Tag: the Guardian (page 3 of 3)

Guardian of Light

Channeler: Adele Linsalata

Tuesday, 25 May, 2010 

My greeting s to you that this time. You have been much aligned with energies that have been working very hard to displace you on all levels. And here you are, welcome my friends we have journeyed before together and it is now time to open yourself to an understanding as you begin your final journeys towards that which your planet has much discussed and displayed fearful energies out unto the world in which you live. As say this as I begin for there has been many interruptions of energies and many eruptions from your Mother Earth.

Can you not see why this is happening? Can you not see that this is an accumulation of energies that had been put forth from the limitations of expressions to which is said that your Mother Earth needs? We have all been paying close attention to that which is going on. We all have been working very much in alignment with your planet of Mother Earth to assist in all ways. But we also know that it is the human manifestations in which you and Your Mother Earth are now playing out in your journey.

We say your Mother Earth for a reason, can you not feel it, and can you not feel it deep within you when we say this, for she is your Mother Planet, she is your host and you are her guardian.

We have not missed anything that is placed before you, you whom live upon your planet of Mother Earth….Ahhh… she is beautiful is she not? But of course she is…she is a gift unto which you have chosen to be with during these changes of times. For to you to begin to see the effects of your own manifestations created and displayed for all to see. You have created much do you not see this? You have created the building of energies into which is now at play. You have through your own ego logical mindfulness created that which blinds you to see past that which is right before you.

How many times have you been to the past? How many times have you looked at the past? For to not look at the past is to not look at your future. And that is the walking force of your human development to always be where there is not, when there is that which is with you. Your Mother Earth, the place in which you have chosen to be housed upon right now. Do you not see this, your planet has had many explorations and images displayed from the human creation of the thinking mind to catapult you into the future in which all humankind seems to want to be in. Think about this, is it the future in which you live or the present in which drives you? You have chosen your planet of Mother Earth as your housing planet to retrieve experiences and gather that, which you need, the supplies to bring about your own ascension in your wholeness….a totality that will eclipse all thought forms of the present being to that which is the inner most of your essential self. Ahhh… yes…as there are others into the Universe who have chosen a less strenuous journey, you have chosen this one. Why then live for what shall be when you can live for what is? We watch as there are many among you who are coming forward to say that there is existence in which has always been held back but now they are to be acknowledging the existence in which you have always known. There is much growth upon your plant for the human experience. And there is still so much to learn.

We shall go to the past as that is what the beginning is all about, is it not? For the energies upon you have been lived many times before and it is for you upon your planet of Mother Earth to find that which is a continuation of energy. To find that which was completed and lived on again. For you are that which lives on again and you shall complete the circle that is here with you now.

I give to you a case in point… Just as the teacher is being guided to where she needs to be right now, she is being called forth by the Blessings of the one who is known to her as Mother, the Blessed One, within whom all things are. For the Teacher has touched the hands of Yahweh, been held in the light for all the heavens to see and acknowledge. She has ascended into the light and risen above all physical limitations to be anointed in Light of the Holy Trinity. Have you not asked her about this? Have you not taken the time to ask yourself why she has a light that shines so bright nothing shall limit it for she has been touched by God? She has then descended given to herself that which is being given to her to share and bring forth the light to all beings upon your planet of Mother Earth. For this she shall be rewarded even thought she asks for nothing… She is gently smiled upon, watched over and loved for there is grace and beauty wherever she goes.

Do I tell you this as to say she is greater than you? NO, for there is nothing greater than that which is within you. I tell you this as she shall find out much later, that as she has given to her inner calling, she has also given all that she has to her truths, she has acknowledged and gone forth through the anguish, pain and denial of others for so long and she now holds within her absolute peace of being. This too is that which calls to you, to ascend to your inner value of truth in all things. As you do this you shall rise above all limitations of the human thought process to see truth in all things around you. And to know you are not alone, you are at the time in which all is beginning to be shown to you. To discover the manifestations of the human mind come into play at its finest and then too at its most undermining ability to be blinded to that which is with you right now.

The times in which you are living are parallel to that which was lived long ago. When you look back at your ancient cultures most humans seek the beauty of what is being presented to them. It is not in the beauty that you shall find the answers; it is in the worth of the existence of that which was lived. Many of your Mother Earth ruptures were being displayed then too, many famines, and sacrifices. How does this replicate that which you are living right now? How many sacrifices shall it take to appease that which lives inside of you? How many famines in nature shall be allowed? You are matching the same energies as that which the Mayans lived in the years before the own what you call ending of their calendar. Living the parallel existence to your own ancestors. For their cultures and people did not all just die off. They are gentle souls who know the history and they too see the same repeating patterns as before. The ending is that which is before you now. A time in which is repeating itself and the blinding ability to not see this is what shall be the ending to the beginning. I say this as they suffered much with famine, you this day suffer the famine of your own creation. It is all around you ..do not look at the food source to be that which is famine….look , look around and what then is your famine upon your planet of Mother Earth? Sacrifices, ahhh…yes… each of you are sacrifices each day from your own manifestations of desires. Do you not sacrifice the other to gain that which you believe to need?

When looking at the parallel journeys, seek that which is in your time to match that which is in the time of the Mayans and you shall see the energies that are at play here for you r right now and remember I said…they still live, there rich culture did not die off…For many ancestors live among you… When you acknowledge the same is when you can see the changes that are to be needed to learn from those before you.

For the true path of light shall always be there for you to see and follow… it is for you to see the light in which you follow…

New discoveries are going to be expanding for you of Mother Earth soon, this is great joy and as we have said before the collapsing of your governmental and religious structures have been unfolding around you. Being exposed to truth on all levels, how much more will you take, you of Mother Earth? …ahhhh… sacrifices and famines, is this not the way to find that which is the answer? Hmmmm…..What is being allowed to that which is being given are on two different levels.

I send you my peace for all of humanity to love another in their hearts as much as you are loved on all levels of your being. For we are one with you and we walk with you in all you do, for you are the Guardian of Light.

