Tag: the Olympics

Why We Should Listen to The Angels’ Call for Different Religions to Pray Together


a message from Lorna Byrne

Monday, 23 January, 2012  (posted 3 February, 2012)

As the Sikh man walked towards the circle of unlit candles he was surrounded by angels. Behind him stood his guardian angel and as he reached...

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Soul Transitions Vibe Report July 2011


July 7, 2011



We are in a fast moving current that carries high vibrational energies of refinement. My guides have said we are now in the Olympics of spiritual expansion. Many have been clearing thei...

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HEAVEN #3860 To What Are You Beholden?, June 20, 2011


God said:  

To what are you beholden? Not to obligation. Obligation and responsibility are not the same thing. Joy is your responsibility. Love is your responsibility. Obligation doesn’t seem to carry joy. Obligation ...

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Montague Keen – May 22, 2011


May 22, 2011

Every day the Great Conspiracy becomes more obvious as people wake up and see the truth that was right there in front of their eyes. But in their hypnotic state they could not see it. The conspirators were so confi...

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The Akashic Records On: The Year 2012 and the Olympic Games

{mainvote}a message fromAkashic Recordschanneled byJen Eramith MAMonday, 10 January, 2011  (posted 12 January, 2011)  What is the significance of the Olympic Games in 2012?  Does London have an important role to play for the spiritual s...

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Make It Real, any way you can!

And now, during the very joyous consumption of a large plate of macaroni au curry, it is time for the surprise of today (drum roll please!):

Yes, the publisher finally sent me the the approval request for their mailing to be used to announce m...

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Sneak Preview: Make It Real

Like I said this morning, publishing it in it's entirety right here might be counterproductive, but I'm sure my publisher won't mind me giving you guys and gals a little teaser. Here are some chapters straight from the novel, as it is to appear in s...

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ELOHEIM and The Council: Transcript 3-10-10

Channeler: Veronica Torres

Eloheim and The Council Complete transcript of 03.10.10

Guardians: Well, there you are. And here you are. We want to acknowledge once again the progress you’ve made in bringing your attention to the moment that we share. And we want to encourage you to remember you have this ability. To remember that you have this capability to bring your attention so quickly to the moment we are sharing. Now, it didn’t used to be this way. When we first came to visit with you all, you were all over the place, all over the place, and now when we come you immediately recognize what’s at hand. What’s going on. What’s happening. What we’re doing. And we invite you to remember that this skill isn’t just for Wednesday nights but it actually exists all the time. You have the ability to bring yourself into the moment that clearly all of the time, so we invite you to embrace that truth about you.

Now, we are getting a little bit of a pickup of some anxiety—it doesn’t work for me, I’m not sure, I don’t know how—let’s just let that go because we’re telling you, you did it. Don’t energetically argue. Let the fact that we see that you did it be more important than your desire to argue about it. Because your desire to argue about it is based typically in two things. One is habit and the other is in not allowing the truth or the completeness of the moment to present itself. There’s more going on than you know—we’ve been teaching about this, Eloheim has been teaching about this, everybody’s been teaching about this—and that, more than you actually know, has to be consciously requested or consciously accessed. So we invite you to consciously access the more of you that is able to experience the moment like that. Just remember and come in. And any idea you have that, “Oh, it doesn’t feel the way I think it should feel,” you have to just drop. You can’t let that be your truth, because that gets in the way of the expansiveness that’s possible. This is one of the themes, is that your preconceived notions about how it’s going to be actually block it from actually occurring. OK? We’ll just check your field one more time. Not much for us to do. We’re going to have to let someone else come in and stir you up so there’s work for us.

Eloheim: OK, hi, everyone. One of the things we wanted to get your input on is the Matriarch. Now we’ve heard from a lot of you through Veronica that you like the Matriarch a lot and that you’re having powerful experiences when the Matriarch comes along. Most of you are nodding. Most all of you are nodding. One of the things that Veronica has been prepping for in addition to eventually working with the warrior and Fred is prepping for the Matriarch to have a larger role in our group, meaning our circle, and that larger role looks like being present for a longer period of time. Part of what happens is that Veronica gets concerned that you guys are going, “Why are we doing this?” or “I’m bored,” or “This isn’t working for me,” or some of that stuff. You have to remember that when Veronica is channeling she’s no longer psychic. She’s very psychic, so it’s like telling someone now you can’t see or now you can’t hear. It changes the way you interact with people. So when something very new and very powerful like the Matriarch comes along and she can’t perceive how it’s being perceived, it’s a little bit harder for her to stay out of the way for it. Plus, the Matriarch was draining her batteries so ridiculously in the beginning. So with all the cards on the table sort of thing what we’re wondering is, are you guys interested in inviting the Matriarch to have a longer appearance tonight?

Response: Yes.

Eloheim: So it seems relatively close to unanimous that you guys are interested in spending more time with the Matriarch and we’re getting Internet people typing “yes.” So that being the case, let us just see what we want to run through before we bring her in because we don’t know what it’ll be like after. So we don’t want to say now we’re going to be with the Matriarch but instead of waiting until the last 10 minutes we wanted to move her up in the program a little bit and see how it changes things. It’s like an experiment. Everyone’s saying yes on the Internet, too. So apparently this is a good thing. It feels like before, we’re just sort of, we asked you guys, now we’re asking them.

