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Life’s Gifts and Life’s Tragedies – Making sense of it all

We begin today a three-part series:

Life's Gifts and Life's Tragedies - Making sense of it all

Last week, in previewing this series, I offered the observation that there are people who believe that certain other people "deserve" to have pain and suffering in their life. A few years ago there were those who even said that AIDS was "God's punishment" for lives in ways that were not in accordance with God's Will. Others have made the same argument about different forms of pain and suffering. It's God's Will. It's God's punishment.

Is that how it works? People do "bad" things and God punishes them? He gives them pain and suffering here on earth, then sends them to hell after they die?

What about the pain and suffering of wonderful people, like my grandmother, who suffered a stroke and lived the last years of her life in much suffering and debilitation? What was God's purpose there?

The earthquake in Chile three weeks ago is what brought this all up for me again---and the tsunami in Hawaii that "never was," even though for a while there we all thought (my wife and I were on the Big Island at the time) that we were in major trouble...

Why were some people in harm's way, and others not? How does Fate decide these things? Is there some rhyme or reason? Is there some point or purpose?

No. There is not, and we must become clear that there is not. Not in the sense that most people mean when they think of there being some "point" to it all.

For there to be some "point," there would have to be a person, a being, who would GIVE it all a "point." There is no such person or being. Some people disagree with me on this. They say that the Person or Being is God. I am saying that God is not a "person" or "being," with likes and dislikes, frustrations and resentments, a need to judge and a need to punish, and an agenda for humankind and for each person on the earth.

I am suggesting to you that "God" is an ineffable Essence-what the Upanishads call Brahman-that permeates the Universe; that IS the Universe, and all things, seen and unseen. I am suggesting that Brahman is Pure Intelligence, and that Brahman is a Process. I am suggesting that it is the Process called Life.

Life does not have a preference about how Life expresses Itself. Life always was, is now, and always will be---therefore Life is not worried about the thing we call "death," and demonstrates no concern about it. If you die, you die. If you live, you live. In both cases you continue to Be.

You cannot NOT Be, and therefore Life (God) has no concern, worry, or agitation about whether you are going to Be or not. Nor does Life have a preference in the matter of how your Being is expressed. Only you do. Because you think that you Are, and the truth is, you Are Not.

That is, you think that you are "you," and the truth is you are not who you think you are, you are not "you," but rather, that which comprises you. The "you" that you think you are is merely a conglomeration of that which comprises you, globbed together in a particular form. Put in CwG terms: You are an Individuation of Divinity, a Singularization of The Singularity. You are a Process, not a Person. And that Process will continue forever. It is called Life. In this case, Life manifesting in the form that you call "you."

Even that form is not a form for more than one millionth of a nano-second. That's why I have said "you are a Process, not a Person." The "you" that You Are is constantly changing form. Like a flame burning atop a candle. Is the flame the same flame in Hour 2 as it was in Hour 1? It is the same flame even from moment to moment? No. It cannot be. By the very nature of what the flame IS, the flame is not. For the flame burns itself out even as it is being what it is. It is thus ending its Present Form in every Present Moment.

A flame is the outward manifestation of the using up of fuel. When the fuel is gone, the flame disappears. In the case of Who You Are, the fuel is never gone, so the flame that is You never disappears. Yet it equally never stays the same. In this sense, "you" are not. You are only what you are Right Now. And then, Right Now. And then, Right Now. You can't stay the same for even one one-millionth of a nano-second. So who are you, anyway...?

There is a continuity to "you," even though "you" are different and changing in every moment. What is this Continuity? Is it Atman (the Soul)? If so, does Atman have a role to play in determining whether you die in an earthquake or are one of those spared in the "tsunami that never was"? What determines who lives and who dies?

I am going to give you a startling answer to that question. There is no such thing as `living' and `dying.' One might as well ask, "What determines who is `being' and who is not `being.'?" Yet nothing is not Being, therefore there is nothing and no one `determining' who is being and who is not.

Okay, you might say. But certainly there is such a thing as changing form. We may all live forever, we may all Always Be, but who or what determines the Form that we take from time to time? Those who died in the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile lived on, but changed Forms. Those who lived through the "tsunami that never was" in Hawaii lived on in the same Form. Who or what decides which Form the Beingness takes from time to time?