I AM Lord Amin-Ru

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

Copyright 2010 Adele Linsalata and Angelic Wise Ones http://www.angelicwiseones.com

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ENERGETIC SYNTHESIS ES News- May 2010 – Transparency

May 9, 2010    Newsletter Headline

by Lisa Renee

Dear Family,
As we have entered the Full Moon of Taurus leading us into May, this time is esoterically called the "Festival of Wesak" which is the annual planetary cycle that transmits the "Ray Aspect of Illumination" to those whom are receptive to receive impulses from their Higher Self. This Ray Aspect of Illumination is another way to describe the higher intelligence field access we are able to receive when being connected into another dimensional frequency. Higher dimensions hold higher energetic frequencies which emits an "intelligence field". There are massive multiple layers of "intelligence fields" and humans have the consciousness power (when disciplined or trained to develop these abilities) to build discernment from where the intelligence is being sourced  from.To learn this discernment as a practice is the "Spiritual Initiation" or Integrated Ascension process which has been taught by many of the esoteric Mystery School lineages. Both dark and light intentions can influence the quality of the material, and even distort it from both human ego misuse and Negative E.T. manipulation. The eventual goal in all cases is "polarity integration" which is about synthesizing lower density patterns into higher frequencies. This is how we evolve to reach the level of energetic intelligence that exists as pure Unity consciousness. Spiritual Initiation through polarity integration IS a part of the Mechanics of Universal Creation and inherent in the physics governing the laws of evolutionary direction that increases and develop consciousness  expansion into Unity Intelligence. (Unity Intelligence is synonymous to the Cosmic Christ Principle)

As we evolve into higher initiations of embodiment we are then increasingly able to become more "Transparent" to the external environmental energies. Learning how to become more transparent to the external pressures and energies is a necessary skill at this time. This starts with total neutrality (non judgment) applied to all that is being observed externally. A good practice now is to strengthen and develop your witness consciousness (now moment) to include neutral association to all events, circumstances and situations as best as you are capable. This means you will be less likely to interfere or become entangled with external events that may drain your energy. Protecting your energy field by becoming self contained and inner directed is important at this time.  (The 12D shield practice is a primer to this process of learning energetic self containment)

During this time, humanity has an increased access (similar to a broadcast channel) to higher intelligence fields where our Higher Self has a "station of identity" existing at that plane. These current Stellar Alignments greatly assist us in accessing the clarity of communicating with our Higher Aspect or Inner Christ Self. Many of us are being Spiritually Initiated now.  (Read more about Wesak here:  Wesak Festival ( http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.link?linkid=2106459&subscriberid=68365363&campaignid=561133&linkurl
  =http%3a%2f%2fsouledout.org%2fwesak%2fwesakfestival03%2fwesakfestoverview.html ) )  
Blue Lotus Heart Initiate

We have entered the Realms of Spiritual Initiation that activate the next sequence of spiritual bodies and lead humanity into another planetary "Ascension Wave" cycle. This year's Planetary Ascension Wave is related to the Indigo Crystal Star which when ignited, reconfigures our 6th Chakra, 6th AxiAtonal Line, 6th DNA imprint and its processes that control our" third eye" and higher brain function. It also controls the spin speed of the Indigo dimensional frequencies and how they modulate into our 6th layer lightbody that reconnect the physical body to its soul matrix energies.(the Soul Matrix bodies are 4D-5D-6D) This Indigo Crystal Star is a function of our lightbody and it exists at the Higher Heart Center in the Thymus  Gland chakra. This activation deepens the Heart Chakra into fuller expansion as it transforms the heart channels from a 4D green energy layer and into running Aqua to Blue Frequencies. This process is the esoterically named "Blue Lotus Flower" of the Activated Lotus Crystal Heart Lightbody, as described by the Egyptian and Hindu Spiritual Initiation cultures. The reference to the Blue Lotus Flower in Egyptian temple hieroglyphs was referring to the spiritually initiated Human Heart Chakra as a Living Eternal God Crystal Matrix. Many temple carvings depict Egyptians holding a Blue Lotus Flower in their hand. From the Guardian perspective, this symbol was not originally intended to represent the actual "blue flower" being used as a hallucinogen as suggested by some Egyptologists. The sacred oil from the lotus flower was used in high priestess ritual and massaged on  the Heart Chakra to represent the initiate's desire to bloom the "Lotus" residing within the Crystal Heart Matrix. Once the Blue Lotus ignited the Initiate would become eternally connected through the Living Breath of God Source.

January's News mentions that this is The Year of the Indigo which correlates to the planet's 6th Dimensional Indigo wave activation and our Blue Ray Star Families returning to the planet this year. This is a specific Guardian Consciousness Planetary Grid Rehabilitation Project that is underway ongoing to support the planet's awakening Indigo population.

Buried Pressures Erupting

As this is a planetary frequency event, it means that the blockages that exist in the Earth grid accumulate pressure and energetically erupt to shift movement. When new frequency exposures transmit into our planetary field it has to shift its ratio of particle spin to accommodate the changing electromagnetic energies. (The Guardians have described we are merging particle and anti-particle fields and as these particles merge, they create a third particle field which is neutral.) These particles merging also change the electron and proton balance which changes the magnetic field and the "global brain" of our planet. This event collapses timelines (dissolve membranes between dimensional veils) that allow us to visually see or have conscious awareness to events, circumstances or  energies we never had a previous awareness of. Simultaneously how these new energies assimilate within our own spiritual and physical body is being revealed to us in personal ways. This has a high impact to influence changes in our personal biorythym, metabolic system, neurochemistry and our eating and sleeping patterns.

It also means that a huge population of Indigo children will also experience these energies as a "pressurized" type of acceleration this year and ongoing.( In all likelihood, the sensory and advanced abilities of a 6th DNA imprinted Indigo that have been previously dormant or latent may begin to activate.) As we are being reconnected again to these frequencies, we begin to remember what was disconnected from us in the past at the cellular memory level.  When we feel "cellular memory" it is a recording of a past historical event that creates an influence on the current level of consciousness we experience as our physical self.  Yet, these are collective memories of humanity that are surfacing now. These are memories and in many cases trauma, that have  been deeply buried in our group unconscious mind and our physical body.  Like an accumulated pressure building momentum within an erupting volcano, these deeply buried energies must find a way to release.

We will feel the impact of this event through the lens of which we are more primarily focused within our bodies. Some of us are more orientated to be focused on one layer or more of our four body system: the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual bodies. One or more layers of your body may be feeling the intensity of what is happening now on our planet. As an example, if you process energies mostly at "physical" levels, you probably have been dealing with a lot of mucous congestion, sinus and breathing issues, head and body aches, skin eruptions and viral type symptoms. If you process primarily "emotionally" you may be dealing with anger, sadness,  anxiety and behavioral addictions.  If you process "mentally" you may be dealing with intruding or possessing  thought forms and strange images or dream like visions. If you process spiritually you may be sensing neurological sensations, flashes of color or geometries, and a sensation of energetic compression and expansion happening at the same time in your awareness. And then there are those aspiring Indigos that may be experiencing every layer transmuting as in a process of intense spiritual transformation!

