Tag: visualization (page 2 of 2)



I am very pleased with this piece of artwork and alignment meditation visualization aid!

When preparing myself for collective lightwork I often create artwork to assist me in the visualization process.  I see what guides, spirits and beings are here to assist me on my journey and welcome them with love and gratitude.

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Feng Shui for Better Living

a message from The Brotherhood of Light channeled by Edna G. Frankel

Sunday, 4 July, 2010 

Greetings, dear ones, from the Brotherhood of Light! We are excited and delighted to be sharing e...

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Healing the Waters, Healing the World

5 July 2010 - 12:22pm

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2010 Spring Equinox: Saturday, March 20

Channeler: Barbara Hand Clow

see chart:

The Spring Equinox has arrived, the beginning of the solar year in the Northern Latitudes. It is time to decide what you want to create this year, and then use manifestation to empower these ideas. If you want to have an ordered intentional life, choose your projects in the spring, deepen this work during summer, and then balance these creations with the other aspects of your life during fall. From the Winter Solstice until spring, we naturally fall into deep contemplation about what we are creating in the world. If you live this way, you will find yourself moving into attunement with Nature.

Since Christmas 2009, many of you have let go of old judgments and sureties about what you want to do with your life. Now, you are pristine, you are a fertile field for new intentions. This is especially true this spring because Mars went direct in Leo a few weeks before the ingress of the Sun into Aries. This "popped" many hidden things into the light that will be cleared away, which will make space for new ideas.

When the Sun moves into Aries, the potential for manifesting new realities is always very powerful. Whatever you intend during the Spring Equinox tends to happen easily and forcefully. And, whatever is in your mind tends to happen without you even intending it, so it is wise to be very clear about what you are thinking about right now. Sort out what you'd really like to be involved in this year, now that you are emerging from deep winter contemplation. You are an empty wineskin waiting to be filled. Our ancient ancestors discovered that they could create almost anything by using the powers if the Spring Equinox. In modern times the Easter Bunny and/or the Resurrection draws our attention away from this opportunity. Meanwhile, choosing three things you want to create during the Spring Equinox really works! So, begin a few days before spring actually arrives by making your list of three and have them ready for meditation.

About fifteen minutes before the solar entry into Aries, sit alone or in a circle with friends, and then bring out your list. Writing things down ahead of the time is a good idea. My favorite manifestation technique is described in detail in The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions on pages 131-32 of the first edition and pages 133-34 in the newly-released second edition. Here is a quick summary: Beginning with the first intention you think you want to create, read it, then close your eyes and imagine yourself actually having it; feel what this would be like. Then say to yourself, "If I could have it, would I take it?" You may be surprised to discover that sometimes you don't want something, while knowing what you do want clears your head. If you honestly can answer yes to having this thing, then go on and manifest it. Otherwise, drop the idea.

With your wish in mind, do three visualizations of scenes that portray this creation actually happening in your life. Never include people who might make this possible for you because that is influencing others, or conjuring. First of all, it doesn't work, and secondly, you are interfering with others. As you visualize each scene, see each image in front of your third eye. Once it is clearly visible in your third eye, transfer this picture to the back of your skull right above the top of your spine (medulla oblongata), and see your medulla as a television screen and transfer the image onto it. See it as clearly as possible, make it crackle, and then go right to work on the next scene. Once you've visualized all three scenes, say, "So be it!" Then use the same visualization process with the two other things on your list. Put your list away somewhere for reference during the year. I have a special box for mine.

You may also want to have the Spring Equinox chart and this reading with you during the Equinox meditation. For some people, understanding the quality of the energy that exists enhances their manifestation powers. The Spring Equinox chart describes an energy field that will have great influence over the next three months, leading up to the Summer Solstice. First a creational field sets into the planet during the Equinox, and then it just keeps on developing and recalibrating during the three New Moons that follow. Nature invents new worlds during the spring, so by manifesting things at this time, you are putting in your "order" on the hot list, so to speak. Most people who use this technique for a few years are shocked by how successful it is. So, watch out for what you ask for!

