Tag: talks (page 2 of 2)

Mary Rodwell – The New Human

Yes, she is the one from "My mum talks to aliens" (about her son who does not believe in the presence of ET intelligence on earth, but is willing to let his mother convince him).


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Eckhart Talks About Presence in Conversation

a message from Eckhart Tolle

Monday, 9 August, 2010 

Question:  How do I maintain a sense of presence when I’m in the company of another person?  How do I bring presence into conversat...

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Eckhart Talks About Morality

Question: Most spiritual traditions have a strong emphasis on morality.  What role does morality play in your teachings?

Eckhart Tolle: The main aim of this teaching is to transcend the Ego, the Ego being a false sense of self, a false sense of identity.  Morality is important in many traditional teachings because those teachings have not gone beyond Ego, so they still function within the framework of the Ego.

If you live in a society that is inhabited by Egos, you need certain external rules of behavior and regulations so that there is not absolute chaos.  What you need then is commandments, or laws that need to be in place so that the Ego does not create absolute chaos in the world.  The emphasis of this teaching is to transcend the Ego so that a different state of consciousness arises, we call it “presence”.  

Once this state of consciousness operates, external rules and regulations are not really needed anymore, because a knowing of what is right and wrong arises from within you, and you are no longer able to inflict suffering on others because the illusion of absolute separateness between who you are and who another human being is, has disappeared.  You are no longer trapped in that illusion, so you know that ultimately, whatever you are doing to another, you are doing to yourself.   Most importantly, there is love as the recognition of the other as yourself - the recognition of oneness.  Once that is the basis of your life, you don’t need rules or regulations anymore because that arises directly and spontaneously from within you.  

One could say that all you need to do is to be in that state of love, which is not conventional love, but the recognition of non-separation, recognition of the ultimate Oneness of all beings.  Once that is there, then the right conduct flows naturally from within you.  You don’t need to memorize the commandments anymore to tell you what’s right and wrong.  The emphasis of this teaching is transcending the Ego, and once that’s done, morality arises from within.  The emphasis of this teaching is not on morality because that comes as really the effect of the transformation.  It is the effect of the inner transformation.   The emphasis of this teaching is not on morality, but on something deeper, out of which true morality flows.

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Update by Sheldan Nidle – 13 April

Channeler: Sheldan Nidle

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

6 Etznab, 1 Kank'in, 5 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We return with more to tell you about your world. Right now, our Earth allies continue to work on undermining the present banking system. Since the start of fractional banking in the early 1810s, the dark cabal has managed to slowly gain control of the global banking system. This system, like its partner the nation-state, is beholden to the moneyed interests on your world. Opposing them is a group of enlightened ones who saw the gross inequities produced by these systems and sought to reform them. In the past few decades, the opportunity arose to pull off this massive reform. The desperate conditions now surrounding your world's economies are a pressing reason to do these reforms properly. We have watched as your greedy and arrogant cabal plotted to avoid tackling these issues, but this proved to be a more difficult avenue to pursue than the cabal originally anticipated. A large group of hardened profiteers has attacked the cabal with a savage vengeance to the point where it can be said that a sickening sort of cannibalism is taking place.

As this self-destructive feeding-frenzy continues, the cabal inevitably hurtles toward its demise. The world watches as this grotesque performance reaches rock bottom. Our intervention, meanwhile, strengthens the activities of our Earth allies. Your limited-conscious realm is governed by money and power, ensuring that the state is wedded to the whims of the wealthy. This symbiotic relationship now requires a quick end. Our Earth allies comprehend this and have drawn up a host of new agreements between various states, the powerful, and our allies. These rare birds understand how important it is to create a situation in which the "old ways" are put at risk in order to finally discard them. These strategies are close to achieving their objective. Many on your world are truly frustrated at the time this has taken so far. We sympathize and are using our own plans to hasten the long-overdue end of the old ways. Your old reality is visibly cracking under the combined strains of the activities of both the cabal and of our Earth allies.

