Tag: The Angels (page 1 of 2)

The Light Side of the Dark Night of the Soul

by Kim Hutchinson Clayhut Healing CentreThe phenomenon known as the Dark Night of the Soul is something which many spiritual seekers experience on their journey to re-enlightenment. It can be a painful and frightening process, but it can also be liberating and empowering. It all depends on your perspective and your ability to remain detached. Peeling the Onion The word ‘night’ is misleading. This is a process, and thankfully so. I doubt you would want to experience [...]

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Spinning the Web of Life

by Julian RoseContributor, ZenGardner.comSpiders do it. Take a look – oh what an amazing creation! Working their way out from the first circle; filling-in every loop of the circuit; spinning on the outward pull; determined, full of intention, guided by Divine. So my friends, why can’t we?Look at that final creation on the garden gate on a misty October morning – wow – what a stunner! Stay looking and what do you see? A little universe spun into being, oh so de [...]

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Galactic Federation of Light ~ Jesus, The Angels 06-12,13-2013

You are bringing in enormous evolutionary change of a most essential nature
June 13, 2013 by John Smallman

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Galactic Federation of Light ~ Hilarion, The Angels June-09-2013

June 9-17, 2013
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is

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Galactic Federation of Light Sanat Kumara, The Angels June-01-2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust


Trust in the Divine Timing

There is always more going on than most people are aware of therefore is sometimes necessary to trust in yourself and your plans and believe that a positive outcome is coming your way. Keep your thoughts positive and on your desired outcome. Remember that you receive what you are thinking about, so expect the best. If you are expecting the worst, that is what you will receive. If you find you are having a sleepless night, read your affirmations and envision the results you desire. Ask your angels to surround you in their beautiful energy, love and light and let that be the energy that empowers you to the results you seek.

As you grow and evolve, so too will your relationships that are growing and evolving, the rest will find their place when they are ready. Judge them not, for they too are trying to find their place, their footing and passion. Trust your intuition and listen to what your body, thoughts and feelings are telling you, and take care of yourself. Trust that you will see the truth in all matters and trust that you are receiving the guidance you seek. Your angels and guides communicate through your thoughts, intuition, and your dreams and trust that all things will lined up and be ready for that next step.

Affirmation: “I trust I will receive the guidance I seek; I trust that I will receive the ideas to inspire me to new heights, positive outcomes and new relationships that are based in higher dimensional love, wisdom and understanding.”

And so it is.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо,Toda, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう

Article Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn

All rights reserved.

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Galactic Federation of Light The Angels May-04-2013

Message from the Angels
Ann Albers ~Messages From Ann And The Angels ~ 4 May 2013

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

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Galactic Federation of Light The Angels April-06-2013

Ann Albers – Message From The Angels And Ann – 12 May 2012


May 12, 2012

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Sing with celebration dear ones for you earth is growing and evolving and you are too. You are becoming clearer about what it is you want in y...

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Are You Tired of Clearing Yet?


a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Carolyn Ann O'Riley

Friday, 27 April, 2012  (posted 3 May, 2012)

Greeting and Salutations! My Beautiful Beings of Light. You all look a bit haggard and worn for wear with...

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Opening the Door to Your Own Divinity


a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Carolyn Ann O'Riley

Tuesday, 27 March, 2012

Welcome! & Greetings! My Beautiful Beings of Light. Meeting again, it is always such a pleasure to have you stop by ...

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Angel of March is Trust


By Kathy

Inspirational Message

Move from a place of knowing within you rather than as a result of adaptation to outer experience. Let go of you assumptions and need to control life's creative process. It does not ma...

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Matching Your Frequencies With Desires


a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Carolyn Ann O'Riley

Tuesday, 28 February, 2012

Greetings! and Welcome! My Beautiful Beings of Light. Lineal time is whizzing faster and faster ; perhaps you have also noticed ...

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