We just want to talk briefly about what’s going on here. What’s going on here is that you are all moving energetically, spiritually, physically, into a very different way of being. Now this probably surprises none of you because you’ve all run up against this, that, and the other thing over and over again. But what we’re seeing for you is that you’re at a cusp. One of the ways Veronica has done energetic observation in the past has been like a staircase. You know where you have a staircase in a tall building where you go up some stairs and then there’s a landing and then you go up some stairs and there’s a landing. Spiritual work oftentimes feels like that, like you work and you work and you work and then you get to a landing and then you kind of turn and look around and then go, “Oh, up the stairs I go again.” In this sense you guys are at sort of the top couple of stairs. You’re at the top couple of stairs with where we have been energetically. And you know you’re at the top couple of stairs because boy, you’ve worked hard. And you’ve put up with a lot—no energy, and “I’m bored,” and I’m this and I’m that and all the things we’ve talked about.

But what we see you doing is that you’re just at that last sort of jump on to the landing and what’s going to happen here in the next week, two weeks, by the end of the month, we think you’re going to start having a different way of looking at you. We’ve been building up to this different way of looking at you. We’ve talked about where do you lie to yourself and what is true now and blah, blah, blah. What we see happening is you’re going to walk into, and it’s almost like you finally can take a deep breath. Now we invite you very deeply to not project what that’s going to look like. If you’ve learned anything you’ve learned, “I don’t know what’s going to happen.” But energetically we see this. It’s like a hump and you’re getting on the other side of the mountain or whatever you want to call it. And why we’re telling you this—we don’t always tell you this kind of stuff—but why we’re telling you this stuff is because now is not the time to let go of your tools. Now is not the time to slip up, in a sense. We know it’s challenging. We know it’s hard. But we also know you’re getting satisfaction on many levels that you haven’t had in the past. That there’s some satisfaction underlying the challenges. So, hold onto that satisfaction and when you confront something that’s triggering you don’t slip into the: “Is this ever going to go away?” That would be slipping back down the steps. Hold on to: “I know that I am on the cusp of something.”

We don’t know if we’re explaining that clearly enough. We’re going to tell you why we said that though. Just let that float in your brain.

The warrior energy. Did we talk about that last week? So what’s going on with the warrior energy is this. We’ve talked to you about how it’s going to be the lifetimes that you were in battle. The lifetimes that you were in war and you were a warrior and when you were a samurai and when you were a Confederate and when you were a Roman and when you were an x, y, and frickin’ z. Because there’s never been a time when there haven’t been battles going on on your planet. So anytime you were incarnate you were affected by war, battling, stabbing, shooting, cutting. It’s just part of this whole human thing. But what’s going to happen on the other side of this landing we talked about on the staircase, the other side of that is the warrior but in between now and then you’re going to have the opportunity to address things in a new way. Because the warrior isn’t just your warring lifetimes. It is also the places that you do battle with yourself. It’s the places where you argue with yourself, the places where you’re fighting with yourself, the places where you’re not telling yourself the truth. So in essence, it’s your shadow.

Now, a lot of stuff has been done about shadow and you’ve gone to workshops about shadow and you’ve talked about shadow and la, la, la; and that’s all well and good but you know we don’t work on the la-la-la level. We haven’t ever really played on the foam. We’re usually down in the ocean. So what we want to say to you is yes, there’s a big thing coming up. It’s not immediately. It’s probably April-ish—but in between now and then there is going to be this little plateau place. And in this plateau place you may feel like you have answers, you may feel like you’ve got some stuff figured out, the sun might start coming out more often, so that makes a difference to some of you. But what we want to ask you to do—and we know this is like homework over summer vacation but tough shit, you signed up for it—stay on yourselves. Stay on yourselves but stay on yourselves in a really, really honest way. And by that we mean look at the shadow, look at the warrior, look at the battle you’re having within yourself. And you don’t have to fix it. You don’t even have to change it. At this level, you need to be aware of it.

Now we’re going to give you an example from Veronica’s life. She was getting an energy treatment from Rob and she always has had a lot of stuff in her shoulders and under her scapulas. And so he went off and went back home and she, for the first time really after years of working on this, said, “OK, I’m going to stay on this. I am going to stay aware of this. And instead of just working on it for an hour and a half when Rob comes around I’m going to work on it myself.” So what she’s been doing is breathing into the tops of her lungs more, feeling that expansive across her shoulders and really focusing on how the energy moves in that part of her body, or in some cases doesn’t move. And this hasn’t just been like five minutes a day. It’s been like when you wake up, when you go to sleep, when you’re sitting on the couch or when you’re on the computer. Just remembering, “OK, that’s right, I’m going to breathe into the part of my body that I know is my issue. I’m going to breathe into it.” And that’s a great tool. And that’s one of the ways to confront your shadow side. Confront your dark side. Confront where you war with yourself. Confront lingering pain. Is to breathe into it and say: “What you have to show me I’m willing to see.” Because you’re going to be able to mitigate the intensity of the warrior energy by doing your part of it. None of you needs to be hit upside the head with a baseball bat around your spiritual growth. You’re all ready to rise up and face it. And this is on a new level.

