Tag: time travel (page 2 of 3)

Travel Faster Than the Speed of Light? by Clara Moskowitz


Strange Particles May Travel Faster than Light, Breaking Laws of Physics By Clara Moskowitz | LiveScience.com

New results from the CERN laboratory in Switzerland seem to break this cardinal rule of physics, calling into question...

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Time travel may find home in Large Hadron Collider


Vanderbilt University researchers to try out time travel theory - By Layer 8 on Wed, 03/16/11 - 10:56am.

"Vanderbilt University researchers hope to check out in theLarge Hadron Collider - the worl...

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The Light of the New Creation Flows Forth


Telepathic transmission 24 May 2011

Meredith Murphy | www.expectwonderful.com

Springing into newness, the light of source creation flows into new forms; forms just emerging from the womb of creation and splendid in their clari...

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Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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THE RETURN is actually the third book in a trilogy. In the first book was VISIONS FROM VENUS, wrote about my first visit to Earth at the fall of Atlantis. I then strung together several of my past/alternate realities into the tale of ...

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Poll Results of This Week

What do you expect will happen in 2012?

It will be easier to ascend, but it’s an individual process

5       26.3%    

Nothing sudden, but improvements will be gradually manifested...

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Traveler to the Inner Earth Below is an incredible first-hand account from a US Air Force Colonel


Colonel Bill Faye Woodard: Traveler to the Inner Earth Below is an incredible first-hand account from a US Air Force Colonel about the inside of our Planet

Below is an incredible first-hand account from a US Air Force Colonel abou...

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Mars’ hidden history explored by Jay Weidner on new TV show “Age of Discovery”


 Alfred Lambremont Webre

Seattle Exopolitics Examiner

March 8th, 2011 7:19 pm PT

Author and researcher Jay Weidner, whose controversial research holds that major races of humanity on Earth share the genetic heritage o...

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Quantum Consciousness: The Nature of Time ~ Metatron

30 September 2010 - 11:29pm

Channeler: Tyberron (Earth Keeper)

Quantum Consciousness: The Nature of Time

Changing the Past In Mer-Ka-Na

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings, I am Metatron, L...

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Just-in-Time, the ONLY way to Live….

When I announced this final piece, I had no idea at all what it was going to be about. What I did learn to trust on however, is the delivery of inspiration when I need it and where I need it, like clockwork..... 

If you had economics in ...

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Expectations and Outcomes

a message from Stefanie Miller - A Magical World

Tuesday, 10 August, 2010 

I've always been extremely fascinated with the concept of time travel. I have often times dreamed of going back in time to ...

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Experience Travel is a More Sophisticated Form of Time Travel

Posted: 19 May 2010 02:15 PM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

Let us return to Experience Travel. Some of you may have attempted to implement Experience Travel with little or no success. Do not be concerned. You could not read a book the first day your teacher introduced you to the alphabet either. It might take a bit of practice for you to Experience Travel.

We are outlining your new tools. More importantly, we are helping you move beyond many of your belief patterns that indicate only “special” people with “special” gifts can Experience Travel….or channel for that matter. All of you have the ability to do either or both, as well as thousands of other skills we have not yet introduced. So let us return to Experience Travel for just a bit today.

Perhaps you have questioned your purpose in this life or what happens to you between lifetimes on earth or whatever arena you opt to create a physical form. Questions you have believed are beyond your current skill set to answer. You truly have access to any of the Universal information that has been generated or ever will be generated.

Many of you have heard this information before and so you are a bit bored reading it yet once again.

We wish to point out that if you truly believed that you and others could access whatever information you needed or wanted whenever you needed it, the recent oil spill, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and economic and political upheavals would not be of concern to you for you would expect to access the information necessary to quell or shift your concerns. Furthermore, if you truly believed that you could access any information of importance, fear would not be part of your daily life.

You may have intellectually accepted that you are able to access Universal information, but emotionally you retain the belief that such a lovely dream may happen someday, but certainly not today or any day soon.

Experience Travel is your passport to the information you pine for. How does the future solve your current energy crisis? How do politicians shift their actions? How do you pay your bills? Why are terrorists terrorists? All extremely important issues in your life – yet you believe that you cannot solve any of those dilemmas. How silly. You have the answers. You have all of the answers. Granted, your area of interest may not be in energy solutions but there are others who find that field fascinating. You merely have to access what issues, what concepts, what ideas are important to you.

Even though Experience Travel may require some practice, the most important element is your belief in the possibility.

Most of you reading these materials believe that you return to earth multiple times – you have perhaps accessed some of  your past lives through hypnosis or various exercises performed by “special” people with “special” skills. That is hooey! You do not need anyone to help you with time travel. In truth, time travel is a simple concept – similar to reading your first book. Your first book was delightful in kindergarten or the first grade, but quite boring by the time you were in the fifth grade.

Experience Travel is a more sophisticated form of time travel.

Today we will explore time between your lives. And we will start this exercise by strongly suggesting you access the time shortly before your birth in this lifetime in which you and your guides outlined what you wished to accomplish.

Again, you may most easily obtain visual images, words or other methods of accessing your information. How you access information does not matter – only that you allow yourself to do so.

Let us begin.

