Tag: timelines (page 2 of 2)

DL Zeta – Virtual Reality Shifts are a Doorway into Fifth-Dimensional Timelines


It is possible at any time to visualize and begin aligning with the version of your reality that allows you to exist along fifth-dimensional timelines. As you gradually shift to higher-vibrational realities, struggle falls away from y...

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Participate in the Light Coming: the time is NOW

a message from Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 8 July, 2010  (posted 9 July, 2010)

Qualities of the New Earth 

Hello you beautiful beings, and friends, members of the Family of Light.

I c...

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It’s July! Here are the Keys to Your New Porsche

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 1 July, 2010  (posted 4 July, 2010)

Clearing away anything which does not fit with your “future” incarnation...

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Buffalo Diaries – Growth

Well, Little Hawk was intended for another. Welcome, to this new energy and I am honored to be able to pass on the information. It is a humbling experience to be in the presence of Creator and speak words on their behalf. Blessings to Little Hawk...

Today, the birds are back. They were conspicuously absent from the yard yesterday when I awoke and stepped outside for my morning tea. There was much to clear and shed light on yesterday, a darkness surrounding the outskirts of our presence. Much was illuminated and many discoveries made. Such is the nature of soul retrieval. When something is off, we go after it... Look for the source, so as to get the energy back and seal the crack. 
As the day progressed, my partner, Deva and I continued to stay present and alert, sensing the swirling fractals of experience and calling our power back from situations where it had been lost. We discovered what was needed and did the work, staying present for one another as the cords and attachments were released and all the black magic spells and curses were broken. I was working on healing a sense of betrayal and manipulation, forgiving and releasing more insight into the situation appeared as it was being released. I came to see the outcome of another’s will being expressed or projected onto me and my surroundings. It was palpable and very controlling, however subtly so. 

We contemplated obligation vs. highest good and what that meant, discovering the importance of remaining true to one’s Higher Consciousness. That is how we live. We listen, discern and move with Creator, staying aligned with and acting only upon those experiences that are for our highest good. When obligation comes in, resonating with such a different frequency, what does one do? It causes friction, and one tends to suborn their Higher Consciousness. It is true, what is in one’s highest good may not be the same for another and true brothers and sisters on the path will understand that. Clear, compassionate communication is necessary in these situations and much Love and Kindness; all must allow each to be and express themselves to a collaborative resolution. 

This is what Love does... 

Love is acceptance and gratitude, deep resonant Truth in the face of all. Love restores everything to the natural order and perfect balance with all Creation. Love allows all to be, with forgiveness and release. 

The birds returned again, a big flock of them are in the yard right now! Singing and talking, they are picking away at the detritus in the yard, recycling energy for the natural order. Yay!!! Thank you, Creator! 

How does one carry the light that they are into the world? Shining so bright and standing in Truth can be intimidating and overpowering for others who may be facing their own challenges in expressing their own Light and Authenticity. What does one do? Is it appropriate to “tone it down” for the audience? I think not... I compromised my energy many times in my life and all it did was strip me of my power and suborned my Higher Consciousness. I did what was other than for my highest good, I suppressed my expression and that took me down other inauthentic timelines of experience. 

I have spent the last three years healing from this experience and come to know that I must continually strive to be the very best human being I can possibly be... I must follow my Higher Self, allowing the guides and the rhythm of the Universe to lead the way. In restoring balance to myself and acting with integrity, I authentically move through each of life’s experiences with Love and Kindness. This has created a peaceful energy and sanctuary around me. It works!

It is apparent that it is working because my life is filled with abundance... Love, Health, Wealth and Happiness. The natural order of All that Is and I am in flow with it in my life. And it shows... Our light shines bright, we are in right relations, we are happy and joyous. We dance, we sing and we celebrate. We are free.

And so I have come to see that suppressing energy for any reason is other than the light. It is manipulative and controlling. We are all come to this Earth to express Love and Kindness; to be one with Creator in physical form. As this happens, as our beingness comes into alignment with all Creation we have access to vast resources. We are in flow with all of the Universe and the order, once restored, brings us to the right place at the right time and there is nothing to do, but just be. 

