Tag: train (page 2 of 6)

Galactic Federation of Light Archangel Raphael April-15-2013

Wes Annac – My Experience with the Light Ship Tulya


Apr 12

My experience with the Light Ship Tulya has been brief, but it has served to personally show me previously-hidden things about our Galactic brethren and the way they communicate with us and give us their energies in accorda...

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Historic flashmob in Antwerp train station, do re mi


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HEAVEN #4111 Catch the Heaven Train , February 26, 2012


God said:

Come, sit down with Me. Let Us recall Truth and forget everything else, for all else can only be imagined. You thought of all else. You feared that Truth is a wolf at your door, ready to eat you up. Soon, before you know...

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Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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Heart @ Work – Childish Christmas Joy

I found her perched on my work bench the moment I came in and gently laid Netty on the opposite desk. Since she needed to preserve her strength to play with me on the road home, which as I found out just now will probably be long and winding..... No...

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She had me @ hello…

Dedicated to Extince, the homey whose viervoeters rocked my world.....

She had me @ Hell-o, I met her 'cross the Table 

Our eyes met somewhere out-a-here, thus rend'ring me unABLE

to do ma thang, and do her in, but then I'm glad ...

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Change of Reality


this article is an experiment:  it mixes volatile words with enchanted grammar, to virtually blow reality out of the water: no reality please, I'm Pisces! But I sure hope nobody feels hurt, and no soul either...

Having successfull...

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Write it off, or Write it On(e)?

When on the train to work this morning, and pondering over the article I posted earlier about writing for reality, another related topic surfaced in my mind: I've been ardently writing in my Diary these last nine years or so, but then this year, for...

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Wouldn’t wanna be like them…. ;-)

But come to think of it, at one point in time I probably was: tied down by the full catastrophy, never having come to the idea that 'reality' needed the prefix '3D' in order to distinguish it from that other realm. They were sitting in my train this m...

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Kicking off…. …and leaning back

I got stranded at home today, by a lack of oxygen that had me put the bicycle back where it was, and mail my boss I'd not be joining him today. Since providence had already provided me with EagleEyes' comments on the topic, I decided to simply follow ...

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No Fun Today….

I announced I was going for the fun today, but like always I probably try too hard. Even though "trying too hard" in my case defaults to "seeing what comes up". Well, the only thing that came up was a bunch of unwilling computers...

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Are our kids more evolved?

I've never been able to truly sense the paranormal, figuring I'm a bit handicapped that way. Or it could be that that's just the way I handicapped myself before coming here, just to see if I could make higher realization anyway. But that does not mean...

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