Race Memory Returning

The impact of these reconnecting frequencies is returning lost or previously erased memories of our planetary history to be reclaimed. Since our Species Race Memory is being restored (in sequenced portions) it allows an access to these lost histories in the planetary consciousness field at this time. Many of us are beginning to feel or experience these memories and may not have been having an easy time with these energies.

Most of the Guardian's facilitation work is about opening the idea to humanity the context that "planetary" energy blockages ultimately become (and are part and parcel of) individual body energy blockages.  There is a direct interface link between our individual body, collective human body and the planetary body. No energetic separation exists, only veils that have been simultaneously lifting as we are introduced to higher vibrating dimensions of frequency that open our bodies to become more embodied as our Higher God Self.   As we go through Ascension and spiritual initiation our personal bodies become highly sensitized to the planetary shifting. Where we once had no memory or awareness that our body was holding extensive layers of planetary blockages (such as  collective human pain or distortions) many of us are not able to fully heal ourselves until we address the "collective" pain issues. The most important way to do this is to find neutrality and de-personalize yourself from being the experience by becoming the "observer". The more you can hold the "observer" the easier you can shift density patterns into higher patterns of frequency vibration.    

One demographic area of the Earth where the Species Race Memory is reconnecting is within the dimensional gateways located in Egypt. Giza, Egypt is the Heart Chakra of our planet and the opening gateway to the Astral Plane. This area of the planet is undergoing many frequency changes that are igniting previously dormant portals. There is a tremendous amount of information returning to the planet in regard to humanities ET related histories. We will start to witness and observe things (such as artifacts) being discovered or revealed to the masses. Some of these artifacts are being hidden or diverted as they clearly impact world religious dogma and the current socially accepted belief systems about humanities origins. The pyramids, which have long been thought of as ancient  Egyptian burial chambers are actually designed as "energy" transmitting devices. The Ancient Astronauts (E.T's) that came to the planet clearly understood that by putting pyramidal structures on top of major planetary vortexes that it had the power to support energetic balance, health and a higher consciousness for the people of the earth. What better vortex to place a series of energy amplification devices than on top of the Heart Chakra of the planet which is located in Egypt? Possibly, our ET ancestors were attempting to help us through a very dark age by amplifying cosmic energies to be received through these pyramids in order to support balancing the planetary body.

We are about to have these energy devices "turned on" of which we have not experienced for the last 5,000 years. June solstice appears to be a timeline that begins transmission of ancient coding and Mother Arc frequencies (The 13th Pillar described last month) throughout more of the planet's main vortices. This appears to be the beginning of the major restoration of the God Female Balance "energetically" returning to the Earth Body.

Balancing through Cellular Remembrance

When we can comprehend or have a context as to what is happening with us (or our bodies) in most cases the energetic resistance stemming from confusion is released and much relief is experienced by the person on all levels. It has been continually observed that when any level of the four body system is experiencing an unconscious block (such as pain, an implant or ascension symptom) when the mind can participate with its clearing by having a context for what is happening, the block shifts and unravels itself, releasing its "grip" in that portion of the bodies cellular memory.  We continually observe blockages being released from layers of the body when an individual reads and participates with this material, as well as releases from the group bodies that  participate with this newsletter. If you so feel guided it is suggested to hold that intention before reading each newsletter, that you are willing to go beyond fear and release any obsolete pattern or cellular memory that obstructs your highest expression of Love.

Releasing blockages stemming from cellular memory trauma buried in the bodies is one purpose and mission of the Guardian Consciousness "body of work". The more we can resonate with our Inner Source (Truth), its vibration sets us free and liberates us from fear. At this time humanity is returning back to Inner Sourcing through the process of Cellular Remembrance.

We are able to regain our consciousness harmony and physical energetic balance by neutrally observing the embedded memories and their "timelines" releasing. The act of observing them from your Higher God Self is the consciousness power to "neutrally" release them.

Reptilian Invasion Timelines

One particular planetary cellular memory unraveling now and surfacing in the mass consciousness fields involves the planetary 5 D Stargate and their 5D timelines related to Reptilian Invasion memories. Cellular memory imbeds in the planetary consciousness field are akin to a timeline of recorded history. Absolutely everything that has ever transpired in the history of consciousness is recorded as cellular memory imbeds in the planetary body. Most of these historical memories were erased or obscured by the Reptilians upon Invasion. The Starseed (gridworker) incarnated here with this mission to rehabilitate the grids can energetically "read" the cellular memory imbeds. Its data stream is recovered similarly as how a market cashier will use a "bar code" reader to scan  an item code from the grocery inventory list. It is accessed from the direct cognition of reading energy signatures and this function is a part of the Oversoul and higher lightbody matrix. (The Oversoul Matrix is the 7D-8D-9D Bodies)  More Starseeds are awakening to "read" these "timelines" however most of us do not realize what we are accessing and shut it down from fear.  So many of us are indoctrinated into the 3D mind control system which limits our ability to allow ourselves to open our mind and actually LOOK at what we are seeing or sensing. Becoming neutral is highly effective as if you do not assign a value to what you are witnessing it allows attunement to a deeper connection of accessing energy or "memory'.

Reptilian Invasion memories are a part of humanities unconscious "Seed Fear" which is translated here and exploited for mass control in the 3D physical world as "Terrorism.  From the Guardian Perspective, there is an orchestrated rehabilitation program being applied to these areas of the earth grid from severe damage. As the Planetary Stargate 5th dimensional frequencies have reached certain levels of access from Guardian grid repair, (last year's project was the start of 5D portal and false umbilicus repair work) we are then able to access cellular memory imbeds that were hidden in those areas of the planet's field. That means the memory of what transpired or was holographically inserted into the time matrix as a false memory can be "read".  

What was artificially holographically inserted by the Reptilian races in the Planetary 5th dimensional Stargate holds timeline memories that changed our bodies and subsequently damaged our genetic code. This is an event that changed the direction of the human race, began the introduction of organized religion as a political control machine, and disconnected us entirely from the "mother" life force of our planet approximately 5,000 years ago. This timeline event is similar to understanding that it was the beginning of humanities group Inner Christ "Crucifixion". We became blocked from connecting to the frequency of our God Parent, and our subsequent pain was immense.

