Tag: transmission (page 2 of 4)

WHAT’S AHEAD for the PLANET EARTH? Another Transmission from The Reconnections…….

The transformative energy moves on, even as more and more souls begin to come "online" with the Oneness Paradigm. Transits through various life paths that used to take years, or even lifetimes, have been condensed into modules of a few weeks or months....

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Arcturian Portal Transmission GoldRing Game of Enlightenment

Arcturian Portal Transmission GoldRing Game of Enlightenment No related posts.

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Galactic Federation Of Light Hilarion January 26 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light Hilarion January 26 2012

http://lightworkers.org/channeling/151439/love-yourself-and-let-healing-begin Welcome dearest children of God to our transmission that is getting underway. Before we begin, I am sending forth a c...

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LOVE Yourself and Let the HEALING Begin


Message from Ascended Master, Hilarion Channeled by: Julie Miller January 25, 2012

Welcome dearest children of God to our transmission that is getting underway. Before we begin, I am sending forth a cleansing wave of love and ...

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Transmission by Iqra, Chi-Ean Race within Earth’s Core


18 January 2012


Earth Healing Transmission, 1994, Adelaide, South Australia: Jan Heinrich & the Chi-Ean, Iqra,


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Transmission by YE about ‘Channeling’


28 December 2011


“So that if a being is channelling of another more spiritual, higher frequency, it is usually the case that the person steps outside of one's ...

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Transmission of Light: The Pituitary Dimensional Attunement

Tom Kenyon (and the Hathors) From our perspective the ascension process can be viewed as two convergingenergetic streams. The first involves your KA body, your subtle energy body (i.e. your etheric twinor spiritual double). Any method that raises the...

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Great Changes are in the Air!

Meg Blackburn Losey Greetings to each of you! What a time we are in! Our temporary quiet time energetically has come to an end! As you may recall, the Masters have been giving us a blow-by-blow description of the star gate system that is reopening in ...

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Menon: Xyx’Na – Sacred Galactic Flash Point


August 22nd, 2011 By Simeon Chiron Nartoomid

A Family of Light Oneness Energy Channeling Article by Simeon Chi'Ra w/ Ascended Master Menon

I initially received this term Xyx'Na (ZYE-na) from Ascended M...

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Xyx’Na ~ Sacred Galactic Flash Point

by Simeon ChiRa w/ Ascended Master Menon I initially received this term XyxNa (ZYE-na) from Ascended Master Menon for the upcoming special Global Link Transmission by the same name. However, I did not know what it meant, or why it was being used in c...

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James Kwok’s “Hidro+” Tech Floating to the Top


James Kwok's "Hidro+" commercially available technology allows for energy to be harvested from gravity induced pressure differentials in columns of water. "Ash" from Panacea-BOCAF recently visited Hidro+, witne...

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Channeling on the Return of the Hopi Blue Star Kachina from the Orion Blue Fire Command


6 March 2011

I received a transmission from Tashab'va, the Orion Blue Fire Command, as I was working on the upcoming "Ninth Rainbow of Universal Consciousness" webinar program (its truly immense).

The Orion Blue ...

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Recent & Radical Cellular Healing – The Arcturian Collective

Channeler: Lauren C. Gorgo

Many of us have been going thru a sincere rough patch the last couple of weeks...well, really this has been in varying degrees since the equinox...but the last 2 weeks have been especially unkind. In light of the many emails I have been receiving about this exceptionally gooey and physically taxing integration period, I decided to call on the support of the unseens to answer a particularly heartfelt question that I feel many would benefit from.

I feel like I’m so lost and I suppose faith will see me through but I can’t help but feel like faith got me into this mess, I gave up everything, including my heart, soul and every breath I have ever drawn to partake in the transition and now as I witness the crumpled pieces of what’s left of my mortal life, I wonder ... is this all my fault, did I do something wrong, why do I find myself in this limited place where I feel like I have no choice but to continue on this path, that any plan I try to execute will be thwarted and I will have no choice but to come back to this place, where any kind of joy is fleeting but pain and suffering seem eternal.

I understand that we create our own circumstances, but I have never ever believed that me or my family deserved to live under such over-powering pressure, I feel like I can’t breathe, and I know that there are other light workers in similar situations, where it feels like we have given everything for this cause and we are left out in the cold, while others needs are meet, I just don’t understand?