I am going to give you a startling answer to that question. There is no such thing as `time,' therefore the Being that You Are takes All Forms At Once. It is merely a question of which Form you are paying attention to, which Form you are choosing to experience, in that part of Always that you call Now.

The Formulation of Brahman that called itself the people in Haiti and Chile who "died" in the earthquakes focused its attention on physicalization and de-physicalization (that is, "living" and "dying") in the way that it did during those earthquakes in order that Brahman Itself might Know Itself in Its Own Experience AS THAT.

This is all part of a holy process that CwG calls "God godding", or, if you please, Brahman Being. Being what? Being everything. All at once. Being life. Being death. Being good. Being bad. Being fast, being slow; being up, being down; being big, being small; being male, being female; being all of It. Being, literally, All Of ItSelf All At Once.

Phew. Okaaaay...

So what does that mean about how we, here and now, are experiencing life? You tell me.

No, I mean that literally. You tell me. By your thoughts, your words, and your actions, you tell me, every day of your life, what that means. You are also telling yourself. You are literally telling your own mind what to think about all this. You're doing it right now. Watch yourself. You are reading this, and you are telling your own Mind what to think about what you're reading. Or, you are saying to yourself, "I just don't know what to think."

Translation: Nothing has any meaning save the meaning you give it.

Now, let me say here that I embrace the Upanishadic tradition and teaching of Atman---the Soul; a part of us that lives forever, retaining its Essence and dropping its Individual Expression of that Essence during Samadhi (Oneness with the All), then picking up its Individual Expression again, then dropping it again, over and over through all Eternity in a Divine Rhythm that perpetuates Perpetuity Itself.

I embrace the notion that the purpose of it all is to allow God to know Itself in its own experience, as I have said before. This is done through the process of Individual Souls evolving and experiencing more and more of what they Always Are. I believe that Souls pick and create the Right and Perfect circumstances allowing them to do this.

To put all this simply, some Souls "die" and some Souls "live" because it is perfect for them to do that in that portion of All Time that they call Right Here, Right Now. When they "die" they realize that they have not "died" at all, but continue living forever. Then they decide (after reemerging from the moment of Samadhi) what aspect of Who They Are they wish next to experience---either as their "old self" (the person they were before they "died") or as a new and other self (the concept known as reincarnation as another individual being).

Explaining this further, I understand that souls have the ability to return to the Timeline of Forever Always at any point, in any Form they wish---including the Form they just left behind. Put simply, you can live as the "you" that you imagine your Self to be again and again, experiencing Life in a hundred thousand different moments in a hundred thousand different ways, until you have experienced and expressed the Self in this particular Form at the level of absolute Divinity. And even then you can keep coming back to experience that as long as you wish.

Or...you can come back in another Form (i.e., as another person) and experience Life in that Form as many times as you wish. You ultimately realize that you are Life in All Forms All The Time. You are Always All, and you are All All Ways.

In other words, you are God, godding.

Okay, that's a lot of esoterics for one week. But how to make any of that work for us in any practical way during This Life, Here and Now? That is the question. And that's what we'll look at in Part II of this series, next week.

In the meantime, suggested reading: HOME WITH GOD IN A LIFE THAT NEVER ENDS.

Love and Hugs,

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The Cosmic Tsunami Begins

a message from Karen Bishop

Friday, 19 March, 2010

This is an exciting time indeed. How blessed are we to be participating in a rare and pivotal time with a massive re-structuring of our earth, ourselves, and the cosmos? All in preparation for a very new way of living and being in a very new reality and dimension.

We may have been able to tap into many of these magical and higher vibrating states of living and being in times past, as vibrating higher always gives any given individual access to a higher dimensional experience, but what is different now, is that the entire planet is beginning the process of this very new existence…and this also means that the energy we are completely surrounded by will permanently sustain the higher energies with absolutely no effort….yes, it is an exciting time indeed. We have finally arrived and are completing the process.

