Tag: tuned (page 2 of 3)

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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The Source of All & the Multi-Dimensional Nature of the Universe

We are multi-dimensional beings and the fundamental ‘Source’ or ‘Universal Life Force’ energy is reflected through us on EVERY level of our being. This ‘Source’ may be known by many other names: Universal Love, Universal Light, God, The Goddess, The Divine, Spiritual Light, Spirit, Chi, Ki, Prana, Odic Energy, Orgone Energy, Ond…the list is virtually endless.

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Participate in the Light Coming: the time is NOW

a message from Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 8 July, 2010  (posted 9 July, 2010)

Qualities of the New Earth 

Hello you beautiful beings, and friends, members of the Family of Light.

I c...

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4 July 2010 - 11:10am

Channeler: Blossom Goodchild

July 4, 2010

Blossom: Good morning to you. I wonder if I could bring up the issue of the ‘activation’ in our last communication? Many experienced ...

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It’s July! Here are the Keys to Your New Porsche

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 1 July, 2010  (posted 4 July, 2010)

Clearing away anything which does not fit with your “future” incarnation...

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Fast Fringe Food: macaroni minestrone

Apart from a day where all went unexpectedly well, there was this tiny matter of deciding what to eat on an empty wallet. But even that turned out to solve itself magically:

Voila, my macaroni minestrone for this week, or at least three days of it....

Looks yummy, right? And believe me, it is! But why do I call it fringe food? Because it is a sign of so-called just-in-time Abundance. Here's the story:

Last saturday I bought a pound of meatloaf, which was on sale at the local supermarket. Add to that a bag of elbow macaroni, and all you really need is something to give it some taste. While working I figured I could use the two cans of minestrone soup I still had in my cupboard. Thinking about it on the return trip home, I figured this would be one of those successful intuitive cooking jobs, so by the time I got home I couldn't wait to try it out. Sorry for the delay in the evening update, but some things take precedence....

So, I opened the cans of soup, and threw them in the strainer to remove the more watery parts. That left a mix of various vegetables, vermicelli, and various undefined ingredients, that taste good in soup. Put on some water for the macaroni, and stirfried the meatloaf to a crumbling mess while waiting for the water to boil. It was nice and crispy by the time the water boiled. I threw the macaroni in the water, could have added a pinch of salt, and had to wait for another eight minutes to get it done. Drain the water off, throw in the meatloaf and minestrone ingredients, and stir until it's nicely mixed. Anybody wanna try?

Come to think of it, that may have been one of the last times I really need fringe cooking: this morning, I got a mail about a 'Brand name dispute'. Sounds ominous, right? Apparently some chinese company wants to use 'Moorelife' as a brand name at least in China and Asia, and they detected that I hold the domain moorelife.nl....  Talk about a fortunate synchronicity. I'm not saying we're moving yet, but did send them a nice reply to indicate willingness to vacate, should they figure they need that. Probably a scam, but stay tuned.....

Love your Light, 


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Bridges to Light

“You must dissolve the borders of your perceptions that more and more of what IS can come into your conscious knowing…” IRSHA

I am a channel, though perhaps an unlikely candidate to fulfill a role as mysterious as many seem to perceive it to be. For more than twenty years, I had a successful business career in sales and field management, including a number of years as Vice President with an international research firm (very left brain.) In addition to my business career, I played the roles of wife, mother, grandmother and single parent. In order to raise my three sons – now grown – I have, at different times, worked as a writer, seminar and conference leader, professional singer and fashion model. I have also appeared on radio and television.

Six years ago, Beings of very powerful energy began to broadcast through my body for verbal communication into the dimension of human life experience. It was explained to me to be a mutual agreement made many lifetimes ago in preparation for this most important time this NOW – for human kind. The purpose was described as a necessary re-interpretation of ageless wisdom for contemporary understanding and application. New models, new myths, and new metaphors have been transmitted to provide ways to apprehend the unknowable, the unnameable.

