Tag: time (page 3 of 123)

The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles Workbook Lessons 127 – 128 – A Celestial Speedup – Episode II #MMT-09b

The Musical Mind Training Series. Readings: LESSON REVIEWS 121-140, FORBES.COM ARTICLE By Deepak Chopra: Seeing What You Believe. Believing What You See, LESSON 127: There Is No Love But God's. [para 1-6], LESSON 128: The World I See Holds Nothing That...

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Age of Aquarius Final Update

Time is approaching our Age of Aquarius activation and the energies are rising as more and more people have made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum. We have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass.Next 60 hours will be decisive ...

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Ideas About Our Embryonic Stem Cells At Stanford University School Of Medicine – A Major Change In Our Space And Time – Episode II #SCHA-02b

The Stem Cell Healing Activation Series. Readings: WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT: To A Waterfowl, NATURE MAGAZINE: June 2006: Scientists Find Key To Stem Cell Immortality, ROBERT W. SERVICE: The Cremation Of Sam McGee, OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 12: The Natural...

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Ideas About Our Embryonic Stem Cells At Stanford University School Of Medicine – A Major Change In Our Space And Time – Episode I #SCHA-02a

The Stem Cell Healing Activation Series. Readings: OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 51: An Invitation To A Great Experiment, ABRAHAM LINCOLN: The Gettysburg Address, STANFORD UNIVERSITY WEB ARTICLE: What Are Adult Stem Cells?, STANFORD UNIVERSITY WEB ARTICLE:...

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Ideas About Our Embryonic Stem Cells At The University Of Wisconsin – Madison – A Major Change In Our Space And Time – Episode II #SCHA-01b

The Stem Cell Healing Activation Series. Readings: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE: July 2005: The Power To Divide, TEXT: CHAPTER 21: The Responsibility For Sight, LESSON 182: I Will Be Still An Instant And Go Home, OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 12: The Natur...

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Peace Meditation

After the plandemic plan did not have the desired effect, the Dark Forces have stepped up their efforts to increase End Time madness.The Jesuits, Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus are now polarizing political left and political right in the Uni...

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The Magic Of Words

….. ….. THE MAGIC OF WORDS NOW and HERE Is the one and only NOWHERE Everywhere One blink of the I And back-to-front NOW is reversed For it is time Time to be WON The time has arrived As NOW … Continue reading →

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How Will The World End? – We Discover Each Other At The End Of Time Through Remembering I Am The Holy Son Of God Himself – Episode II #TM-11a

The Manual for Teachers Series. Readings: TEXT: CHAPTER 21: The Responsibility For Sight [para 2-8], MANUAL: How Will The World End? [para 1-2]

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Are Changes Required In The Life Situation Of God’s Teachers? – And You Know Where I Am Going And You Know The Way #TM-07

The Manual for Teachers Series. Readings: MANUAL: How Is Peace Possible In This World? [para 3-4], LESSON 91: Miracles Are Seen In Light. [From Para 3], TEXT: CHAPTER 26: The Laws Of Healing [para 16], MANUAL: Are Changes Required In The Life Situation...

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The Singular Universal Reality That Is A Hologram Of Our Creative Identity #SCR-07

The Stem Cell Regeneration Series. Readings: OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 31: An Occurrence Of Miraculous Correspondence, OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 13: Healing Is Release From Fear [para 2, 7, 3, 8, 9], OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 29: Space-Time, Subjective...

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I Place The Future In The Hands Of God – The Stem Cell Research In The Resurrection Of Our Body #SCR-05

The Stem Cell Regeneration Series. Readings: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE: July 2005: Stem Cell Article: ...In The Beginning, One Cell Becomes Two, And Two Becomes Four.., LESSON 194: I Place The Future In The Hands Of God, ADVENT OF A GREAT AWAKENING ...

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Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus Meditation Preliminary Report

This meditation was our most successful meditation ever! The critical mass has been reached many times over, with over 1 million people meditating. To properly evaluate such a huge achievement some time is needed, and a full report will be posted withi...

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All’s Well

Originally posted on Ben Naga: ALL’S WELL All is one If not won Not as yet Patience Patience We are our Own doctor Patience Patience All in good time

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