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You Are Experience

Channeler: Faye Rouchi

Greetings, this is Bree, here to share this message with you....

Reality is a dream. All realities are dreams. The dreams you have while you perceive yourself as sleeping, is a dream within a dream, when one perceives the sleeping dream as a dream and the world of matter as reality. This is a misconception. All realities are dreams. All dreams are realities. They are one in the same. All dreams are created from feelings. All feelings are created from beliefs. All. Feelings are different from experience. You are moving from a world of feelings into a world of experience. Feelings are limited, separate. Feelings have labels, definition. Experience does not. Experience does not require or invoke beliefs. Experience is what you are. You are not your feelings, you create your feelings to have, to be experience. Feelings are part of what you are, not who you are. Feelings are part of experience. You are experience.

Everything you experience you have selected by the part of you within the higher realms of creation. Embrace your experiences, they are you. You have selected them. The part of you that rejects them is the part of you known as the ego, the smaller you. This ego is also you. Embrace this as well, as to reject it is to reject you, and your creation. A conscious creator always rejoices in its creation. Acknowledge when you are not rejoicing in every experience, whether labeled good or bad, desired or undesired, that you are not being a conscious creator. You have chosen the perspective of the smaller you. You have chosen to play with your creation, rather than to be your creation. You will continue to do this until you no longer hold interest with this toy. This type of experience is akin to childishness. It is limited, lacking much truth.

To choose to experience from the more expanded you, the you that created the ego, realizing the totality of your self, rather than the concentrated focus on the limited part of your self, which limits your experience, is to embrace infinite experience. So, in order to experience infinity, one must be infinite. What you are to be is a choice. Who and what you are just is, but how you are to be is always your choice. You can misperceive who and what you are, but you cannot change this. That is beyond your power. You just are. You are consciousness, the awareness of God, of Source. This you cannot change. But, you can change how you “be“. You do this by changing your feelings, and you do this by changing whether you feel or you experience. You are moving from having your focus on feelings, to having your focus on experience, in which feelings are a part. But they, feelings, are not perceived as the experience any longer, but rather a tool you use in creating your reality, your dream, your experience of your creation.

As I stated, it is wise to embrace your ego as it is your creation, and an empowered creator always rejoices in its creation. Your ego has never been nor will ever be your problem. Your rejection of it is. Your denial of it is. Your refusal to love it is your problem. All that you exclude is resistance to your Self. Stop judging your ego. Start embracing your ego. Take your gaze away from condemning , and begin to shine your awareness, within the act of love, upon it.
To focus on your feelings is to focus on your awareness within. To focus on experience is to focus on both within and without. To experience is limitless. You are limitless. To focus on experience is to focus on your limitlessness.

The world of matter is limited. It is relatively stagnant. Think of the world of matter as a single particle. See the empty space around the particle as experience, you. You are the empty space around the particle, therefore the particle is part of what you are, not all of what you are. The particle is part of your creation. You are the empty space and the particle, but only when you focus on the empty space, rather than the particle. You are your focus as this is your experience. You are experience. When you are in remembrance of what you are, you are in a state of consciousness. When you focus on the particle as what you are, you become limited and forgetful of your true nature. But, this is a choice you have made, to be the particle. To experience the particle is to be the particle. You are experience. You are consciousness. You are love, as love is a choice of consciousness. You are moving into a dream, a reality where the name of the game is to experience yourself as love, not ego. Love is a part of consciousness.

Love is part of what you are. But it is not the totality of what you are. You are experience, and experience is infinite. Love is but an experience of what you are, but you are even more than love. Love is an experience, it is an act, a choice. Love is all of these things, but you are experience, and that is even more. You are God, the experience of God, the exhaled hallelujah of God. As God, you created the ego. This you did to experience yourself by experiencing your creation. Just as the “God” “above” created you. You have experienced your ego. You have had much experience through the creation and immersing your self within this creation, the ego.

You are now going through the process of pulling out of this immersion. As you do this, you become aware of more surrounding you. You become more conscious because you become aware of more. All that surrounds you is YOU. So, as you become aware of more surrounding you, you open the gateway to that which you become aware of being you also, and your consciousness expands. The ego creates matter. Whether your ego or the ego of the Universe, or the ego of the Cosmos. So, to embrace your ego is to embrace all ego, and you become more united to the Universe and to the Cosmos. This is a big step to take to rediscovering the truth of who and what you are. You are experience. With this expanded awareness of ego, you become expanded. To embrace your ego, to choose to love your ego as your creation, you expand to love the Universe, the Cosmos. To love is to become one with. To become one with is to expand. To love is to expand. But you expand even beyond this.