From a basis of beginning to sense and comprehend realities not experienced through the filter of our five senses, the choice can be made by each to release attachments to things, places, beliefs and people which inhibit the evolution of conciousness. Introduction: Elmarilla’s Story

My creed for many years has been: GOD/ GODDESS is – therefore I am – and all that is! Spirit is REAL, vital and at work in the Universe and in us. Life has meaning and each of us has purpose. My purpose is to fully realize/actualize my Self and to make my contribution. I cannot fully realize my Self without making my contribution, and I cannot make my true contribution without realizing my Self. I am responsible for my Self – not my parents, my upbringing, the environment, the government, or what I had for breakfast. In suffering the pain of my own mistakes and in forgiving myself for me, I can learn to love my Self and others unconditionally, and to grow, and to serve.

It is my choice to be actively involved in this process until the day of my death/transition, and beyond. This process I see as my odyssey.

My odyssey is very personal (as it is for each of us) and is travelled inwardly before the changes in direction in the outward journey manifest. In fact, the signposts – symbols – of the inner journey indicate those directions for my outward way.

I feel somewhat ill at ease in sharing some of them, since I am basically a private person, but chose a number of years ago to plunge into the “sea of life” and run the risk of drowning, rather than watch in safety from the shore. I had a powerful and beautiful dream about that very figure of speech. It is still vivid in my mind and gives me the courage to risk to be open – letting myself out and allowing others in.

My journey started in the Midwest – lowa – on a farm. My childhood could be perceived as mostly idyllic: climbing trees, jumping into the hay from the rafters in the hayloft, riding ponies, swimming in a creek, picking wildflowers in the woods. Various life traumas occurred: the usual childhood diseases, including rheumatic fever at age 12; our home burned with all possessions lost at ~ 3; suffered through adolescence; experienced my first loss of a loved one – my very dear Grandfather; accumulated the wounds of life that happen to us all and got sidetracked for a while onto the “conform; do your duty; don’t feel too much; play it safe” track. Now and then my Self would pop out as when in the seventh grade Methodist Sunday School class, the teacher passed out W.C.T.U. commitment cards for us to sign, stating that we would never “touch a drop.” I refused to sign on the grounds that although I didn’t drink then, I might want to try it some day. I was not popular in the class after that.

I went to college – studied art, music, psychology, teacher education; got married; gave birth to three fine sons and did everything that women of my generation were “supposed to do.” I never became angry – I did have stomach problems and heart palpitations. I was very very “nice” the perfect daughter, perfect mother, perfect wife, perfect ministers wife. My ex husband had gone to graduate school and then to seminary after we married. We were on the staff of various Methodist churches in Arkansas, New Orleans, Louisiana and Minneapolis, MN. for a number of years. I (my Sell] gradually began to emerge again and to question and to form my own beliefs about life in the Spirit and life in general.

My experience of the organized church was stifling. Operating within a structure which preached love but generated guilt and fear of failure to conform to the “shoulds” and “oughts” did not make sense to me. I could not comprehend a relationship between this kind of “Love” and the unconditional Love that it seemed to me was spoken of and demonstrated by Jesus and the other Masters.

Finally, after 19 years, my husband, the church and I parted company. It was a bitter experience which took some time to recover from. The shock and sorrow of suicide ended a brief second marriage with a mate who turned out to have a severe illness. I still love both men dearly and realize that I magnetized these situations into my life as necessary experiences for my preparation.

Irsha has given that, “… Grief has a sharpness to it like a wound from the thrust of a knife; sadness is personal with hard edges; but sorrow is attuned to the collective of human kind, so therefore is vast with soft borders and has within it the core of compassion and unconditional love.”

In the meantime, I raised my sons (all three today are genuinely caring, authentic, contributing human beings), I formed relationships (some brief – lives just touching in passing, but significantly so – and some lasting) with other honest, searching persons who accepted my eccentricities without judgment.