Emotionally, the warrior energy is going to be a lot about the pain and anguish and the killing and all of that. And trust us, you’ve killed her and he’s killed you and that shit’s going to come up. Just like it did with you guys on the Mayan pyramid and you knew. That’s going to come up. So that’s why all this had to wait. But if we talk about that stuff and you haven’t attended to some of the stuff you already know about, it’s going to be doubly challenging. So we’re just giving you a heads up. This is what’s coming down the pipe and you’re going to have a little break in between. But if you know you have constant pain or you know you’re ashamed of something or you know that you have lingering fears or doubts or anxieties, it’s time to redouble your efforts and your attention to it. Not in the sense of: “Oh my God, I’ve got to do this.” Just, “I’m going to bring all of my tools to me now.” Remember we’ve said you have more to offer yourself than you’ve ever had before, and more than you know you have.

That’s the important thing here. This is going to show you the more than you know you have. In Veronica’s case it really brought some stuff up but when she looked at it, it wasn’t as scary as it has been in the past. It wasn’t as challenging. It was just like, “Oh, I get that that’s where that’s been hiding in my body.” So we have a perfectly good, reasonable, wonderful example where it was like, “OK, I’m going to attend to this,” stuff came up, and then when you look at it it’s not the fire-breathing dragon in the case. It’s just someone making hand gestures by the fire. So that’s what we want to warn you—alert you—to the possibility. Does anyone have a specific question about that before we move along? No?

We think that the warrior energy will come in late this month, early next month, and we don’t know exactly what it’s going to look like but here’s your fair warning. It’s coming. It’s coming. And they’re sort of bad ass. They’re sort of bad ass and you know how the Visionaries were in the beginning when they screamed and yelled and didn’t take any shit from anybody? They’re not like that. But they’re that same intensity. Where it’s like: OK, sit up and take notice. So those of you who like that, you’ll be happy, and those of you who complained about that, you’ll see if you changed your opinion about that intense energy. And on the other side you get the Girls and the Matriarch. See, it’s happy, happy, joy, joy and they’re a little more love-y and peaceful. They have a lot of weapons in the sense of using energetic tools—they are very swords and knives and slicey, cordy things. They’re very interesting. You guys are going to like them but it’s going to be intense and we promised we’d warn you and so we did. By this time next month, if all goes as planned, you will be in their presence. All right? OK. We’re going to take a little break.

Matriarch: You’ve all agreed that an experiment is at hand for tonight. We are willing to experiment with you. It’s, well, it isn’t verbal really but we’ll do our best to bring verbal insight into an energetic experience. But primarily we’re just going to hold the energetic and allow you to have an opportunity to sit into a knowingness. We don’t see it. We don’t feel it. We don’t wonder about it. We don’t question. We don’t any of that. We know. We know the truth of you. And what we want to do is give you the opportunity to experience what that feels like. To feel into the truth of you. As you collapse other lifetimes and as you bring that intensity into this time, one of the things that has to happen is that you have to bring a centeredness about the personality you’re currently experiencing in order to hold all that information. You are the vessel and the vessel is filled by all this other energy. We want to help you to know the feeling of you as the vessel.

Again, don’t try to figure this out, please. Just come together. Just come back to the center, release expectation, release curiosity, release all that you can. There. See how much nicer that is. You are the vessel. You are the culmination of so many opportunities for expression and you’ve been given the amazing, amazing gift, of being the gatherer. You are the gatherer of the alternative expressions and you are the assembler of that insight and information and experience into the vessel that is you. It is an enormous opportunity and it comes with a sense of responsibility and it holds within it ecstasy, bliss—we like the word bliss. We’ll stick with it. Bliss. And it also is so revelatory. It’s an aha and an aha and an aha as the doors open. The doors open for you to say, “What more is there for me to be? What more is there for me to be?” And as you are the vessel for your own experiences as a soul, we in essence are the vessel for all of you tonight. We hold you as an accumulation, just as you hold your experiences as an accumulation, and what we’re doing is giving the energetic pattern of that truth, giving it to you into your cells, so that when you set about doing a similar process it will all feel much more natural. So in a sense, we’re seeding your cells with the knowing, the knowing of how a vessel can be and how it can open inside you, how it can bloom or unfold inside you.

A nice little exercise might be to imagine what your vessel appears as. It can be anything, of course. It doesn’t even have to look like a vessel. But again, we did that exercise before where we looked at an image that perhaps comes to you. How you might appear as a vessel that holds all of your alternate expressions, your soul’s energy, and of course you, the you that you are. We must go now, but perhaps in quiet times, maybe when you’ve just gone to sleep or when you’ve awoken, you can recall this idea that you’re a vessel and give it to yourself as a gift. This reminder: We hold you all and we will continue to hold you even though we won’t speak to you verbally.