  • Find a comfortable and quiet location. You will not need to be as selective in the future, but as is usually true with any new skill, it is easier to master a skill if you are able to concentrate.
  • Allow yourself access to any medium such as paper and pencil, a laptop, magic markers, color crayons, or paints that feel comfortable and right to you.
  • Close your eyes and create some form of transport – a bridge, steps, vehicle, magic carpet or whatever else feels correct.
  • State within your mind and being that you wish to return to your meeting or meetings prior to this birth in which you determined what your chief objectives were going to be.
  • Then ask questions that are relevant to you such as: “What are my objectives?”  ”Have I achieved my objectives?” “What have I not yet accomplished?” “What areas are of the greatest interest to me now?” “How will that change, if at all, as the earth evolves?” “Why am I not interacting with certain people who I used to interact with?” “Does my current job fit my goals?”  ”How are my communication skills going to evolve in the near future?” “If I am most interested in _____ area, why is it so difficult for me to achieve what I want to achieve?” “Why am I afraid of (terrorists, other cultures, environmental issues, my boss, my spouse, my parents, my community, etc, etc.)?” “What steps do I need to take to achieve ________ goal?” “What will make me joyful?” “Who am I” – not what my culture has created but, “Who am I?” “What information am I not allowing myself to access?”

Note the information you have obtained once you complete your Experience Travel exploration knowing that you can return whenever you wish. Also know that you will not spiral out of control and wish to remain in the Experience Travel mode – a fear that stops many of you from exploring any new tool kit item. You have elected to enter the earth realms during this dramatic time of change for a reason. So go explore. Think of your exploration as a fun, fact-finding vacation that will provide you with more information than you could obtain in a year-long trip around the earth – and that you can do so in seconds or minutes instead of a year.

Did you not expect to learn how to read as did your older brothers and sisters? Did your parents not believe that you merely had to put alphabet letters together to form the words that would allow you to read anything you wished to read? And so it was.

Do you wish to Experience Travel? Do you wish to explore the Universe and all of its knowledge. Believe that you are able to do so and so you shall. So be it. Amen.

Life Tapestry Creations.com    If you would like to receive my free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe button on the upper portion of my subscribe page and then click – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail request you will receive in your in-box.

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Most Time Travel is a Small Segment of the Totality of You

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 02:08 PM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

What a day! Many of you are probably feeling as if your being has been scrambled. And so it has. This full moon is merely an indicator of what will be shifting within your society in the next few weeks.

Does it not appear as if everyone is angry? Is there not a great deal of shame and blame floating very close to the surface? Many of you are confused. We continue to discuss the joys of the New Age and yet you feel as if you are surrounded with the pain of the Old Age.  Do not fret – all is well.

Please remember that we access a different perspective than you currently allow yourself to experience. You limit your view to the narrow stream of your current life rather than the totality of your being.

Many of you are quite interested in time travel – but even time travel is a small microcosm of the totality that is you. Let us explain. The totality that is you has had many experiences on earth, as well as other realms. If you believe and thereby expect to only access the existences you have had on earth, you will not be able to “see” your lives between your earth existences or your lives in other locals. You will be limited to what you expect to see and/or experience.

There are so many other exciting arenas to explore. You are fully capable of exploring your lives on earth in whatever historical perspective you wish, your lives between your earth experiences and your lives in other arenas. Such exploration is yet another tool in your new tool kit.

As is true of the tools we have mentioned previously, your time travel tool has always been available – just much more difficult for you to access.  A bit like the difference between a canvas airplane of the early 1900s and a jet. Both are capable of transporting you through the air, but the jet is so much faster and more comfortable.

Now what does time travel (we prefer the term, Experience Travel) have to do with the anger and rage displayed throughout your current world via the media? Everything and nothing. From a larger perspective, the small squabbles you are learning about are mere blips on the screen of life.

If you remember, many predicted that the end of the world you now know it – the introduction of the New Age – would occur in a cataclysm of some sort – perhaps a nuclear war or a similar catastrophe. Instead, this New Age transition is occurring without a world cataclysm, war or revolution. In comparison to those predictions, this transition is and has been extremely gentle. There is, of course, vocal dissent and civil unrest in various parts of the world, but certainly not to extent that was predicted even a few years ago.

If you would allow yourself to Experience Travel to a view above, or perhaps a better term, through your current perspective, you would note how easy this New Age transition has been and will continue to be. The naysayers will fade and those who wish to explore the New Age will move to the forefront. “Life is Good” is an extremely appropriate term for this transition.

Some of you may experience a more dramatic transition than others. That is your choice. But again, we will tell you that such pain is not necessary. Allow yourself to see the positive aspects of any and all situations and you will soon find that your life is truly joyous.

But then, as you have learned from several channels including this one, if you continue to “beat the drum” of pain and anger that is what you will draw to you – not to the earth or the Universe, but to you. The difference between you believing that “life is painful and then you die” prior to the New Age and after the New Age is that it was possible to achieve a world filled with pain interspersed with joy prior to the New Age. Now it is only possible for you to achieve that vision for yourself.

The world and the Universe have moved on – in large part due to your subconscious efforts. It is now your choice whether you wish to follow the joy of the New Age or to remain behind in the pain of the Old Age.

It is also your choice to tap into your Experience Travel capabilities. Or to worry about this or that issue. Or if you wish to experience a personal life of joy, while others on earth are allowing themselves to continue their life of pain.

Your new tool kit is no different from your computer commands. If you wish to correct your spelling errors in a computer project, you merely have to select spell check – but you are certainly not forced to. And so it is with your tool kit.

As we continue these blogs, we will provide more explicit tool kit operating instructions. For the time being, we are merely pointing out the features of your new tool kit – not the least of which is your ability to easily implement your Experience Travel skills.

Use your new tool kit or not. Experience Travel or not. Live in joy or not. The New Age is about choice, as well as an expansion of your being. All of which or none of which is required for you to continue living on earth.

But to not believe or access some of the multitude of skills that you now have readily available is similar to those people who discounted the value of flight with the statement, “If God meant for me to fly, he would have given me wings.” So be it. Amen.

Life Tapestry Creations.com   If you would like to receive my free blogs as they are posted, please click the subscribe button on the upper portion of my subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail subscription request you receive in your inbox

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