I embarked full steam upon a career in the business world that eventually led to a position as a vice president with a research firm in New York City. I took up the cause of women without becoming a flaming feminist by mentoring others and by example. In addition to my business career, I also worked at various times as a writer, seminar leader, professional singer and fashion model.

You may wonder how a so-called “career woman” involved with statistics and research suddenly became a channel for cosmic mind. My extra-curricular interests have expressed in the realm of spiritual/metaphysical studies for at least 20 years. However, the channeling started spontaneously six years ago with very little warning. I was ,guided to turn on my tape recorder and meditate. My consciousness stilled and upon coming to sometime later, discovered a lengthy teaching had been recorded. Since then, profound change has been my experience in life. I was directed to leave my career and my home – all that meant security to me, and for a Capricorn, that’s a “biggie” – and allow myself to be used as a channel for the reception and transmission of information and energy by unseen beings from another dimension. Those of you who come to experience or read about this kind of “unusual” event always bring a host of questions, especially if this is new for you. These are the ones most often asked:

Why do you do this?

Who is IRSHA, and where do they come from? How does it work?

How does it feel?

When did it begin? Where do you go? Could we be channels? How does this fit with Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.?

Are you possessed, Crazy?

How do you know the information is true? How do we know the information is true? What is your background for this?

Here are the answers, and I hope that the reading of them will remove the mystique usually associated with channels and channelled information.

I do this because it gives me a sense of fulfillment of my purpose.

The process is relatively simple when it is understood that all that exists is of energy and that the human is an energy field living in an assortment of slowly moving molecules called a body. The energy field (Spirit) is part of All that Is. Our human consciousness doesn’t remember this, so we think ourselves separate. A leap of faith reestablishes the connection in conscious awareness – then it’s just a process of allowing oneself to be used. It’s literally becoming as a radio receiver and transmitter for other dimensional frequencies. The more refined and powerful the vibrational frequeny, the higher the consciousness being transmitted.

The Irsha energy flows into my body (circuits) at the back of my head through the occipital lobes into the pineal gland and then through my body like an electric current, but pulsating like radio waves. The frequencies are translated into words and broadcast through my mechanism.

It is a feeling of ecstacy – unconditional love – and very powerful. When channeling, it flows through my hands and into the room and is reported as being experienced similarly by those in the audience.

As channeling is occurring, my consciousness could best be described as in a timeless, spaceless condition. I do not usually have a sense of what is being said, so I always tape record for later listening.

If you are alive and here on Earth, you are channeling. Your body is a channel for your own life energy. It has been given that all who are opening will channel higher frequendes in this new time, each expressing according to his/her agreed upon life purpose (whether it be as teacher, healer, musician, artist, gardener, animal husband man, food preparer, poet, storyteller, and so forth) for your greater joy and the enhancement of your service.

How does this fit with the organized religions? The information given includes all – excludes none. Presently, our many different religious systems divide mankind rather than unite. Irsha’s teachings do not conflict with any except those notions in each that are divisive. Rather, Irsha reveals the thread of unity in the diverse and colorful tapestry of creation.

Am I possessed, Crazy? If so, it is with commitment and zeal; crazy about the beauty, wisdom and energy of Irsha. It rewards me continually.

How do I know it is true? Most of it has been, and continues to be, validated by events and circumstances in my own life and the lives of others, and it just “rings true” for me.

How do you know the information is true? You don’t, until in your experience it is supported by your own discoveries, or the teachings resonate with your own deepest knowing. Irsha says, “Don’t let your brains go soft – become your own Guru. Truth is truth and knowing of it is within each. If what we say is truth, it is that which you already know and the hearing of it simply calls it up into your own remembrance.”

What is my background for this? In my odyssey you discovered that my background is much like yours – adventurers in the unfolding drama of human life.

© 1993 by Elmarilla Bailey    http://irsha.com/

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 18th, 2008 at 4:30 pm.