Each level of our Internal Planetary Stargate system has a white hole opening and a black hole counterpart that functions similar to the phenomena science calls a wormhole. (These Internal Stargates have been sealed and closed off by Guardians since 2005 to circumvent various possible Controller Enslavement Agendas) The Original Inner Templar 5D Stargate white hole opening (particle time fields) is in Machu Picchu and its black hole counterpart (anti-particle time fields) is in Vatican City, Rome, Italy. Vatican City is a hot spot at this time as it is a main source of this Reptilian Invasion memory revealing and its subsequent impact to influence a false "Crucifixion "story upon humanity. This is the timeline that is surfacing now and its impact may be felt intensely. This  will begin to change the Roman Catholic Church's governing organization and more of what has been hidden in the Vatican vaults will become public knowledge.

The impact of this "invasion" deteriorated the function of our human bodies immunity, glandular and organ system function and blocked the Mother God Aspect from connecting into the Earth Core. It was the groundwork being laid into the planet by the Controllers that are referred to as the "Inner Christ" Crucifixion Implants. Our planet and the human race incarnated upon it, were now fully stapled to the earth grid (via Crucifixion Implants on our 7D AxiAtonal Line) unable to achieve organic ascension and liberation from reincarnation.  We could not feel our God Source connection any longer, nor our connection to our Mother and female principles of balance.  We now begin to change this "crucifixion" event by becoming aware that it happened so we can repair and heal it.  This requires that Vatican City reveal to us what has been hidden and become accountable for its actions. This is starting to unravel the healing process and will be a huge Guardian grid repair project in 2011-2012.

The pain being felt from this "crucifixion" memory is highly charged in the mass consciousness fields at this time. Most people feel the intensity of what is transpiring however have no context to understand what they are actually feeling and where it is sourcing from. This confusion exacerbates lower impulses in behavior as people act out these energies without any sense of self control. More of the phenomena of "thought-form possession" are happening in the masses of unconscious people now.

It is important at this time to learn how to become Transparent to these external energies.  Do not attach or make judgment on any external behavior, only observe and hold peace inside yourself. We are traversing some major phases of growth which require we witness what has happened to our race so that we can become aware and choose to heal and change. The change starts from within us

We are in this together and until next....Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.

Love, Lisa

© 2010, Lisa Renee


This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and informationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying  informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.

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ENERGETIC SYNTHESIS: April 9, 2010 Newsletter Headline

by Lisa Renee

ES News- April 2010

The Mother Arc
Dear Family,

For those of us participating with the 2012 Ascension Timeline as awakened Starseed's or Indigo's, this last cycle of the "Galactic Underworld" has been intensely transformative in bringing the next level of heightened awareness to perceptible knowledge. Since last November the Inner Revelations abound with much information surfacing that has continually tested our personal discernment in every way.  Most of us have been feeling overloaded or overwhelmed with some major life lesson attempting to integrate us more fully into accepting the incoming transformational energies. These incoming energies are above and beyond the most evolutionary frequency waves our planet and human beings have ever been exposed to. This sequential series of Magnetic Propulsion  Waves are of such magnitude it is forcing us as a species to transform, adapt and evolve -- in order to change from within.

Since Mid December's life changing event (this changed the structure on the earth forever as we have known it) that began the sequential collapse of the 4D false white light webbing and its false umbilicus structure (this was the inorganic reincarnation structure attached to the group human soul layer of light-body, the opening portal accessed in Giza, Egypt) this last quarter has been challenging for us on the Astral Plane Cleanup crew. This has meant that a container of "Underworld "energies (aberrant Astral plane entities and related debris) has been consistently spilling out into the larger planet 3D consciousness reality fields.

Which means more people are either feeling these energies and  are unconsciously "acting them out" or consciously choosing to "clear them out" by not allowing negative energies to govern themselves. The good news is the new forces are powerful so when you interact with them you can clear tremendous amount of negativity with greater ease than the past. However, you may note in the external world populace that many are not acting within their best behaviors from the onset of tremendous internal pressure these energies create. Since most of the population does not have a context for what is happening on the planet, or how to effectively deal with their stress, it creates a large group of persons "acting out" in unconscious destructive ways. Addiction, thought  obsession/possession programs have accelerated for those that have not yet learned how to cope with these mechanisms. These energies will bring to the surface fragmentation and distortion in the masses, and it is necessary to surface what is "real" rather than denying the problem exists in order to begin to face the integrative healing process. This is a shifting energetic complexity that is happening at the individual field and collective field levels.

As more of us prepare to be the embodied being that is the "calm that walks into the center of the storm", you realize this is a wake up call to have dominion over oneself, and it's a critical lesson in self energetic mastery. We are being called to bring Harmony into the Seed of Conflict in these external circumstances. The love and peace you hold will enable the Source Field to re-harmonize the external environment though your very physical being. Do not take anything personal.

Planetary 9D Merkaba Buffer Field

We are at the midpoint cycle of the Sixth night of the Galactic Underworld which shifts into the next cycle of the Seventh day in November 2010.  A new platform architecture for our planet has been required and prepared meticulously to be reconnected to the planetary light body by Interdimensional Guardian groups.

(Guardian groups are of all levels of consciousness agreeing to hold their life force at ONE level of focused consciousness agreement - "Ascension Liberation For ALL". This is carried out in accordance to the free will choices of each being respected although each being answers to the consequence of its choices. Genetic rehabilitation and re-education of the laws in order to live in Harmony with the Universe are freely shared with all sincere seekers.  Guardians are embodied as physical humans, as well as other species and races that are all a part of the covenant to serve "The Law of One". These are the Natural Laws of God and the Mechanics of Creation, and are the mathematical physics that govern the time space fields in our Universe, not a man made mental belief system of judgment. )

This was in order for the planetary body to handle these new forces being reconnected to our access at this density level. It also has SPECIFIC purpose to buffer the cosmic energies as they filter in so they create a minimal amount of stress in the tectonic plates and the surface crust of the earth. It is no surprise as we have been aware for a long time that when the magnetic fields shift into other proportionate scales it creates many weather pattern and climatic anomalies. Our planet has seen an accelerated increase of weather (i.e. floods, hail) or volcanic-earthquake changes quite rapidly in the past quarter leading up to this event.

Some of us with the job of planetary gridworker have been acting as energy placement holders ( like an acupuncture point for the planet body) for this 9D merkabic system until it was stabilized in the planetary body merkabic structure through the earth core. This is like understanding a higher octave Merkabic Structure, the 9D Quadra Merkabic Architecture has been overlaid into (dna bonded) into our planetary light body (or its energy blueprint architecture).

The Golden Chalice

That means for April we should get a break from the high level intensity of shadow clearings and should start to feel the new energy platform supporting our foundation so this group of us is not feeling such an energy burden in our personal bodies. The 9 D chakra has been referred to as the "Mouth of God" and its opening is exactly at the back of the neck where the skull lays on top of the spine. It connects to the medulla oblongata and the reticular formation of the brain and spinal cord. This area esoterically has been called the Golden Chalice for it is the Occipital Cup that holds the Cosmic Intelligence or Wisdom. It is a literal brain rewiring ( spiritual body activation) in order to hold and be receptive to the "Golden Chalice" of Universal Knowledge. 

