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The Measure of Mastery

Beloved one, every lifetime you have left a mark upon our holy Mother Earth--sometimes a physical mark, but I mean more the spiritual mark. You have made impact, and you have left your energy. It is there when you go back and you visit what would be a foreign land or a new place, and you find something that feels familiar. It is because you have left your energy in those places.

Everywhere you walk you leave an imprint. You even have in your world now a focusing upon what is called the carbon footprint, and how big your footprint is in the global focus of energy. Everywhere you have gone in this lifetime and other lifetimes you have made impact of one sort or another.

You have prophecy now that there is going to be a big change upon holy Mother Earth in the year 2012, as it has been called. You have found all kinds of channeled information about it, and this is wonderful, because you are bringing it forth for yourself in order to sit with it and see what your truth is about the year 2012.

You do not have to accept anyone else's truth; that is their truth. You choose for yourself what feels true to you and what you want to experience. Because, you see, the year 2012 has not been written yet -- even though you may have the "wise ones" who are channeling all of the information about what is going to happen.

But I say unto you, 2012, 2011, 2010 has not been written yet. Even what you see as the morrow has not been written yet. You are the makers of what you experience. You are the makers who are the judge and jury of everything that you bring forth, and as it is written in your holy Scriptures, that whatever you create, call it good, because truly, everything is good, even if it has the appearance of being a disaster. It will lead, and it has led, the holy Child to a place where you can make a new choice.

You have chosen some great challenges and some smaller challenges in order to live your divine being. It was the same for me: would I travel to far lands to study with the great masters of that time, would I teach the multitudes or just the few, would I experience the crucifixion and arise up in the resurrection to continue that lifetime? These were some of the choices I looked at in that lifetime.

Take yourself back…in this moment, allow yourself the deep breath, and allow yourself to go back to the being that you have been in the Atlantean time when you were the creator bringing forth new creative inventions, when you were working with crystals, and when you were finding what crystals could do as you were knowing Oneness with the energy of a crystal.

Allow yourself to feel how you felt and to see the goal that you had in that lifetime as to how you wanted to use the energy of the crystals. Some of you in a particular lifetime saw the energy of the crystal to convey to you personal power. Others of you saw the healing energy of the crystal and how it could be used for healing. 

In the last couple of moments you have traveled, as your historians measure time, back many, many eons of time to a realization, a reality that is true; it is legendary according to some of your history books, if it is mentioned at all, but it is true. It is a true reality that you have lived. You have been there.

You have also walked the path of peace with nature in Lemuria. Feel you that peace and know that that peace of nature can be found yet. Some of your trees which have been growing for centuries of time, allow yourself to sit with them in the mind and sometimes with the physical body, and to ask of them what they have seen, and what they would advise for the future.

Everything is open to you. Everything. There is nothing that is held away from you. There is nothing that would be denied. It cannot be denied the holy creative Child that you are. That is why I encourage you to go for it, to live your dream, to ask of yourself what is your dream. What do you want to see happening in your own life? What do you want to see happening with the grouping of friends? What do you want to see upon the face of our holy Mother, the Earth?

You are a great master. You have chosen to be in this reality at this time, just as you have chosen many other times when there would be a turning of an age, a time of awakening. You have said, "I want to be there for the quickening of the energy. I want to be there to add my energy to it."

You are a courageous master. You have come from the place of the heart. That is what the root of the word courageous comes from--coeur--the heart. You come from the heart to serve the Light, to serve the awakening one more time.

The measure of a master, and the measure of mastery itself, is very simple. The measure of mastery is in the time that it takes you to be in the place of turmoil, to understand the place of confusion, and then to come to peace. Sometimes it may take you a decade or longer. They call it a certain stage of life. You may have to live through a certain stage of life. Other times it may take you a couple of weeks. Other times it may take you only a deep breath, and then you come to that place of peace that says, "Whatever happens is good, because it serves the atonement. Whatever happens, I add my energy of knowing the blessedness of it, and therefore it is good."

So if you want to know the measure of how you as a master are coming along with this journey, if you want the progress report, you can do this for yourself easily. When you get into that place where you do not know what to do, or you feel that everything seems to be at sixes and sevens and nothing is working together, allow yourself the deep breath and come to the place of peace. If it does not happen right away, that is okay. Take another deep breath and ask for peace. If it takes you an hour, a day, a fortnight, even a year to be at peace with something, that is okay. That is the measure of mastery.