Expansion is your purpose. Expansion is perceived change, as expansion is a different focus, encompassing more than that which was perceived before. You will reach a point where you are all that is once again, returning to a pure state of experience. Until that is accomplished, you will experience time; past, present and future. Time is getting shorter. Time is squeezing itself tighter, becoming more narrow. This is because your vibrations are becoming tighter, closer together, a process moving you to timelessness. As your vibrations consolidate, time shrinks, consolidates as well. There seems to be less of it, because there is less of it, until it is no longer. Consider your experience of less time a marker for you that you are closer to timelessness. Tonal is simply the unity of all vibration, the end of vibrations being separated. Just as experience is unity, of which your feelings are a part. To consolidated one is to consolidate both.

In this way, vibration and feeling become tools for your creative ability. They become the paints you use to paint your dream, your reality. There are more tools than these of course, but for now, we will stay focused on these two tools as they more directly relate to the concept of who and what you are in a more expanded state, a more cosmic state. The more cosmic you are, the more expanded you are. To limit your awareness to matter, to the particle is to limit your self perception. You are all of it, and the particle exists within the soup of the empty space. You are the particle and the empty space. But your awareness has been fixed on the particle for so long, it is a good exploratory experience to focus now on the empty space, for this then opens your awareness to both. You become expanded. Your awareness now is beyond the particle, beyond matter, beyond your human vessel. Your body has become expanded. Your body is now infinite, as the empty space is infinite.

As your body expands, your ego expands. It travels with you as long as your focus is on the Universe or the Cosmos. There is still perceived matter, and where there is matter there will be some form of ego. Embrace ego, as it is part of who you are, and part of what you are as experience. Without your ego you would cease to have experience. You are experience. This is the part of God, of Source that you are. You are the experience of God. You are consciousness. Consciousness experiences. But it is still much more. This is how vast you are. You are so vast that you will never complete your experience of your Self, although you are always complete.

As you focus on the empty space, as this becomes your experience, you are no longer limited to the human vessel in which you sit. Where you sit then, is within the empty space, carrying with you your immense experience as being matter. This is now part of who and what you are, so you carry all of matter with you. You are then the empty space and the particle, matter. As you become both, your body expands to be all of it. Your body becomes the Cosmos. You do not need to remember this, it happens automatically, every time you focus on the empty space. Simply by placing your awareness on the empty space, it becomes you. All matter is connected to the empty space. Therefore, your body becomes all of the Cosmos, contained within an infinite body, which is difficult to comprehend by the mind. Allow your mind, your creation of the ego, which has been you, the limited you that you have been playing with, to have a graceful journey. Your mind is fully capable of accepting the existence of the empty space of the Universe, and for many even the Cosmos. Just simply focus on the empty space, all the rest is automatic.

As you focus on the existence of the empty space within the Universe, the Cosmos, imagine this as that which fills the container of your human vessel. For this is truth. Embrace this as part of what you are. You are the Cosmos. The Cosmos is your creation. It is your playground to be God, to be experience. You are experience. This is who and what you are. You choose your experience. You always choose the experience that will free you from limitation. This act is an act of birth. You are birthing your creation, your ego. Your ego is birthing its creation, your mind, this is a microcosm in itself. The macrocosm is you as totality and nothing less. Part of this totality is the Cosmos, your creation also. You created the Cosmos for experience. You are experience. You created the Cosmos to experience you. You are the experience of God. God created you to experience God. You are also God, but also a part of God as well. You are both, as you are infinite, either through a microscope or a telescope.

Start being the telescope. See yourself as the empty space. Increase the colors of your palette. This will allow you to paint more expanded dreams, realities. It is at this juncture the use of imagination becomes powerful. Anything prior to this is simply fantasy. It will be our next exploration to look at fantasy and how it differs from imagination.

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The Enormous Scale of Creation

by Owen Waters

In the Middle Ages, most people worked the land. They were peasants who rarely ventured far away from their place of birth, so their concept of the world was quite small. Likewise, their concept of God the Creator was small in scale. To them, God was an all-powerful, wise, elderly, human-like figure who lived somewhere above them and would, one day, judge them in person.

People, at the time, didn't realize the massive size of the planet upon which they stood. To them, most of their universe could be seen from the top of the nearest hill. Today, with cosmology and the Hubble telescope to help us, our view of the size of the universe has been stretched farther and farther.What we have learned, since the Middle Ages, includes these realizations:

1. The Earth is not the center of the universe. Apparently, when this was discovered, it came as quite a shock.

2. The Earth is round. This was excellent news at the time: No more worrying that you might take to sea and sail off the edge of the world.