This year's Spring Equinox is very formative, because Mercury/Sun in Aries conjuncts Uranus in Pisces and opposes Saturn in Libra. And, Pluto in Capricorn forms the head of a T-square to this intense opposition of four planets. The energy intensity is the strongest between the close opposition of the Equinox Sun to Saturn in 1 degrees of Libra. Saturn retrograde in Libra is pulling away from its exact square to Pluto on January 31, and its final square will be on August 21. There is also a very close square to Pluto from Mercury in Aries, which locks in the intensity of this T-square and accentuates the developments inspired by the great Saturn/Pluto squares.

This means spring 2010 will be a tense, combative, change-oriented time that will shift many entrenched realities. I will discuss a few specific issues that suddenly popped into the limelight when Mars went direct. In my reading for the Pisces New Moon (March 15), I noted that recent earth changes are going to pressure our species to stop wasting precious resources in warfare, because so many people on the planet are suffering calamities. Well, this Equinox T-square is going to push relentlessly for the end to this profligate waste.

Saturn-square-Pluto was very close together from November until now, and it is only moving apart for a little while this spring. The current T-square involving five planets (Mercury/Sun/Uranus/Saturn/Pluto) locks in the influence of Saturn-square-Pluto all the way through the spring season. Saturn in Libra (October 2009-October 2012) pushes Pluto in Capricorn's struggle to transform economic and societal structures into a balancing mode. Regardless of Saturn's struggle for harmony, the Sun in 0 Aries demands we just get the job done. This Equinox is going to be characterized by a resounding scream for action, deep change, and new pathways, a shift that already started when Mars went direct on March 10. This process actually began when Pluto went into Capricorn in 2008, and then it deepened during the first Saturn/Pluto square in November 2009. Systems that have been tottering are going to crash, such as the Catholic Church under the pressure of clerical sexual scandals, and the many countries that are threatened with economic collapses. Mercury in Aries ahead of the Equinox Sun suggests that many people know exactly what is going on, and they are fostering these collapses because they seek new ways to create what they want in our world. Uranus in late Pisces just before the Aries Sun means that the spiritual awakening of Uranus in Pisces (2003-2011) is culminating this spring. Just imagine how new spiritual pathways will open when Uranus goes into Aries during Spring Equinox 2011!

This great T-square heralds a great crisis in consciousness that can shake up dysfunctional systems. The Galactic Underworld time acceleration (1999-2011) has been exposing many of the abusive systems that have been used to manipulate people, such as medicine-for-profit. The Roman Catholic Church has manipulated people for two thousand years, but now the priestly sexual-abuse scandals are penetrating the Vatican and rocking the Petrine throne. Clerical sexual-abuse scandals and huge payments to the victims have been weakening the American Catholic Church for more than twenty years. In the last few years, Ireland has been rocked by 15,000 abuse complaints. In Germany, the Vatican has been on the defensive since 170 former students of Catholic schools came forward with abuse claims in Church-run orphanages and schools.

Bishop Giuseppi Versaldi of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome announced that the Pope has been "a vigilant shepherd of his flock decisively denouncing the filth in the priesthood." Strangely, on March 13, just after Mars went direct, the Munich archdiocese reported that when he was the Cardinal Archbishop of Munich, Joseph Ratzinger (now called Benedict) had approved therapy for a priest known to be an abuser in the 1980s. Then Ratzinger transferred the pedophile to Upper Bavaria, where he was soon convicted for abusing minors. Ratzinger knew this priest was an abuser, yet he allowed him to continue in his ministry. Some writers, such as John Clooney, are already saying that Ratzinger's position as Supreme Pontif could become untenable. These transits are tearing up institutions that have been controlling human access to divine consciousness for too long.

The Equinox Moon gives us a reading for the condition of the public mind. The Moon in 26 Taurus is in a tight square to Chiron/Neptune. Stolid Moon in Taurus tells us that our spiritual healing crisis, inspired by the long-lasting Chiron/Neptune conjunctions in Aquarius, is coming to a head this spring. The great wise bull has the depth and patience to cry "Enough!" The public is not going to be patient with platitudes and procrastinations now; they will demand that heads will roll. The Moon in Taurus trining Saturn in Libra means that our feelings will be strong and confident this spring. Simply put, the public is going to be demanding and irate, and they are going to throw off their oppressors.