While this strange operation is underway, Mother Earth has put us on notice to accelerate drastically our timetable for first contact. The recent increase in earthquakes measuring seven plus on the Richter scale is a clear warning of what she has in store, as is the extinction level of many endangered plants and animals. Meanwhile, the melting of the glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere continues unabated. The South Pole is temporarily a different story; here, millions of people are being affected by the huge rip in the ozone layer, and we have worked to repair this hole which is why the Antarctic glaciers are actually expanding again. Our next job is to give similar support to the Arctic ozone hole, but Mother Earth regards these as mere minor fixes. The slight shift in the Earth's 23.5 degrees of obliquity caused by the Chilean earthquake is yet another harbinger of what Mother Earth plans. We meet frequently with our Earth allies to discuss these vital matters and have begun a series of talks with major Earth governments.

Your ecosphere is strongly rebelling, and Mother Earth requires that you leave her surface soon to take up your new homes in the beautiful 5-D world that is Inner Earth. Remember that Earth, like all stars and planets, is hollow. Inside her is the most splendid world filled with sights, sounds, and fragrances that will astound you! To get you there we need to complete Heaven's work and return you to full consciousness. This is no small task when the major governments of your world plot with the dark to keep you from your destiny. Heaven reassures us every day that this goal is non-negotiable and that the upcoming period is when this grand transition is to take place. We have put together a team that is working closely with your planet's Spiritual Hierarchy and a firm timetable is being agreed upon. We asked our Earth allies to accelerate their plans for bringing down the dark cabal and we, meanwhile, are implementing a special plan to speed your conversion by Light Chamber into fully conscious Beings.

These various plans are currently under full review by our Command Board and the entire fleet. We are repositioning a number of atmospheric fleets and calling upon our family in Agartha to assist us in resolving and activating the requirements of several scenarios. We need to move you smoothly and swiftly to Inner Earth, where special zones have been set aside in which several crystal cities have been constructed for you. Here you will find the living quarters and Light Chambers where you are to undergo your transformation into fully conscious Beings. A training syllabus has been compiled to teach you about the etiquette you will need once you are fully conscious. When you are competent and comfortable with your new state of consciousness, you are then ready to be introduced to galactic society. Initially, you will live within a typical Agarthan "podlet," where you can freely discuss what you are seeing and experiencing.

This period of adjustment will take place while Mother Earth restores your former surface home. This immense reconfiguration is to happen after all living things have been evacuated. Once the new topography is set in place, the new ecology will be introduced. Mother Earth wants a far more varied and a much more friendly series of living zones to be set up around the world, and her new lands, seas, and skies will be the habitats of many new creatures and plants. The only artificial structures are to be small special villages placed on major surface nodes, where you, as Mother Earth's new guardians, are to keep her multiplicity of realms in balance with ritual, dance, and chants. You are also to assist with the song and ritual of your Cetacean allies. Together, you are to honor Mother Earth and be responsible for the well being of all her life forms on this most exquisite of worlds.

This joint activity with the cetaceans will show you how easy it is to work with your fellow humans as well as other fellow sentient Beings to preserve the natural balance of planets and to unfold the divine plan. As fully conscious Beings you take up your role as physical Angels and use your abilities to make of your home world a true paradise for all living aspects of a loving and caring Creator. The society you create will nurture each individual, and your galactic society will be able to creatively solve any challenge you come up against. As a people you are to be known for your ability to understand even the most abstruse nuance of limited consciousness. This talent is to permit you in the very near future to raise many limited-consciousness planets to the Light, thus bringing you a wonderful celebrity.

The present is seemingly a time of great turmoil and danger for you. See it as a precursor to the great worldwide shift. Your world is racing toward first contact and Heaven is working miracles to wonderfully transform your lives. Happily, it is also when the dark cabal is to capitulate; when the truth of many things will be finally revealed; and when a new day of peace and prosperity dawns. A new abundance and a new financial system are waiting to roll out. This is not pie in the sky, but is to unfold before you as the old ways fade slowly but surely. Relish this strange and extraordinary time, and try not to be impatient. We are coming, and our Earth allies are nearly ready to spring their grand surprises upon you!