This process, as most processes with ascension, is occurring piece by piece and step by step. With each earth change or movement of the earth at very deep levels, we then begin to experience more of the higher vibrating energies. So then, as the earth re-structures herself, she is then re-aligning in order to be in alignment with and to receive these new and higher frequencies. At the same time, everything in the cosmos is re-aligning as well. As the beautiful and specific energies of the cosmos, its planets, and the celestial bodies adjust, energy and movement then ripple outward, and a wave of new vibration is created and secured.

As each Earth movement or change occurs as well, a summoning then takes place, and the new energies arrive. But at the same time, the newly arriving energies are creating the earth movements. So which comes first, the chicken or the egg? As with all of creation, everything happens all at once and meets in the middle, culminating with a creation or movement and change. “Everything” happens all at once at times when everything is ready and willing, and thus, a massive plan or agreement at higher levels and a very loving interaction is at the helm. Again, this is how creation always happens, only this time, much of it is happening with massive bodies of energy, or rather, the cosmos…and every living thing at every level of existence will then have no choice but to participate. This is what we have been waiting for…what a time for celebration!

So then, the first ripples of the cosmic tsunami are beginning to be felt. This is a very interesting and rare time, as this process is quite amazing, no doubt. Much of the interesting part comes from the fact that we started a new earth, or Earth Two (a dimensional overlay), and had to begin with literally no foundation. In this way, we are creating piece by piece, making this a slow process. This means that the equinox of March 20th, will certainly have its effect, but the effect is determinant upon how much of the new earth we have created so far. Meaning exactly what?

If we were to look out at an expanse of energy and creation timeline for the earth, we would easily see that from March onward, everything looks very expansive, linear, and simply reaches out for what looks like infinity with no ups or downs, or rather highs or lows with creation. In other words, there are no new platforms of new creation present. But come June, everything changes, and we will then experience a massive new “anchoring in” once again, along with huge manifestations of new creation that take hold.

So then, the beginning ripples of the cosmic tsunami are at hand, along with the energies of the March 20th equinox. These situations are creating a lot of energy right now. But they are manifesting in different ways. And how does this movement affect us at our personal and experiential levels?

Because we have not created much quite yet, the equinox energies are creating situations where there is a lot of energy moving, but it can only interact with what is present at the time. This means that we are needing to tend to things that are already here, or that need our attention before we really anchor in and move forward in June. For example, we may find that we are suddenly having to fix things (but know as well, that when we move into new spaces, we are no longer in alignment with much of anything, and this frequently creates situations where everything breaks or needs our attention for repair or replacement). In this way, we may find that we are securing our foundation, or rather adjusting these frequencies through repair or replacement, so that we will be firmly ready and in alignment as more and more earth changes occur.

We may feel as though we are going in circles, with lots of energy flowing, but not much being created. We are simply experiencing an arrival of equinox energies that have nothing much to interact with except what is already here. We cannot move forward just yet, as the earth and cosmos are still adjusting and remolding themselves so that they can better receive and accommodate the higher vibrating energies that are arriving in slow and steady increments.

So how might we be feeling and experiencing all this strange rambling you just read? How are all these changes or movements affecting many of us?

As the earth and cosmos re-align and adjust, so do we, as we are all one. Body aches and the old familiar leg and foot pain are still present. These uncomfortable experiences of our lower extremities will continue to occur at intervals for quite some time… simply because the new reality has a lot to do with grounding into the new earth and claiming it as our true and rightful heritage. Just wait until the solstice in June!

Sweating and hot flashes are still occurring for many. We are burning off any lower vibrating energies within us as we adjust. If ever I have a lower vibrating thought where I beat myself up or do not honor myself, or if I have a fear or negative thought that cannot exist in this reality, immediately, I will become excruciatingly hot and begin to sweat. At least these hot flashes and sweats serve as great barometers and training and alignment tools!

When we are in between worlds, or rather when we do not have much to anchor into yet, we become vulnerable. This manifests as having issues with boundaries (as not much knows where it belongs just yet), having unpleasant energies in our spaces, and feeling like we are naked and hanging out there for the taking. This particular scenario can make some of us want to stay home, or even encourage us not to be “out there” in all ways. If you are one who is generally more sensitive to the unseen world, you may have unwanted visitors in your space who are not of your liking. According to one of my readers, many are having experiences of cloaked figures peering at them in the night! I had this experience once myself, and in times past, have noticed some interesting visitors in my home on other occasions as they peer and become curious about my guests. These experiences are temporary. I simply tell these unwanted visitors to "get lost" and then I ignore them and pay them no attention.