Newly-direct Mars in Leo is the real key to the spring because it aspects so many other planets, like a musician playing all the octaves. Mars closely trines the Sun going into Aries, a very benefic influence this spring. As each one of us strives to do things in new ways, Mars trining the Equinox Sun will give us strength and will power, a clear sense of direction, and the ability to just put ourselves into first gear. Saturn in Libra closely sextiles Mars in Leo, so we will have harmonic structural support when we use our will power to get what we want. Mars in Leo also sextiles the Moon in Taurus, which means we will be emotionally stable while undertaking difficult things. Pluto in Capricorn is quincunx to Mars in Leo during the Equinox. This firey and earthy quincunx is exact in mid-April, and then Pluto goes retrograde until mid-September, right before the Fall Equinox. While we consider the deep structural changes inspired by Pluto, Mars in Leo will nudge and push us to get involved in these processes. People will tend to just charge forward in spite of any obstacles because retrograde Pluto in early Capricorn will be constantly reminding them it is time to change.

When Mars went direct on March 10, all kinds of blocked processes began releasing, such as the Arab/Israeli stalemate. Just when Vice President Joe Biden completed talks with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israel announced they were building 1600 more homes for Jews in East Jerusalem on Palestinian land. This was a slap in the face to official American policy, as well as an act of utter rudeness. Biden responded to this insulting behavior by arriving at a state dinner with Premier Netanyahu ninety minutes late, a radical way to show displeasure in the Middle East. As I write this file, Hillary Clinton is being very vocal about this insult to America, while the media calls it the "New Chill". Well, if the United States changes its policy toward the Israelis, it would influence all policy in the Middle East; this Spring Equinox chart predicts such great changes.

Perhaps women like Hillary Clinton will be able to cause change this spring. Venus in 16 Aries squares the lunar North Node in 18 Capricorn and the South Node in 18 Cancer. When the nodes are in Capricorn/Cancer (August 2009 through March 2011), we are inspired to construct new structures and systems that work for us by letting go of old security and nurturance. We are in the middle of this process, and Venus in Aries squaring the lunar nodes suggests a karmic crisis this spring over the role of women and power in society. As we come to the end of the Mayan Calendar and as the National and Planetary structures are falling, the patriarchy that created them also must go, yet many men just don't know how to change. Women need to assume more power this spring to function as guides while these structures fall away.

Jupiter in Pisces is not aspected during the Spring Equinox, which means its spiritual and tectonic force is weak this spring. Perhaps, and I am only speculating, religious tension will calm this spring, and certainly the tectonic factor needs calming. I wrote a lot about the high level of earthquakes in the Pisces New Moon reading, and the quakes are continuing with a 6.6 quake in Japan on March 13. I am very concerned about these quakes, and I am sure you are too. So, I'd like to end this reading with a very funny commentary on my favorite subject, sex.

A report on sex and aging from the British Medical Journal was released on March 10, just when Mars went direct, so the information in this report is very relevant. I want to report on it here because the global-elite-run media will probably be directed to not discuss it. It contains some very damaging information about the use of recreational sex drugs, such as Viagra and Cialis. It caught my eye because there has been almost no discussion about what is really going on with these drugs since they were introduced in 1998 (Galactic Underworld stimulants!). Yet, these drugs are widely advertised in seductive ways, causing doctors to hand them out like candy, yet there are no public studies of how they affect health.

The researchers found that men tend to be sexually active until they hit 70 and women until they are 66. For those women who were sexually active at age 75-85, only half reported their sex lives were "good", yet men had more favorable reports. There are obviously many ways to interpret these findings, but several things really stand out for me. First of all, many women end up being single after they are 60 because they lose their partners to death or younger women. Meanwhile, many men want to keep themselves sexually active, especially if they have younger partners. Erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs have really changed the playing field since 1998 by creating a sexual renaissance during the Galactic Underworld. Yippie!

