Tag: theme (page 2 of 4)

ANCIENT ALIENS: The Mayan Conspiracy | S04E01


Season 4 opens with a Mayan-conspiracy theme. Included: the vanishing of the Mayan civilization; decoded scripts that document their advanced culture.

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Cosmic Awareness Newsletter 2012-01


7 March 2012

Channeler: Will Berlinghof

Well...Anasazi1 just made me realize that there was no Cosmic Awareness message posted here recently,so here's the most recent one avaiable right one,as the CAC newsletter is for mem...

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Yearly Astro-Forecast For 2012


a message from Sarah-Jane Grace

Tuesday, 3 January, 2012

Yearly Astro-Forecasts for 2012


Looking back on 2011, there are likely to be parts which are a blur, partly because life happened so quickly, but also be...

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By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan Throughout time and incarnation there has always been one theme, over and over again, we hear the words echo in our head and heart, just love.  Just love these people, just love this planet. Remember child you are here to l...

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HEAVEN #3919 A Heart Full of God, August 18, 2011

{mainvote} God said:  

Tell Me, beloveds, how are you today? Are you thinking of Me? Have you noticed Me yet today? Have you been looking for Me? Are you waiting for Me?

I am here. When you are asleep, I am with you. As you are awak...

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Akashic Records for June 2011


a message from Akashic Records

channeled by Jen Eramith MA

Wednesday, 1 June, 2011

What energy and experiences can we expect in June of 2011?

This is meant to be a very productive month. There is a strong forward moti...

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Flatlining – Shakk [Official Music Video]

And of course music on our theme can't be missing either.....

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Fractal Floral Fantasia

Picture yourself walking through a forest when you come upon a clearing and suddenly before you, is a meadow burgeoning with wildflowers.

Here is the question: Was the meadow beautiful before you recognized it as such, or did it become beaut...

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Sound of Music | Central Station Antwerp (Belgium)

It's been here before, but with today's train theme it seemed appropriate:

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Louis Armstrong – Let My People Go

The details may have become a bit inappropriate, but the general theme is strong as ever!

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Dismantling the OLD? Like Hell I Am….

Where did this notion come from, that old is somehow less valuable than new? Surely if All is One, everything is just as valuable as the the next thing...

It was only when playing with my second novel, in the dual timeframe, that actually reverted both to delta-time that I noticed that anything just hinges on one thing: the appreciation of the individual. No suppression of the ego, but a rightful appreciation of what it is, regardless of the timeframe it came in. Because believe it or not, I've always been me, even though my temper used to be more violent. It just showed different aspects of itself:

Over time, I've used and abused various nicknames both before and on the Web, which were all employed because they felt well:

Acesoft - Used to be my 'brand' during the Commodore 64 days. The axxompanying logo bore an ace of spades, inspired by Motörhead's Ace of Spades, coupled with the fact I was a big softy by then. 

SelfAware - or at least becoming so right that very moment. My site than was called Selfaware's Special Spots, and was basically just a compilation of what I liked and loved. 

Paid2Think - focus on work, and being in a profession where I realised I was being paid to do just that....

Deviant - Feeling myself to be the odd one out, at the time writing my very first (Dutch) novel

Moorelife - One of the longer periods, but then you've experienced most of this live right here!

Nothere  - a very brief one last year, but very significant in what it evolved in

Make It Real - Title of my second novel, but also very much the central theme of my life right now.....

Do you see a pattern emerging here? But is any of it more important than the other aspects? I feel like no, All of it defines All of Me Now! But it also feels like it's come full circle, like the next time round, it'll be for real.....


Yesterday, the rest of the Make It Real cycle came into existence. I'll not spill the beans just uet, but the theme's for book two and three of the Make It Real cycle have been outlined Together, they in turn seem to outline  reality to me, which is way beyond my wildest dreams. And the weird thing is that it now looks like Analysis complete, ready for Design and Implementation. And of course after that, Test, Deployment and the Enjoy,emt of Use!\

Love your Infinite Light, 


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Escher was right…..