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Challenge your fear of success

Own Your Power

Once again the tabloid media has taken to plastering their covers with a celebrity who, at the height of her career, has been taken down by a personal tragedy in the form of betrayal by her husband. My heart goes out to Sandra Bullock as she navigates the complicated waters of a broken marriage while having her personal life splayed out for all to see. I can only imagine the hell she's living in.

Each time I see a public person knocked off the proverbial pedestal either by his or her own undoing or by someone else, I see the writing on the collective subconscious wall: "You better not get too big for your britches or we'll take you down." While it seems some need to come down in order to stop hurting people, others become the poster child for our collective fear of success.

As I watched Sandra Bullock's public embarrassment after winning the Oscar, I thought, "Great, here's another chance to reinforce the belief that it's not safe to step into the light and own our gifts." It makes me crazy because it doesn't serve anyone. Each of us has a boogieman (or woman) who keeps us in line by reminding us to tone down our brightness, to take one step back and stay with the pack, or to keep our flaws handy in case we need to pull one out to prove that we're a card-carrying member of the "fit in" club.

For some, the voice of the boogieman is loud, constant, and demanding in its request to stay small enough to keep others comfortable. For others - most people actually - the voice is subtle and sneaky, and equally pervasive and debilitating. We end up playing by its rules to keep ourselves safe and, as a result, miss out on fully living our lives. You get close to want you really want, for example, and sabotage your efforts because it feels too risky. You find an excuse to avoid making the phone call that just might land you a great job. You eat one more candy bar to stay comfortably numb so you don't have to confront the brazen friend who made fun of your latest creative idea. Or, you tow the line with family members by putting yourself down and leveling the playing field so you don't ignite the sarcastic comments or guilt-inducing statements that warn: "Don't you dare leave the tribe by being more successful than us."

If I were a betting woman, I'd put money on the fact that Sandra Bullock probably started worrying about a bomb dropping on her life when the first award nomination was announced. You know the drill. Things are going a little too well and immediately you start waiting for the next shoe to drop. You pull back, shrink inward, and maybe even start slipping up just enough to steer clear of being too successful.

Here's the thing: Eventually the other shoe will drop. That's the way life works here on planet earth. In a world of duality there will always be an eventual downside to every up. Someone you love will get sick right after you receive an offer to start a great new business. A friend might betray you just before your wedding day. Or, you'll be pulled from a promotion because someone more qualified showed up at the last minute.

The real issue is what you do with what happens, not the drama around the details. After all, our safety net (and the ability to maintain our power) comes from the investment we make in our own healing journey. How will you grow from the downside? What character traits will you develop? What old wounds will you finally face and heal? The answers to these questions (and the work you do to address them) are the insurance you purchase with your hard work. This insurance gives you the courage to express your greatness in spite of what happens or what others think.

So this week, I challenge you to do something to support humanity's goodness instead of the drama. First, send love to Sandra Bullock and anyone else who's struggling with the pain of an unexpected blow. I don't know about you, but when I saw The Blind Side, both Bullock, and the woman she portrayed, left me inspired to be an even better human being. That's what full-on greatness does.

Next, challenge the legacy of smallness that hurts us all by keeping your money away from the magazine issues that profit from someone's pain. Then, start owning your power. Toot your own horn. Speak confidently and skillfully about your accomplishments at your next job interview. Set a firm boundary the next time someone tries to keep you in line with his or her own fear and insecurity. Be brave, bold, and willing to risk getting knocked around a bit (metaphorically speaking) to stay true to your strengths and talents. I don't know about you, but I'm willing to piss a few people off or to weather a few storms to insure that I'm honoring my soul. I may go out with a few chipped teeth, but you can be sure I'll go out smiling ☺.

Take Action Challenge

This week, watch for your tendency to shy away from expressing your full power. Notice what you do to level the playing field with others. What do you say? How do you act? What do you end up thinking about yourself? If you're so inclined, share what you discover with other members of our community on our Facebook page here.

