Tag: universal consciousness (page 1 of 2)

The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson 200 – A Celestial Speedup – Episode II #MMT-06b

The Musical Mind Training Series. Readings: WORKBOOK: Introduction To Lessons 181-200, LESSON 200: There Is No Peace Except The Peace Of God. [para 1-11], OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 27: Excerpts From A Spiritual Teacher's Notebook, OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: ...

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Update on the Ascension Process

There has been many questions and confusion as of late as to how the Ascension Process is going, what has happened, and what has yet to happen. The process of Ascension (also referred to as raising consciousness or raising vibration) is being activated by a Universal energy known as the Photon Belt.The Photon Belt has been named Dark Matter by the scientific community, and is currently being studied by those in the fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics. The Photon Belt appears as a dark st [...]

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The meaning of December 21, 2012 ~ As we come to this important marker in time!


Our planet is evolving in a wonderful way! While talking to a friend about the meaning of 2012, I recently realized that I have vividly lived through its transition, from the 60’s until now. I have been consciously here for the ...

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TAUK Private Message from Higher Self 16 Nov 2011 – Today’s Energies


Posted: 17 Nov 2011 01:23 AM PST

  Mother Earth is continuing her journey towards Ascension. She is being born into the higher dimensions. She too has a Higher Self, you know. Just because you do not think of her as a living ...

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Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group Nov 13, 2011


November 13, 2011

Dear ones, we know that you were expecting much to happen on the 11-11-11 day, and many of you are disappointed. However, we can assure you that much did happen. The energy of the new and higher is now more ea...

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Hilarion’s Weekly Message – November 6-13, 2011


6 November 2011

Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,

You are moving into a higher than ever energy week and staying grounded during this time is very important. Touching base with the tree family and being out in N...

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"Protecting" oneself from "dark" energies is ultimately an illusion.


2 November 2011

"Protecting" oneself from "dark" energies is ultimately an illusion. All the perceived darkness is inside of ourselves. This is a popular religious and New Age thing that has its purp...

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June 2011: The Rising


June 2011: The Rising

Written by Talyaa Liera   

Wednesday, 01 June 2011 14:59

Coiled within you has been All That You Are. Waiting. Hiding, perhaps. Resting. Growing stronger and more powerful. This All Tha...

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Channeling on the Return of the Hopi Blue Star Kachina from the Orion Blue Fire Command


6 March 2011

I received a transmission from Tashab'va, the Orion Blue Fire Command, as I was working on the upcoming "Ninth Rainbow of Universal Consciousness" webinar program (its truly immense).

The Orion Blue ...

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The Time Lords, Exonerate your Awareness!


9 March 2011

Channeler: Ray Dawn

Hello, we are pleased to be here and to be speaking to all of you in this way, We are the Time Lords. We come to speak to all of you in this way and at this moment to bring upliftments, t...

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This melt down of this seal that has been causing a blockage from our Divine Template will actually be 10/10/10. The old movies end at that time. Of course, there will be many who are still allowing old memories and glimpses to still enter in be...

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The Real Masters of Reiki Healing

True harmonic healing originates within each subatomic cell of the body and connects the spark of Source that is deep within each cell into the full spectrum of light and sound of the original Universal Template. This Template contains the align...

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 Many on Earth are feeling the need and the direction to understand Frequencies. Most information available is mis-informing those seekers of the truth. The mission of the cosmicdolphinmagic.com website is to provide the truth about frequen...

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