Today, we continued with our discussion of what is transpiring on your world. We intend to see you very, very soon! Our ships are in place to do whatever is necessary to bring you to the magic moment that is full consciousness. The time of wish fulfillment is at last upon you. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Buttons Pushed

Last week I had a conversation with a good friend who shared a smart (and effective) exercise she uses to re-center herself when she gets her buttons pushed. As I listened to her describe the process, I knew I had to share it with you.

The next time you get your buttons pushed and you find yourself fixated on a negative experience, in the middle of a shame attack, or ruminating about something that's upset you, try this. Take out four pieces of paper and put one of the following four sentence stems on the top of each sheet:

1. I know I'm acting in alignment with my Highest Self when I...

2. The things that knock me out of alignment are...

3. When I'm out of alignment, the behaviors I engage in are...

4. The best actions for me to take to get back in line with my Highest Self are...

Once you have each sentence stem listed on a separate piece of paper, set aside twenty minutes to do a "mind dump" for each category. List lots of examples for each one. What do you do when you're at your best? How do you think? What actions do you take? What kinds of situations knock you off track? And then, what habits or behaviors do you engage in that keep you off track and feeling stuck? Finally, what do you do that helps you to re-center so you can get back in alignment with your Highest Self?

I intended to give you examples for each category but, after doing the exercise myself, I discovered that it's better not to have any preconceived ideas. They interfere with the process. So, let yourself go, write down whatever thoughts or ideas come to mind, and when you're done, I'm sure you'll learn something valuable about yourself. I know I did. I'll give you a way to share your experience in this week's Take Action Challenge. Have fun!

Take Action Challenge

Don't wait to get your buttons pushed before doing this exercise. Instead, give yourself the gift of twenty minutes and use what you learn to respond differently the next time you're faced with a challenge. I'll post each individual sentence stem on my facebook page this week and invite you to share your ideas. But, don't look until you've done the exercise yourself . And be sure to use what you learn to keep yourself empowered and on track! 

This week's video is of the first woman on Rolling Stone's Guitar God list. I may have shared it long ago in a newsletter, but it's worth seeing again. She's fantastic! If you loved the movie August Rush, you'll recognize the playing style. Enjoy! You'll find it here.


Do you have an important message to share with the world?

April 23, 2010 in Boston
Join Cheryl Richardson and Reid Tracy (HayHouse CEO) for the new and exciting program called Movers and Shakers. Two workshop participants from each city could earn a chance to either host a weekly radio show on Hay House Radio for one month or host a live online event.

Life Makeover for the Year 2009(sm) is written and produced by Cheryl Richardson.© Copyright 1999-2009 Cheryl Richardson, P.O. Box 13, Newburyport, MA 01950, www.cherylrichardson.com. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Have a question for Cheryl? Call in during her live Internet radio show -- Coach on Call -- on the Internet at www.hayhouseradio.com. The show airs live on Mondays at 5pm ET (2pm PT) and is replayed throughout the week.

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Cassiopaea.org and Cassiopaea.com and Quantum Future.net are the websites founded by Theoretical Physicist Arkadiusz Jadczyk and his wife, amateur historian and writer, Laura Knight-Jadczyk.

Quantum Future Physics is the website devoted to the work of Professor Jadczyk.  There you will find information relating to Event Enhanced Quantum Theory, Quantum Jumps, EEQT and the Five Platonic Fractals., Transdimensional Transfer Techniques, Jacques Vallee, Quantum Fractals , Critical notes on Richard Hoagland and Tom Bearden, Critical notes on Val Valerian's "Matrix III", ideas about Knowledge and Freedom, technical papers on  "Quaternions and Monopoles", and most exciting of all, the views of a theoretical physicist on Physics of the Mysterious

Professor Jadczyk is fascinated by the problems of the foundations of quantum theory, and its relation to the philosophy of science and theories of knowledge, consciousness and mind.  In the past he has worked on algebraic methods of quantum theory, differential geometric methods of field theory, theories of gravitation, Kaluza-Klein theories of hidden dimensions, and supersymmetry, non-commutative geometry. The interested reader can have a look at his CV and List of Publications.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk: is the author of 13 books: Amazing Grace, which is an autobiography of the soul, The Secret History of the World, a radical reassessment of history, science, religion and myth, which contains the results of her search for the underlying principles of our reality, 9/11: The Ultimate Truth, The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction and the seven volume Wave series. She is currently working on a volume to follow The Secret History of the World.

