Tag: transitions

Solar System Status Update

The Oort cloud, which extends a few light years beyond the outer Solar System, is full of motherships of the Galactic Confederation, a large gathering of representatives of hundreds of thousands of positive races from throughout the Galaxy:https://en.w...

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The Science of the Dogon

Excerpt from The Science of The Dogon, by Laird ScrantonThe information presented in the preceding chapters demonstrates a direct relationship between the symbols and themes of the Dogon creation story and known scientific facts relating to the formation of the universe, matter, and biological reproduction. This relationship is a broad and specific one that is couched in clear definitions and supported by priestly interpretations and cosmological drawings. The parallels between Dogon myth [...]

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Could Google’s Project Fi be cable’s answer to wireless?

 Excerpt from cnet.com Google's Project Fi wireless service has the potential to turn the mobile industry on its head. But not in the way you might expect. Last week, Google announce...

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High Council of Orion, Lady Quan Yin June-09,10-2013

High Council of Orion — Channeled Message — 9th Jun 2013
9th June 2013.

Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood


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Transitions – “The devil’s best trick is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist!”

    Thanks to “A” (and another indirectly) for sharing this link recently ♥. The video is from Bernard Guenther, blog owner of Piercing the Veil of Reality. [See link below.] It’s 1 hour and 50 minutes long and in my opi...

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Navigating the End of the Mayan Calendar/Expiration Date

When I go quiet for a while and don’t write anything at TRANSITIONS, it’s always because I’ve been soul-deep in BIG changes once again. We all have the continuous smaller Ascension related symptoms, aches and pains and changes. However, every few...

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September 25th through October 1st

alpha life trends ... Transitions culminate as the Sun lights the pathway to change, breakthrough and freedom ... This week, September 25th through October 1st, we find that through the review of our efforts, we will culminate the transitions that ha...

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September 11th through September 17th

alpha life trends ... September requires additional effort to break through the old concepts and restrictions ... This week, September 11th through September 17th, brings in the heightened Full Moon as it rises Sunday evening to provide a powerful mi...

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Are You Still Cranky? So?

Posted: 28 Sep 2010 01:33 PM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

Are you still cranky? Are you tired to death of these transitions?

Of course, this is a trying time for you. Your ...

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States of Manifestation

To paraphase Gigolo Joe, the lover robot from Steven Spielberg's AI: Artificial Intelligence: "Let's combine ... Chemistry with ... Affections". Some would call them afflictions, but that is just their limited self speaking. Nope, Chemistry class today, actually Chemistry 101: States of Life. And to jive things up, I'll even throw in some classy free music to go with it, totally off charge!

From our days in highschool, we all remember the states of matter:

These are straight from Wikipedia, which mentions a host of other more specialized states, but let's keep it simple for now. We will just restrict ourselves to Gaseous, Liquid and Solid, with a brief outing into plasma.  My main theory is this, that states of matter are not restricted to chemistry alone, and that we could very well recognize States of Life, or States of Manifestation. Looking at the above diagram, and Knowing what I Know Now, I claim that:

  1. Lust is the Solid state of Life
  2. Love is the Liquid State of Life
  3. Knowing is the Gaseous state of Life
  4. Oneness is the Plasma state of Life

How's that for starters? Perhaps that is why the most spoken language across the world refers to both the science of Chemistry and the Attraction between people as Chemistry? Was it this realization that made Iggy Pop explode into creativity with his hit called Lust for Life?

Lust is (like a solid) usually a case of fixed relationships, even though actual reactions may still create alternate connections. Point is, people hardly ever make life changes because of just lust. Because the moment they do, their heart start melting, and Lust turns into Love! Conversely, when Love turns sour but the need for relationships pulls again, we tend to freeze right out of Love, back into Lust. 

Now Love can be hot, but only upto a certain point. After that, it becomes so volatile that relationships no longer work. Yes, you got it right. You may have thought of swingers as a lesser breed, but actually they have transcended the need for more or less stable relationships.  That does not mean their Love is any weaker than yours!

To illustrate the state of Mind that goes with this state, called liquid, just listen to Robbie Valentine's Megaman, from the incredible album called the Magic Infinity:

As we go up in the world of states, freedom for the individual particles becomes ever greater. One may fall back from Knowing or Love to Lust, but the attraction remains. How many of us wished they had what it takes to be a free agent, interacting in this field as if nothing could hurt them? Now I'm not talking conspiracy here, because no man or group of men has been intentionally plotting to keep us from ascending. Basically, it is just essential Set Theory: us all being 'limited' subsets of anything, it stands to reason we are unique and hence not the same. Thus the common part of us is BY DEFINITION smaller than most of us individually. And interactions tend to keep us fixed. Solids need no container to contain themselves, but liquids do, just like gases. The same goes for Lusters, Lovers and Knowers.

For the third state, the gaseous one, I've chosen Donna Summer's the State of Independence. Just turn her on (if you dare) while I wrap up this little number....

And then there's the fourth state, the Plasma state. Call it Oneness, Spirituality, or anything you like. This is the state where Chemistry becomes moot, because as you remember that is where the molecules split into their atoms, thus becoming available again for the dance of manifestation, back into Chemistry, just for the Rush of it! And that is the final musical finale of today: I knew it was going to be a Rush song, but never in a million years figured it would be a song called Subdivisions, which I'd never even heard.....

One last thing: you may have noticed that there are no state transitions from either solid or liquid straight to plasma. In hindsight, that make perfect sense: since free will is the prime directive in this cosmos, you having expressed relationships as your wishes will not be wrenched free from them. Only when you consciously decide that your love is unconditional, and thus given while expecting nothing whatsoever in return, will you become hot enough to reach the gaseous, and through it, the plasma state. Now don't you run off to get a divorce, because that is not the way to go. That is not unconditional Love, but withdrawal of Love, and that will get you nowhere fast! Just keep sending the love, and pretty soon you'll notice you won't fall in love any more unless it is with the All. But just like two gas molecules may choose to travel in the same direction for a while or longer, their relationship is openended. Love sets free, does not try to bind or contain.

Love your Lust for Chemistry,


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World Gratitude – Day 1 – WAKE TO DREAM

A man’s silence is wonderful to listen to.

– Thomas Hardy



"Earthquake Rose", image shared by Rachel F.

Welcome Beloved!

For our 42 Day World Gratitude gathering (and beyond!),

let’s use the following practice to connect with our world

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The Position and the Transition Teams!

“What Team Do You Play On?” an illustration by SethD8 – 2/2/07


The Reality Creators

& The Reality Dismantlers!

Are you a density creator or are you a density dismantler? A position team member, or a transition team member. If you are reading this article, more than likely you are a density dismantler, a darkness illuminator, an energy harmonizer, a “light worker”, or in my terminology – a planetary transition team member, a Planetary Ascension Specialist. You have come here at this time in the evolutionary process of this planet for its Ascension into a star and humanity’s ascension into immortal bodies of Light.

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Universal & Spiritual Laws


Universal & Spiritual Laws of the Cosmos

Star Laws of the Wheel of Humanity

Universal Law of Free Will

TUNKASILA – Protects Personal Freedom

ARCTURUS – Invokes the Freedom Ray

QUAN YIN – Accesses Great Karmic Council

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