If you would cast your mind back to a decade ago when you were in a certain situation and there was perhaps an issue that was very close to your heart and it hurt, now you look at it and you see it differently. You can see the blessing that has been in it and the goodness in it, even though at the time, a decade ago, it might have been very painful.

The measure of mastery can happen with the deep breath in an instant, or it may take longer, and that is okay. There is no judgment, because truly there is no time. In this reality there seems to be time, but in truth, it does not matter if it takes you lifetimes before you have lived a certain situation over and over and over and then finally come to a place where you have said, "It really doesn't matter. It really doesn't affect me at all, what ‘they' choose to do."

But sometimes in a lifetime it seems very important what "they" have chosen to do, and you can feel very hurt by what they have chosen to do. But then you can come to a place where you say, "But that touches me not. It is their choice. It is what they see to be important that they need to do," and you can let it go.

The measure of a master can be measured by how long or short a time it takes you to come to that place of peace. It can be done, as I said, with the deep breath. It can be done with the candle. If you are wanting something tangible, light a candle and look into the flame, the energy of the candle, and know yourself to be that light, for truly, you are the one creating the light of the candle. In truth, that candle does not exist except as you have brought it forth in your consciousness.

Now, the world does not say that to you. The world says that if you touch the flame, you are going to feel it. But that is the teaching of the world, and you can go beyond that. You have seen ones snuff out the candle flame with their fingers, and you wonder, "How can they do that? That's fire. How can they snuff out that flame with their fingers?" You have thought, "If I did that, it would be too hot."

But if you are in a certain state of mind and you reach out and you squeeze the flame, you can extinguish it with no harm to the fingers. It is the state of mind, the consciousness that makes the difference. However, I would suggest that as you develop trust in knowing the shift in consciousness, for the first few times you snuff the candle flame, you wet your fingers first. (Smile) It is the state of mind, it is the consciousness that determines what you see your life to be and how you see it to be.  

Some of you have wondered, "Why am I here? I enjoy my life, I enjoy traveling, I enjoy my friends, I enjoy the books that I read, but why am I here? Surely there has to be a reason more than that." It is to be the Light that lifts up the world. It is to be the master in realization and to know that every issue that comes to you, you have invited.

Now, sometimes separated ego does not want to hear that. "I invited this mess? I invited this relationship? I invited all of this abuse? I have invited the illness? I have invited the economic downturn?" Yes, you have, in order to know your divine power, in order to know the divine power of choice to live in a different space.

That is what I have called the measure of mastery, to be able to choose to live in the space of divine love, a space that knows that no matter what the world is doing, no matter what the body seems to be doing, no matter what anyone else is doing, "I am living the I Am Intelligence. I Am Love. I am okay." Start with that one. You can understand that one, the human self. "I am okay." And you are. You are truly more than okay, but sometimes separated ego does not want to go any farther than that, so you can start with, "I am okay…I think." And you are.

Allow yourself in every day to celebrate your Self. And by that, I mean to look back over the challenges, the experiences of this lifetime and to see where you have come. See where you were a decade ago. And separated ego may say, "Well, a decade ago I was younger. I was prettier; I was more handsome. I had more golden coins. I had more of the worldly accolades…" Maybe yes, maybe no.

But as you will assess the measure of mastery, you will realize that now you can come to the place of peace much more quickly than you did previously. You can come to the place where you are okay with whatever anyone else chooses. You are okay with whatever the body brings to you. You are okay with every issue, because you know that you are more than any issue.

Some of the issues feel like big stumbling blocks. You lose a loved one and they do not send you a post card, and it feels big. But the master of you--and you are a master--comes to know that that experience was not a downer. It was not a minus sign, but a plus, and you look at all of the treasure that came from whatever issue you have dealt with or are dealing with. You look at all of the expansion of experience that it brings to you instead of looking at all that you have lost, because truly you never lose anything anyway.

You look at all of the positive things that have come out of that experience, all of the treasures that you have stored away in the treasure chest, and only you know those treasures. You can open that treasure chest and you can take out each jewel and look at it and say, "This is the jewel that came from when my parents left. This is the jewel that came when my mate left. At the time I thought it was a piece of coal, an old stone, an old rock. I would have thrown it away, but something told me to put it in the treasure chest. And now I see that there are sparkles on it, and it looks different to me."

That is the measure of the master: to be able to see the good very quickly in everything that you experience. As you travel the journey of life, there are many opportunities to judge; to judge self: that is the first one. You have been taught, even subconsciously, by the parents and the peers that you were not quite good enough. Maybe you did not make the cheer-leading squad. Maybe you did not make the first string of the football team. Maybe you were not the best orator. Maybe you did not get the highest grades, etc.