With so much energy moving of late, we may feel as though we are hyperventilating and cannot sit still. We may have what feels like nervous energy and feel that we need to be doing something all the time, with an inability to settle down. Add to this an unusual or strange craving for junk food and sweets, and we have a recipe for nervous tension needing an outlet.

As we move into more of a permanent residency in a higher realms reality, we begin to have the fun and beautiful things happen as well. Creating the New Reality explains a lot of these experiences that seem to occur all on their own. We are creating very rapidly now, and simply having a casual thought can bring something into our spaces in record time. In addition, as we begin residing in this new and higher vibrating dimension, we very easily come to see that absolutely everything is vitally connected and supports a whole. In this way, we very naturally find ourselves in states of gratitude and great love.

Another common occurrence right now is in regard to our personal energy. We can easily become aware of how we may have been running our energies in “out of balance” or inappropriate ways, even though we usually do what we do because we feel it is the “right” thing. The higher we vibrate then, the more we are able to “see” from above, and know that we did our best in our lower dimensional experience, but that this is not the way it is in the higher realms. It is time to change our behavior, as we come to see what it is that needs to change.

At other times, we may feel our energy suddenly drop for no apparent reason and feel a distinct depression, futility, and funk, but in a matter of hours or perhaps with the onset of a very new day, we are once again flying high, connected to the new energies, and experiencing the fun and adventure of the process of arriving in a new reality. The more we progress in relation to anchoring into and creating the new reality, the more we will continue to experience the fun of it all, while these drops occur less and less until they finally cease to exist.

All in all, we will continue to see-saw our way into the higher vibrations, along with all of the cosmos, and as always, come to know that everything is and always has been in divine and perfect order.

With much love and gratitude,Karen

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What a wonderful world… or is it?

We live in a wonderful world---and that does not mean that our world is not faced with enormous challenges. We live wonderful lives---and that does not mean that our lives are not filled with enormous challenges. Our world is, and our lives are.

What, then, is the purpose and the point of all this? Why are we being put through all that we are being put through? And why are some, but not others, subjected to unparalleled pain and suffering---to say nothing of sudden and "undeserved" death?

I use that term because I was reading in the newspaper the other day of the remark of a prosecuting attorney arguing before a jury about the death of a woman who had been strangled in her garage by 15-year-old boy who said that all he wanted was to steal her car. Said the prosecutor about the woman: "She did not deserve to die."

Who does?

I mean, what does that phrase mean?

I suppose there are some killers, now on death row, of whom there are those who would say: "they deserve to die." But do they, really? And even if you think that they do, let's get back to the "pain and suffering" experience. Does anybody "deserve" to have pain and suffering in their life?

How does all this work here? What are the "rules" here on earth that make some people "deserving" of death, and other people not; that make some people "deserving" of pain and suffering, and other people not?

Yes, there are people who believe that certain other people "deserve" to have pain and suffering in their life. A few years ago there were those who even said that AIDS was "God's punishment" for lives in ways that were not in accordance with God's Will. Others have made the same argument about different forms of pain and suffering. It's God's Will. It's God's punishment.

Is that how it works? People do "bad" things and God punishes them? He gives them pain and suffering here on earth, then sends them to hell after they die?

What about the pain and suffering of wonderful people, like my grandmother, who suffered a stroke and lived the last years of her life in much suffering and debilitation? What was God's purpose there?

The earthquake in Chili two weeks ago is what brought this all up for me again---and the tsunami in Hawaii that "never was," even though for a while there we all thought (my wife and I were on the Big Island at the time) that we were in major trouble...

Why were some people in harm's way, and others not? How does Fate decide these things? Is there some rhyme or reason? Is there some point or purpose?

We shall look at these things in the weeks ahead as we begin a three-part series:

LIFE'S GIFTS AND LIFE'S TRAGEDIES: Making sense of it all
Part 1 next week. Be sure to be with us!