But, there is a dark side to all this fun between the sheets-heart attacks for older men, not to mention trips to the chiropractor! In Switzerland, a country that tends to take responsibility for its citizens, brothels are being required to train their prostitutes to use defibrillators to help prevent clients from dying in the throes of passion! Well, here is my issue: Practitioners of alternative medicine are forbidden to prescribe many substances and to use alternative techniques because somebody might get hurt. Yet, the truth about the real dangers of ED drugs is suppressed. How many men are having heart attacks while using these drugs? Since this is often embarrassing for families, the old guy just gets sent quietly off to the undertaker. Big Pharma doesn't want to lose profits and maybe some elderly old men just want to blow themselves away in bed? The problem is, men and women who might benefit from ED drugs have no way to evaluate their safety, and should not use them until the truth is told. Maybe nobody is paying attention, since they are the only legal way to commit suicide right now? With that happy thought, let me wish you a happy spring!

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Heal The Polarization

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


There is a lot of misinformation circulating about what will happen in 2012. Most of it is fear-based and predicting things like cataclysmic earth changes and the end of the world. In Truth, we have already entered the initial impulse of the Shift of the Ages. We began our ascent up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th Dimension between the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in November 2003, during an event that was coined Harmonic Concordance. That does not mean, however, that 2012 is not important. It is very significant.

Whenever the collective consciousness of Humanity is focused on a particular moment in time, we have a tremendous opportunity to cocreate something together. Depending on what we are focusing on, that cocreation can be either wonderful or devastating. It is important for us to realize that whatever happens in 2012 will be the result of what you and I and every other person on this planet empower with our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions between now and 2012.

Since we have already begun our Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of God’s Infinite Perfection, our ability to quickly manifest the archetypes for the New Earth has been greatly enhanced. We need to pay attention to the negativity that is surfacing to be transmuted back into Light so that we can invoke the Violet Flame and transmute it, but we must not stay stuck there. Once we invoke the Violet Flame, we need to focus our attention on what we want to cocreate on the planet instead of the surfacing negativity.

One of my favorite quotes from Buckminster Fuller is “In order to change something, we do not try to alter the existing model. We create a new model and make the old one obsolete.” This is what we need to do with the existing systems on Earth that are not working toward the highest good for all Life. For instance, the banking systems and Wall Street have proven that there is no depth of greed or corruption to which they will not sink. Instead of waiting for the people to change who are still being grossly manipulated by their human egos, people with a higher consciousness need to create new monetary systems that will make the old ones irrelevant. Instead of waiting for the corporations who are creating the devastating pollution on the planet to develop a reverence for Life, people with a higher consciousness need to reach up and tap into the viable solutions that are now available in the Causal Body of God.

Our time is at hand! This is our moment! The key is that we need to face these challenges and cocreate new options without falling into the consciousness of “us against them.” There is no separation. We are One.

Because of the intensity of the challenges Humanity is going through, the Company of Heaven is asking awakened Lightworkers around the world to utilize the collective Cup of Humanity’s consciousness between now and 2012. We are being asked to cocreate a forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love that will envelop the Earth and all Life evolving upon her. This will help shift the mass consciousness of Humanity by revealing the Oneness of ALL Life in new and profound ways. As the Infinite Love of God floods into the hearts and minds of unawakened souls, they will be able to raise their heads above the chaos and confusion in their lives. Then they will remember who they are and why they are here, and the Truth of their Oneness with all Life will be reflected in their behavior patterns.

Go within and ask the Presence of God pulsating in your heart to reveal to you your part in this Divine Plan. If you feel the heart call to participate, please join with fellow Lightworkers from around the world. Weave your radiant Light into the Chalice of this Divine Mission, and offer to serve as a surrogate on behalf of your brothers and sisters in the family of Humanity. Prepare to release the residue of the behavior patterns that no longer serve your highest good, as you pave the way for an unprecedented shift of consciousness.

Every day deliberately use your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions to add to the Light of the world. You have been training for lifetimes to do this. Ask your I AM Presence for guidance. Listen to your heart. Trust yourself. You are powerful beyond your knowing.


Day by day more and more people are awakening. This inspires them to lift their hearts and minds, which, in turn, raises their consciousness and allows the Light of God to increase on Earth. When our consciousness is raised and the Light of God increases in our lives, we begin to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” This phenomenon has the wonderful effect of allowing us to clearly perceive the Oneness of Life and the Divine Truth that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. We then know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are all One and that there is no such thing as “us and them.”