The peers would tell you whether you were good enough or not good enough, and the parents--even the most well-meaning parents--would encourage you to do better. And you thought, "Well, if they are saying that I should do better, that means that I'm not there yet, I'm not perfect yet, so I must be imperfect."

Your heavenly Father/Mother sees you as perfect, because you have to be. You are the extension of that creative Principle. It is neutral. There is no good or bad, less or more. It Is, and there is no judgment in it.

Allow yourself to know that you are the master come once again into this experience to let your Light shine, to be joyful in the face of sorrow, to be comforting to another one and to lift them up with hope.

Know that always I am here for you. If there is no one else who will listen to you, I will listen to you. Always I hear you when you call. Call upon me. I am always here for you. I love That Which you are, because I know That Which you are: the divine holy Child experiencing and expressing as the human one more time. And I give unto you my great respect, my joy, and my love.

So be it.

- Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) in expression through Judith

Copyright © 2007 Oakbridge University. Oakbridge material is copyrighted but free to anyone who wants to use it as long as proper credit is listed, including our website address www.oakbridge.org.

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Still Waters Run Deep

by Alec Christos Gabbitas

After the zenith of the still bubbling Spring Equinox with all it's trimmings and penultimate realisations that have yet to clarify and emerge from the depth of each and every soul on planet this very day.The masses of like-minded ones, stretching into every 'nook and cranny' over hill and dale, far into every corner of the beloved planet with all her mighty and majestic light bearers' crystalline energies sufficing for all her needs at this now time of imminent change and transition.

These are the times of assimilation and assessment, as each seed particle duly co-created and co-directed by the spiritual hierarchies, both off and on planet, are realising the 'actual quotient' of achievement and prowess. It is yet only a few linear days and these are then moments of the in-breath of the gradual reaping into the total encompassment of re-established Oneness.

On each occasion that there is an energy injection and subsequent alignment; there are ever increasing levels of Chi that is inherited by all of humanity,and also to all manner of elemental and nature spirits in their various expressions. It is likened to the 'global melting pot' as it heats up, it then rises to a higher or finer level that accommodate everything upon and within the planet per se. These days are the In-breath moments which become a levelling out of that grand injection of Equinox energies, thereby affording a grand realignment as the fulcrum or meniscus aligns itself concave. These days of assimilation are soon to be realised as the magical momentum of all our glorious tomorrows' resumes in an ever perfect and divine order. Life is exact, precise at all times.

As we together progress along life's ever continuing journey, do we become even more conscious and sensitively aware that that which we consider to be of God without, is emphatically God within, and it is dawning upon us that we are intrinsically interconnected with and interdependent upon each other, for the greatest and most simplest truth that we can ever learn is that God and I are one! Be still and know that I Am God! It is in these now times of continual magic and momentum, that we have a brief or maybe not so brief, insight into the bigger picture, for lo and behold we see the simplistic beauty and reality of pristine, diamond, crystalline purity - that you and I are ONE, or maybe God and you are One. There is an intrinsic moment of intense, total recognition, that we are all indeed, God Itself, and so it surely is!

So now we see the way it is, we accept the endearing realisations that...Yup.. OK.. we are One and the same, so life never stays the same any more! How on Earth can it, or should we rather say, 'how in Heaven' could it? So, what on earth - or heaven- are we doing down here, readdressing our sovereignty and reasserting our beingness? What on earth is our 'mission,' what on earth can it be? And the only reply that we can gift ourselves with is that our mission is truly realising the simple truth that yes, We ARE One.Yet we might need just a little while longer to readdress our current situation, thereby becoming at very long last WHOLLY ONE WITH GOD! Let us accept that therefore our mission is ever always of 'loving self' and honouring the preciousness of whom we all are!

We have a mission, a forte in life! It is ever obvious! it is the qualifying art of allowing the beauty of whom we really are to magnetise and animate the very heart and soul of our beings into remembering whom we are, and whom we will ever be! it is in ALLOWING ourselves to acknowledge that we are each a unit of purity and pristine perfection, and on that level will we surely return to and surely realise once more. Can we do it? YES WE CAN! it is written in our blueprints; it is indelibly etched within that brilliant spark of life that is the foci infinite, tangible and magical residue that transfixes us, ad-infinitum, to the Oneness that evolves through a Supreme Creator born of Ultimate Being.