Many of us are becoming aware that we are being connected to another "language", another octave, another dimensional layer of accessing knowledge. There are waves of us accelerated into this spiritual body development of accessing Universal Knowledge from the Golden Chalice as it activates processes in the base of our brain. We may not comprehend it quite yet, as it involves a language of "code", "syntax" or "archetype".  However our sensory faculties are aware of something that is changing the "field" and our relationships to everything in it.

Knowledge and the wisdom required to be responsible for that knowledge comes with the great purification of "Fire". This purification fire has been rearranging the cells and for some of us it manifested into symptoms of head and sinus infection, throat and lung congestion and other physical ailments. The dropping density requirement has been feeling very intense to prepare our bodies to hold what is coming next.

Many of us have been isolated, sequestered and sleeping a lot over the last quarter quite busily building this structure as well as step down fields that act as circuit boards to transduce and moderate high frequencies in these various energetic circulatory complexes. Also this is the same 9D portal area of Guardian projects rehabilitating the mental body fragments of the male/Michael consciousness grids. A tremendous amount of change is underway now.

The Mother Arc

This has also been evidenced lately as the planetary body is shaking and quaking lately to reposition itself for an entirely new Magnetic Field Grid Network System to power up new levels of the 13th Pillar or The Mother Arc.

The Guardians are calling this aspect of Mother Aquamarine Ray energy, a Magnetic force powering up in our Earth Core (through the newly reconnected levels of the 9D Quadra Merkabic structure)  - The Mother Arc.  The awareness and systematic dismantling of several obsolete controlled architectures in the planetary field have allowed this to come on line. It is similar to understand we have poked a hole in the mind controlled frequency fence and reconnected our handshake hub to reconnect with the Mother Arc.   It is through the Mother's Perfect Proton Seed (or Cosmic Egg) that Creation can Heal Itself to its Original Divine Blueprint.

A new "Mother" language/vibration and its seed codes began transmission from the planet's newly activated Australian portal network and its reconnected portions of the horizontal "Golden Eagle" grid system. From this vantage point of human reality the seed codes are being called the "Universal Grandmother Turtle Codes".  These codes have been embodied, protected and hidden by the Aboriginal and Indigenous cultures of the earth for eons of time. These are like a God Inoculation and a surprise revelation as to what is beginning to transpire in consciousness fields --an event that has never transpired before in the history of creation! (It cannot be emphasized enough that God consciousness has some surprises up its sleeve.... transmitted through our bodies....as the countdown to the final conflict continues..)

The Eastern Australian Seaboard from Brisbane to Uluru ( Ayer's Rock) is acting as one of the main portal magnetic battery generators that is gaining charge in its main magnetic hub located by the monument of Uluru. The Guardians explain Uluru is similar as many other planetary pyramidal structures, it is being used to mark a major portal system gateway on the planet. (Just as the pyramids were not just tributes to dead Pharaohs they were specific gateways marking access to other dimensions and visible from outer space) Uluru is a power point for a Global Network of dormant or inactive ancient  gateways, systems or hubs and was "placed" there as a marker by the God creators of this system. The Architects of Creation and Guardians of the Universal Time Matrix were known as the King Dragon lineages, and many of the Aurora fields are coming from  which is the esoterically known as the Dragon lines. They say Uluru was placed there by the Dragon races of the next Universe. (This is not to be confused with Orion's Draconis or Reptilian races)  This is primarily being utilized to begin to power up a new level of the Arc Gate Systems on the planet. This ignition has specific relevance to the Mother Arc ( 13th Pillar Mother Magnetic Aqua Flame) igniting the Giza Pyramid and its related circulatory grid systems.  It appears  the timeline for activation is geared for this June Solstice.

The Magnetic Field of the Mother Arc ( the beginning and end of creation back into the zero point) is connecting to magnetically charge up Uluru to power up the Giza/Pyramidal dipole activity located in Egypt. This activity is similar to switching on a generator that is to POWER UP these dormant vortexes/grid points.

 ( See wiki reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piezoelectricity ( http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.link?linkid=2043934&subscriberid=68365363&campaignid=545041&linkurl=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fPiezoelectricity )

Piezo electric conductor- it's been clarified that's what's happening on the planet is the " squeeze" effect from the compression that is required to ignite and propel the magnetic charge transduction. This effect creates all these earthquakes in the field as the shifting of the tectonic plates rearrange to accommodate these new charges and the fields they create)

The phase beginning now is like a "New Year" as we are entering an elevated space available from the additional Underworld clearing since November. Hallelujah for -  She has Risen!

Michael /Male Principle Consciousness Healing Continues

As we are well aware, the old energy architecture that impedes the new consciousness structures from connecting are in the process of being demolished. As a result the soul fragments and the cellular memory are also cleared from the planetary matrix. This is not an invisible process of a God figure waving his wand in the sky, it is the agreed upon mission and life work of the collective awakened Starseed or Indigo. It is through embodied polarity integration and the rehabilitation of the dark forces (absent of light and ignorant of the law) that this process can actually happen. That is why we must face the darkness, conquer our fears as we commit to serve as the embodied representative of God Source in order to be the ultimate Alchemist. Polarity Integration is Alchemy.  (This is one of the most confused aspects of belief in the New Age awareness - that we deny that darkness exists. Denial breeds deception and then manipulation by the very forces you deny as existing.)

Most of this is transpiring at the holographic blueprint level within the anti particle fields. (We will see more of these changes manifested in the material world over the next two years specifically) There never exists judgment in what structure is demolished or rehabilitated in order to exist within a higher integrity of harmony with the Natural Laws of God. Only that which holds the integrity of the organic living light of the Eternal Supply of Source is left standing as the Truth.