3. The Earth travels around the Sun. This means that, while modern-day life on Earth may seem to be expensive at times, it does come with the added bonus, once a year, of a free trip around the Sun.

4. The Sun is over a million times bigger than the Earth.

5. There are 200 billion other suns in our own galaxy.

6. There are well over 100 billion galaxies in the universe.

7. As big as the universe is, in order for God to be everywhere, God has to be bigger still.

When you view God as Infinite Being, the All That Is, or the Absolute, you have a sense of scale that still encompasses all of Creation, no matter how far the universe stretches. The infinity of Infinite Being encompasses all of space. The 'Being' part of Infinite Being created all of space within its consciousness.

In fact, in a universe full of infinite possibilities, how do we know that this isn't just one of many universes? The possibility that there may be infinite universes in all of Creation boggles the mind further still. If there are infinite universes, then ours is just one small one compared to the extend of Infinite Being, the Creator of all that exists.

The question is, where does the individual fit into this enormous scale of Creation?

As individuals, we each appear as a manifested part of Creation's infinite array of possibilities. However, that's just the external appearance.

The deeper into consciousness you travel, the more you become aware that the All is One. That the infinite possibilities are all expressions of the One. Beneath all expression is just the One, and the One is Infinite Being.

In the 'All is One' ultimate reality, you are not just a part of Infinite Being, you are a viewpoint of the One. Nothing can be truly separate from the One. It can only be another facet or viewpoint of the One.

That means that you are the One. You are Infinite Being.

Now, it may not be appropriate, in this external world of separate people, to announce, "I, personally, am Infinite Being." But, as you travel within, to that sacred space of your inner being, the truth dawns. You do realize that, deep down, that is what you are. You are Infinite Being, and so is everyone else, at the level of their deepest spiritual essence.

Because people are an expression of Infinite Being, the potential within each and every one of us is infinite.

There are no limits to what you will become in your journey back to your original spiritual home. And, there need be no limits in the life that you are now leading.

Society will benefit enormously when such realizations become commonplace. Today, however, the chances are that, throughout all of your life, you have been pressured to be modest. Society has been terrified of the idea that a person might think themselves important. "Don't even think about rising above your station," they cry.

Admittedly, inflated egos can be a tiresome bore, but it really is time to question any social conditioning which places limits upon human potential. A society that encourages all of its members to develop their full potential would be more supportive, creative and productive. Everyone would benefit.

The sooner more people think in terms of unlimited human potential, the sooner they will saturate the global mind atmosphere of the planet with that New Reality idea.

Just think of yourself this way:


*If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend! They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Owen Waters is the author of "Love, Light Laughter: The New Spirituality," which is available both as a paperback and a downloadable e-book, at:


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The great tragedy of Science – the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. – Thomas H. Huxley

Multidimensional News OCTOBER 2008

Many of the members of the ground crew have come from different Home worlds (stars/planets of origin) to take an earth vessel in order to assist in this great cosmic moment of planetary ascension. Our Corridor provides a homing beam by which each member can re-connect with his or her multidimensional SELF. The Arcturian Corridor serves as a star gate, a distribution station, or control tower, such as you have in your airports. We are the hubs, the way station for all inter-dimensional explorers. All inter-dimensional voyagers travel through our vortex/corridor. The, they either stay here or move on to whichever star system is their final destination.

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Amazing 7th Chakra Video & More!

The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
               –Eden Phillpotts

CLICK TO PLAY: Illuminated 7th Chakra

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So We May Speak in Common Terms!