We are here in our wisdom, we are realising now the long hidden attributes that have for an age upon age been suffocated with shortened breath. We are here now en-masse, to rebuild Troy to it's former glory, and rebirth Eden into it's pregnant promise of divine fulfillment. We are here now in these so grand and magnificent of times simply TO LEARN TO BE, becoming a Samson with inimitable strength or power; becoming as Jesus whose supreme gifts of pure love and life eternal echo still throughout the universe; become as Daniel in the lions den where fear was intangible and love excelled. Let us perhaps be Alexander the great, whose worldly zeal and prowess could be transformed into less world ruling but world giving. Let us become maybe Mother Theresa whose gentleness, compassion and reverence to all life afforded many respite and hope. Let us be as Lady Diana whose heart embraced all in need...

No, let us become whom we truly are, forgoing all those attributes that others have so grandly portrayed. Let us unlock from within the multitude of gifts and blessings that we may, within our own signature of being and divine blueprint, be privileged to issue forth into the world, in the utmost of divine highest good! We are all wondrous beings of wonderful potentiality, so let us quietly go our God Blessed way sharing the gifts that we had forgotten perhaps where there!

Within us are all the attributes of the 'well known,' dear ones, and it is now, in these now times that we are 'allowed to allow' ourselves to bring them out of the closet and into the world that we are so blessed to be part of. Lets gift also the universe in like manner with the presence that we ultimately are. We are all accounted for, and we all count; and are equal to the 'grandest' and to the 'not to grand,' for ALL of our aspects are here to be harmoniously aligned and ascended into the One. Yes, Still Waters Run Deep and all is mirrored within the vast oversouls interplay and co-creation of the One, and of all.

Be still and know that I Am God... Be still and know... Be still... Be.. Namaste.

Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom.

(c)2010 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind. * 17 Viking Ct, CT10 1RF, England, UK. 20.7.07, 01843- 866875 * Email: gabbitas1@aol.com * (please copy and share, affording due credit to it's source, and also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine) *

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Water Power & Free Energy

This week we deal with the subject of energy. Something that the Sumerian tablets describe very clearly, when they talk about the Anunnaki settlers on Earth using water as fuel. For decades we have ignored the information captured by scribes some 4000 years ago but the latest discoveries in science are forcing us to reconsider the ancient message.

Ancient knowledge - new discovery?
The more research I do on alternative energy sources, the more horrified I become at the emerging evidence of some kind of very powerful clandestine movement to suppress new discoveries in this area. There are reports of a diverse number of free energy sources that have been presented by scientists and ordinary men over the past 150 years, and yet, the world is trapped in an energy crisis that is very quickly affecting all our lives and our evolutionary ability. But the effect goes well beyond the social well-being of people of the world. The consequences of the greedy manipulation and control of energy is rapidly affecting global climate and the planet as a whole. On a spiritual level this kind of manipulation has invisible but tangible effects on humankind as it quietly and cunningly keeps us enslaved to an invisible group of individuals who wield power in ways that the majority of us cannot understand.
So why is the control of energy so important? Because everything around us today requires energy. Progress and evolution requires energy. Our homes, cars, water, coffee, hair salons, phones, industry, space explorations, and the list goes on.
Therefore, access to free energy would give people the freedom to become self sufficient to a large extent and live wherever they want and pretty much be able to do what they want. Energy is the ether of the universe. It exists everywhere and it cannot be destroyed. I am not the only one who believes that the global petroleum giants have been keeping new forms of energy well wrapped up until such time that they have exhausted the financial benefits from fossil fuels.
We have to ask ourselves, are they somehow linked or answerable to the original creators of the Homo sapiens? Are they now
performing the role of slave master over humankind? Doing everything in their power to prevent humans from achieving this major step in evolution that would possibly enable us to rapidly conquer space exploration and start asking more challenging questions about our status on this planet?