Given the information this month on the necessity of a new connector to the 9D Planetary Merkabic structure being built  - it is the same portal and dimensional area of Guardian projects rehabilitating the mental body fragments of the Male/AA Michael consciousness described last month. This clearly is ongoing to integrate and merge the "Unity" consciousness fields where there has been "Patriarchal Domination" propagated through distorted or controlled holographic programs.(Remember that "controlled" means inorganic, it means another consciousness outside of the reality decided to interfere and manipulate with the organic and natural evolution of a species)

We have been witnessing systematic Male bloodline clearing through the 12 Tribes of Genetic Seeding of the Human Race since the AA Michael Matrix began dismantling and clearing genetic memory in the 3-6-9 dimensional fields. (as mentioned last month Males in these bloodlines or energetically named have the most radical symptoms for Ancestral and Pathcutting clearing)  These bloodline histories are being re-patterned and cleared in Triads as stemming from the Family of Michael Consciousness as the Patriarchal or "Grandfather" Lineage of the Masculine. The House of Kings, starting with King David most recently has been especially prominent in clearing the cellular memory fields existing within the planetary history.  The House of David is especially important now to  the Guardians as the Three Kings in the House of David -- Saul , David and Solomon are the last bloodline that hold the rightful Priest-King of Benevolence, they are the last line of the embodied Kings that held the "Rods" of God Source. It ended with Solomon and it will open again with Solomon, as the "Shield of Solomon" is the hosting shield of our source code embodiment work for this planet called "The Avatar of Ascension".

The Avatar of Ascension Ignites

We are a Universal Group Consciousness experiment of genetic "Unity in Diversity" relearning how to reconnect into our Source origins. Some of us act as energy placement holders, some of us do the ancestral pathcutting and transmuting for the mass consciousness fields, some of us are the midwife's of the birthing or passing souls, some of us are teachers or healers, some of us birth the new consciousness children, some of us are the architects, some of us are the Galactic polarity integrators. There is an incredibly diverse amount of genetic material and unique energy signatures embodied in this Living Light Library of Planet Earth.  There is no value difference given although we should learn to respect each unique role as a part of the One. We are a group consciousness  of Unity in Diversity.

Once you have committed to embody the Guardian Consciousness, (or it is your blueprint) you may be required to play all of the roles if your destiny path is one of Stewardship. Stewardship and Leadership roles in the new consciousness fields are now required to be a path of self energetic mastery. This newsletter is servicing that smaller niche of cultivating Human Guardian Consciousness through informed awareness and by supporting the energetic integration necessary to be an embodied container of the Truth Vibration/God Spark. This is a frequency requirement to participate as a Steward with the Host Shields through the Avatar of Ascension. One must have mastered the Self to a degree that Inner Source Sustainability is embodied in the physical reality. Obviously  the more embodied Stewards we have - the easier this process is for ALL of US.

Polarity integration through life experience is the Soul Transmutation Alchemy that is required to physically embody total Inner Source Sustainability. One must transcend judgment through neutrality, not ignore the polarity of forces. Ignorance of these forces otherwise breeds spiritual righteousness, false glamour and its demonic delusion to take hold of the consciousness.

Inner Source Sustainability means you have no need to create attachment cords, control circumstantial outcomes or engage in karmic relationships that energetically feed off of something external to yourself. 

This means you commit to not being emotionally or energetically parasitic/vampiric to anything external to yourself, and that you self contain your personal energies and attempt to be completely responsible for them.

Our group planetary consciousness has been traversing another in depth sensing of the Underworld energies (through the portal of the Astral Plane) in order to heal and unify the collective emotional body of the planet, therefore reconnecting and healing the human being's group soul and its heart center.

In order to heal, one must be able to "feel". (This is clarified by having an ability to access the soul matrix function of "Higher Sensory Perception" which distinguishes between "Cellular Knowing" impulses, rather than the "Linear Analytics" that characterize the 3D mental body functions)  Emotional distortions (2D and 4D Astral Plane Damage) needs to be first "realized", then "witnessed" in order to be "synthesized" into a higher frequency and harmonic alignment. This is how individual and planetary DNA is recoded and healed through the energy blueprinting architecture, through higher light, sound frequency arranged in tones of scalar wave arrangements. This is the God composition -- known as the "Music of the Spheres". Our God parent has returned to show us how to  create beautifully harmonically arranged music that allows us to merge with the Higher Kingdoms of God. This way we become in harmony with the Universal laws and in harmony with ourselves.  (See:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musica_universalis ( http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.link?linkid=2043935&subscriberid=68365363&campaignid=545041&linkurl=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fMusica_universalis ) )

This is the Avatar of Ascension Unity Field, it harmonizes conflict by holding the Power of One in the Core Being as the Ultimate Truth. It is a group consciousness field that will support many of us to move to higher levels of consciousness that have been limited through genetic or ancestral patterns buried in our flesh. It is the beginning of a group field "re-encryption" process at the elemental vehicle level, ( physical body)  the level of planetary raw material that makes our physical flesh. It is to begin bringing the possibility of freedom to the flesh from the genetic manipulation that has been controlling the elementals on this planet. This is being supported by ES community projects and by the Ascension Hosts of Crystal Matrix and Aurora.   


In the closing of our lengthy transmission, we choose the archetypal principle of Temperance to meditate upon and serve as a reminder for our concluding timeline theme. Much  skill at neutrally applying "Temperance" is required through this current planetary Rite of Passage. Temperance is the Law of Verification that stands at the pinnacle, the crux of making a personal major life choice, in order to integrate fully what has been learned on the life journey. It forces us to make hard decisions based on what we now know to be our personal truth. Through the tempering of Soul through its many challenges, we become increasingly able to embody Soul (God) Essence.  We have a choice to forfeit that knowledge through fear and if so -- we will continue to  undergo more of the same static patterns of life experience until the learning is complete. It is that completion ( through polarity integration) that alchemically molds you into the embodiment of the true nature of your God Essence. This is the task at hand.

Some questions to ponder this month : Can you remain on the pathway despite challenges to your faith?  What have you learned spiritually that you can integrate neutrally and apply it practically to your life? Are you willing to accept that in order to serve God - you will be continually purified?

More on Temperance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperance_(Tarot_card) ( http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.link?linkid=2043936&subscriberid=68365363&campaignid=545041&linkurl=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fTemperance_(Tarot_card) )

As a personal note it is my inspiration to serve what is true humanity, that which is our birthright of sovereignty through Unity consciousness. That which has happened to this earth is not human. I continually challenge and provoke the reader's belief systems by sharing direct experiences from the Guardian consciousness perspective, of which is through the human lens of attempting to live in Harmony with the Universe. My human being dislikes conflict and yet I have learned that in order to answer to Stewardship and Service  -  it is inevitable.  I do not like to be in a controversial position, but I feel a moral, ethical and spiritual obligation  to my brothers and sisters to share all that I have been given. This is in order to break free from the constraints and controls that may be limiting the God Spark from embodying. I do not have Oath for everyone to Love me, I have Oath to Love and Serve God. As a result beings that choose this are controversial figures, provoking both great Love and hate in the amplified polarity of this distorted hologram. Please take which that supports your resonance to Own your Personal Truth, and discard the rest.