As a consequence of Laura's scientific approach to researching the history and practical applications of psi phenomena and metaphysics, including her controlled experiment in channeling, the Cassiopaean Experiment, she was brought into contact with Ark. For more insight into that phase of Laura's life see, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Thomas French's article in the St. Petersburg Times. Mr. French spent over five years following Laura and her work at the end of which time he wrote:

"After all this time, I cannot begin to tell you what is truly happening with Laura. I do know that she remains as intriguing as ever. From the moment I met her, she has made me consider possibilities that would not have occurred to me otherwise. She has forced me to see and think in new ways."

That is Laura's greatest gift, and one that she shares freely with her readers. Be prepared to challenge and examine everything you ever thought and believed as she brings the logic of a mathematician, the vision of a mystic, and the compassion of a mother to the quest for the solutions to the problems of Man and the Universe.

Ark writes: The name Cassiopaea was given by a consciously "channeled source” which Laura accessed in 1994 after two years of experimental work.  The source identified itself by saying “we are you in the future.” Modern physics does not provide us with practical means for this type of communication, and theories on this subject are not well developed; they are, in fact, inconclusive and controversial.

When interpreting “we are you in the future in an oversimplified way, we are faced with causal paradoxes. On the other hand, from the theoretical papers published in physics journals we can learn that, with a proper and careful interpretation, and taking into account quantum uncertainties, communication into the past cannot be dismissed as impossible. Improbable perhaps is the right word, but there are many things that are improbable and yet happen.

The more improbable is a given phenomenon, the more information is carried by its occurrence, the more we can learn by its study.

That is why we did not dismiss the “we are you in the future” as impossible and therefore ignorable. Instead we decided to continue the “communications” as a form of a controlled experiment in "superluminal thought transfer” – even if it was clear that the term should be considered as a tentative indication of only one out several possible interpretations.

The information received from this experiment is presented in the context of broad ranging historical, scientific and other metaphysical material and offers the clues that have led to the world view and inferences presented by us in our numerous publications on this website and in print. Perhaps it is only our own “subconscious mind” that presents itself as a “source,” but even if it is so, does that tell us more? Do we really know what “unconscious mind” is and of what is it capable?

The reader might wish to begin with The Wave Series"The Wave" is a term used to describe a Macro-cosmic Quantum Wave Collapse producing both a physical and a "metaphysical" change to the Earth's cosmic environment theorized to be statistically probable sometime in the early 21st century. This event is variously described by other sources as the planetary shift to 4th density, shift of the ages, the harvest etc., and is most often placed around the end of 2012. The Wave Series begins with a UFO abduction account, a transcript of an actual hypnotic regression session, that refers to a global cataclysmic change. Please note that we do not, however, subscribe to the notion that such events can be exactly predicted as to whether or when they might occur. Quantum physics talks about statistical probabilities, not prophetic certainties.

The publishing of the Cassiopaean communications in The Wave Series and the establishing of the network of dialogues among those interested in this material - later to become the Quantum Future Group - was followed almost immediately by numerous attacks on Ark and Laura from various individuals. These events led to her writing of the Adventures With Cassiopaea Series, which includes in-depth studies of psychopathy, COINTELPRO and Secret Government projects.  Here you will find details about Nobel Prize Winner John Nash and Game Theory, Ira Einhorn and the creation of the New Age Counter Intelligence Program, Andrija Puharich, Alternative Three, Mind Control Research, the Philadelphia Experiment and the suicide of Morris Jessup, cyclical cataclysms, cometary impacts and meteorite showers, and most important of all: the problem of psychopaths in our society. Our page on Psychopathy is one of the most popular on the site which attests to the fact that psychopathy is epidemic in our times.

Don't forget The Signs of the Times is an ongoing News Resource Project that is updated daily. Be sure to check it out for all the latest News, Current Events, and in-depth commentary.

