment, clearing emotion from her throat. "Many are dealing on this day with tragedy, pain, and suffering. And life invites us to call up the deepest faith, an inner `knowing,' that crisis precedes transformation, that problems are evolutionary drivers, and that there is nothing that happens that does not have a greater meaning."

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

What Barbara told her audience that night has struck me ever since she shared it with me. It echoes for me the wisdom I found in Conversations with God. It can be very useful for us to see that we are "brightening" and "burning" at the same, as I wrote in my analogy here last week. In that previous installment I asked:

"Can a flame be said to be suffering because it is extinguishing itself even as it illumins? Each illumination of the flame is the result of its own `burning up.' Is the burning up, then, less perfect than the illumination?"

The truth is, we are living (just as Barbara says) "concurrent realities."

Even as our flame burns to extinction, we brighten everything around us. CwG says, "Pain is pain. `Suffering' is our thought about it." When we see the events of our lives as All leading to our own evolution and the evolution of our species, we begin to, as CwG says, "see the perfection."

This is another thing that it is important to remember. We are not only "evolving" our Selves, we are "evolving" the entire human race. What we are doing, we are doing not only for us, but for every other living member of our species. What we are going through, we are going through not only for us, but for all other people. We are creating "memes," we are producing data, we are sending information into the pool of collective consciousness from which every sentient being extracts its knowingness. I want to speak more about this next week, because this idea of us all working for the rest of humanity is not one that is widely discussed or explored, but I think it should be.

For now, let me end this three-part series with this observation: Everything "bad" that is occurring---from the earthquake in Chile to the terrible explosion in the mine in West Virginia---is part of a Larger Process by which All of Life evolves. I know that it is very difficult to see that "silver lining" when you are one of the people whose husband or wife or child died in one of those tragedies...and so I also want to talk next week or in future weeks just ahead about the process of grieving, and how that can be affected and facilitated by moving to higher and higher levels of spiritual awareness.

So we have much to discuss in the weeks ahead. Stay tuned. Until next we meet here, I would like to leave you with a bit of poetry from my wife, Em Claire...

Whatever It Was

It is your own life that you desire to cherish

like one brings the downy tuft of a Dandelion to the lips

blows softly


to give everything away


only what remains

of a life well lived

a life well loved

nourished and blessed

by the suns and by the soils

and by whatever it was



Opened You.

`Whatever It Was' - Em Claire

(Copyright 2007 - All Rights Reserved)

Love and Hugs,


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Extraterrestrial A-Z!

Hello Gang!

I just came accross this information today. It is very interesting and somewhat mind opening. In case you haven’t noticed, lately in my art style I have been exploring beings from other worlds who are here assisting us. This guide book is sure going to make my art allot more interesting and hopefully with some good perception I will make a couple more artistic leaps in style along the way. I am committed to illustrating my perceptions through art with all of my communications and shareings. Be sure and keep checking back, becuase as my mind unfolds so does my art. And now… ET’s A-Z…

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