Tag: the Hindu

Göbekli Tepe: The Burying Of An Ancient Megalithic Site

Dr. Rita Louise, GuestWhy Did Our Ancestors Inter This Ancient Massive Architectural Wonder?Located at the highest point of the Germus range in the southeastern Anatolia region of Turkey is the mysterious site of Göbekli Tepe. Excavations at Göbekli Tepe commenced in 1995 after German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt realized what was thought to be a Byzantine cemetery was actually a prehistoric site. Schmidt quickly unearthed a number of T-shaped pillars, which set th [...]

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The Structure of the Soul


5 March 2012

Teacher: Julie Miller

The Structure of the Soul http://www.innerfrontier.org

What is soul, this mysterious something that forms our true essence? Many speak of the soul, but rarely does anyone attempt to ...

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The Ascended Masters – Who They Are


The Ascended Masters

Who They Are

compiled by Dee Finney

Ascended Master - a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity...

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Breathe for life or breathe for death


by Sifu Simon Chong See all articles by this author Email this author

(NaturalNews) Many of the older cultures and traditions around the world share a concept of health and well-being centered on the breathing process. For...

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HINDUISM: Scientifically proven scriptures: Krishna’s city


Hinduism: Scientifically proven scriptures: Krishna's city was named Dwarka and the Hindu scriptures have described that the city was submerged in water in a particular area after Krishna's incarnation was over. The city has n...

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Winter Solstice: The Final Countdown in the Age of Kali

Posted on December 18, 2009 by mayasoma

“There is no force stronger than the strength of a woman determined to rise”,  Anahata Katkin.

Happy Winter Solstice!  Let us discuss the goddess Kali for a moment. ...

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Fasting for the Divine Masculine

Hi Dre’,

Last Tuesday, March 3, I got the following info in meditation and was told to share it with your website. Not sure how to do that.

In love, light and laughter,


I know this is going to sound bizarre, but I am feeling called to share what came to me in my meditation this morning (Tuesday March 3,) and invite those interested in joining me in supporting the Divine Masculine for the next forty days.

This morning in my meditation the first thing I saw was Jesus and he was all white. With him was a being that was all dark. Jesus told me that the dark being was his twin brother and his struggle with him in the desert represented a struggle that had been going on within men through the ages. I was shown a variety of stories that played this out from Michael and Lucifer, Osiris and Set, Horus and Set, Cain and Abel. The twins of the Mayan creation stories. The twins of the Hindu tales and over and over. I was then told that this struggle was going on right now in our world and in the collective. I know this sounds dramatic, but I was told it was the battle between dark and light foretold in the bible. I get the sense it is battle that is raging within men right now and is a battle that is going on in the archetypal realms as well and is being played out on the world stage.

The next thing that happened was that one of my guides showed up. She told me that I was to start a 40 day vigil to fast and pray for the Divine Masculine. I was told that this was a very important part of my healing and that by being in a strong spiritual space I would better be able to hold the energy for what the masculine energy was struggling with right now. I questioned her because I don't fast. I can do cleanses, but fasting? She told me to trust her and so I am. I don't know if I have to fast for forty days, all I know is that I am fasting today to begin the vigil.

She told me that over the 40 days I was to look at my relationship to the Divine Masculine. I was to look at my beliefs about the Divine Masculine and how my beliefs about the Divine Masculine limited me and the men in my life.

She told me that what I was doing  had been done by people through the ages when Men were struggling within themselves. I was told that while Jesus was in the Desert The Marys held a similar vigil.

I was also told that I was to invite both Men and Women to join me in this vigil. I was told that each person who chooses to hold the space for the Divine Masculine will go through their vigil in their own unique way supporting the Divine Masculine while it goes through this challenge. I am not an astrologer or a numerologist but according to my calculations today March 3, 2010 is  3/3/3. This is a master number and to me feels powerful. Today the moon is in Libra and when the vigil is over for me it will be a new moon in Aries. This also seems important as well.

Feel Free to pass this on to anyone and everyone you feel called to.

If you want to share with others your experiences or insights please feel free to email me @ info@rocksandthingsmetaphysical.com 

In love, light and laughter,


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