The Signs of the Times is an alternative news and news commentary page. We scour the web daily, analysing a large range of mainstream media and alternative media reports to bring our readers details of the latest world news and global current affairs as they happen. Our news analysis, research and investigation cover areas such as politics, social affairs, religious affairs, history, archeology, science, weather, earthquakes, volcanos, meteorite sightings, anomalous occurrences and much much more. We also conduct our own independent investigations and present the results here on the Cassiopaea website for the benefit of our readers. If you are interested in the events surrounding 9/11, you'll want to check out our American Coup d'état page, as well as Laura's book: 9/11: The Ultimate Truth


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Three o’clock me…..

I just love his courage to talk in public like that....
Very synchronistic, because my novel talks about the very same thing!


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2010 Spring Equinox: Saturday, March 20

Channeler: Barbara Hand Clow

see chart:

The Spring Equinox has arrived, the beginning of the solar year in the Northern Latitudes. It is time to decide what you want to create this year, and then use manifestation to empower these ideas. If you want to have an ordered intentional life, choose your projects in the spring, deepen this work during summer, and then balance these creations with the other aspects of your life during fall. From the Winter Solstice until spring, we naturally fall into deep contemplation about what we are creating in the world. If you live this way, you will find yourself moving into attunement with Nature.

Since Christmas 2009, many of you have let go of old judgments and sureties about what you want to do with your life. Now, you are pristine, you are a fertile field for new intentions. This is especially true this spring because Mars went direct in Leo a few weeks before the ingress of the Sun into Aries. This "popped" many hidden things into the light that will be cleared away, which will make space for new ideas.

When the Sun moves into Aries, the potential for manifesting new realities is always very powerful. Whatever you intend during the Spring Equinox tends to happen easily and forcefully. And, whatever is in your mind tends to happen without you even intending it, so it is wise to be very clear about what you are thinking about right now. Sort out what you'd really like to be involved in this year, now that you are emerging from deep winter contemplation. You are an empty wineskin waiting to be filled. Our ancient ancestors discovered that they could create almost anything by using the powers if the Spring Equinox. In modern times the Easter Bunny and/or the Resurrection draws our attention away from this opportunity. Meanwhile, choosing three things you want to create during the Spring Equinox really works! So, begin a few days before spring actually arrives by making your list of three and have them ready for meditation.

About fifteen minutes before the solar entry into Aries, sit alone or in a circle with friends, and then bring out your list. Writing things down ahead of the time is a good idea. My favorite manifestation technique is described in detail in The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions on pages 131-32 of the first edition and pages 133-34 in the newly-released second edition. Here is a quick summary: Beginning with the first intention you think you want to create, read it, then close your eyes and imagine yourself actually having it; feel what this would be like. Then say to yourself, "If I could have it, would I take it?" You may be surprised to discover that sometimes you don't want something, while knowing what you do want clears your head. If you honestly can answer yes to having this thing, then go on and manifest it. Otherwise, drop the idea.

With your wish in mind, do three visualizations of scenes that portray this creation actually happening in your life. Never include people who might make this possible for you because that is influencing others, or conjuring. First of all, it doesn't work, and secondly, you are interfering with others. As you visualize each scene, see each image in front of your third eye. Once it is clearly visible in your third eye, transfer this picture to the back of your skull right above the top of your spine (medulla oblongata), and see your medulla as a television screen and transfer the image onto it. See it as clearly as possible, make it crackle, and then go right to work on the next scene. Once you've visualized all three scenes, say, "So be it!" Then use the same visualization process with the two other things on your list. Put your list away somewhere for reference during the year. I have a special box for mine.

You may also want to have the Spring Equinox chart and this reading with you during the Equinox meditation. For some people, understanding the quality of the energy that exists enhances their manifestation powers. The Spring Equinox chart describes an energy field that will have great influence over the next three months, leading up to the Summer Solstice. First a creational field sets into the planet during the Equinox, and then it just keeps on developing and recalibrating during the three New Moons that follow. Nature invents new worlds during the spring, so by manifesting things at this time, you are putting in your "order" on the hot list, so to speak. Most people who use this technique for a few years are shocked by how successful it is. So, watch out for what you ask for!