This was an uncomfortable feeling for me when I was first starting out... Believing in myself enough to flow, rather than control, manipulate and strategize. I remember that and understand why it is uncomfortable. But I sit here now and say, please work with those feelings so as to allow the Light that you are to shine. You are a Light Being in human form and the planet is in transition. We are evolving into higher frequencies of Light as foretold by many far and wide. 

So, it’s uncomfortable... Many things in this life have been uncomfortable and yet, I survived and got better at it... When learning to walk as a child, I tried, toppled over, laughed and got back up again. This is the experience... We are learning to walk again before we can fly. We are learning to release all the holds of the old ways to create something so new as to have never been seen before. All the great thinkers and sages of their day were looked at with suspicion. The masses viewed the outliers with separation and ignorance. They were not having the same experience. The visionaries were out in front, leading the way... the scouts for the new route, we are testing paths of consciousness to determine their efficacy towards cultivating the Loving Timeline. 

I am seeing a rewriting of the human story. The mythology of the past has become far outdated and frankly has ceased to function for humanity today. We are in search of a new Hero’s Journey, as Joseph Campbell would say and I have come to see the Truth in this. There are many who are forging the way, releasing the traditions of the past, so as to have a greater clarity and ability to listen. We are dowsing the way, but must be crystal clear in our being to know the Truth. Every step along the way, a discovery of that to be release so the Journey can continue. 

We are here to bear witness to each other’s challenge and support and grow as we transmute the very foundation that reality has been created in. Those that are willing to postulate that there is something different and test the hypothesis are visionary beings in troubled times. They are out there and I commend their efforts. All of our efforts, during this time of transformation are necessary if we are to proceed onto the Loving Timeline. Much personal effort and growth mark the inspired one; they know it is difficult and never give up even though they may falter. 

And whatever place you are on your journey know that there is support all around you. You are one with all Creation and Creator is there for you.

We are here for each other to support one another when and how we can, to stay aligned to individual sovereignty and grow... always grow, the time for dallying on the trail is over. Constant forward movement as the frequency quickens we must learn to move faster than fast to stay in the flow. Light and Love are faster vibrations, follow them and leave the density behind. Release anything that is impeding the flow and sovereignty returns. Be in the Truth and all is revealed... 

I now take total personal responsibility for all my thoughts, words and actions I have created in any lifetime, any dimension or reality and in all forms of consciousness. I am the light of this body, the universal one, beyond the mind I am that complete radiant One.

I shine the brilliance of my Light and share my Love with all Creation, forgiving and releasing all the past I step into this moment, completely as I am...

Listening for the beat, I step into my frame and Dance...

Love and Kindness,


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Uriel Heals: The Spring Equinox

For the last two weeks I have been feeling the energies of the equinox of March 20 building and they have been very powerful. So many people have felt these energies as physical illness, ranging from strange infections to hospitalizations for serious conditions. It is not an accident that at a time when we are thinking about spring cleaning, our energies are also being cleared and we have an opportunity, in the presence of this highly charged energy, to complete areas of transformation that we have either not been ready for, been willing to do or were not aware of. With these energies that the Equinox is bringing forward, we will not have to wonder what we need to do to finish our clearing and healing work, it will be revealed in ways we cannot ignore.

After what has been, for most of the northern hemisphere, a cold and snowy winter, that kept many people indoors, spring invites us to step outside and rejoin the world. The focus was on going within, spending time with ourselves, sitting with our pain and doing the healing work to release it. Once we step into the flow of these transformative energies, we are signaling that we are ready to step up to their level and any lower vibrating vibrations must be dealt with, through release or transformation. This is a voluntary process and with our free will we must acknowledge that we are willing to let them go. If we are unaware of what they are, we will get the experience we need to do the release work. The energies are here and we are running out of time.

Have you noticed how quickly time seems to go by? That is because our timelines are being compressed and we are moving into multi-dimensional Universal time and linear time is dissolving. Over the next three months, until the Solstice, we will begin adjusting to this new concept of time and releasing any energies that are part of our karmic timelines. The next level of work we will be completing is with the emotions, so be prepared for some emotional clearing that will release a great deal of karma, soul group connections, memories and soul contracts.