For those of you new to this material, I cannot tell you what you want to hear and lull you to sleep in complacent dreams. This is non-negotiable spirituality and you must rise to your internal and spiritual responsibility to live your spirit in every way or you will have great consequence. With all of my heart and might I choose to empower you in the pathway of integration, so that the brilliance of your internal light can be fed upon no more, and each can contain the divine birthright of infinite and eternal God Supply. Please read the entire Newsletter Series from inception if you are looking to answer questions around this material.

Thank you to our growing and expanding Guardian Family willing to be disciplined and self contained in order to embody the Power of the One for the All.

We are in this together and until next....Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.

Love, Lisa

© 2010, Lisa Renee

This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and informationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying  informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.

The Group Unity Vow Decree    Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to You Now.   Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God.   Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration. 

We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now.

We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally.
To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!

And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.  

Please note in order to distribute this Newsletter in other forums please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and include the ES website url. http://www.energeticsynthesis.com

 © 2009, Lisa Renee

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Inside the world of Obama’s secret-service bodyguards

Somebody sent me this article, or even subscribed me to the http://headlinenewsbureau.com site itself. Np problem, it seems to be interesting to hear just who is out gunning for Barack Obama....


Protecting the US president has presented the secret service with the greatest challenge in its history. But who wants to kill him? And how likely are they to succeed?

The Southern Poverty Law Center began life in 1971 as a tiny law firm specialising in civil rights cases. It took on the might of the Ku Klux Klan, and was duly rewarded by having its offices razed and its senior lawyers targeted for assassination. But it kept on going and grew to be one of the most respected monitoring groups of rightwing extremism in America today.

Recently it brought out a report called Terror From the Right , which identifies, in chronological order, the serious home-grown plots, conspiracies and racist rampages that have been cooked up in America since the Oklahoma City bomb in 1995. The list runs to 10 pages of closely printed type and itemises 75 domestic terrorism events, from plans to bomb government buildings to attempts to kill judges and politicians.

Each of the incidents aimed to change the political face of America through violence, courtesy of groups with such titles as Aryan People's Republic, The New Order and The Hated. But in the summer of 2008 the chronology takes on a sharp change of tack. Entries, which had been running at one or two per year, start coming faster. And instead of a variety of different targets, one name crops up time and time again: Barack Obama.

The first such entry is for 8 June 2008. Six people, linked to a militia group in rural Pennsylvania, are arrested with stockpiles of assault rifles and homemade bombs. One of the six allegedly tells the authorities that he intended to shoot black people from a rooftop and predicts civil war should Obama, who five days previously had cleared the Democratic nomination for president, be elected to the White House.

Next entry: 24 August 2008. The day before the opening of the Democratic convention in Denver at which Obama was nominated, three white supremacists are arrested in possession of high-powered rifles and camouflage clothing. They are talking about assassinating Obama.

24 October 2008: Less than two weeks before the election, two white supremacists are arrested in Tennessee over a bizarre plan to kill more than 100 black people, including Obama.

21 January 2009: The day after Obama's inauguration, a white man is arrested in� Massachusetts, having allegedly killed two black immigrants and injured a third. He says he was "fighting for a dying race".

10 June 2009: James von Brunn, aged 88, walks into the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington and shoots dead a security guard. Von Brunn, who died last month in jail awaiting trial, left a note that read: "Obama was created by Jews."

In the 13 months that Barack Obama has been the occupant of the Oval Office he has been the subject of an extraordinary outpouring of emotion from the American electorate. At the start it was largely adulatory, though more recently the adoration has been drowned out by a cacophony of criticism from tea party activists, birthers, global-warming deniers and viewers of Fox News. At the same time, largely hidden from view, there has been a layer of antagonism towards Obama that lies well beyond the boundaries of reasonable political debate.

That has been a fact of life for Obama and his family since long before they took the keys to the White House. On 2 May 2007, fully 18 months before election day, he was assigned a secret service detail – much earlier than any other presidential candidate in American history. The precise reasons for the move have never been disclosed, but there was certainly a mood in the air sufficiently palpable to disconcert Michelle Obama. A senior US official in the State Department has told the Guardian that before he decided to run for the presidency, Obama had actively to win Michelle over to the idea by assuaging her fears about the potential of an attack on him, her and/or their two daughters.

Michelle would have been aware of the backstory here: that Colin Powell had declined to run for the 1996 Republican nomination partly because his wife Alma feared his assassination at the hands of white supremacists. Over the course of the long presidential race, Michelle spoke openly about her anxieties and how she had determined to overcome them, telling 60 Minutes that she had decided to fling herself into the race because "I am tired of being afraid".

According to John Heilemann and Mark Halperin's new account of the 2008 election, Game Change, she eventually felt relaxed enough to crack sardonic jokes about the subject. "I've already gone out and increased our life insurance on [Barack]," she quipped. "You just can't be too careful!" But as the Southern Poverty Law Center survey shows, the issue of safety and the 44th president remains anything but a laughing matter. "Virtually every domestic terrorist event we have identified since June 2008 – when it became obvious that Obama was going to win – has been directly related to him," says the author of the report, Mark Potok.

Apart from the Obamas themselves, the burden of such a threat falls primarily on the shoulders of the US secret service, and as Joseph Petro, head of global security for Citigroup, puts it, the challenges facing the service today are unlike any period that has gone before. On top of all the usual risks associated with guarding the world's most powerful politician, there is now the added, explosive ingredient of his race. "As the first black president he creates a whole other set of issues for the secret service to deal with," he says.

Petro can claim to be something of an expert in this area: he spent 23 years as a special agent in the service, four of them, from 1982 to 1986, as the man who stood beside Ronald Reagan. He knows what it's like to be the last line of protection, how it feels to be in a milling crowd in which you are surrounded by thousands of potential assailants, what it is to live with the constant knowledge that any mistake – a split second taking your eye off the ball – could be fatal.

Petro has a formula for measuring the potential dangers for any particular incumbent of the White House. You take the general atmosphere of the times in which they are in office and combine it with the specific personality that the president brings to the job. In both regards, he says, Obama presents a huge task.

"In Obama, we have a president with a very unique personality who likes to be out with the people. Put that together with the political atmosphere of these times that is highly partisan and vitriolic, then include race, and we've got a big challenge. There's no margin for error."

