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Water and Unique Lifeforms are Highly Possible in Countless Unexplored Planets Within our Galaxy

Excerpt from esbtrib.com 

Imagine the distinct possibility that among the billions of stars located in our vast Milky Way Galaxy, there might be a habitable zone where water probably exists and life as we know it as well.
Scientists have studied more than 150 exoplanetary systems with more than one planet circling the host star, thru the Kepler space telescope of NASA.
The new research, published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, revealed the thousands of planets orbiting stars in our Milky Way galaxy.  Researchers were able to compute that the stars in the Milky Way have one to three planets orbiting the habitable zone.
PhD student in the research group Astrophysics and Planetary Science at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen, Steffen Kjær Jacobsen said, “In these 31 planetary systems located near the habitable zone, our calculations showed that there was an average of two planets in the habitable zone. According to statistics and the indications we have, a good share of the planets in the habitable zone will be solid planets where there might be liquid water and where life could exist.”
He added,   “In 124 of the planetary systems, the Titius-Bode law fit with the position of the planets as good as or better than our own solar system. Using Titus-Bode’s law we tried to predict where there could be more planets further out in the planetary systems. But we only made calculations for planets where there is a good chance you can see them with the Kepler satellite,”
Researchers urged other scientist to look further  into the records from the Kepler satellite again for more signs of the planetary systems they have predicted, as a number  of them should be quite apparent.
Will this change our perception of religion? That we are not God’s only living creation?

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Galactic Federation of Light Saul April-29-2013

Truly, what you are waiting for is worth every disappointment you have ever had
04/29/2013 by John Smallman

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Denisa: hello sweet angels..the gathering..

{mainvote} just wanted to check in with all of you and re-mind your heartmind to listen if you can at least once to #46 on the conference line before this Sunday..   many of us right now are in what feels like a "holding pattern" or transiti...

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Lisa Gawlas – May 20, 2012 – The Beginning Of The End! – 11 May 2012


May 11, 2012

I am starting to notice a repetitive pattern in the field of light, in my readings.  It seems that when we (humanity) are on the verge of another avalanche of higher frequency Light energy, the field mo...

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Lisa Gawlas – Are You Ready To BE The Living Expression Of The Rainbow Energy?


Something special has indeed happened on our planet earth over the last few days. I pray with all my heart I can share what I understand coherently and clearly.

We have a new and permanent element on earth. Up until yesterday, our...

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Poofness 4-1-12…”It’s Over”… “History is going thru a reboot…and the Matrix is assuring it”… “Hang on to your Hats!”


Greetings and Salutations:

Well, I’m not talking out of school, The revaluations of 195 currencies around the world are going live. As usual, the american people are the last to know publicly but they will hear, this time. W...

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Ascension Earth 2012 2012-03-27 01:59:00

"All Truth passes thru three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident." ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

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Lisa Gawlas ~ February Springs Forth A New Garden! ~ 1 February 2012


February 1st 2012  

Phew baby!! What a wild ride January was! I remember last year spirit saying January was going to be a training ground for those who cleared themselves to live in the New Energy. I could never ever have ...

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7D Beings Expressing thru Grand Julian Kaleidoscopic Fractal

This visualization depicts 7th dimension Beings expressing through a Grand Julian Fractal animation which has been post processing into a kaleidoscopic animation sequence. The 7th dimension is that of pure creativity, pure light, pure tone. pure geometry, and pure expression. It is a plane of infinite refinement.

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The Voice of Love….~ the bridge to home ~


we have arrived in a very new space...

from this new space we must discover what

it is to truly live from within the heart

and allow the mind that served us in the past

to become only that which serves love....

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utube video on allowance…the key to undoing the veil.


Dharma One


from the book The Bridge To Home

jeshua ben joseph  channels this thru denisa

allowance is the first key in undoing the veil

we have placed over the real world..

it und...

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~ your wholly days~


~Your    ~Wholly~    Days~

the flame of love is being "re-ceived

within all upon your beautiful planet each

and every day...

this flame of Christ...

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this wednesday on bbs..voice of love…transcending fear is the topic


come join me this Wednesday...12/21/2011 at 5:00 p.m.

pacific time on www.bbsradio.com  Station 1

we will be discussing ~transcending fear~...as so many of us

are going thru so many deep levels of change and awak...

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