Eloheim: It’s almost like you’re all having a nap and we don’t necessarily want to wake you up. Everyone’s so relaxed and napping. You know we’ve been accused of being a little bit of a fan boy when it comes to the Visionaries and we will own that with pride, but we are super fan boy when it comes to the Matriarch. Partially because to physically experience the Matriarch with Veronica is really cool. You know how we like to eat and it’s like that. There is such a profound physical sensation that comes along with working with her energy that, yeah. Yeah. Now everyone’s got eyes open again. Does anyone want to ask a question or make a comment? Then we’re going to get out of the way again.

The Girls and the Visionaries are having a debate as to which one of them should come next and Veronica is like, “Make it the Girls because everyone’s too mellow for the Visionaries.” So we’re trying to set a mood here for you guys. We’ll see. They’re working it out.

The Girls: Of course it’s going to be us. Are you kidding? We jumped in line. We’re not going to let them come in after you guys are all Matriarchy and then they come in and whatever they want to talk about will be great but you know they’ll shout. We wouldn’t do that. We wouldn’t do that at all. But you know they’re going to come next so just—waking up, we’re going to have a waking up time together here.

Last week we talked to you about frustration and about the idea that blockages revealed so much to you, and what we really want to encourage you to do and Eloheim addressed it very well earlier but we just want to kind of piggyback on that. Now is really the time—and we know you’ve been doing it for a long time and some of you may have been doing this forever—but your ability to attend to things has increased and you may not be completely aware of how much it’s increased. So re-looking at things that you’ve already examined is going to be a real gift to you now, and by that we don’t mean you have to run through the laundry list. But if there is something that comes up and you think, “Oh, I’ve already looked at that,” let yourself have the time to give it another try, another look. Because you’re able to get into the roots of it now, much more than you’ve ever been before. And we want you to pull those roots out. We want you to be able to say: “I’m really done with that now. I’m really done with it all the way up to the level I’m at now.”

Because you all have made such a big jump recently, and what happens is that in that big jump you’re able to take another layer off that onion. You’re able to take another layer off some of these core issues that you’ve been dealing with, including your core emotion. So it’s another reevaluation of your experience you’re having, another reevaluation of the things that have triggered you in the past. So if it’s money or parents or children or health or weight or whatever your thing is, it’s taking another look at it, letting yourself have another conscious experience of that and not letting yourself fall for the idea that, “Oh well, I’m finished with that,” or “Oh, I’ve already done it or oh, it’s already something I’ve looked at.” Because really, even though it may be true that you have looked at it, the you that you are is not the you who looked at it, and you have every opportunity now to embrace and encourage yourself to have another look. And some of these things were so hard to look at the first five times that you get afraid to look at them again and that’s a big warning sign. If you’re afraid to look at it, well, then that means look, look, look. That’s what Eloheim was trying to kind of give you an alert to. You want to look at this stuff one more time from the you that you are now. The you that you are now has not explored it. The you that is the vessel that is accumulating past lives has not explored it.

And remember, remember, remember, to call on these collapsing expressions and ask them for help. So if you find yourself up against a wall, you say, “Some of you 50, 60, 80, 100, whatever number it is, some of you alternative expressions and I know the soul, you have some insight for me and I’m asking for it. I’m calling on it. I need it. I want it. Please give it to me now.” That’s the gift you’re giving to yourself now. That’s the kindness you can do. That’s the love you can show is that you bring yourself into a position where you open up to the truth being “I have more information, insight, access, help, support, than I’m aware of and it’s my responsibility to request it and it’s my discipline to not project how it is going to look. It’s my discipline not to project how it is going to look.” As you were warned earlier by the Guardians, projecting how it’s going to look is the biggest barrier that we all collectively see energetically for you right now. So we’re going to say it again. Projecting how it’s going to look, how your life is going to be different, how you’re going to solve a problem, how you’re going to receive insight, how you’re going to collapse your past lives, how you’re going to bring your soul’s energy in, what that’s going to “look like” is going to be a barrier if you think about it all the time.

So, please. We just, we see you doing this and we don’t want you to. Do you understand? We see you doing this. It’s like when you watch your gymnasts and you know that nowadays in gymnastics the landing has to be just perfect or they take a lot of points away. And you see them spinning and spinning and it’s gorgeous and it’s beautiful but what are you thinking? You’re thinking, “I hope they get the landing right, I hope they get the landing right, I hope they get the landing right.” Yes? You’ve had this feeling? Or they jump up and spin when they’re on ice skates and it doesn’t matter how everything else is good, if they fall in that one moment it takes away a lot of their opportunity to achieve their goals.

This is the place that we see you and we mean we collectively, we want to make sure you know that, we see you, we’re cringing. We’re cringing just like you cringe when you see that gymnast land and then have to take a step, or you see that ice skater land and then have to put the other foot down. Because energetically the desire to control and have certainty, the habitual experience is floating up here and that is the place that’s making us go, “Ohhhh. Oh, no. You’re you’re blocking the flow. You’re cutting off the most important moment.” So we really implore you, implore you, to stay the course. And Eloheim said it so nicely with the staircase. You’re at that last step, and the last step is, “I’m not going to give in to the desire of my brain, the desire of habit, and the desire of certainty that I know what it looks like on the other side of this. What I’m going to do is stay with the moment and stay with the tools at hand.” Can you hear us tonight? We can’t see you, of course, but you hear us? You understand what we’re referring to? You can apply this in your life?