Petro's point about the role the president's personality plays in his own safety is ably illustrated by the single most disastrous failure in the secret service's history – the event that every incoming trainee agent spends hours and hours studying until it is drilled into his or her bone marrow. Judged by modern security standards, the shooting of John F Kennedy in Dallas on 22 November 1963 should for several reasons never have happened. The parade route Kennedy took was publicised in advance – a cardinal sin by the rule book of today. Lee Harvey Oswald had a relatively easy line of fire from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, which would these days have been thoroughly swept and sealed off. But it was the orders given by Kennedy himself that did for him – the president asked for the bullet-proof glass bubble to be taken off his limousine and for agents not to ride on the back of the car, thus leaving himself utterly exposed.

In the last analysis, as Kennedy proved at his own cost, a president can only be as safe as he allows himself to be. Agents can advise the commander-in-chief what is best for his security, but they cannot give him orders. "The secret service would want to take the president to Camp David straight after the inauguration and keep him there out of any contact with the public for the next four years. But they know that's not possible," Petro says.

During his presidential campaign, Obama would regularly mingle among crowds of astonishing size. But since his inauguration he has clearly responded to the guidance of his protecting agents, detaching himself considerably from direct public engagement. To some extent, that is only normal – he is no longer running in an election. But for a president who promised to break down barriers between politicians and people, it is noticeable how sparingly he is seen in public these days, and how the events he does appear at are almost invariably staged indoors.

Over the years, the secret service has developed a range of technological devices for improving security. Petro recalls asking Reagan on several occasions to wear a bulletproof vest. (Reagan would grumble and groan but usually comply.) Over the last decade, such innovations have come thick and fast. A whole new array of gadgetry has been added to the service's armoury, from face-recognition technology to a new generation of armoured vehicles. Obama rides in a Cadillac with military grade eight-inch thick doors; on election night in November 2008 he gave his victory speech to a crowd of almost a quarter of a million people from behind bullet-proof glass walls designed to foil sniper attacks.

But gadgetry is only as effective as the people who use it. In the last analysis, the human factor remains supreme, as was illustrated last November when two reality show hopefuls gatecrashed a� White House function, penetrating the inner core of the building and shaking Obama's hand. As it happened, they had no malice towards the president. But in the mindset of the mortified secret service that didn't matter; they could have done.

Which on some level is the nature of the beast: being president of the United States is a high-risk enterprise, as Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John Kennedy all found out the hard way. Danger can come at a president from any number of directions. It can come from the lone deranged gunman. It can come too, theoretically, from international terrorism of the Islamist variety. But al-Qaida experts point out that the closest the group has come to a direct attack on the president was 9/11 itself. "From al-Qaida's view, to assassinate the president would be very desirable," says Yehudit Barsky, a terrorism specialist at the American Jewish Committee. "But it would be difficult for them to go after him not because they don't want to but because their capacity is so impaired."

Which is why in the overall assessment of risk to Obama, so much attention is settling on rightwing extremist groups who are already operating inside America, are armed and ideologically motivated, and in some cases potentially capable of desperate acts. This brings us back to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has been tracking the activity of potentially violent militia groups since the last great wave in the 1990s when the so-called Patriot movement ballooned in proportion to rising rightwing anger towards Bill Clinton and fears of impending gun control. That wave of opprobrium culminated in the Oklahoma bombing in which 168 died and 680 more were injured.

The centre's latest report , released last week, records an astonishing mushrooming in extremist anti-government Patriot groups who see the Obama administration as a plot to impose "one-world government" on liberty-loving Americans. The numbers leapt from 149 groups in 2008 to 512 groups in 2009, of which 127 were classed as paramilitary groups.

"We know there has been a spike in activity across a broad range of things, particularly with regard to the notion that this� government is illegitimate," says Brian Levin, a criminologist who heads the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University. Levin says the phenomenon is evident in rural areas around the Appalachian mountains and Great Lakes and into the west and Pacific north-west, where new armed militia groups are spontaneously emerging; and he has no doubt about why this is happening right now: "We've always had people who hate the president, we've always had conspiracies, but the fact that we have a black president at a time of economic tumult makes these conspiracies much more volatile among a far wider group of people."

Chip Berlet, an analyst of rightwing extremism at the Massachusetts-based group Political Research Associates, estimates that there have been nine murders by individuals who have white supremacist, xenophobic or antisemitic leanings since the inauguration of Obama. Berlet sees similarities in the current foment to the militia agitation of the 1990s. "Anger is spilling over from people who believe Obama is coming to remove their liberties, seize their guns, enslave the white American nation. What's new is that they can now recruit and communicate online, and that makes it very much more dangerous for the president."

Montana is one of the rural states where resurgent extreme rightwing activity can be detected. Travis McAdam has been tracking such activity for the last two decades on behalf of the Montana Human Rights Network, so has a unique vantage point for what is going on today. "The hatred that's there is very real. It's more than a gut-level hatred of having an African-American as president, it's also ideological – these people see black people as sub-human. Groups are popping up that have a new message and are using Obama to recruit new members."

White supremacist forums that provide closed talking shops for members only have been abuzz with anti-Obama rhetoric since the presidential election. In one such talkboard, monitored by a watchdog group, a correspondent writes: "if we want to see the overthrow or the cleansing of society then we should support Obama being where he is! I believe in the coming war. With this Nig as President he will just speed up the process. He's a catylist! Is'nt this what we want?" Another says: "Our backs are really against the wall now. We need progressive activism and we need to be solution orientated. For a Whiter future for our children." A third says: "I never thought I'd ever see the day when a monkey ran my country & I'm 34. I weep for our children."

For McAdam, the crucial question is how to sort this body of vitriol into its constituent parts – to separate out those individuals and groups who may be offensive and repulsive in their choice of words but are essentially harmless, from those that have the potential to be truly violent. He likes to think of it as a funnel, at the top of which are many people drawn to radical right groups for all sorts of reasons – gun rights, taxation, Obama-as-alien, or whatever. Most never go further than that level, but some do. "As they dig into the subject, going down into the funnel, they start to lose connection with the social networks around them that keep them tied to normality. Down, down they go, and eventually out the other end of the funnel emerges the Oklahoma bomber, Timothy McVeigh, who says, 'Our country is under attack, I must do something about it.'"

It's the thought that some may be emerging from the end of the funnel at this politically charged moment, McAdam says, that bothers him so, and makes him think that "violence against President Obama is a real concern".

McVeigh, executed in June 2001, is a name that crops up frequently among the extremism monitors. It comes up again when Mark Potok gives his last word on the threat to Barack Obama. The white supremacists and anti-government militia who are out to get the president should not be underestimated, he says. "These groups aren't al-Qaida. Most of them look vastly more bumbling than effective." But then he adds: "It only takes one to get through. Timothy McVeigh taught us that."

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