We can move into these new energies with grace and effortlessness, once we accept that this is how the world will be for the next several years, which will progress as strong energy shifts, followed by clearing and settling and then more shifts. Once we are aware that this is happening we can tune into the energies as they begin shifting and do the healing and clearing work we need to do, before it is forced on us. This is a time of preparation and clearing as we align ourselves with the higher levels of being that will move us out of third dimensional energies. These next three months will bring powerful clearing and healing, so accept the challenges, be willing to flow with them and keep your intention focused on the reality you wish to create.

Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, www.urielheals.com are included.

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Sneak Preview……

Today, I feel urged to to reveal a little of the novel I'm currently writing. Not sure what it will accomplish, but the urge is there, and it feels good. "Make It Real" is a so-called braided tale weaving three timelines into a timeless piece of reflection:

  • My 2007 past self, in the form of the novel Going Within, which I wrote back then. It's name turned out to be aptly appropriate, for it is now Going Within the new Make It Real novel.
  • My 2010 now self, which comments on things as I write this novel.
  • My 4444 future self, an android, who addly enough bears the name of 'Sander R.B.E. Beals', the 'author' of this book for those who don't know any better....

Comment I got from a fifteen year old as I told him the outline of the story: "This book is going to change a lot"  and me, daft as I am, said "Why?, it is almost half finished"  Turned out he meant that it would change many of those reading it....  And you know what they say about kids.  And no, he wasn't one of my kids.......

Love your Light, 


P.S. I still come up short on my list of E-mail addresses to present to the publisher as receivers of the mailing about that book. Especially since I do not specifically wish to invite my colleagues to join. This story might be a bit too close to home to involve them. However, if they pass the barriers I will be putting up, then their knowledge of it is apparently what should happen.

4444AD, Day 223, 12:34, Home

I'm flat on my back, relaxing as I'm working. The two by two meter vidcloth on the ceiling displays various windows, from various eras. Top left is my vision feed of March 12th, 2010. I have the accompanying audio on the speakers, and “Day sixteen: Loser” plays, not interfered by anything else in the vicinity. I just love seeing myself be busy creating. The video feed gets interrupted by the screen saver kicking in: photos of an intimately familiar lady fill that top left corner. I leave it be, and switch to another, apparently me in a train. Nobody in  view, just empty seats opposite me.   
I remember how I felt back then, being busy with the idea of the neural network I'd envisioned seeing myself create. I know I can't actually make myself achieve anything better back then, but I can make myself feel better about it. I flip open the plans of the quadrionic mind in my mind's eye, and study them for the next few minutes. By focusing the energy of that activity on my past incarnation, I can strengthen his belief in the fact that he will, in due time, achieve his goal. Just as I eventually did in 2042....
Seda steps into the bedroom, seeing me enjoy myself. She bounces onto the bed next to me, and immediately succeeds in getting my mind off myself. Hey, some people have that effect on me, what can I say? “And, where has my most favorite girl in all the world been hanging around?” I ask her. She tells me she's been walking around town, collecting interesting things from an antiques shop she frequents on a regular basis. Roberto, the antiquarian, told her he had some really nice needlework from around the turn of the second millennium. She jumps off the bed, and steps into the corridor, only to return with four almost square frames. They depict four angels, delicately embroidered on white linen. Two are relatively colorful, a third is done in distinct autumn-like colors. The forth and final one apparently depicts wintertime. A quick reference to the vidcloth on the ceiling gives the game away: the design is indeed a quartet, and these are called the Four Seasons. My vision enhancer highlights a slightly off-colored patch in the corners of the needle works. In icy blue, nearly indistinguishable from the surrounding whiteness, some sort of code is embroidered: MS2000. I now begin to appreciate the weird familiarity of the female foursome: I have seen them before! Rather than letting the raw power of the Google vision search loose on it, I'd rather let my mind do the work involved. The vision search is a descendant of the Google image search, which searches for imagery based on text. Vision Search does quite the opposite: based on a single image, it retrieves images of the same subject, or similar ones, to enable the user to gather context data on something they've only seen once.
And then it hits me: around 2000, my dad in that life embroidered these  ladies, proud to have done it in only 555 hours! I flip over the frames, and indeed: one of them has a small label on it, specifying the name of the works, the period they were made in, and the telltale 555 hours.
It is always nice to find stuff from your own past. It reminds you of the timelessness and the interconnectedness of things, which reminds me:
While Seda goes down to the kitchen to make her famous macaroni with synthetic (but no less tasty) chicken and sweet & sour, I go with her and read some more in my manuscript, so attentively sent to me by Denisa.....