Nikola Tesla 1856 – 1943 was possibly one of the most important inventors and scientists ever, but his name was taken out of school books in the early fifties and most of us have never heard of him. He has about 200 patents in his name. He invented the radio, the telephone, the TV, AC poly phase, 60 cycle electricity, fluorescent and neon lights, the brushless motor, wireless communications, the Tesla coil and all coils we use today, transformers and just about everything you will find at a power plant. Hydro-generators, Laser beams, particle beams, helicopters, robotics and many more inventions. But just like most great thinkers he died a poor man. But his main obsession was free energy for all. He had developed a system where everyone could tap into a free energy source that could be distributed through the air, with power towers scattered around the world. It could power cars, trains and airplanes, boats, buses, etc. A totally clean and safe power source.
During the summer of 1931, Tesla demonstrated the first car that drove on free energy or electricity if you want.
It was a Pierce Arrow, one of the luxury cars of the period. The petrol engine had been replaced with a round and completely enclosed electric motor of approximately 1m in length and 65cm in diameter, with a cooling fan in front. It retained a clutch, gearbox and transmission to the rear wheels. The "energy receiver" or gravitational energy converter was built by Tesla himself. It was installed in front of the dashboard. A heavy antenna of approximately 1.8 metres came out of the converter. Two thick rods protruded approximately 10cm from the converter housing. Tesla pushed them in saying "Now we have power". The motor achieved a maximum of 1800rpm and Tesla said there was enough power in the converter to illuminate an entire house, besides running the car engine. The car was tested for a week, reaching a top speed of 90 miles per hour effortlessly drawing its power from Tesla's Tower.
But for inexplicable reasons the funding was stopped by JP Morgan and Tesla's free energy tower on Long Island was taken
down. Who got to JP Morgan? While the US government took control of the generators designed by Tesla at Niagara Falls, they knew that they could never control cars running on free energy. What happened to the car and the technology? No one seems to know. It is however highly suspicious that when Tesla died penniless at the age of 86, all his documents were confiscated by the authorities.

Today we now know that even at absolute zero temperature of -273 Celsius elementary particles continue to demonstrate energetic behaviour. This is called ZPE or Zero Point Energy and has created much excitement in scientific circles. Scientists believe that it is possible to tap into this universal pool of energy to allow the possibility of space travel. But ZPE theories also suggest new ways to understand inertia and gravity and thus potentially controlling these forces. It goes much further however, as we start to talk about far-out possibilities such as "warp-drive" space propulsion systems.

Contributions to this field have been done by such pioneers as Nobel laureates Ilya Prigogine, Dirac, John Wheeler, Puthoff and Julian Schwinger. There is a whole group of scientists that have conclusively shown the world new innovative ways of generating safe energy by demonstrating devises where the power output exceeds the power input. Some of these researchers include Nikola Tesla, Moray, DePalma, Newman, Boyer, Puthoff, Fleischmann, Pons, Bearden, Graneau, Patterson, Ward, and many others.  
It is Pons and Fleischman that created much excitement in 1989 with their demonstration of what came to be referred to as
"cold fusion" by generating energy in a laboratory without heat or any dangerous byproducts. But Patterson took the work even further by achieving significant results in both energy production and the transmutation of elements. Scholars now also believe that by means of a simplified extension of Electromagnetics and Classical Mechanics we could develop an energy system which requires no fuel of any kind, and a propulsion system which requires no propellant mass. Such an energy system need not burn, transform, or modify a fuel and thus create no waste products like pollution. The propulsion system would actually transcend so-called "anti-gravity" systems or levitation devices because the new inertial propulsion system would not require a gravity field such as the Earth in order to achieve significant propulsive thrust.
But water has been the focus of attention for a long time as the primary source of energy for unlimited applications. Its components, hydrogen and oxygen, have a great potential to change the way the world operates. While we are led to believe that it is very complicated to utilize the latent energy trapped in every molecule of water, there are many individuals who have developed innovative devices and breakthrough technology to use water as an extremely effective energy source.
Sadly, none of these devices and discoveries has ever come close to reaching the global population. And while two thirds of
the world is covered by water and more water arrives on Earth from space all the time in the form of comets, water will remain the most lucrative source. And therefore also the most guarded technology by the petroleum giants that control the status quo on Earth. They are not prepared to give up the multi-trillion dollar industry and the control over their enslaved earthlings before all the fossil fuel is completely exhausted. It may cause a global economic meltdown in the process but this is obviously not their concern.
In 2004 I saw a documentary about the first "water" car made by Mercedes Benz, as they tested it on the roads of Iceland. The
driver and presenter was highly impressed saying that there was no difference in its performance. It all seemed so simple and I assumed that we would see these cars on the roads in no time. So where are they? Or did the petroleum companies get to the Merc board of directors with an offer they could not refuse? Then out of the blue an American engineer called Denny Klein shows his amazing skills by turning water into an energy source for a number of applications. From a blow torch reaching a temperature of over 5000 Celsius, to propelling his car. Should we be surp rised at these discoveries? Of course not. The Sumerian tablets talk about the early settlers on Earth using water as a fuel source to propel their space ships. But this has always been too incredible for historians and scientists to swallow and stories like these have ignorantly been written off as mythology.
It seems that we are finally rediscovering things our pre-historic ancestors knew very well. But there is a lot more to this
fantastic story which I will share in my next article. For now, let me leave you with a news clip video of Denny Klein. My prediction is that just like all other discoveries of this nature, we will probably never hear of Denny Klein again, or he will be ridiculed by the scientific media and reduced to ongoing research in some backward village. I have also included a link to a manual with instructions on how to convert your car to running on water. There are plenty more on the net.
Please click here to share my articles with your friends who you know will appreciate them.
Keep exploring
Michael Tellinger
August 2006 - www.slavespecies.com