Love and Hugs,

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Pisces New Moon: March 15, 2010

Channeler:Barbara Hand Clow

see chart:http://www.handclow2012.com/newmoon.htm

It is the New Moon in Pisces, the time to evaluate access to the spiritual worlds. This urge is very intense now because Chiron was conjunct Neptune during the previous New Moon in Aquarius; this released a piercing wave of pain that caused many people to feel profound separation from the divine. After a century of war and scientism and the recent accelerated takeover by technology, the spiritual worlds have mostly been forgotten. However, spiritual contact and communication are the only source of true happiness and joy, the only source of consolation amidst the sadness and pain of life. There is no meaning in life without sharing spirit's joy, so with this Pisces New Moon, we need to awaken just before the Sun blasts into don't-look-back Aries during the Spring Equinox. This New Moon is especially compelling with five planets in Pisces, four of them very close together. Retrograde Saturn in early Libra opposes the group in late Pisces, a hard and unavoidable reminder of how much we need balance now.

During last month's Aquarian cycle, Earth began to vibrate in a new way. This process began during the January 12 Haiti quake a few days before the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. Energy flows intensified during the Aquarian cycle that culminated during the February 28 Full Moon, when Jupiter was conjunct the Sun in Pisces opposing the Full Moon in Virgo. Just before this Jupiterian Full Moon, on February 26, there was a 7.0 quake under the sea south of Japan, and the Canadian, American, and South American west coasts were put under tsunami alerts. On February 27, the Chilean plate released an 8.8 magnitude mega-quake just before the Full Moon, just when Mercury came to Chiron/Neptune in 27 Aquarius. During the Full Moon, the area affected by the 8.8 quake south of Santiago shook and rolled. On March 4, there was another strong quake near Japan as well as a 6.6 quake north of Santiago, which was not an aftershock for the 8.8 quake. On March 5, a 6.5 quake occurred off the coast of Sumatra, and on March 8 there was a pre-dawn 6.1 quake in Eastern Turkey. Rumors abound that the American HAARP project is being used to trigger earthquakes, just when a consortium of doctrinaire geologists put out an announcement that there is no more tectonic activity than usual. [BS!] Whoever or whatever is causing this shaking, our species is on alert.

Wild and chaotic weather was also in the news during the previous lunation: England and France suffered horrible winter storms; the Baltic Sea was choked with ice that trapped ships; the canals in Amsterdam froze and people skated through the city; record setting blizzards shut down the Eastern US and many airports; the island of Madeira suffered catastrophic floods; and three "super waves" on the Mediterranean nearly capsized a cruise boat. Nature is awakening our planet with new waves of energy, which are also stirring up subconscious fears. These great earth changes are awakening our connections to divine levels because our highest levels of emotions are spiritual; we need to be in touch with our souls during these challenging times.

Bringing time acceleration into the discussion, we should not be surprised that earth changes are intensifying right now. Here we are in Night Six of the Galactic Underworld (November 7, 2009, to November 2, 2010). Our current moment corresponds to Night Six of the Regional Underworld (13,800 through 5900 BC), a time of constant cataclysms that peaked in 9500 BC. The real story of the past 100,000 years has been strangely withheld from the public, so these hidden memories are stirring up deep subconscious fears in our minds. [See Catastrophobia, and pages 76-80 of The Mayan Code, by Clow.] Many people are suffering with an unnamed, hideous, inner terror right now, as if they can hear boards creak under the feet of a creepy killer lurking in the basement. But, we are different now, and the current changes offer new things for us to learn. I think we are being prodded to reprioritize how we handle pain, which may finally push our species to realize it is an obscenity to engage in warfare amidst great natural disasters. Casualties and injuries overwhelm medical systems, and whole societies can't even care for their own citizens because the resources go to warfare.

This Pisces New Moon heralds a great spiritual crisis for our species, and the earth changes are a sign of what is coming. The whole Aquarian lunation with Chiron conjunct Neptune ripped open hidden wounds lurking within our denied shadows; many people wonder if they even want to be alive. I seek a new vision for how we can live in joy and trust, as James Cameron did for us in his blockbuster film, Avatar. We must remember our traumatic past in order to remove our quarantine from the rest of the universe.