When this reality resonates in the deepest recesses of our hearts, the validity of war becomes impossible to accept, and the concepts of poverty, greed, corruption, violence, abuse of power, oppression, hatred, selfishness, prejudice, pollution, disease, ignorance, and every other reflection of our belief in separation become intolerable.

Often, from our newly awakened state of consciousness, our reflex response is to take a stand against these negative situations and behavior patterns. Unfortunately, this causes us to polarize ourselves against the people involved. Any time we polarize ourselves against a person or group of people, we motivate them to fight back. This merely widens the abyss between us and causes further separation. We attempt to solve this problem by arguing our case and trying to coerce the people we are polarized against into seeing things our way. We share all of our newly acquired insights and try to convince them that their way of thinking and feeling are flawed. They, in turn, argue from their perspective that our way of thinking is delusional and that we are being duped by unrealistic idealism. Of course, these arguments are futile and only exacerbate our polarization.

It is time for all of us to really grasp the fact that PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY DO NOT KNOW. When a person awakens, his or her consciousness is raised up, and their perception of reality is transformed. An awakened person literally thinks, feels, sees, and hears with greater awareness. This shift of consciousness allows the person to perceive a greater Truth and to comprehend the Oneness of Life at a deeper level. This awakening results in an indisputable inner knowing within the person’s heart and mind.

When an unawakened person tries to deny, dispute, or discredit the inner knowing of an awakened person, it is futile. That effort is like a deaf and blind person trying to convince a sighted-hearing person that there is no such thing as color or music. The difference in that situation is that the sighted-hearing person would understand perfectly why the deaf and blind person was having trouble grasping the concept of color and music. The sighted-hearing person would have compassion for the deaf and blind person and would respond to him or her with patience, love, and understanding.

Unfortunately, we cannot easily tell if someone is awakened or not. We often make the mistake of assuming that people should know more than they do, or that they should understand more than they are capable of understanding. When we expect more from people than they are capable of, we are generally disappointed and frustrated with their actions and their perception of things, which only polarizes us further.

This is a very challenging time for people everywhere. It is a time when Humanity is being purged, and the negative behavior patterns of our lower human egos are being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted. This is a necessary part of our transformation, and a cleansing that must occur in order for Humanity to complete our Ascension into the 5th Dimension. This purification is happening for each of us individually and for all of us collectively.

It seems as though every time we turn on the news, we see widespread reports of corporate greed, governmental corruption, atrocities of war, gross imbalances in the economic system, and myriad other things that reflect Humanity’s fear and a belief in separation. These things have existed for a very long time, but they have not been brought to the attention of the masses as profusely as they are at this time.

During this intense time of cleansing and awakening, people around the world are becoming vastly polarized over every conceivable aspect of life. They are polarized over the wars, the economy, taxes, health, health insurance, the justice system, politics, government, religion, education, family values, life-styles, energy, security, business, management, labor, medicine, food, water, air, the environment, and on and on ad infinitum.

We have been told by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth that Humanity is in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness ever known. The Earth and all her Life are Ascending up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Infinite Physical Perfection. In order for the Earth and Humanity to complete this Ascension process and for Heaven on Earth to become a manifest reality, we must heal the polarization.

Then God’s Eternal Peace and Abundance will be the order of the new day on this planet.

Since unawakened Humanity cannot easily grasp the concept of the Oneness of Life, it is up to awakened Lightworkers to heal the polarization. This means you and me and every other awakened soul on Earth. This is our purpose and reason for being in embodiment at this time, and we already have everything we need within us to accomplish this mighty feat.

What affects one part of Life affects all Life. In other words, as I AM lifted up in consciousness ALL Life is lifted up with me. Instead of polarizing against everything we disagree with, we need to create a new reality, a reality that reflects our Oneness and makes the concept of separation obsolete.

We have the opportunity to assist in this endeavor daily and hourly, as we take the power of our attention away from the illusion of separation and focus it on the vision of Heaven on Earth. When we observe something in our life or in the world that does not reflect Oneness or the Reverence of Life, we can invoke the Light of God into the situation and transmute the negativity associated with it by using the Violet Flame. Then we can envision what we want to create in its place.