This week's video was posted on my facebook page by Jamie. It's a sweet example of how tuned in our pets are. You can find it here. Thanks, Jamie!

Life Makeover for the Year 2009(sm) is written and produced by Cheryl Richardson.© Copyright 1999-2009 Cheryl Richardson, P.O. Box 13, Newburyport, MA 01950, www.cherylrichardson.com. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Have a question for Cheryl? Call in during her live Internet radio show -- Coach on Call -- on the Internet at www.hayhouseradio.com. The show airs live on Mondays at 5pm ET (2pm PT) and is replayed throughout the week.

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No use fighting

It's not that I've given up, far from it. It's just that it feels futile in the sense that I could fight it till Kingdom come, but then that's just what is happening, right? Kingdom comes, not in the sense that we're getting another absolute ruler, but rather in the sense that we're becoming the absolute ruler. And a ruler, especially an absolute one, needs to know when enough is enough. So yesterday I rigorously rewrote my diet, switched to stuff like fruit and yoghurt instead of my more 'normal' diet. I full well know that it might be a shock to my systems, but it feels like enough is enough.

Never mind what my ex says, she's still very much into the mass consciousness at sheeple level, or so it seems. No offense, but in these matters, nobody is more qualified than me, because I'm hardwired to this body that I've known for well over 47 years now. And I say it's time!

Likewise the occasional dry spells at moorelife.nl. Seems like channeling land is all working on other things most of the time, because my supply lines are regularly drying up, leaving me the choice of going to find more, writing more myself, or just calling it enough is enough. None of these is better than the other, all is as it should be. So now I'm writing, and telling you to 'Just do It!' like Nike popularized it all these years ago.

Yes, I am writing, writing like crazy. And it feels like the One Thing To Do. Not sure yet if I'm sculpting, unveiling, or just making my mind go overtime fantasizing, but what's the difference? It's all good anyway, and that's immensely how it feels. With Dear Denisa and others cheering me on, how could I not feel like a million doing this? 212 pages and counting, so look out Half Blodd Prince! J.K Rowling had her moment in the spotlight, but without undue proudness I can safely say that this feels like the most awesome thing I've ever done, whether anyone ever likes it or not!

Off to work in half an hour, and you'd think that my willingness to work would be far gone with a pet project like that. Nothing is more beside the point! I cherish the day of work, with it's machine-driven forced contemplation moments, that have me drifting right back into Make It Real again. By nightfall there will no doubt be plenty of ideas to mold into adventures for Sander and Seda and their friends. Thank you also for guys like Tinus, a boy who is a friend of my daughters, and who has remarkable deep insights into the workings of Life. We volley with the concepts of the story every now and then, and I've even written him in, not as a personal favor, but simply 'because it feels right'.

My bicycle has been retuned again, and with its chain tensioned and the gears readjusted he runs like a million. I guess I owed him that for years of faithful service. All part of the master plan, which is unfolding at a rapid pace as far as I'm concerned. No need to fret, fear, or fumble the ball, this game is rapidly gaining terrain, and the endzone is approaching fast. Not even time to worry about the angry mob of broad shouldered jocks trying to pull me down, because I'm way ahead of them, and that ain't bragging (but just honest observation).  Touchdown coming up!

John's Mum said it: "The future is nothing but what we make of it!.....", and she was right. And if we all make our future the very best that we can possibly envision it, then our collective one has no other option than to follow suit, and be brilliant also! Just keep in mind to not willingly go against one another, and nothing and no one will be able to stop us. Sure, others may want you to do something, but since you're the one to do it, your voice in the matter weighs that much more. Just remember that it's a rigged game, rigged for your profit. It invariably pays out more quarters than you put into it.......