It is possible to plan how to handle these great changes; and as they build and build, we will. Weak politicians who procrastinate all day waiting for the cocktail hour disgust everyone, now that we are in such dire times. For example, the weather in the northern latitudes may indicate that the warm ocean currents that temper the Eastern US and Western Europe are slowing down and getting ready to stop. Yet, all we hear is that El Niño and/or global warming is the cause, while the new carbon-credit millionaires pocket the sales. These issues are coming up now because: 1) the New Moon chart and Night Six call for our attention to them, and 2) because the most intense reckoning period will be during May/June 2010, the dates that correspond to the peak of the Regional Underworld cataclysms. We've got to keep pushing for ending wars, as well as redirecting energy use and cultivation planning; otherwise, we won't have the energy or resources to handle acts of nature.

It is time to sort out and face the fears you've been feeling. Is fear and terror coming from ancient memories that are awakening in your mind, or is there something you need to pay attention to right now? Find that place in you that demands your right for responsible leadership-instead of putting up with fools and their lame excuses. Keep your attention on what leaders are doing, such as noticing how quickly Obama ran out of influence when he lost his vision. Never forget to ask for divine assistance, divine intervention, even if the leaders have forgotten this. For my part, let's see what the New Moon chart can tell us about what is coming up this month.

The New Moon joining Mercury/Uranus/Sun in an exact stellium in Pisces lifts the veils to the spirit worlds. Last month the New Moon conjoined Chiron/Neptune exposing our inner wounds that block spirit. You now have access codes in your body/mind that can dial up cosmic consciousness. Advanced spiritual agencies can move into your body/mind when the New Moon removes the veils to spirit. This process will be very subtle and probably not registered until an hour after the New Moon; your lower and higher minds will merge when Mercury exactly conjuncts Uranus in Pisces. Then a few hours after Mercury joins Uranus, the Moon comes to Mercury/Uranus, which will awaken you to the merging of your lower and higher minds. The Sun exactly conjuncts Uranus the day after the New Moon, when your whole being will be flooded with these higher vibrations.

The Sun was exactly conjunct Jupiter during the February 28 Full Moon, when the Moon was very close to the Earth. This is could be what set off all the earthquakes. During the Pisces New Moon, Jupiter is in 13 Pisces, sharing the Piscean resonance with the stellium, but Jupiter is not aspected. This suggests we will be processing the damage from the quakes that have already occurred, since Jupiter is so often involved in earthquakes. Meanwhile, Saturn retrograde is in a wide opposition to the stellium. When the Sun makes its exact opposition to Saturn right after the Spring Equinox, structures will crumble but not necessarily because of earth changes. For example, financial structures may be shaken, since we are building up to a July opposition between Saturn in Libra and Uranus in Aries. Saturn opposing the stellium is tense, compacted, and determined. With the world so distressed during Night Six, I have been amazed by leaders who fritter away our money and refuse to change. Well, this New Moon might change that. Saturn squares Pluto, so the need for deep structural change is ongoing.

Mars in Leo went direct on March 10; and during the New Moon, Mars is in favorable aspect to many planets. Mars trines the New Moon/ Mercury/Uranus/Sun stellium in late Pisces, which could mean we are about to see great courage coming forth on the planet. Mars exactly trines the Spring Equinox Sun, which indicates rising courage all spring. Mars was uneasy while it was retrograde in Leo, but now he charges ahead to get the job done. Mars sextiling Saturn in Libra offers patience and a tendency for wise action instead of impetuous foolishness. Mars forms a quincunx to Chiron/Neptune, which fosters the need for spiritual direction. Mars quincunx Pluto in Capricorn favors contentiousness and overt aggression, and this long-lasting aspect (October 2009, and February through April 2010) has not been good for peace making. Venus has moved past a square to Pluto, but the influence is still in play, so women are encouraged to wake up the world.

Overall, this is a tight mystical field of energy, like a shaman working an activated power point for days and days. For me, the piercing of old wounds during the Aquarius lunar phases was almost too much to bear. Perhaps the lifting of the veils during the Pisces New Moon will feel like a welcome relief. The Spring Equinox comes in a few days when the new longer-term field moves in, so tune in for that reading in just a few more days!