This year's Spring Equinox is very formative, because Mercury/Sun in Aries conjuncts Uranus in Pisces and opposes Saturn in Libra. And, Pluto in Capricorn forms the head of a T-square to this intense opposition of four planets. The energy intensity is the strongest between the close opposition of the Equinox Sun to Saturn in 1 degrees of Libra. Saturn retrograde in Libra is pulling away from its exact square to Pluto on January 31, and its final square will be on August 21. There is also a very close square to Pluto from Mercury in Aries, which locks in the intensity of this T-square and accentuates the developments inspired by the great Saturn/Pluto squares.

This means spring 2010 will be a tense, combative, change-oriented time that will shift many entrenched realities. I will discuss a few specific issues that suddenly popped into the limelight when Mars went direct. In my reading for the Pisces New Moon (March 15), I noted that recent earth changes are going to pressure our species to stop wasting precious resources in warfare, because so many people on the planet are suffering calamities. Well, this Equinox T-square is going to push relentlessly for the end to this profligate waste.

Saturn-square-Pluto was very close together from November until now, and it is only moving apart for a little while this spring. The current T-square involving five planets (Mercury/Sun/Uranus/Saturn/Pluto) locks in the influence of Saturn-square-Pluto all the way through the spring season. Saturn in Libra (October 2009-October 2012) pushes Pluto in Capricorn's struggle to transform economic and societal structures into a balancing mode. Regardless of Saturn's struggle for harmony, the Sun in 0 Aries demands we just get the job done. This Equinox is going to be characterized by a resounding scream for action, deep change, and new pathways, a shift that already started when Mars went direct on March 10. This process actually began when Pluto went into Capricorn in 2008, and then it deepened during the first Saturn/Pluto square in November 2009. Systems that have been tottering are going to crash, such as the Catholic Church under the pressure of clerical sexual scandals, and the many countries that are threatened with economic collapses. Mercury in Aries ahead of the Equinox Sun suggests that many people know exactly what is going on, and they are fostering these collapses because they seek new ways to create what they want in our world. Uranus in late Pisces just before the Aries Sun means that the spiritual awakening of Uranus in Pisces (2003-2011) is culminating this spring. Just imagine how new spiritual pathways will open when Uranus goes into Aries during Spring Equinox 2011!

This great T-square heralds a great crisis in consciousness that can shake up dysfunctional systems. The Galactic Underworld time acceleration (1999-2011) has been exposing many of the abusive systems that have been used to manipulate people, such as medicine-for-profit. The Roman Catholic Church has manipulated people for two thousand years, but now the priestly sexual-abuse scandals are penetrating the Vatican and rocking the Petrine throne. Clerical sexual-abuse scandals and huge payments to the victims have been weakening the American Catholic Church for more than twenty years. In the last few years, Ireland has been rocked by 15,000 abuse complaints. In Germany, the Vatican has been on the defensive since 170 former students of Catholic schools came forward with abuse claims in Church-run orphanages and schools.

Bishop Giuseppi Versaldi of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome announced that the Pope has been "a vigilant shepherd of his flock decisively denouncing the filth in the priesthood." Strangely, on March 13, just after Mars went direct, the Munich archdiocese reported that when he was the Cardinal Archbishop of Munich, Joseph Ratzinger (now called Benedict) had approved therapy for a priest known to be an abuser in the 1980s. Then Ratzinger transferred the pedophile to Upper Bavaria, where he was soon convicted for abusing minors. Ratzinger knew this priest was an abuser, yet he allowed him to continue in his ministry. Some writers, such as John Clooney, are already saying that Ratzinger's position as Supreme Pontif could become untenable. These transits are tearing up institutions that have been controlling human access to divine consciousness for too long.

The Equinox Moon gives us a reading for the condition of the public mind. The Moon in 26 Taurus is in a tight square to Chiron/Neptune. Stolid Moon in Taurus tells us that our spiritual healing crisis, inspired by the long-lasting Chiron/Neptune conjunctions in Aquarius, is coming to a head this spring. The great wise bull has the depth and patience to cry "Enough!" The public is not going to be patient with platitudes and procrastinations now; they will demand that heads will roll. The Moon in Taurus trining Saturn in Libra means that our feelings will be strong and confident this spring. Simply put, the public is going to be demanding and irate, and they are going to throw off their oppressors.