Love your Liberated Light, 


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Time Keeps on Slipping, Slipping…Into The Future

As the memory of what was, seems to drift like a dream in the morning, we continue to move quickly down the corridor of time. We are being ushered into time doors that swing both ways. Down hallways that never end into a place that has not been created yet.  All of us have seen and felt the difference and the trail of chaos it leaves behind. Time is like a wild horse that bucks the 24 hr system and continues to look for a way out of the dimensional corral.

We all run like hamsters in a clear ball bumping into walls paddling our little feet as fast as we can. Not getting anywhere and exhausted by all the energy it took just to get this far. Time brushes past us like a gust of wind, not asking our permission to do what it was born to do. Life pushes us harder into a corner of limited choices or so it seems, but it is us that has painted ourselves into that corner by our limited thinking. We can just as easily paint a way out if we choose.

Time has shifted as of the last quakes. It has quickened its pace, and all past alignments have shifted as well. Longitudes and latitudes dance to a new beat. Leylines and time markers are off line, sacred geometries are reset. An actual cog in time has been felt as the worlds walk into a new wavelength of Light.

We still biologically walk to the beat of the old drum when the band plays on in a different octave of time and light. Our perceptions are enhanced and we see in and out of time but are still not sure where to place each thought. Seeing between the worlds is not a place for those weak of purpose. One must hold tightly to the tight wire as time doors are opened and possibilities present themselves in a new array of colors. The unexpected is to be expected on a daily basis. People do there best to hide what ails them but actions are louder than any words.

This year of time asks one to get down to the business of picking up the shattered glass and like Alice, going into all facets and fractures of self.  Mirrors are a portal of transport to places that can not be seen with the naked eye. The place of mirrors comes to reflect what needs to be seen as one crosses the timelines into places that have not been created and await your first thought as seed.

Seeing into the future is not a place for those weak of heart or knee. As one walks thru the time doors many trap doors make themselves know. Dimensional black holes to other places of parallel time loops can create a dizzying effect in most unexpected places.. Time doors open and close faster than the blink of an eye. Truth and time are individual, and do not present a singular vow..

The unknowable becomes seen in the halls of time. That which has appeared emptied now becomes full, freeing itself from definition.  A shift of realm awakens from a long sleep to escort you into the nexus cornerstone where time and space meet. All limitations are transformed in this expanded version of reality. Do you have the courage to leap open-eyed into this fluid point of possibility? Your vessel of eternal self is being purified for the expanded energies and truths of the upcoming shifts from now to 2012.

You are an instrument of light that is being fine-tuned to play a new octave. Relax into the Shifts, look them in the eye seeing with the wisdom of a thousand angels. See beyond what you deem humanely possible. Look at all that happens to you in a deeper perspective and with such a deep seeing that you understand the totality of what comes to past before it has happened. Each situation has a million outcomes. It is up to the individual to pick energetically.  From that point of wisdom create from your heart in a freeform energy allowing the higher elements of light to take the form they seek to become.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 - www.thequantumawakening.com thequantumawakening@hughes.net

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Your “Survival Kit” for the Ascension Journey

Message from the Archangel Michael accompanied by Ashira*

Archangel Michael

Now let us begin.  It is coming toward you at a speed which is simply hard to imagine even; this new human existence which is being formed by the elevation of your own beings into the soul oriented, personality-less human.  At times you find yourselves awakening to things which you imagine to be the most amazing experience that you have ever known and I tell you now, you are just beginning to sense what is possible for yourselves and amidst the energies you are orienting to lately: YOU ARE SENSATIONAL.  And you have hardly begun to realize this.

I use this word, so sexy and filled with charisma for that is the kind of larger than life zing that your emerging energies will radiate when tapped and flowing through you, residing in you cells and permeating your energy field.  It will create a radiance of self that is magnetic, profoundly comforting as you embody so much love, and powerfully creative.  What a mix!  You are dawning upon the beginning of a new age on the planet Earth and the awakening of this magnificence within you will open the doorway to transformation of your planet and your structures, your process and your systems, your experiences, your relationships, your “families” your way of choosing and collaborating – all of culture and lifestyle will evolve; and rapidly to align with these new frequencies…being layered upon the dimension in which you focus.