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A tsunami warning has sounded

It has been an interesting week, and as you receive this I am still on the Big Island in Hawaii, preparing to deliver the keynote speech at a major inter-island event here on Saturday night.

We have been in this astonishingly beautiful state since February 18, and last Saturday were awakened at 6 a.m. with civil defense sirens blaring and the hotel p.a. system carrying this ominous words: "This is the duty manager speaking. A tsunami warning has sounded and all guests are asked to evacuate the hotel immediately and move to higher ground. Please leave your luggage behind and take only a few personal possessions. This is not a test. This is an actual alert. Please evacuate the hotel NOW. Do not panic or become alarmed. We have been informed that the first wave is not going to hit until 11 a.m. There is plenty of time to move to higher ground. If you do not have transportation, transportation will be provided."

We were never in any immediate danger, and I don't want to paint a picture that suggests we were, but it was an eerie feeling to be aroused out of a deep sleep like that, and there were some faster heartbeats as Em and I jumped up, dressed an quickly as we could, gathered our few things ("Make sure you have cash!" "Got it! Did you fill the water bottle?" etc.), and made our way to the lobby.

Most of the people there were waiting for buses, which eventually carried them to safe holding places, like church halls and school gymnasiums. We were among the lucky ones who got picked up by "locals" and taken to private homes high in the hills. In our case, the sponsors of this weekend's event sent a representative, who took us to his home, 700 feet above sea level, where he and his wonderful wife graciously offered us shelter, breakfast, lunch, and good conversation while we awaited the first wave, predicted to be anywhere between 8 and 12 feet.

As you must know by now from news reports, Hawai`i sidestepped any real incident, the waves dissipating before they got here, with the highest being about 3 feet, and actually being greater in Japan---although even there the effect was relatively minor.

All of this was because of the massive 8.8 earthquake in Chili, of course---one of the biggest quakes ever recorded in the history of such records. And so again we see tremendous loss of life (although not nearly as devastating as in Haiti in January) and the deep anguish that accompanies that...and we see, again, a planet in geophysical turmoil.

Some experts are telling us that we are going to be seeing more and more of these kinds of environmental disruptions in the months and years ahead, leading me to think that the wonderful information in the latest book in the Conversations with God cosmology---When Everything Changes, Change Everything---has come to us not a moment too soon.

If you have not had a chance to see this book, have not yet read it, I do hope that you will do so now. It observes that if we are to get through this time of turmoil---political and economical and well as geophysical---we are going to have to "change everything" about the way we hold life, about the way we think about God, and about how we see ourselves in relationship to each other and even to ourselves.

The book explains in detail the Mechanics of the Mind and the System of the Soul, and offers a remarkable combination of modern psychology and contemporary spirituality in what it calls The WECCE Technology. ("WECCE" is an acronym for When Everything Changes, Change Everything) This is, essentially, a new way of approaching life that can dramatically change the way change is affecting you.

As for my experience with the tsunami-that-never-was, I want to share with you that it placed before me, up close and personal, the truth of our own mortality. Life can be taken away from us on a moment's notice, and I hold with deep sadness in my heart the news of those who died, suddenly and without warning, as a result of the earthquake in Chili. I also hold each new moment that my own life brings me as an incredible and continuing Gift from this Universe; a pure treasure from God. I am grateful beyond words, and I truly hope to use every new minute I am given in this life to give a gift back to the people in my life and the people in our world.

Thank you, God, thank you, God, thank you, God for this wonderful day, this wonderful hour, this wonderful experience that I am calling my life! Grant that I may offer in each nano-second a gift to life itself through the way I am living it.

Love and Hugs,

© 2009 ReCreation Foundation - http://www.cwg.org - Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. His With God series of books has been translated into 27 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.

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Ready for Dimensional Living?

“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”  -Robert Burton
(And when you truly begin to understand and know multidimensional consciousness you imeaditly understand the impact every unaligned thought creates.  These basic ‘private’ thoughts have created much of our demise not re-membering the power we each hold.  ALL-ways OBSERVE | EXPLORE!)

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