'From one marvel to the next'

Thinking back, I wonder why our hosts arrived on foot when they could just as easily have flown right to where we were standing. When asked, Mayra gives a simple explanation: “Two beings on foot pose much less of a threat than a flying saucer carrying the same two people. Hence our preference for walking the extra distance”. Now there’s a train of thought I can wholeheartedly agree with. I thank her for the explanation, and go back to my own thoughts, that wander to the design of the floater that we are in. Sure, its mind-controlled interface is spectacular enough, but otherwise it’s very minimalist in design: a large metal disc-shaped object, with a depression at the center. Around it, seven seats are placed. Come to think of it, it looks suspiciously like the wild water rides that we use on the outside of the globe. Only this one floats on air instead of water, and it’s a much smoother ride. It has no apparent roof structure, so I ask Kayim about it. He explains that inside, the weather does not have its ups and downs like outside, for there are no seasons. There is occasional rain, but the people here don’t really mind that, and the same force field that floats the floater also keeps out the excess water. As we approach the city, I take a closer look at it: it consists almost entirely of spheres of various sizes, some buried halfway in the surface. Lots of green in between, making it a great place to live in, I imagine. The spheres are different shades of color, giving the impression of soap bubbles from afar.
We land on the edge of the city, next to a modest globe. I can now spot an entirely glass surface surrounding it, which can be seen to be divided into six distinct levels. The top level seems to have no real ceiling, more like a greenhouse. We enter the structure at ground level, and step onto a disc that’s in the core of the building. You can look up and see all the floors, just like an elevator that has no walls. The disc starts to rise, and I see Melanie trying to scare me to death: she holds out her arm, and steps to the side of the platform to allow the next floor to chop it off. Her plan is foiled, because of some unseen barrier that won’t allow anything to cross the edge of the platform as long as it is moving. Mayra notices also, and laughs at my youngest.
We stop on the next floor, and find it divided into four quarter-circle rooms. “These are the working areas,” Mayra explains: “They are on the lower levels because of the frequent transporting of goods in and out of them. Because of their being on the lower half of the sphere, they are usually lit by artificial means”. I see what she means, but for the life of me cannot discover any source of internal light. Still, the rooms seem better lit than any I’ve seen on the surface. We get onto the disc again, only to stop briefly at the next level, which is divided into six pie-shaped rooms.
Each one has two discs on the floor, and two discs on the ceiling directly above them. One of the rooms clearly demonstrates the purpose of the discs: another Inner Earth person is suspended in between two discs. As we approach, he effortlessly swings into an upright position, and steps forward to meet us. “I’ve been waiting for you since I finished preparing our meal. My name is Sinan.” Further talking reveals that he is the mate of Mayra, and Kayim is their son. They live together in this house, which seems somewhat large for the three of them. Mayra explains that they have been appointed hosts of the access point that we came through, so they sometimes have guests from the surface, hence the six bedrooms. The seven of us step onto the central disc again, and ascend to the next level, which also has six pie-shaped rooms. “These are for various activities,”, Mayra explains: “Kayim has his musical studio in one of these”. Laura can’t wait to hear her new friend: “Will you please play us something?”, she asks in her sweetest voice. Kayim obliges, and takes the seat behind a desk that features various colored crystals. They light up the moment he sits down, and his hands above the array of crystalline light start making subtle movements. The end result is one of the sweetest compositions I’ve ever heard. All of us stand there and listen intently, until the spontaneous concert is finished. When it does, we outsiders all applaud Kayim, with Laura cheering as well. “Who wrote that marvelous piece?”, she wants to know. Kayim smiles, taking a bow: “I just improvised a little, so you could say I 'wrote' it...”, he says.