The only invitation that is needed by you to match these expansive energies and bring them into being in your own experience, is oddly enough, appreciation of your seemingly exhausted, drained and highly un-cooperative much of the time body!  Your physical vessel, despite its seemingly stick-in-the-mud ability to move forward and “lacking” the same passion and ambition you have experienced in the past, IS despite all evidence to the contrary, coming along with you!  That is, after all, the experiment!  To bring your body forth into an integrated fashion; to shed the personality and instead of once and a while tuning into your intuition, also known as your soul’s guidance, you will instead release all that is NOT soul, and the soul will shine through the physical vessel and the emergence of this will be nothing short of sensational!  {But I am stealing Ashira’s thunder…}


We are Ashira, unified in light and love and here to herald the new age…and the Archangel Michael speaks of that which we sing of, and YES, this metamorphosis will result in the emergence of the New Human. 

{Smile}  These letters should be shimmering and radiating light…don’t you think Michael? 

Archangel Michael

Yes I do!  {Smile}


The new human comes into being so that Earth, may create new.  The planet and you are one and the same from a cellular and organism perspective, you even share a unified consciousness—attuned to one another and deeply influenced by one another.  Resilient and informed, the planet and you live in a highly creative and collaborative existence already.  It is only for you to realize that the glory you see around you in nature also is the glory of your physical vessels, and the Archangel Michael and I have come together at this time, blending our perspective to invite you realize what will ease and accelerate all that is transpiring:

The time has come to embrace your bodies.

Archangel Michael

You have SUCH disdain for these amazing physical forms.  IT is SO cliché in your experience to realize that you despise your bodies that speaking to you of this in such a way that truly penetrates that high tolerance you have adjusted to for hating your bodies so much, is an enormous challenge even for me. {Smile}

Aha!  I’ve got your attention now…good!

Beyond the essence of who you are is an all inclusive energy, beyond form and even beyond thought.  This layer of consciousness would be hard for you to even conceptualize, but it is highly creative and vibrant and it is this layer of consciousness in which manifestations happen almost immediately, that we ask you to consider when realizing your body.  The consciousness in your body is connected to this layer and receives communication and information well before you consciously do.

Let us re-introduce you to your body and share some of the amazing testimonial from our fellow galactic leaders, ascended masters, and others deeply devoted and attuned to the ascending energy of your planet and remind you of the awe you might allow yourself to feel for your body.

This body is, already, in another dimension, highly revered.  The Earth would not be nearly so delicious a destination were it not for the body’s ability to sense and give the inner sense, the soul, an experience of the planet that is distinct, nuanced and multi-dimensional itself.

We ask you then, to realize that your body is the vessel for your soul to ascend and participate in this glorious chapter upon the Earth as she shifts in space, aligning with the center of the Milky Way and arises into a consciously unified energy field, creating thereby a new platform for creation for all of the Omniverse and in so elevating all of you, elevate the entire Omniverse in an ongoing and nearly continuous ripple throughout the All-That-Is of late, invigorating everything.

And who or shall I say, WHAT bears the brunt of so much of this beautiful, splendid, awe-inspiring among all non-physical beings, squeal for joy thing which we are all following with rapt attention?  YOUR BODY. 

Remember of course, that your soul is well acquainted with all of these aspects of non-duality, unified consciousness, love, light, etc.  It is the cells and the consciousness within the cells of your body which is rising to the occasion and as such giving you a grand and glorious entrance as one of the few, the proud, the New Humans!