See video of Denny Klein and his water power.
Convert your car to water power.

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March 2010 – Finding Your Peace Within Chaos

The theme for the month of March is Chaos.

March is a month of seeming contradiction. You are perhaps familiar with the adage that March “comes in like a lion and out like a lamb”? This is a reference to weather but could also be applied to the winds of change permeating your very existence. In other words, what appears calm on the surface is seething and roiling underneath, and what appears chaotic is in actuality forming a new, more stable foundation.

Let us examine our theme of Chaos. When defined, one finds that chaos is in actuality quite structured.  In other words, it is unpredictability within a highly defined and perhaps rigid set of rules. Would you not say that this is your world, in part? In your universe there are certain rules within which, at times, there is certain unpredictability. Even the very appearance of individuals within the human race is subject to this: there is a general set of ‘rules’ (DNA structure, for example) within which there are endless – and seemingly unpredictable – variations. Chromosomal abnormalities. Cancer markers that are never triggered into actual cancer. Endless variations in size, color, personality and other peculiarities of the human manifestation that don’t seem subject to any rules. This is the hallmark of your world – this seeming contradiction – yet many of you have endless difficulty with the fluidity of choices available to you at any given time.

This seeming contradiction is part of what is going to be becoming stronger and more apparent as time goes by. How will this manifest in ways easily perceivable?

Physical manifestation of energetic chaos

1. Increased weather “events”. We have talked before about climate changes and extreme weather, have we not? You may expect, subject to region, further such extreme events over many areas, some widespread.  Drought is beginning this month across parts of India, Africa, and the southwestern part of the US. At the same time, extra precipitation is expected across much of western and southern Europe, the South Pacific, the central and Eastern US, the Caribbean, and much of South America. This precipitation could arise in the form of hurricane-like weather. Or other extreme events.

2. Earthquakes and volcanic activity. As above, so below. Look for increased visibility and awareness of Pacific Rim (especially the South Pacific, also possibly Alaska) activity this month as well as isolated earthquakes in areas not generally known for them (central US, eastern Europe). It is likely that a fairly devastating quake takes place in a populated area within the next 60-90 days.

3. Discoveries of genetic aberrations or new species are likely to be found in the animal kingdom. Animals and plants are, of course, subject to this chaotic energy as are people and the earth as a whole. While it is true that the animals, plant, and mineral kingdoms respond to such change with greater apparent aplomb, change affects all. What will be likely, then, are overt and tangible effects to the energetic shifts, resulting the “new” species, flocks of “deformed” species found regionally, or other similar discoveries.

Intrapersonal manifestation of energetic chaos

1. People “snapping.” This can be on a low level (increased arguments between spouses and children) or on a wider level (employees ‘going postal’, random attacks, mob situations, etc). It can be helpful to remember that this is occurring worldwide, not just in your neighborhood, and that the statistical likelihood of being a part of such an occurrence is relatively low. If this is a fear for you, please try the following:

Standing near a table or waist high horizontal surface, stand with feet hip width apart while your hands rest on this surface.

Take a moment to breathe and remember your particular fears surrounding this potential occurrence. Imagine while you do so that the charkas in your hands and feet are opening fully to embrace the energy of your planet: your home, the Earth. 

Feel the enormous loving energy pouring in to you now through your hands and feet. Your hands may feel warm and tingling. Feel the pulsating aliveness of your planet, the place you call home and that you, along with billions of others, are creating. Feel the love inherent in this energy of your creation. Feel the safety inherent in this energy of your creation.

Draw this energy, along with the live connected to it, up through your hands, feet, arms, and legs. Allow the energy to meet and mix in your root chakra. Feel your center of consciousness drop a few inches as you do so. Feel any tightness on your heart area now dissipate. Feel the immense sense of perpetual, eternal safety wrap your being in a soft, warm blanket. Feel how this sense of safety was created by you, along with billions of others, in the creation of your world as you know it to be. Remember that you carry with you a bubble that includes this sense of safety and protection.