We go up another level, and come to another set of four rooms, with large, tilted windows all around the circumference of the building. Three of the four rooms are home to various plants, growing in shallow tanks containing a greenish, luminous substance. “This is our hydroponics area. It grows all of the fruits and vegetables we consume.”, Mayra explains. She goes on to tell us that the plants that thrive best on real sunlight are closest to the windows, whereas the more rugged plants get by on artificial light. Finally, the ones that don't require light, like mushrooms, are grown in a subterranean level at the base of the sphere. The one remaining room on this level is the kitchen, which has its own dedicated access to the dining table above, which we will see shortly.  Sinan gestures towards the central disc again, to introduce us to the final level of the structure: the living area.
The four of us stand  in awe of the sight we behold: a large circular floor, that is topped by an equally large glass dome. Basically, this dome is the top sixth part of the sphere, leaving the entire floor permanently lit by the smoky central sun. We can see the entire city, and the landscape that surrounds it. ”That's something different from the street view you get from your average city home.”, I say to Gea. She looks at me, and just smiles quietly. Mayra calls our attention to a round table, with a big gaping hole in the middle. As we look on, a plateau displaying the most delicious dishes surfaces, inviting us to the table. Around it we find simple but adequate stools, that automatically adjust their height to the size of the person sitting on them. We all sit down, when Sinan invites us to quietly contemplate the origins of the food we are about to eat. I look over the dishes, and realize that no matter how different they are from the foods of the outer world, their origins are the same: it is all part of the All, just as we are.
Sinan wishes us a healthy meal, and puts some food on his plate. As I ask him to hand me one of the green eggs that are in his vicinity, the central plateau of the table rotates, so I can easily take one myself. “How did you do that?”, I ask. Mayra explains that it is the same mechanism that controls the floater outside. She invites me to try it myself, because it isn't that hard. I notice a delicious piece of fruit across the table, and decide to give it a go. I concentrate on choosing the fruit, and the plateau revolves to the point where I can reach in and get it. Of course the girls can't wait to perform their own experiments on it. Unfortunately, they both formulate their requests at the same time, and the end result is that the table voices its objection against this conflict by a short somewhat irritated sound. Kayim laughs, and tells Laura to let her sister go first. Melanie, seated right next to me, chooses her food with care, and then mentions to me that Laura has already learnt her first words of Solara Maru, from Kayim. I look across the table, and see the two of them exchanging meaningful looks.
I ponder the apparent design choices of the Inner Earth people: their homes seem  built for maximum efficiency.  Distinguishing them from the houses of neighbors appears to be totally irrelevant. Mayra explains that the spherical shape has been chosen because it leaves a minimal surface for a maximal content, thus minimizing the exchange of energy  with the environment. Not that they really need it of course, because the season-less weather keeps the outdoor temperature always around twenty degrees centigrade. “We prefer the beauty of optimal solutions to the aesthetics.” Sinan says. I state that even though aesthetics is not their main concern, they haven't lost their eye for beauty. When everybody seems to have had enough, the plateau slowly sinks back to the kitchen level. Mayra points out that the remains of  our copious meal will be recycled into the substance that feeds the hydroponics area.
As we stand up, Sinan again draws our attention to the table. The plateau has returned, and the large circular surface becomes the scene where a scale model of the city appears. Even my untrained eye recognizes the configuration of spheres, some large and some small. But the differences between big and small are much smaller than between houses and office buildings up top. Mayra explains that massive office buildings are not needed here, as most of the people work from their homes. In fact, most won't call it work, because basically it is just doing what they love to do. The only reason things seem so out of proportion on the outside, is because there everything is controlled instead of trusting that nature will find the right way. “Call me an anarchist, but that reasoning doesn't sound half bad”, I thought.  Since consumption here is on a much lower level than outside, big stores are also not needed. Life inside isn't all about money, certainly not. The necessities of life are provided for all, and to acquire luxury items, people trade instead of spending their days doing things they don't like.