Glossary of Some Important Terms

The Holy Ones

Angels: Divine messengers of Mother/Father God. Immortal Beings of Light, or Divine Spirit. Entrusted to orchestrate the means by which Divine Plan will be carried out. Archangels: Highest ranking Beings of Light in Angelic Realms. In charge of the many tasks needed to carry out Divine Plan of Mother/Father God. Ascended Master: Being of Light that has had past life or lives on Earth During Earth time, achieved full consciousness of highest level, merging spirit and body into Oneness that transcended all elements of Physical Creation. This Oneness created Angel-like Being that broke the strictures of karma and was able to serve as holy example for all humanity. Ascended Masters now serve on Holy Councils that assist humanity with its present Ascension process. Council of the Nine: Guardians of the Great Blue Lodge of the Great Blue Light of Sacred Creation. One of the Chief Councils of Lord Siraya. In this galaxy, the sacred Blue Lodge is housed in the Sirius-B star system. Creation: Infinite and continuous work of Mother/Father God. Consists of two aspects: Physical Creation (the human realm) and Spiritual Creation (the infinite dimensional realms of Spirit). Unfolds according to Divine Plan. Deva Kingdom: Physical Elementals who aid Angelic Realms and Councils of Elohim in formulating and maintaining many elements that make up Physical Creation. Divine Plan: Holy and divine blueprint of Mother/Father God. Through it, the many Creations are carried out. Elohim: Chief inter-dimensional Creator Beings. Take sacred spiritual energies given by Angelic Realms and help Angels to formulate and maintain Physical Creation, according to Divine Plan. Jesus Christ: Very high Ascended Master of Light. Came to teach humanity about workings of Love and its corollary — power of forgiveness. Showed how to use his teachings to ascend. One of the great prototypes for full consciousness sent to Earth by our loving and compassionate Mother/Father God. Lord Buddha: Very high Ascended Master of Light. Came here to teach humanity about workings of Compassion and how to use it to break constant cycle of Karma and thereby ascend. One of the great prototypes for full consciousness sent to Earth by our loving and compassionate Mother/Father God. Lord Kuwaya: Aspect of Mother/Father God in charge of overseeing primary energies of Creation that are needed to carry out Divine Plan. Supervises, along with Lord Siraya, unfolding of Divine Plan. Lord Metatron: One of major Archangels, as well as Chief Elohim. Assigned by Mother/Father God to be in charge of this present Creation, which is sixth of ten Creations provided for by Divine Plan. Lord Michael: Magnificent Being of Light and major Archangel. Duty is to inform the many Archangels how best to carry out Mother/Father God’s divine Plan. Lord Siraya: Aspect of Mother/Father God in charge of sacred Lineage and Councils of Heaven, that carry out Divine Plan. All Divine minions of Heaven follow his holy pronouncements. Mother/Father God: Supreme Creative Force or Supreme Light of Creation. Consists of three immortal and powerful creative aspects, of which only two — Lord Siraya and Lord Kuwaya — have been revealed. God’s purpose is to unfold Creation according to Divine Plan. Spiritual Hierarchy: Sacred structure that represents holy lineage of Heaven. Consists of the Angelic Realms, the Deva Kingdom, the Ascended Masters, the many Orders of the Elohim and the numerous Divine Councils of the Time Lords. Time Lords: Great Beings of Light whose orders are represented by many Divine Councils. In charge of Time, which, along with Light, is one of the two elements that compose Creation.

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Message from Ker-On | 24 July 06


Ker-On  | 24 July 06


Events are developing very quickly upon Earth, and it is clear that decision time is being forced on to many people who are involved in determining the path of Humanity. Either you choose to stay on one that leads to continued death and destruction, or pressure is brought to bear to change your present course.

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Messages from Ker-on & Atmos 17/18 Jul 06

Messages from Ker-on & Atmos


Ker-On  | 17-July-06


We could always see that events would get worse before they got better. Out of the situation that now faces you in the Middle East, will come the opportunity to move politicians towards the understanding that the people involved seek a peaceful outcome. There is a lot of pressure from inside the countries not to just stop the confrontation from escalating, but to bring a halt to it for all time. Out of a difficult and delicate situation you will find it is possible to prevent it drawing in other countries.

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Monjoronson Talks About Population & Earth Changes

Monjoronson Talks About Coming Changes!

Lesson preceded by centering and construction of the merkaba. There were numerous celestial beings present, some standing behind each one of us, with their hands on our shoulders. A ball of brilliant white light descended into the middle of the group. The merkaba whirred into action like a big dynamo and we connected the heart line, mind line, and became “one with each other, in mind and heart.” The group then used the merkaba for good, by bending its energy beam to wherever it was needed—for healing, abundance, prosperity, correct action, fulfillment, etc. We were surrounded by light and wisdom, an abundance of the universe radiated into each of us. Some of our work is to radiate that abundance back out into the world to those who need assistance and wisdom.

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Arcturians an Introduction

We Are the Arcturians

We are the Arcturians, and I am Juliano, one of the commanders of the contingent that is overseeing the Earth connection. We have a very strong interest in the Earth, for we view ourselves as the midwives of your spiritual birth into the fifth dimension. You would not expect a human baby to be born into the third dimension without assistance to both the mother and the baby. Therefore, we have been designated as powerful helpers for you in your birthing process. We are like a magnet that is attracting your spiritual energy into the higher realms.

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Message from St. Germain 10-July-06

St. Germain Wisdom!


I wish to remind you that in your present role on Earth, you are an aspect of yourself chosen to play out particular events that are important to your evolution. You bring with you unfinished business, and also situations that you have previously enacted one way, and now desire to play differently. These are decisions you make between incarnations, with a view to advancing along your evolutionary path. Each and every one of you goes through these times of decision-making.

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