And maybe the figure skater and the gymnast can give you a visceral side to this. You know those athletes, they train their whole lives for that moment in the Olympics and then they just spin in the air and when they land it just is a little bit off. And it doesn’t discount everything they’ve done. But there is a system and the system requires that they land in a certain way in order to get the most points. Now, of course, in our example you can do whatever the heck you want but we know you have desires, we know you have goals, let’s say, we know you want spiritual development. And one of the places where we see that barrier bubbling up is in projecting how it should look or how it will look. And we think we’ve said it 20 times now, so we’re going to stop but it’s that important that we keep repeating it. You know we’re always after you to love yourself. Well here’s a good place to love yourself. Love yourself enough to hang in and not give in to the idea that your certainty has to take over here. And how do you deal with that? What’s my left big toe doing? What’s my left elbow doing? Come back to the moment. Come back to the moment. Ask for insight. Open up to the high-vibrational aspects of your alternative expressions. And let yourself be fascinated in the moment. All those tools are the alternative to thinking and demanding certainty or a certain outcome. All right? Excellent. Thank you.

Eloheim: We’re just going to pop in because we need sustenance. How’s it going?

Response: Good.

Eloheim: Good is a good answer. Do you have questions or shall we just move on?

Question: I just want to know what’s happening with my body these days? I got hurt really bad.

Eloheim: We’re deciding what to do with you. It’s your collarbone, right? Did it involve your clavicle?

Response: Yes it is my clavicle.

Eloheim: So let’s be clear. It’s here but not here. You don’t have any pain in the back?

Response: Yeah, I have some muscle pain in my back.

Eloheim: OK, good. We couldn’t figure it out. We might not feel the right word for it but we can feel it. We’re going to come to you because you’re all banged up.

Part of what happens when you are you—let’s say it that way—your ability to be incredibly psychic and your ability to be very sensitive and your ability to be high-vibrational is coming into direct conflict with your ability to be a kid or a girl or a woman or a girlfriend or a worker. Like, let’s live in the world girl. You’re kind of getting out from under your parents a little bit more. You know, you’ve got a life. You’re getting to be an adult and you’re like old and all that stuff. So now you’re in a situation where you run up against: “How do I transform from a kid to a woman? How do I transform?” And part of what your body is doing is saying, “I don’t know, either. But if we don’t get into sync things tend to snap and break and not work very well.” So part of what’s happening is that you’re in a position where your body and your knowingness are not in sync with each other and part of that is because your body is going out into the world in a new way. So the way through it, and this is true for everybody, just because she’s got a body and she’s 18 and all that…. You’ve got a: “Do I want a new job, do I want a new house, do I want a new partner?” The same energy, just a different application, right?

So what happens is you say, “God, I’m this amazing spiritual being. I know it. I’m having these past lifetimes collapsing, I’m having these insights, I’ve got superhero powers, etc. I’m this amazing spiritual being and I still have to be out in the 3-D world. I have to make a living. I have to pay my bills. I have to cook, clean,” whatever. And there is this place that’s really challenging for light workers to put those things together. Especially when you’re looking at, “Will I ever have my own apartment and will I ever get a job where I am going to make enough money? This is Sonoma County for God’s sakes. Who can afford the rent when you’re 50, and I’m only 18!” Yeah, all that pain. We can feel it in your body. So to bring your body into alignment. No. This is it. It’s a trifecta. It’s the body. It’s the spiritual awareness. And it’s the world. This is really good for everybody, right?

Response: Yes.

Eloheim: So, your spiritual awareness—we’re all real good at that. You come here every week and you know it’s important and you can be conscious and we’ve worked on it for a long time, the idea to be conscious, spiritually aware, etc. Most of you are figuring out a way to be in physical form, as in pay your bills, do your dishes, go grocery shopping, and stuff like that. You’ve managed. Not everybody so well but none of you look like you’re emaciated, so we think you’ve all eaten recently. So it’s happening somehow. But there’s this in between place where the body says, “My God, this spiritual growth is happening so fast I just can’t conceive of how to keep up.” And what happens is when the body can’t keep up, then the 3-D stuff—the dishes, the groceries, the laundry—starts to fall away. This is that: “I have no energy. I’m not sleeping right. Time doesn’t flow at a steady rate.” So you have the spiritual path is leading you, especially you’re very psychic and all that, you’ve always been very spiritual, and the body is going, “I can’t. I don’t know how. I don’t frickin’ know how to do this,” and the rest of life falls apart.

Well, because you still live at home, you have a safety net for the 3-D stuff. She’s (Eloheim points to her mother) not going to let you starve. She goes to Costco, so you’re pretty good in that department. But the energetic of this is still just as intense even though you have that safety net because a part of you is going, “What’s going to happen when I don’t live at home? How is that going to work out? Will it ever work out? Maybe I’m old enough, maybe I’m not.” Back and forth, back and forth. So that’s your version of it. Someone over here wants to pay their mortgage. You’re just like, “My God, should I move out? Am I supposed to want to move out? I don’t think I do. Should I?” Right?

Response: Yeah.