With the model, Sinan wants to show us which sights we will be visiting tomorrow. On the left, he points to a fairly large globe, half buried in the forest. This is the city's swimming pool, that has been chosen as an item on our trip because it is markedly different from the surface swimming pools: you simply cannot drown there, because the “water” is far denser, causing you to float easier. “Like the Red Sea!” Melanie interjects. “But it isn't that salty” Kayim asks her. “Help, I didn't bring my swim gear!” Laura utters with panic in her voice. “Don't worry” Mayra says: “We can pretty much make you any apparel you find suitable.” So apparently, there's nothing to stop us from having a nice swim tomorrow. Sinan points out that this will happen tomorrow afternoon. The morning will be spent with the Elders, who will give us a bit of a history lesson.
I ask Sinan if there is a possibility to access the Web on the outside. I would very much like to update my site with a story of our exploits on the inside. Sinan leads me to a round seat, which envelops me with a spherical ‘screen’ the moment I sit down. It is projected around the seat, and is pressure sensitive. On the edge of the seat is a keyboard, which can be augmented by use of the dictation unit. It doesn’t take me long to get the hang of it. Once Sinan has shown me how to get to the outer web, I quickly find my own site, and am somewhat hesitantly typing and talking away to let our readers know how exciting it is down here.
As I finish, I notify Linda and Carlo. They are on holiday themselves, so I mail them, and send SMS-es to both their cellphones. I tell them something like “no matter what you hear, we're OK”. That ought to cover any rash actions by the hotel staff, or other people. Gea is up next, and takes the seat.
An hour or two later, even though the internal Sun is still high in the sky, it is the moment of sleep. Mayra leads us to the bedrooms a little lower, and gets us something to wear while in ‘bed’. I am very curious about the force field that acts as a mattress, will it be easy to lie on? We first go into the room designated to the girls. Mayra demonstrates how you can just walk onto the lower disc, after which you will be slightly lifted up to the levitation center of the field. After that, it is easy to position your body any way you like. The kids get into their nightly attire, step onto the pads, and immediately start doing rolls, and other tricks. I wonder how long they will be doing that before falling asleep. As for the lack of night, the windows have their own mechanism to remedy that: they slowly fade from transparent to dark gray, creating a great nightly look. Mayra, Gea and me leave the kids to their tricks, and go into two other rooms, one for Gea and one for me. After I’ve dressed for the night, it is my turn to try the ‘bed’. I step onto it, and feel myself being slightly lifted. It is a weird sensation, because there seems to be no extra pressure from below, like when you’re sitting on a bed. It is more the absence of weight, without the lack of oxygen normally found in outer space. But it also does not seem to be quite like normal weightlessness, for there is a certain friction between the force field and my body, that makes it easy to move around. I experiment a little, but it doesn’t take much time to find my optimum position. I doze off quickly, forgetting all about my peculiar surroundings.
But it doesn't last long. Not seven minutes later, I wake up terrified, because I just realize that I forgot my pills! I get dressed again, and think about why oh why I don't keep the bottle in my pocket at all times. Since our trip to the pyramids was only supposed to last a few hours, I'd plain forgotten about it, since I didn't need them till bedtime anyway.
I step onto the landing, and almost bump into Mayra. She sees the worried look on my face, and asks what is wrong. I explain the predicament of missing medication to her, and she looks me into the eyes: “Fortunately, we do have a remedy, a permanent one even”, she smiles. She leads me to the lower level, speaks some words I haven't heard yet, and grabs what seems like a futuristic motorcycle helmet from a closed container. “Here, put this on”.
I do, and Mayra pushes the shiny red button that is now on my forehead. A weird sensation, a tingling starts right below the button, inside my skull. “What is it doing,” I ask. Not that I'm scared or anything, because during my manic episodes I've felt similar sensations. “Basically, it does what you would call a defragmentation of your neural net.” Mayra volunteers. She goes on to say that where I come from, the Lithium would be used by the brain to perform a similar function itself. This just is more thorough, and will last me about a year. If needed, she can even have me taken to see a doctor, who will cure it permanently....  After that, I have no problem getting back to sleep.

