Tag: subconscious mind

Mind Over Genes – Dr. Bruce Lipton


Dr. Bruce Lipton

Earlier in my career as a research scientist and medical school professor, I actively supported the perspective that the human body was a "biochemical machine ‘programmed’ by its genes. We scie...

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Your Inner Being As Your Greatest Resource


a message from Owen Waters

Sunday, 28 August, 2011  (posted 22 February, 2012)

Your inner being – your soul or higher self – is not something that you have. It is what you are.

Your complete consciousnes...

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The Holidays as Doorways to Emotional Freedom and Higher Awareness


19 December 2011

Channeler: DL Zeta

The holidays are doorways to higher understanding because they offer opportunities to access and heal painful emotions of the past. Our willingness to embrace and heal these emotions is our ...

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Human Experience

a message from Hillis Pugh

Thursday, 5 August, 2010 

Be thankful this day for the human experience.

The human experience is lived daily from our actions and thoughts stemming from the lessons and observations of life. Mos...

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Spiritual Weariness?

By Dr Joshua David Stone

Many lightworkers on this Planet are feeling a little“Spiritually Weary or Fatigued”! This chapter is dedicated to discussing, understanding and trying to remedy this most interesting issue!Let me begin first by saying this is a “multi-faceted” issue that must be approached from a “multi-faceted perspective!”There is a small part of this understanding that is normal for everyone. I say this not in terms of feeling anything negative, but rather everyone knowingand understanding on some level we are visiting here. We have all come from GOD and Heavenly Realms in our Creation, so it is normal for everyone to have a Spiritual Desire to return home so to speak! This is not to say, however, that we cannot fully 100% enjoy Earth Life, for we can, and we need to fully Realize GOD on all levels!

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Discerning Yourself!

Diane | 06 September 06

From the source of the many messages you receive, you get a measure of what is being done on your behalf. It has been a feature of this period, that many people have been enabled to make contact with Beings that are off Earth. Never before have so many become awakened, and it is a sign of the growth of consciousness that is taking place. For those who knowingly work with their Higher Selves, it is a small step to open up a line to other Beings.

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Reality Creation!

St. Germain | 28 August 2006

Your reality is one of your own creation, although it would be only right to point out that it has been influenced by deep memories that are in your subconscious mind, of experiences from eons of time ago. Because you entered a cycle of duality, the dark souls were let loose, but never to the degree that they would be able to totally overwhelm you. You are at present as near to that position as you are ever likely to be. However, such matters are totally controlled by the Lords of Karma, and the outcome is controlled.

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