Tag: trinity (page 1 of 2)

Jurassic World of Genetically Modified Simulacra

Jay Dyer, GuestJurassic World is the sometime sequel to whatever the last Jurassic film was. InJurassic Park, a ill-conceived theme park based on genetic resurrecting of the dinosaur all-star team. Now, Hollywood shows it’s gone fully green in recycling the same plot for a new audience of zombieswith Frankensaurus Rex. While the JurassicPlot (that’s a joke) is only a sliver different from the first, this time around genetic modifica [...]

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Hypatia, Ancient Alexandria’s Great Female Scholar

An avowed paganist in a time of religious strife, Hypatia was also one of the first women to study math, astronomy and philosophy On the streets of Alexandria, Egypt, a mob led by Peter the Lector brutally murdered Hypatia, one of the last great thinkers of ancient Alexandria. (Mary Evans Picture Library / Alamy) By Sarah Zielinskismithsonian.com One day on the streets of Alexandria, Egypt, in the year 415 or 416, a mob of Christian zealots led by Peter the Lector accosted a wom [...]

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What Most People Do Not Know About Manifestation

As the planet continues to raise her vibration toward a fifth dimensional frequency, the ability to manifest is becoming easier and faster. Ultimately those who are awakened to the possibility of a New Earth are working toward manifesting this into reality and need to know the missing piece of manifestation in order to be successful co-creators. The trinity of manifestation Manifestation involves using heartfelt intention, the Law of Attraction, and the Universal Law of Detachment. T [...]

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Gaining the Strength to Reach Your Limitless Potential

The stroke of midnight is here. Prepare yourselves for a quantum leap in consciousness. …..What is next for us cosmically? The huge Mayan shift back in 2012 has definitely left us with something to think about, but is anyone really aware of just what that shift filled with subtle nuances entails? How do we identify with anything subtle in this not-so-subtle world?Why aren’t we seeing the effects of a shift in the world? Doesn’t it feel as if things have just gotten far w [...]

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The Mystery of the Hebrew Letters HAY[h] & VAV[w]

hope-of-israel.orgSecret Code of the Hebrew Alphabet Hidden in the original Hebrew text of the Tanakh are profound and incredible truths -- truths contained in the usage of the first six letters of the Hebrew alphabet. In particular...

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Archangel Raphael & Archangel Chamuel October-14-2012

Konstantinos: Archangel Raphael & Archangel Chamuel-‘A Message To Our Family

Beloved Children of the Beloved Creator
We are the Energies of those who you call as Archangel Raphael and

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The Holy Trinity of Earth Angels!


1 May 2012

Our voices will be the trumpets breaking down the walls of this reality, shattering the reflections of our past selves and creating and accepting this new world of inner awarness of ones true self as a divine being of P...

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Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Channeled Messages Mar 19 – Mar 25, 2012


28 March 2012

Channeler: Shelley Young

Shelley's Note: If you would like to receive Archangel Gabriel's daily messages for free, please "like" our Trinity Esoterics page on Facebook, or follow us on twitter @...

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Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Channeled Messages Feb 27 – Mar 4, 2012


4 March 2012

Channeler: Shelley Young

Shelley's note: If you would like to receive Archangel Gabriel's daily messages for free, please "like" our Facebook page Trinity Esoterics or follow us on twitter @trini...

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Galactic Federation Of Light Master El Morya February 14 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light Master El Morya February 14 2012

http://lightworkers.org/channeling/152831/reality-god-action-through-you Last Tuesday was dearly missed by other circumstances that became a pertinent priority to our dear vessel. I AM gr...

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The Inner Geometry of the Interlaced Triangles


12 January 2012

Teacher: Djwal Kul

~**~ My Beloved in Christ: Let us enter into the consciousness of the heart. "Draw nigh to me, and I will draw nigh to you" are the words of the Lord spoken w...

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Battle of love for Peace in the Holy Trinity! – Mother Mary Queen


19 October 2011

Battle of Love for Peace in the Holy Trinity!

What a shower of white petals cover your tails right now!

My beloved children, I am your Mother Mary Queen of Heaven and Earth.

How much joy fills my heart ...

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The Healing Trinity by Brenda Schnose


Breath-Sound-Color 7/16/11 -

For those who do not believe that they know how to use their imagination – think of eating a juicy, crisp apple. Can you feel the juice of the apple as you bite into it? Can you feel the cold f...

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