Instead of polarizing against our government, for instance, we can invoke the I AM Presences of the people who hold public office and ask them to take command of their thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Then we can visualize the public officials responding with integrity and striving for the highest good for all Humanity. When greed, selfishness, and the gross imbalances in the distribution of wealth are brought to our attention, we can invoke the I AM Presences of the people involved in these activities as well. We can envision their I AM Presences taking command of their hearts and minds, and we can visualize them responding with love, generosity, and a willingness to assist those who are less fortunate than themselves.

Whatever we focus our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings on, we bring into form. We need to create the vision of what we want life on Earth to be like, and then we need to set about creating that new reality.

In addition to empowering the vision of Heaven on Earth with our every thought, word, feeling, and action, we have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of all Humanity. Since all Life is interconnected, when we lift into a higher level of consciousness or transmute an aspect of our human consciousness that no longer serves our highest good, we also lift and transmute the collective consciousness and energies of all Humanity as well.

As we transmute our own obsolete behavior patterns, we need to simply ask the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child to lift their consciousness and to transmute their negative behavior patterns simultaneously. The Universal Law is: Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened.

In deep gratitude for our ability to serve Life on this sweet Earth, let’s join together and cocreate a unified forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This forcefield will be far more powerful in its impact on Humanity’s global consciousness than any of the other humanly generated forcefields of energy perpetuating the serious problems facing us on this planet. It is a Universal Law that if the inner conditions or forces within Humanity’s global consciousness are transformed through Love, the outer conditions of the world will proceed to reflect the Divine Plan for the Earth.

The Divine Plan for the Earth is a living, active, all-powerful forcefield that will produce perfection if not interfered with by our human egos. In the Heavenly Realms, the Beings of Light work purely and precisely with the great forces of Cause, knowing full well that the effects will take care of themselves. Most of us are currently trying to manage EFFECTS in our lives rather than focusing on the CAUSE which will truly change the situation from within. Trying to change things by focusing on the effects is like trying to change the reflection in the mirror without changing the object that is causing the reflection. It is a futile effort.

To insure the transformation of inner conditions for Humanity and the Earth, let’s join together and create a forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. Centered within unity consciousness, our collective spiritual ability will empower each of us to accomplish this Divine Plan.


Please focus on this visualization now with the full power of your attention, knowing that you are joining in one-pointed consciousness with Lightworkers around the world.

We begin by invoking our I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth to take full dominion of our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

Our Father-Mother God now expand the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love blazing in every person’s Heart Flame. This expansion of Light creates a tremendous magnetic Heart of Divine Love that envelops the entire Planet Earth.

This blazing Heart of Transfiguring Divine Love draws to itself the energy, vibration, and consciousness of pure Love from every Ascended level of Being in the Universe. This gift of Love flows into our planetary CAUSE and helps us to manifest the perfection of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life through the hearts and minds of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

Our Father-Mother God send forth a clarion call, and twelve magnificent Solar Archangels of Transfiguring Divine Love respond. These selfless Beings of Light descend into the atmosphere of Earth from the electronic belt around the Great, Great Central Sun. They take their strategic positions around the planet and willingly prepare to assist in this activity of Light.

These Solar Archangels are stationed equal distance around the Earth’s equator. As One unified force of Transfiguring Divine Love, they project the Light from their Heart Flames into the center of the Earth. They begin conducting a symphony of Love that ensouls and interpenetrates our Beloved Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her.

The Love from the Archangels expands through the 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras of every person on the planet. The I AM Presence of every soul becomes a power point of Light unified in consciousness with the I AM Presence of every other soul. Together we inbreathe, assimilate, expand, and project this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This Sacred Fire now blazes through all Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and the entire atmosphere of Earth.

The I AM Presence within every person is the open door for this resplendent Light. At inner levels, every person on the planet is now experiencing this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. Through their I AM Presence, every person is seeing the scintillating colors of Love, smelling the fragrance of Love, and hearing the Cosmic Tones and moving melodies of Love. Through this activity of Light, we are all, truly, Love in action. We are collectively changing the core vibration, the CAUSE, of the primal Light substance, which has gone into the present negative conditions that are surfacing to be healed on Earth.