I have always felt so clear about my destiny and who am I and where my path leads and now I cannot see the future anymore like it is blocked from me, I feel so alone and yet I feel many near me, but they are of little comfort when they are safe in divinity and I am here afraid.

Do you know why there are lightworkers like me who are in awful situations and lost places, my whole life feels like it never fit me, I am so uncomfortable, everything feels like a complete opposite to what I believe in and hold dear , it feels so traumatizing to wake up here every morning, it’s like ash in your mouth, there is no light here and nothing grows.


Blessed warrior, be at peace. This journey is not for the faint of heart, no, and we assure you that though there is nothing left in this dimension for you to explore, that it is in fact, designed to be that way.

We share that though you are contemplating the direness of your situation at hand, in truth, what you are experiencing is the total opposite of this...that is to say that every part of you has arrived, has passed through the portal to your new vibrational experience, but with mere threads of your physical self left to complete the reconnection. This discordance...the extreme differences between what is real and what you are presently experiencing, leads to the absolute conflict, confusion and frustration of your current physical circumstances.

You are not alone in this, by far...many who walk beside you on this timeline are experiencing similar isolation and disconnection from truth. May we suggest that when you are undergoing a period of disconnect...wading through the void as we say... that you instead look to your external environment for clues to what is already on its way to you.

Often in these situations, when you are seemingly cut-off from your higher vision and the source of your expanded self, it is near to impossible to see the bigger picture or the many layers of your reality that are in fact supporting your higher intentions. In these circumstances, when you feel disconnected from what feels good...which has been your main gauge for truth throughout this journey... we provide you with the guidance to instead look around you, to look for and SEE the physical events taking shape in your outer landscape of life that lend credence to your divine truth. Yes, you are that close now.

For what is truly happening is this:

The last energetic ties to the old paradigm, the old earth and its ways of creation, are being severed, unplugged and removed from your energy field and you are simultaneously being fully replugged into the new matrix. This severing period places you in an energetic quarantine for two reasons... so that you are blocked (protected) from creating any further realities from the expired (karmic) grid matrix, and so that you take the necessary time to nourish and support your body through this radical cellular healing initiated by the biological restructuring and mutation into the crystal vibration.

Your physical cells are undergoing radical and deep transformations at this time. This cannot be overstated...for the physical realms that you are soon to participate in require the complete and total clearing of all 3d dimensional reality constructs.

This part of the journey is very taxing on the physical body, yes, and when your vitality is low, your perceptions, your out-look, is at risk. To keep your head above the rising waters of biological purification, we suggest that you remain as present as possible with what surrounds you and to engage in those things that are still able to bring you joy...for those few things remaining are the intrisnic parts of you that are true, the essence of you that will always remain in tact. Immerse yourself so fully in any pleasure that you can call upon knowing confidently that the rest is taken care of for you.

We realize that there are few words that we could share that would lift the suffering of disconnect, for you are creators and so your natural tendency is to create. To be blocked from participating in the creation of your desires is nothing short of a living death, and so we assure you, even if it is yet again through words, that you will come through this cellular integration with a renewed sense of life, a renewed love, a renewed desire to create, and a renewed sense of confidence in your many abilities.

We don't pretend to to know the physical experience of your personal ascension process, but we do know that the only way around the process is directly through it. The intensity of your biological re-balancing and physical resurrection is contingent upon your ability to surrender to the changes fully.

This grounding period is indeed a very physical-based experience, and so the cellular rejuvenation has been nearly multiplied to allow for the full de-cension of your spirit body into form.

Be at peace with the end of life as you know it. Be at peace with the physical resurrection required to attain mastery. Be at peace with the unknown. But mostly, be assured that all of this is bringing to you exactly what you most long for.

We, the Arcturians, are a most proud and advanced civilization of the fifth density. We offer you a glimpse of the utopia that your future holds for you...an existence where love is the primary element of life.

We maintain unsurpassed love & deep abiding respect for all of you, as we honor the warrior in each of you. Your contribution to the overall plan is unrivaled, as is your ability to achieve your pre-planned & collective goal.

Farewell for now.

Telepathic Transmission thru Lauren C. Gorgo at ThinkWithYourHeart.net

Copyright © 2009 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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