Eloheim: OK. So that’s all kind of background information. “What the hell do you do about it, Eloheim? Get to the point!” We’re getting there, we promise. Everybody should just breathe a little. Some breathing might help this. Breathe and blow your noses. That’s the middle part of the meeting.

So the idea here—we could all do this together—is to just say to your body, you can say it inside your head, “I get it. I get that this is not easy and I’m not going to pretend, lie to myself, deny the truth, any of those things, that it is. I’m going to acknowledge and admit and be honest and say this is really fucking hard and what I’m asking you to do is not easy. So what I’m inviting you to do is to tell me how I can help you in ways that don’t involve broken bones, etc. How can I help you make it easier?” Because just as the Matriarch said, you’re the vessel, the responsibility is to maintain the vessel. Now you have to open up to insight, so if the body says “ow, ow, ow” in this spot, just like we said earlier that’s shadow, that’s warrior, that’s that energy that we told you is coming up. So the body is inviting you to partner with it more than you’ve ever done before.

Now, some of you have a real good connection to your body. Some of you couldn’t tell us what your left toe is doing if your life depended on it. So there’s a range of experiences going on here. But whatever arrangement you have with your body, it can go deeper. And it needs to because your body is going to be telling you how to help it hold the vessel, be the vessel, for all that you’re doing. Not just lifetimes and soul’s energy and all that. But boyfriends and motorcycle rides and cars and “Should I move out?” and “God, will I ever make enough?” and “Will I ever have a job that pays enough?” and all that stuff.

Part of what specifically is going on with you is you’re doubting who you are. You’re doubting who you are. Deeply. And instead of doubting who you are, we’re going to invite you to be fascinated by what you see. Because what happens is when there’s a lot of change and all of you are going through it, doubt—“Oh, can I handle it, what’s going on, am I going to understand it?” desire for certainty, it has to be a certain way, which we’ve talked about already at least twice tonight—that becomes who you are instead of being fascinated by what’s actually going on. You get it? So, you don’t know who you are and that is actually good news. It’s just because you’ve seen “I don’t know who I am” as something to be afraid of instead of something to be fascinated by that’s causing the problem in you. Do you understand the difference? The whole right side of your body is a mess. Did you know that? It’s just a wreck. And you know what the right side of the body is about? Moving forward in the world. No wonder you broke your damn whatever the hell it’s called. It’s like what did you do. Run into a wall or something?

Response: I fell off a BMX bike and slammed into cement.

Eloheim: Yeah, she fell off a bike and ran into a wall or something. So, here you go. You’re riding a bike. You’re moving through the world and boom, crash, going too fast, not paying attention, not in the moment we bet.

Response: No.

Eloheim: We’re not even going to ask you to tell us what you were thinking of. We have a sense it had something to do with a man. So we won’t make you admit it out loud, but everyone who can see her face knows we’re right. But we’ll just use that as an example. In that moment you could’ve been fascinated by the experience but it was more about—fear might not be the exact right word—but it was more about what’s going to happen next then it was about the exhilaration even of the moment. So you didn’t even get to have the moment and you broke your whatever it’s called.

Response: Yup.

Eloheim: At least she admits it. We have good young people in this group. They all sign up and say, “Yup, that’s right, I did that.” Not all of you 40-year-olds would do it. Now you do—sorry. Normal 40-year-olds wouldn’t do that. You all are not normal.

It shifted just then. Did you feel it? You’re all right, kid. You’re going to be OK. Fascination, let go of certainty, because no one gets it, so if you look for it you’re just on a dead-end track. And be in the moment. And you can talk to her. You can talk to your mom and say, “I’m freaking out.” [to her mom] And you: Don’t get triggered and say, “I’m freaking out, too.” You can say, “I’m freaking out, too,” but you don’t get to get triggered. She says, “Mom, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to move out.” You don’t get to go, “Oh, don’t move out.” We’re going to have to come over there and kick you’re Kenwood asses. Because putting bones back together again, that’s not our specialty.

So for you, specifically, breathing into that whole shoulder and that whole right side and letting the shoulder and the right side inform you as to what they’re saying. We put some words onto it and the words resonated with you but there are other words that only you can uncover. Maybe make a list of the words that you uncover. And don’t judge what you find. We sound like the Visionaries! Don’t judge what you find.

Now we’re being serious. We wanted you guys to laugh but we want you to be serious, too. Part of what has to happen here—and this is all that whole staircase, landing, staircase, warriors coming in—what you uncover when you look, you mustn’t judge. You mustn’t have a critique about. It must just be revelation, fascination. Do you understand? This is where all your tools come together. Because when you look that deeply at stuff you’ve hidden and been ashamed of, the temptation is going to be to get triggered and use old patterns. The freedom of transformation comes from allowing yourselves to just go, “Whoa, that happened. That’s true. What is, is. Where do I wish to go from here?” Not, “How shall I deal with it?” but “What do I wish to have now? Where does my fascination draw me?” You get it? We actually think you guys are getting it. We can feel it kind of sinking in here and there.

Comment: You know I have that relationship that is fading away. So I was thinking about the shadow and I thought what’s the dirty secret shadow part that I don’t want to look at…and it’s that I want revenge. It’s not great.

Eloheim: So what did you do with realizing that you wanted revenge?