Without your body, which by the way, you created—chose the gene pool and the parents, chose the “birthplace” and the time/space moment to enter the game—you would be one of us, out here, watching the game, blessed and honored that such brave beings are making all of this possible, sending them love and strength, signs and encouragement, messages and healing energies…but you would not be the center of our awe filled attention.  This is the result of this amazing amalgamation between you, the inspired and select soul, and this amazing body you chose specifically for this journey.  THIS JOURNEY—the Ascension Journey. 

You choose a body which is robust, deeply resourced, resilient, informative…perfectly suited for your experience.  So, now that we’ve established and applauded your choice of body and the body’s own amazing consciousness in so many wise and constantly attuning cells, let us turn our attention to the most significant alignment process underway—that of you and your body.

Your body is already acclimating to the emerging and evolving Earth energies.  There is no need even for conversation or a memo—your body IMMEDIATELY gets what’s happening on the Earth, what energies are coming in, what those energies are instructing the body to do—release this, give rise to that—and the body is all over this activity pretty much in unison with the energies even beginning to move toward you.  There is instantaneous communication between your body and All-That-Is.

So, if you are wondering what’s up with the planet, what’s up with the energies lately, in addition to listening to your heart, reading channeled messages, talking with others sharing the path, paying attention to your dreams, journaling, divining with the Tarot or the I-Ching…why not also, if you are not already, spend some time getting to know your body’s point of view on things?

You spend so much time understanding your emotions, your relationships, learning to “quiet” your mental state, working with your light bodies…how well do you know your vessel?  How easily can you repair it, yourself, when it is feeling a little out of whack?  When it sends you a signal it’s on overdrive do you notice?  Giving it a rest? 

Ah my beloved ones…the clues are so much closer than you typically think or notice.  All is within your grasp.  All is within your experience.  Go beyond surrendering to the process…go out and meet it.

Your body invites you to join it in ascending with the Earth.  It is well on its way, the connection to All-That-Is clear and sustained…perhaps there are some things that will assist you in attuning yourself to your body. {Big smile!}

Now isn’t that easy and wonderful?  A little kit for how to manage through all of this, right with you all the time.  And you don’t even need to know the details…they will all become clear in hindsight.  Just let go, listen to your body, look out of those beautiful eyes and enjoy the ride.

Oh, and every once in a while, take notice of your audience…cause we’re loving the whole thing and are happy to live vicariously through you, and enjoy the giant waves you’re sending our way.  The surfing has been mighty excellent thanks to all of you.

Joy Joy Joy.  Just thought I’d cheer for a minute before I close by reminding you…I AM the Archangel Michael, here with Ashira who is serenading you as we speak, just to remind you, that YOU, my sensational friends, are profoundly and in all ways, already loved.  Take note of this. {Ashira likes my pun}.  We certainly hope you are having at least as much fun as we are.

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.

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Harmonic Shift 7|7|7 on >07-07-07<

“The bananas were like that when I got here!”
         -Humpty Dumpty
“HS-777-MI-ACURTURUS”                                             illustration by SethD8 – 16 Feb 07



Harmonic Shift 7|7|7 on >070707<

should the transcript here come across as what you term as “wishy- washy” … repetative or incoherent … do not cast aside the importance if this message and the harmonic-shift 777 event …  for the limitations of your landguage and those self-imposed by our host (raphiem) are unable to clealry translate and articulate the levels of unified awareness we are communicating to you and your greater selves and souls in this moment  …

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Why 2012?

The End of the Mayan Calendar is scheduled for December 21, 2012 (give or take a year). The possibilities of what this “end” might mean is an increasingly hot topic on the Internet, in conferences, printed articles, and in discussions all over the globe. This is because it just might be an incredibly important moment in history — e.g., the end of history!
the Mayan Calendar is not your average, run-of-the-mill calendar. It is, among other things, reputed to be the most accurate in the world. This is due in part to the fact it is also a relatively complicated calendar, using cycles of 13 and 20 (weird!), relating to the cycles of other planets (e.g. Venus), and in general incorporating some 22 (at last count) different sub-calendars, such that every contingency can be accounted for.

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