Newly-direct Mars in Leo is the real key to the spring because it aspects so many other planets, like a musician playing all the octaves. Mars closely trines the Sun going into Aries, a very benefic influence this spring. As each one of us strives to do things in new ways, Mars trining the Equinox Sun will give us strength and will power, a clear sense of direction, and the ability to just put ourselves into first gear. Saturn in Libra closely sextiles Mars in Leo, so we will have harmonic structural support when we use our will power to get what we want. Mars in Leo also sextiles the Moon in Taurus, which means we will be emotionally stable while undertaking difficult things. Pluto in Capricorn is quincunx to Mars in Leo during the Equinox. This firey and earthy quincunx is exact in mid-April, and then Pluto goes retrograde until mid-September, right before the Fall Equinox. While we consider the deep structural changes inspired by Pluto, Mars in Leo will nudge and push us to get involved in these processes. People will tend to just charge forward in spite of any obstacles because retrograde Pluto in early Capricorn will be constantly reminding them it is time to change.

When Mars went direct on March 10, all kinds of blocked processes began releasing, such as the Arab/Israeli stalemate. Just when Vice President Joe Biden completed talks with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israel announced they were building 1600 more homes for Jews in East Jerusalem on Palestinian land. This was a slap in the face to official American policy, as well as an act of utter rudeness. Biden responded to this insulting behavior by arriving at a state dinner with Premier Netanyahu ninety minutes late, a radical way to show displeasure in the Middle East. As I write this file, Hillary Clinton is being very vocal about this insult to America, while the media calls it the "New Chill". Well, if the United States changes its policy toward the Israelis, it would influence all policy in the Middle East; this Spring Equinox chart predicts such great changes.

Perhaps women like Hillary Clinton will be able to cause change this spring. Venus in 16 Aries squares the lunar North Node in 18 Capricorn and the South Node in 18 Cancer. When the nodes are in Capricorn/Cancer (August 2009 through March 2011), we are inspired to construct new structures and systems that work for us by letting go of old security and nurturance. We are in the middle of this process, and Venus in Aries squaring the lunar nodes suggests a karmic crisis this spring over the role of women and power in society. As we come to the end of the Mayan Calendar and as the National and Planetary structures are falling, the patriarchy that created them also must go, yet many men just don't know how to change. Women need to assume more power this spring to function as guides while these structures fall away.

Jupiter in Pisces is not aspected during the Spring Equinox, which means its spiritual and tectonic force is weak this spring. Perhaps, and I am only speculating, religious tension will calm this spring, and certainly the tectonic factor needs calming. I wrote a lot about the high level of earthquakes in the Pisces New Moon reading, and the quakes are continuing with a 6.6 quake in Japan on March 13. I am very concerned about these quakes, and I am sure you are too. So, I'd like to end this reading with a very funny commentary on my favorite subject, sex.

A report on sex and aging from the British Medical Journal was released on March 10, just when Mars went direct, so the information in this report is very relevant. I want to report on it here because the global-elite-run media will probably be directed to not discuss it. It contains some very damaging information about the use of recreational sex drugs, such as Viagra and Cialis. It caught my eye because there has been almost no discussion about what is really going on with these drugs since they were introduced in 1998 (Galactic Underworld stimulants!). Yet, these drugs are widely advertised in seductive ways, causing doctors to hand them out like candy, yet there are no public studies of how they affect health.

The researchers found that men tend to be sexually active until they hit 70 and women until they are 66. For those women who were sexually active at age 75-85, only half reported their sex lives were "good", yet men had more favorable reports. There are obviously many ways to interpret these findings, but several things really stand out for me. First of all, many women end up being single after they are 60 because they lose their partners to death or younger women. Meanwhile, many men want to keep themselves sexually active, especially if they have younger partners. Erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs have really changed the playing field since 1998 by creating a sexual renaissance during the Galactic Underworld. Yippie!

