Tag: victim (page 2 of 4)

Heaven Letters June-16-2013

Heavenletter #4587 Whose Life Is This, Anyway?, June 16, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Let’s face it. The word frustration is just another word for anger. Frustration seems

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Heaven Letters April-28-2013

Heavenletter #4538 Love Gone, April 28, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
You may believe you have been running toward love and have been thwarted more than once. The

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Denisa: hello sweet angels..the gathering..

{mainvote} just wanted to check in with all of you and re-mind your heartmind to listen if you can at least once to #46 on the conference line before this Sunday..   many of us right now are in what feels like a "holding pattern" or transiti...

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Guilty Schmilty


a message from The Council of Light channeled by Rebecca Couch

Saturday, 12 May, 2012  (posted 17 May, 2012)

Good morning Beloved, we greet you on this fine spring day.

What is the nature of guilt, you ask? It is ins...

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Jennifer Hoffman – Archangel Uriel Message – Justice, Revenge And Forgiveness – 2 April 2012


Posted on April 2, 2012

Although the soul is aware of the healing and release that comes with forgiveness, it is hard for the ego to understand. Why should you forgive those who hurt you, who cause you pain, who don&rsq...

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Night School


Merlyn’s Cave

It started with the message: “I Am the embodiment of Love.” Then We went to recess and practice. There were visits to many alternate realities and realities where I remember living and needed to do ...

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HEAVEN #4084 All Are One, and All Are Worthy, January 30, 2012


God said:

Be a friend first. There is no need to wait for others to extend their hands to you first. When you greet another, you are greeting yourself. By all means, greet yourself. No ands, ifs, and or buts.

For easy understa...

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I am a victim!! – A link in the Chain of Enslavement

The victim/aggressor cycle is another link in the chain of enslavement. No related posts.

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Galactic Federation Of Light Saul January 08 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light Saul January 08 2012

http://lightworkers.org/channeling/150191/saul-all-your-issues-are-coming-intensity-very-few-have-experienced-01082012 http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com Many are feeling very stressed and enervated a...

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HEAVEN #4015 One Big Flower, November 22, 2011


God said:

This thing of love is a bond. It is a bond that builds, and it is a bond that frees. Because there is Oneness, love is huge. Love may have many petals yet it is One Big Flower. Love is so big that it fills up the Univers...

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Dissolving Victim and Separation Energies By Goddess Isis and Goddess Hathor


Sacred School of Om Na and Wisdom of the Light

Weekly Channelled Message


Channelled through Natalie Glasson 31-07-11

We greet you with love, peace and grace; we honour you completely for your mi...

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HEAVEN #3841 Become Reliable , June 1, 2011


God said:  

You have to become a reliable person. You don’t have to be relied on for everything, yet you do have to be relied on that you will respond to life in a circumspect way. You have to be counted on to be cons...

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“Be” Where You Are


a message from Archangel Uriel

channeled by Jennifer Hoffman

Monday, 31 January, 2011  (posted 24 February, 2011)

The presence of your physical body is also the presence of your spirit  the place where you are i...

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