This afternoon in the train home was weird. Not only did I get a very clear look into my future bookwise, which gave me the theme for novels three and four, but right before disembarking I got a view of reality that was truly Escherian. So to give you a taste of this: Escher really saw a part of reality the way it is:

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Day 7 – True Nature

Hi, Blessings on your Journey Brothers and Sisters...  I was unable to post the links to the videos at the end of this post.  They are with the original post at heroesofthenow.com...  And they are really awesome.  Check em out... Maybe Dre can get 'em linked up...  thanks Dre, if you do...  Marc 

I am Love and Kindness, I feel Love and Kindness, I share Love and Kindness, I Love myself completely, I Love all that I am, I Love all Creation.

Look at the Natural world around you.  The animals, birds, trees and stones, all of creation in the Natural world provides the clue.  Look around and see what is happening in the Natural world.  There is only joy, only celebration.  Only Love.  The Natural world shows us our True Nature if we let it.  We are part of that Natural world, but over 1000’s of years we have disconnected from this.  Humanity has come to be the conqueror of Nature, placing ourselves at the top of the chain, very much a domineering force.

We have done innumerable wrongs to our Mother Earth, to the Natural world with our influence.  We have come to a place in time, where the Natural World is suffering and trying to heal.  Our Earth Mother needs to heal and she is.  Many of the Wisdom Keepers are trying to communicate this at this time.  Humanity has been dominating and attempting to control Nature and it hurts all involved.

Today in our practice we go deeper.  We take total personal responsibility and cancel contracts, etc.  We get into our breath and find our center.  We are grateful.  And as this all sinks deeper into our being we can begin to see.  There is a glimmer there, at the core of our beings.  The light, we are aware of it, but perhaps unsure.  In our quest to remember, this is a very important stage.

Here we must start to remember that we always have been a part of the Natural World.  We are no different than the birds singing to me right now through my window.  They are singing a celebration song to the rising sun, happy, joyous, free and filled with Love and Gratitude.  Do you celebrate the dawn of a new day so fully?  What about the spring blooms?  Do the flowers have an agenda, are they trying to conquer anything by rising up out of the ground and doing what comes Naturally?  No, they just do what is natural, growing towards the sun, blooming vibrant beautiful flowers that attract other collaborators within the web of life.  They are a pure expression of Love.  They are in their Nature.

So, today on this seventh day, a number of spiritual significance, we look for our True Nature.  It is right here  all around us if we drop all constructs and allow the Truth to shine bright.  Our True Nature is that of Love and Kindness.  All else is an illusion created over time to keep us from seeing.  We created it with the collective consciousness, it is what it is and now it is crumbling.

When we embrace our True Nature, we can see it much more clearly.  I am Love and Kindness and I take total personal responsibility for all my thoughts, words and actions. Anything that I experience or promote through action, thoughts and words that is other than Love and Kindness is part of the illusion.

How do you feel right now?  What kind of experience are you having?  How does your body feel?  Where is your mind and what is it doing?  Journal about these topics.  Explore.  Go deeper and deeper into your being, into your sub-consciousness and shine the illuminating light of consciousness into the shadow places.  What does Love and Kindness mean to you?  Write a mini-essay on this topic for yourself and only yourself.  Make some time today to explore this notion and see if it works for you.  Ask the question… What is my True Nature.  Strip away all the fear, greed, anger, hatred, self-doubt, competition… remove all obstacles from the path and search the depths of your being for the Truth.  How do you feel?

I have come to experience that my True Nature is that of Love and Kindness.  I have seen where I have come off that path and gone against Creation, against my True Nature and have recognized it to be the source of my pain and suffering in those times.  With a deep experience of gratitude, I humbly submit to my True Nature.

  • I am Love and Kindness
  • I feel Love and Kindness
  • I share Love and Kindness
  • I Love myself completely
  • I Love all that I am
  • I Love all Creation.

Check out this 2 part video.  Watch it several times if you are so inclined, there is much wisdom shared.  Find yourself, find your Nature.  Embrace the vibrations of the Universe… Love.

Blessings on your Journey…

Love and Kindness,


Heroes of the Now

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