But, there is a dark side to all this fun between the sheets-heart attacks for older men, not to mention trips to the chiropractor! In Switzerland, a country that tends to take responsibility for its citizens, brothels are being required to train their prostitutes to use defibrillators to help prevent clients from dying in the throes of passion! Well, here is my issue: Practitioners of alternative medicine are forbidden to prescribe many substances and to use alternative techniques because somebody might get hurt. Yet, the truth about the real dangers of ED drugs is suppressed. How many men are having heart attacks while using these drugs? Since this is often embarrassing for families, the old guy just gets sent quietly off to the undertaker. Big Pharma doesn't want to lose profits and maybe some elderly old men just want to blow themselves away in bed? The problem is, men and women who might benefit from ED drugs have no way to evaluate their safety, and should not use them until the truth is told. Maybe nobody is paying attention, since they are the only legal way to commit suicide right now? With that happy thought, let me wish you a happy spring!

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Spirit Talk Radio one hour later during summertime

Just to let you know, Spirit Talk Radio starts one hour later in the summer, so when YOUR clocks go forward our show will start one hour later...

For example, Daylight Saving Time starts in USA tomorrow Sunday 14th March, so our show will begin one hour LATER at 12 noon EST and remain that time all Summer.

We'll stay at 4pm UK Time for two more weeks, but from Sunday 28th March we will start at 5pm UK time for the rest of the Summer, since that's when our clocks go forward too.Talking of time, K. finally found time to listen to our previous week's show on what a true healer does:

"Wow! Amazing show...I finally got a chance to listen to this recording. I got vibrations through out my body, especially my abdomen, it was pretty intense, like short wave moving my ribs and abs up and down... at the same time very calming. Thank you to both you for the wonderful show and the love you emit."

(This show and all previous shows can be downloaded from our Talkshoe page)

Tomorrow's theme is sparked by a question from Peter on how to overcome writer's block and dealing with fear of failure to release your creative flair.
Please do keep emailing me your questions.. I'll be delighted to cover them on the show.

All in Love,


For more info on the show and my healing services, see www.loveandinsight.com

You can join in today's show by Computer at: TalkShoe (dot) com - show id: 12324

or by Phone +1 724 444 7444 - call id: 12324# every Sunday 4pm UK winter time (5pm UK time 12 noon EST in summer)

or, if you miss it, just download later.

Full show details: www.loveandinsight.com/show

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Omega Communications #344


OREM | Builds Awareness


“And we greet you at this stage, Beloved, Orem with you, coming in amongst you and assisting the process that you go through to come into receptivity to the greater awareness, bringing you closely at this time again into our assembly point that is the communication chamber. You will be most familiar with this now and the appearance of what is around you in this space.

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Monjoronson Talks About Population & Earth Changes

Monjoronson Talks About Coming Changes!

Lesson preceded by centering and construction of the merkaba. There were numerous celestial beings present, some standing behind each one of us, with their hands on our shoulders. A ball of brilliant white light descended into the middle of the group. The merkaba whirred into action like a big dynamo and we connected the heart line, mind line, and became “one with each other, in mind and heart.” The group then used the merkaba for good, by bending its energy beam to wherever it was needed—for healing, abundance, prosperity, correct action, fulfillment, etc. We were surrounded by light and wisdom, an abundance of the universe radiated into each of us. Some of our work is to radiate that abundance back out into the world to those who need assistance and wisdom.

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Message from Ker-On 07-July-06

Ker-On Talks!


What is a day in your life, just a mere fraction of the time you spend on Earth. For some it can be very repetitious and nothing very exciting seems to happen, but it is not necessarily the outer events that are the most important. You observe what is happening around you, and are accessing the information and placing it in your belief system. It shapes your perception and understanding, which is perpetually changing around.

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St. Germain 30-June-06

St. Germain  Speaks


There is as you might say, never a dull moment upon Earth. With your present day communications systems, you learn of events as they happen all around you. This results in you being able to picture how people of other countries are living their lives. In general you see people very much like yourselves, also seeking success to provide an acceptable standard of living.

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