Response: I just thought about it. What’s the little secret that makes me want to hold on and I thought that it was that I want to see that she’s been left and cheated on the same way she did with me.

Eloheim: So you sat with that, you felt it, you sat with it. Where did you take it next?

Response: I didn’t freak out or anything. It just seemed like a natural thing.

Eloheim: Did you go into plotting or planning or fantasizing? We’re trying to get to did you take it to a low-vibrational place or was it just “this is”?

Response: Yeah, it was just “this is.” What’s really funny is I was walking outside and I walked underneath a utility wire and there was a crow and it went “Caw, caw!”

Eloheim: Yeah, that’s a wonderful and very vulnerable, very heart-open example and we want to give you a lot of credit for being willing to tell that story. So, that whole heart thing we’ve been working on, it’s working. It’s working. And underneath the scab of “My heart is broken and I’m not going to show it,” and whatever else we can describe that previous state that you used to be in was this dark secret, this dark thing, that would be very easy to be ashamed of. It would be very easy to find painful. It would be very easy to go into speculation or have stories about and you were able to sit with it. You had an experience with nature, which we’ve always told you guys will raise your vibration if you find yourself interacting with nature. So we say good job to you. And that you told everybody else we think that’s pretty impressive. That’s a good example. That’s a good example and we’ve said before, find that thing that you don’t want anybody to know and then just plop yourself down in the middle of it.

Question: Do you think it’s related at all to having that thing again where at night something is terrifying me?

Eloheim: Is it a dream or something or you just freak yourself out?

Response: I don’t know what it is.

Eloheim: Are you just laying in bed and you spaz out?

Response: Yeah. It happened a couple of times when I was sleeping.

Eloheim: Wow. Can you guys feel that? It’s coming off your left shoulder and just going up like as if you had lit a campfire or something, right off your left shoulder. It’s very interesting. OK, good. Keep talking.

Comment: The other morning I was trying to do the thing where you just experience the moment.

Eloheim: You guys are so funny sometimes.

Comment: And it happened again where it felt like something was going to happen, like energy moving, but it freaked me out. So the thing that is the barrier is what you’re anticipating it’s going to look like. But it was kind of freaky.

Eloheim: What you’re doing there that we’re picking up on energetically at least, we don’t know what’s going on physically necessarily, but energetically what’s happening is you’re in a space of, a couple of things are happening, but primarily it’s a space of we’ll call it shadow stuff, just for a general term, shadow stuff gets into your consciousness. It comes up, it bubbles up, and when it hits conscious level you’re like, “Yikes!” And your body does that and that’s where you have channeled that energy to. So if it happens again or when it happens again see if you can channel it into, “OK, there is no danger. I’d like to release this. I’d like to transform this. I’d like to let it go.” Because part of what happens is that when you do that stuff it doesn’t let it actually transform. It dissipates it a little bit, you know like with the tea kettle, it lets some of the steam off but it doesn’t take it off the heat. That’s a good one for everybody. Did you like that? That’s pretty good, just off-the-cuff, whipping out analogy thing. We’re going to give a little pat for that one. We liked that one. Let’s have the Visionaries.

So now the Guardians and the Visionaries are having a dialogue. We’re going to have to get our shit together with this because this is ridiculous. OK, the Guardians want to come in and do a little scrape first. We probably should come up with a better term for that too. We need to up our game a little bit here.

Comment: A barnacle scrape.

Eloheim: It is what they do. All right. We’re going to do Guardians and then Visionaries.

Guardians: Center. Center. See how fast you can do it. Well done. Now, last week we had the bubbles. Remember the bubbles? So just let whatever all this conversation has brought up in you bubble up and it makes soap bubbles on your skin or whatever visual you like and we just come in and we can just wipe them off. It’s like if you’re washing a window and it gets soapy and you just wipe it off. That’s what we do. Again. Maybe an intention would be: “Those things that I find in my shadow I am willing to look at now. I am a willing to allow to bubble up in me and not need to experience but to release all of it that’s ready to be released.” Some of it will need contemplation, some of it will need observation, some of it will need your attention, but a lot of it is just ready to come off and that’s where we can help you. So if you bring it up we’ll take it off. That’s our job. Watch your minds now. Watch your minds. Don’t let the mind get involved in this. Simply be willing. There. That’s nicely done.

You guys are taking out a lot through your crowns tonight. More than ever before. We’ve never taken this much off the crowns before. Now the third eye is becoming more activated. So we’re just really working with the upper chakras, which is nice to see because in the past we’ve always worked very low with all of you. We’re at the throat chakra now. Maybe turn your heads from side to side. Shake your head. Just let your head kind of float on your neck because we’re really taking a lot of energy off the upper three charkas and off the back of the neck.