Feel it now and rest in your ability to re-create this sense any time you wish.

2. Relationship hurdles. This is a huge month of growth for people involved in all sorts of relationships.  Long-held patterns may be released this month. Expect things to re-surface so they can be released.

Welcome these issues rather than attempting to submerge them again.

Those who are less self-aware will have greater difficulties relationship-wise this month, but if it is your practice to be aware of these patterns, then you should have little difficulty allowing them to simply drift away into the winds of change that surround you. Understanding, too, that any seeming surface disruption is for many a sign of healing underneath that is long-lasting and permanent in nature. This relates to all sorts pf relationships, from intimate connections to family dynamics to work relationships, as well as the relationship to Self that each of you possesses. Again, look for outward conflict as a sign of inner healing and change.

3. Spiritual depth. For those of you seeking greater self awareness, this is a month in which you can easily accelerate your growth. We would caution against becoming stuck in linear terms to describe such growth (‘evolving’, ‘moving forward’, ‘ascension’, etc), but at the same time there are exponential possibilities this month that will allow you great enhancement of whatever path you are presently choosing and such terms can be useful in this manner.

Practices to assist in flowing with, not against, the energy of Chaos

You can, of course, enhance your sensation of flow in relation to the energy that is around you at this time. This is not, of course, to allow you to “control” your experience or outcome, but is more designed to help you feel movement in a pleasurable way.

1. Practice an energy movement exercise. This could be tai chi, qigung, or some forms of yoga or meditation – anything where energy is consciously and deliberately moved through the body. This is very much a month in which to let go of conscious thought and allow your other wisdom (of the body, of the soul) to surface. Even if you have mental resistance against such exercises – and we would suggest daily use to enhance the effects – this is a case where “just doing it” is the most helpful approach. A side benefit, of course, is that after 30 days of such practice is becomes a habit, which in our perception would only continue to be beneficial.

2. Drink water. More than ever, this is an important practice. Pure, filtered water, preferably from a source local to you, is best. A liter per 50 pounds of body weight.

3. Breathe. Again, this is such a basic practice that is welcome at any time. Try simply breathing as fully as possible when you first awaken. Not only are you more relaxed at this time, making it easier to actually “get” a full, deep breath, but it will help create the tone for the day and energize and fully awaken your body. Spending 3-4 minutes in contemplative, deep breathing upon awakening will greatly enhance your abilities to flow with this month’s energy.

In addition to these practices, we suggest going within to seek answers to long-held questions. We are, of course, available to those who seek our advice and will continue to make our presence known to an ever-increasing number, but we also support your abilities to seek the inner guidance that is always inside you.

May you rest in the seeming contradictions.

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Channeler: Maureen Moss

Dearest Hearts,

As always I pray you are well. Typically I don't write mid-month newsletters, however after witnessing in tangible ways this week, the shift in action, new energies being downloaded into many, the obvious resurgence of the Divine Feminine, and the ‘seemingly' impossible made possible, I couldn't help myself. (Plus I wanted to extend the invitation you will find below.)

There was an amazing opportunity this past week for millions to witness that anything is possible, when the 2010 Academy Award for best director and best movie (The Hurt Locker), went to a woman for the very first time, for a movie whose theme was no more war!

Most expected (as humanity tends to), that the one with the most money, the most power, the most influence and the most popularity would receive these awards of recognition. No he didn't. She did. She, Kathryn Bigelow, was the portrait of a humble fully conscious feminine goddess accepting a powerful and meaningful award. I wish I had a picture of the looks of shock and awe on hundreds of faces as it happened. I wish I could have captured the split second moment when I noticed an energy that was overlaying the audience, that I know shifted perception in a fraction of a second.

The moment it occurred I had chills throughout my whole body and I heard, "anything is possible, and don't you forget it!"

Adding to that, one of my dear friends, really a sister, was in a ferocious car accident with an eighteen-wheel truck. She was in her little Honda when the driver of the huge truck changed lanes without looking, clipping her car so hard that it spun and crashed against the rig repeatedly until it rested inches from the massive grill, glass shattered all over her.

Remaining calm the entire time, she and her Guardian Angel stepped out of her demolished car, and she was taken to the hospital and several hours later released with a few scratches. It was the wide-eyed trauma nurse that drove her home. No kidding. This was the kind of collision that could have easily killed anyone, or at the very least put them in a coma with a litany of broken bones.

