Tag: United States Army

3/19/12 Bob Dean:Extraterrestrial Contact, UFO’s, Human Genome, Disclosure – InLight Radio


March 19, 2012--Graham Dewyea interviews internationally known ufologist and retired US Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean.

Bob discusses his top secret clearance that inspired his work to raise awareness about the presence...

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The Significance of Bob Dean’s Project Camelot Testimony by Steve Beckow


9 March 2012  

 2012/3/9 Steve Beckow    

  Ellen has very kindly made a transcript of the passage in Kerry Cassidy's interview of Bob Dean and Clifford Stone that touches on Bob's tr...

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NESARA History – True Story

{mainvote} This is a repost... EagleEyes   Tuesday, August 31, 2010 Fourwinds10 With all their power and money the bankers thought themselves to be above the law, but cracks were now appearing in their foundations. Angry Americans were beginning...

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#OccupyWallStreet – ‘The Marines are Coming to PROTECT the Protestors’


Last updated on October 1, 2011 at 10:24 pm EDT by in5d Alternative News

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. www.in5d.com www.maya12-21-2012.com

October 1, 2011 - TAMPA, FL - The Occupy Wall Street movement may have just re...

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UFOTV Presents…: UFOs & Area 51 – Secret Advanced Technology


William Perry, former Secretary of Defense under Presidents Reagan and Bush confirms the existence of Area 51. Col. Phillip J. Corso, a member of President Eisenhower's National Security Council and Head of the U.S. Army's For...

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The White Pyramid of China – Legend or Real?


On April 27, 2010, in Legends & Folklore, People & Places, by James

Deep in the heart of China, or so legend goes, is a fabulous 1000-foot high pure white pyramid. Not only is the pyramid white, but it is also capped with...

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QM Power Commercializing Flynn’s OU Parallel Path Technology


QM Power is commercializing Joe Flynn's "Parallel Path" overunity motor and generator technology. With funding from NASA, the US Army & Navy, the National Science Foundation, and DOE they have developed working proto...

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Victor Klimov FREE-ENERGY System – 100% Proven


Well, I can think of many other free energy systems that can be weaponized. It's just that Tom Bearden is a retired Lieutenant Colonel, and a military mind always thinks of this possibility.


Los Alamos...

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Military Use of Mind Control Weapons


Volume 5, Issue 6 October/November 1998 $25/6 issues/ 1 year 1998 Nexus New Times 888-909-7474 nexus@peg.apc.org -------------------------- EXCERPT: More in magazine. -------------------------- Military Use of Mind Control Weapons...

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