Energetically we are working together very well. It’s quite a joy. See, this was the right order of events. What’s that? That’s interesting. Where did you guys find that stuff? It was like a simultaneous first chakra dump that happened. We’re like oh, we’d better attend to that. We’re just going to wipe your charkas. Do your auras. Ohh, who got sad? If you feel sad, remember that’s a choice and if it’s old sadness it’s a real big choice. So bring yourself back into this moment and allow sadness to just drop out of you. Now, you’re not used to dropping emotions so just try. Let the sadness drop out of you. Sometimes if you tell the sadness, “We’ll do it later,” it works better and you don’t ever have to pick it back up. Just let it drop out of you from your heart chakra. Sadness oftentimes is just resistance to contemplation with consciousness. You’re sad because you’re arguing with the way it is and you don’t want to go conscious about it. So when you say: “I’m conscious I’m sad,” a lot of times that will shift you out of sadness. OK, now we’re going to ask you one more time, bring it back into the center and everybody just let there be an intentional release out of the heart chakra. Nicely done. There you go.

Visionaries: It’s interesting to come at the end. We come at the end, we get a whole different group of people. You’re completely revamped. A lot of times we come at the beginning and shake you up a bit. Now we get you at the end where you’re already shook and massaged and pushed and prodded and we don’t even know what-all happened. We just watched it unfold. But wow, you guys really did have an energetic change happen in this room since we started the meeting and we want to invite you to recognize that that doesn’t require being here on a Wednesday to experience. You can open up to the truth of you at any moment and we invite you to do it regularly.

Let yourselves have this experience where the Guardians will say bring your attention to the moment, and you do. Let yourself do that regularly. Let yourself do that regularly. Let yourselves do that regularly. You have the opportunity at hand. It’s going to serve you quite well if you take yourself into the space that allows for the moment to be the most important, most fascinating, most interesting thing that’s going on. And then let that moment then expand itself to encompass what is not just you but the vessel that you’re becoming and what is the next step. You all want that certainty. Even though you’ve really worked on letting go of the need for certainty it still exists within you. And as you work with that desire for certainty and you rub up against that shadow part of you, what you’re going to find is that ability to say, “Aha. Aha, there you are again.” Just like your core emotion was in the beginning. Aha, there you are again, that desire for certainty.

And we’ll tell you, at the bottom of the shadow there’s a couple of things primarily that you’re going to find and it’s fear of getting dead and the need for certainty, which of course then is supposed to keep you from getting dead. So whenever—well here’s something to do. Ask yourself, “What am I wanting to be certain about now?” Remember how we did “Where am I lying to myself, what is true now? What am I trying to be certain about? What am I trying to be certain about? What am I trying to be certain about?” That’s our new one. What are you trying to be certain about? Because when you try to be certain you’re doing the thing the Girls warned you against, which is the idea that you’re going to preprogram how it needs to be next. And when you try to preprogram how it needs to be next you are going into limitation, limitation, limitation. And it’s amazing because your mind can actually convince you that you’re going into expansion because you’re thinking, but thinking never takes you to expansion.

Insight takes you to expansion. Thinking just helps you go to the bathroom and buy groceries in the meantime. You can have grandiose thoughts but your thoughts can never take you where insight can take you. So the most expansive thinking you’ve ever been able to do, it pales in comparison to insight. Let yourselves know. Let yourselves know who you are, let yourselves be the truth of you in the moment and let yourselves, let that be enough, let that be enough, let that be enough. Be fascinated by the experiences you’re having. We’re not sure…just a moment. That’s enough. That’s good. The invitation is for you to know you in a brand-new way, and in order for you to know you in a brand-new way you have to remove the habits that have kept you in the old form. They’re like clothes that don’t fit anymore but you still wear them because you don’t know there’s any option. OK. Veronica is getting tired so we’re not going to stay. Goodnight.

Eloheim: Well. That’s a lot, huh? How are you guys? You’re all here? You’re all here? Just a moment. Let’s just bring it back in here a little bit. We thought with the Matriarch, yeah, it might. OK. Well, guess what? That’s what we get for tonight. The go juice is gone. And we are not going to require any more than what’s available. There is the way to do it. Imagine if you all gave yourself that permission. We’ll say that you have such an opportunity right now, such an opportunity, we just want to reiterate that thing about the stairs. When the Girls say it 20 times, they mean it. So we see you swinging on that bar like a gymnast and you’re just ready to let go and we just want to hold you until you land. Like come on, come on, come on. That’s the best visual we can come up with. So we’re holding you but it’s free will. So you guys have to still be the one and you love to let go because you think, “Oh, if I let go and it’s going to take me someplace new.” When the truth is the letting go, what happens when they let go is they have to come here. Do you understand? Because what else is there? There’s no bar. There’s nothing. All there is is here. It’s no longer: “Where do I put my hands?” It’s, “I’m spinning, I’m this. I’m that. But it’s just me in the air.” That’s where you guys are. You’re just in that “me in the air” place, and if you start to say, “Oh my God, if I don’t land properly I’m not going to get a medal and yikes!” You can see that’s not going to work.

So what do you do? You go into the training, into the tools, into the muscle memory, into that space where you can say, “Yes, yes, yes. I’ll just stay with this. And this experience of being upside down and twisted and contorted and bent in three different ways, that’s my moment and then this is my moment and then this is my moment.” And then whether you step out of your landing, whether you fall on your butt, whether you make it perfect, all of that is just as fascinating. And if you go into judgment about it, that’s fascinating. OK? So be nice to yourselves. OK? All right. There you go. That’s how it is. Thank you everyone. Goodnight to you all.

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