Kris shared with me that she clearly heard Spirit tell her to prepare for the new energies that had been deposited inside of her. Her entire internal grid had been replaced. Her life, she was told, would never be the same. Anything is possible.

For two weeks, my meditations have frequently held the same theme, that anything is possible. There are no limitations, no former contracts that bind, no karmic debts. Everything is possible when created at soul level, not personality level. Everything and anything that we so desire, that we hold the unwavering intention of love and appreciation toward and are in full alignment with, is possible, now, in the new dimensions we are living in.

During one meditation earlier this week I was asked, “Are you ready to go beyond your own limitations and your former logic that hypnotized you into attracting experiences that you truly did not desire? Are you really ready to step into a new dimension of experience that has no relationship to your third dimensional logic? Are you ready to fully connect with who you really are, all ego aside?” “Of course I am, I replied, “I've already been doing that. (Apparently there was more to do, or deeper to go, or I wouldn't have been asked the question.) Spontaneously I then stated, with conviction, the following:

I Am no longer bound to logic, born of third dimensional consciousness.
I unplug right now from all former logic.
I will not succumb to the power of suggestion that comes from my mind.
I call forth my Higher Self to be in charge at all times.
I have no limits. No limits!
Anything and everything is possible and I let it be so.
I Am God in form. I know who I Am and will act and Be in accordance to that Truth.
I commit to being a clear and connected channel daily.
I consciously accept these Truths and I ask for activation now.

I sat for minutes breathing those words into my heart, basking in their power knowing they would necessitate my full devotion and unwavering commitment.

At that point energy started pouring into my crown chakra. I felt as though I was being lifted up, and I was. I was told that my former energetic configuration was being re-directed to return me to a state of right order and flow, however it would be my choices and actions that would anchor this configuration in. Clarity, via my higher heart, was my key. I simply sat and bathed in the energies claiming and re-claiming my deep appreciation and commitment.

Beloveds, it is so clear that we are truly engaged in a new realm of consciousness that is fully supported by higher energies. This is a blessing for each of us, a blessing that asks for our co-operation in order for it to be able to expand evermore, leading us into higher frequencies, home frequencies that at long last feel right.

In this realm of consciousness we are still responsible for continuing to deprogram the lower consciousness whenever it appears. We do this sacred act out of pure Love for Who We Really Are. My friend Jim Self continues to say "we must release all of who we are not, in order to be all of who we are." It is so.

The veils of deception, limitation and separation have dropped. Your reach is vast, your capabilities epic in both scope and purpose, though you must consciously confine the mind and ego along with beliefs and assumptions that keep you plugged into third dimensional constrictions. No need to live beneath yourself anymore!

The 12th dimensional energies that house Original Thought, along with the 11th dimensional energies that house Original Feeling are open to us now to tap into and play with. In perfect symmetry thought plus feeling equals manifestation. In perfect symmetry anything is possible, so why play small? Let's play together in a big way.
Let's be big Gods in form. It's time to have fun and go far beyond every single limitation we have ever believed in.

The energies are on our side and beings of magnificent Light are waiting to serve us once we sync up with them. They know anything is possible, now we must come to know it in our hearts and experience it in our realities. And so be it!

Copyright Maureen Moss, 2010. I welcome your passing this forward while keeping my name and websites in tact as this is part of a larger body of work.

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Seeing the Edge of Visibility


Most men are within a finger’s breadth of being mad.

~ Diogenes the Cynic


This comment was shared with me by a dear friend of mine in Boston around me trying to further understand my artwork and where it comes from, I think we have a good lead here.

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SETHD8 digiverse kre8tion Time Begins!

“The human mind treats a new idea the same way the body treats a strange protein; it rejects it!”

P. B. Medawar




Hello You!

This is my official update as to what I have been doing, what I have currently envisioned for my direction, and hopefully in there somewhere a more concise and consistent experience across my digiverse.

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Ready for Dimensional Living?

“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”  -Robert Burton
(And when you truly begin to understand and know multidimensional consciousness you imeaditly understand the impact every unaligned thought creates.  These basic ‘private’ thoughts have created much of our demise not re-membering the power we each hold.  ALL-ways OBSERVE | EXPLORE!)

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Omega Communications #344


OREM | Builds Awareness


“And we greet you at this stage, Beloved, Orem with you, coming in amongst you and assisting the process that you go through to come into receptivity to the greater awareness, bringing you closely at this time again into our assembly point that is the communication chamber. You will be most familiar with this now and the appearance of what is around you in this space.

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