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Time Keeps on Slipping, Slipping…Into The Future

As the memory of what was, seems to drift like a dream in the morning, we continue to move quickly down the corridor of time. We are being ushered into time doors that swing both ways. Down hallways that never end into a place that has not been created yet.  All of us have seen and felt the difference and the trail of chaos it leaves behind. Time is like a wild horse that bucks the 24 hr system and continues to look for a way out of the dimensional corral.

We all run like hamsters in a clear ball bumping into walls paddling our little feet as fast as we can. Not getting anywhere and exhausted by all the energy it took just to get this far. Time brushes past us like a gust of wind, not asking our permission to do what it was born to do. Life pushes us harder into a corner of limited choices or so it seems, but it is us that has painted ourselves into that corner by our limited thinking. We can just as easily paint a way out if we choose.

Time has shifted as of the last quakes. It has quickened its pace, and all past alignments have shifted as well. Longitudes and latitudes dance to a new beat. Leylines and time markers are off line, sacred geometries are reset. An actual cog in time has been felt as the worlds walk into a new wavelength of Light.

We still biologically walk to the beat of the old drum when the band plays on in a different octave of time and light. Our perceptions are enhanced and we see in and out of time but are still not sure where to place each thought. Seeing between the worlds is not a place for those weak of purpose. One must hold tightly to the tight wire as time doors are opened and possibilities present themselves in a new array of colors. The unexpected is to be expected on a daily basis. People do there best to hide what ails them but actions are louder than any words.

This year of time asks one to get down to the business of picking up the shattered glass and like Alice, going into all facets and fractures of self.  Mirrors are a portal of transport to places that can not be seen with the naked eye. The place of mirrors comes to reflect what needs to be seen as one crosses the timelines into places that have not been created and await your first thought as seed.

Seeing into the future is not a place for those weak of heart or knee. As one walks thru the time doors many trap doors make themselves know. Dimensional black holes to other places of parallel time loops can create a dizzying effect in most unexpected places.. Time doors open and close faster than the blink of an eye. Truth and time are individual, and do not present a singular vow..

The unknowable becomes seen in the halls of time. That which has appeared emptied now becomes full, freeing itself from definition.  A shift of realm awakens from a long sleep to escort you into the nexus cornerstone where time and space meet. All limitations are transformed in this expanded version of reality. Do you have the courage to leap open-eyed into this fluid point of possibility? Your vessel of eternal self is being purified for the expanded energies and truths of the upcoming shifts from now to 2012.

You are an instrument of light that is being fine-tuned to play a new octave. Relax into the Shifts, look them in the eye seeing with the wisdom of a thousand angels. See beyond what you deem humanely possible. Look at all that happens to you in a deeper perspective and with such a deep seeing that you understand the totality of what comes to past before it has happened. Each situation has a million outcomes. It is up to the individual to pick energetically.  From that point of wisdom create from your heart in a freeform energy allowing the higher elements of light to take the form they seek to become.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 - www.thequantumawakening.com thequantumawakening@hughes.net

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Ready for Dimensional Living?

“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”  -Robert Burton
(And when you truly begin to understand and know multidimensional consciousness you imeaditly understand the impact every unaligned thought creates.  These basic ‘private’ thoughts have created much of our demise not re-membering the power we each hold.  ALL-ways OBSERVE | EXPLORE!)

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Mission 1017 Explained!

In the great game of creation you are a Wayshower. In this position you are contracted by higher intelligences to manifest constituency. Wayshowers are to integrate one million followers into the space of the fifth dimensional awareness upon the Solar Alignment of Arcturus.
The Arcturian Alignment is the first major move of the Wayshowers in the game to create the new world of the Fifth Sun. At this point of time and space Ultraviolet is the most powerful cosmic energy stream of the Galaxy. The highest intelligences of this Universe through our twin universe record that an Ultraviolet beam of energy will enter this planet through the Arcturian Doorway. At this Libra 24 point in alignment with Arcturus this stream will invoke a massive increase in fifth dimensional light transmission. The planet will experience and pass through a highly charged membrane of photons which will expand, intensify and increase all thoughts, feelings and actions.

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