Through the Love of our Father-Mother God, the Solar Archangels, and our I AM Presence, we are the CAUSE of this magnetic forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love now anchored on Earth. Together we have set in place the basic, spiritual forces of Transfiguring Divine Love over which Humanity is Ascending out of our long exile in darkness into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light.

Unified in consciousness with the Kingdoms of Earth and the Realms of Heaven, we are the open door that no one can shut. We are exploring and rediscovering the Company of Heaven and the Divinity within every person, in which we now find complete support for the fulfillment of our Divine Plans.

This is what our Father-Mother God’s magnetic forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love is attracting to each of us personally and collectively as we live within it. We are being raised into a profound awakening of Supreme Love Consciousness. We are, here and now, the masters of Love we were always destined to be.

We now know ourselves as Beings of Love, accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and all her Life FREE. We are One with this blessed planet, and the planet is One with us.

The twelve Solar Archangels are now expanding their Light to embrace every Human Being in a Cosmic Forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This forcefield surrounds each of us and is anchored directly within the Divinity of our hearts.

Every person's I AM Presence now affirms with a deep inner knowing:

I AM a planetary forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. The Love of God is now thriving on Earth through me. The Heart of Transfiguring Divine Love now enveloping the Earth is transforming the primal Light substance of my four Earthly Bodies, as well as the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Earth.

I AM changing the inner conditions for the entire planet, and I AM setting this Earth on a new planetary course of Divine Love. I feel complete unity with ALL Life, and now with every Holy Breath I take, I inbreathe, assimilate, expand, and project the Love of God into every aspect of Humanity’s day-to-day functioning.

I feel this forcefield of Divine Love permanently secured within my Heart Flame and the Heart Flames of ALL Humanity.

I accept that this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love is manifest now, and forever sustained through God’s Holy Grace. It is done, and so it is. Beloved I AM.

I now breathe in deeply and return my attention to the room. I become aware of my physical body by gently moving my fingers and my toes. As I exhale, I open my eyes and begin breathing normally. (pause)

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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Shar Joy Thought of the Day Number Two

                                            The gift that animals bring is numerous and more of them are communicating directly through and with your thoughts.   When you talk to an animal do it telepathically.   Visualization is their preferred method.  Then ask them if they are hungry, visualize a bowl of food etc....Excercise your thoughts and theirs by visualizing a ball etc...and seeing if they will tune in and go get the ball.  This takes a bit of practice just like socializing with people you will cultivate a relationship that is a deep bond.  Many animals will tell you what part of your body needs healing by laying near you or the affected area and gently sniffing.  During one New Year I was alone and outside heard a cat that was crying.  I never had one before and had no idea what to do with it.  Often an animal chooses you and already knows and senses your connection.   In the meantime it was the most healing New Year that I ever experienced.   This cat taught me to play and trust...and offered itself to love.  An essential part to building a broader base with nature and her inhabitants.

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Rality Changing!

Atmos | 31 August 06

All of the time you are creating and energies coalesce and carry their signature with them, sometimes for long periods of time. Once created they will continue to grow, until a situation arises where that energy can be disseminated. In doing so it releases the thought form that has built up. In your present period, the dissenting voices against Bush and his government are gathering pace and they call for his removal. It is therefore inevitable that the energy for change will eventually bring about that which is desired.

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At this time of transition, be very careful about who and what you are following. In fact, if you are following at all, that is the first indication that you are off track. For those of you who are still the students of gurus, we recommend discernment.

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Msg from SaLuSa – 04 Aug 06

SaluSa | 04 August 06

Without a doubt this month is one of great importance, and over the next few weeks there will be developments brought to your attention. They will show you signs that open up a path to change as you have expected. There are two directions being clearly opened up, one is more of the same chaos and destruction that you are now experiencing. The other is the intensity of the Light that is now growing more rapidly than at any other previous time.

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Message from Atmos 11-July-06

Atmos Cares!


Dear Ones, you worry about your circumstances as you travel your final journey upon this Earth. This is normal for most of you whether you are aware of Ascension or not, and more relevant to those who do not realize they are immortal. You all look for something to cling to that will carry you through life, as do those who have no real goal and are still searching for a purpose.

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