Channeler: Jen Eramith MA

What energy and experiences can we expect in March of 2010?

The theme for the month is strength and stability.  During the course of 2010 all of you are being asked to, and eventually are forced to, face the truths in your lives that you have resisted seeing.  Your denial has been holding you back.  Most of you, by this time of the year, have already encountered some of those truths.  For those of you who were unaware of those truths or unwilling to see them before, you have probably been through some difficult times in the last few months. 

By the time you come to March of 2010, you are likely to have found a deeper source of strength within you and a wider sense of support around you.  Many of you have now figured out which relationships will fail you and which relationships will support you in your lives.  This month it is important to turn toward those relationships that will support you.  Let the relationships that are failing you fall away.  If they need to come back later, if you need to reconnect with that person in the future, you will.  Your higher self and the higher self of that person will lead you together again.  For now, be willing to let go of those relationships and all of those external factors in your life that do not support you.

The month of March is a time for support.  It is a time for you to tune into and bolster everything that gives you strength.  There is a great deal of strength available this month and that strength is carried by each one of you.  The strength that you have cultivated in your heart and in your life, in your body and in your spirit, that strength is currently being emitted and being made available to those around you. 

It is vitally important this month that you reach out to support one another and help each other even as you continually turn toward that which builds your own strength.  What you are doing collectively this month is weaving a stronger web in the human family, creating stronger, deeper connections with those you love and finding that the strength within you is inherently connected to the strength that you share with others. 

March 2010 promises to be a productive month.  For some of you the productivity will come in the form of external tasks being done.  But for most of you the productivity will come in terms of your self knowledge, your self awareness, your ability to understand why you do what you do or to understand why you have reacted to things in certain ways and to choose to react to them in new, more flexible ways.  In April you will be making a lot more of these choices about how to do things more differently in a way that is more enlightened.  For March, simply be as productive and as efficient as you can in paying attention to yourself, acknowledging why you are as you are and taking note of how you would like to change.  This is a great month for self-knowledge, self-awareness and self-care.

How can we best use the energy this month?

The first and most important thing you can do with the energy this month is to develop a practice that helps foster strength in your life.  Some of you will benefit from creating more strength in your physical bodies; you might consider taking a self defense course or beginning a weight-lifting regime.  Anything that will bring you more physical strength that eventually leads you to a stronger sense of strength within yourself. 

Others will find that the most important place for you to develop strength is in your communication in relationships, particularly in your ability to say no.  Do not be afraid to let others down or allow them to feel disappointed.  You must draw boundaries that protect you and keep you centered if you are to further your personal evolution.  A large number of you will be developing the skill of strength in relationships or strengths in your communication with others.  There are many other forms of strength too.  Those two will be the most common, but whatever you feel is the part of your life where you are most lacking in strength is the place where you should be paying attention this month and begin to foster more strength within yourself. 

The most important thing you can do this month is to identify and move toward those elements of your life that bring you strength, that bring you to a strong sense of yourself.  Cultivating a stronger sense of who you are and why you are here.  Make a list of the things that are most valuable to you.  What are the values that you wish to live your life by?  Any exercises that bring you to a deeper sense of self-realization will be useful this month.  This is an excellent month to work with a counselor, therapist or coach to help you understand yourself better.  To develop and build upon further what you have already built in your life so far. 

The second thing to do, from that place of self-recognition, is to reach out and find ways to support others.  To be more mindful of whom you spend your time with and how you spend your time with others.  Making sure that your actions and the way you live in your relationships are in alignment with your core values.  The first thing to do is to foster strength within your self this month.  The second thing to do is to foster stronger connections with the support system of people in your life.  Those are the two most important things for you to do during the month of March 2010. 

Are there any power days this month?

March 6 packs a punch.  This is a day when anything that is happening will be amplified -- a day that you might consider to be a portal.  This is a day when things can become more clear if you are already on a path toward clarity or more foggy if you are in a path of denial.  This is a day when illuminating events will occur, but you likely will not see what has been illumined on this day.  You will reflect back on this day later in the month and realize what you learned.  On the day of March 6, pay attention to what occurs.  Do not take anything for granted.  Assume that there are no random coincidences.  If you have a dream, write down the dream.  If you have a conversation with a friend, take note of who said what.  Simply just pay attention on this day. 

The next day is March 12.  March 12 comes like a blessing especially for those who have been building their sense of strength.  You are going to find yourself feeling really blessed on this day.  If you have not yet turned your focus toward those things that build your own sense of strength within yourself and within your life, then this day is going to bring you a challenge that draws your attention toward that strength. 

March 17 and 18 look like the metaphor of an apple.  There is something very nourishing and fruitful about these days and it may not appear to be so at the beginning.  There is sort of a sense, like an apple has a skin and then a softer center, there is a sense on these days that you may a little bit out of sorts when in fact, you are simply leading yourself to a deeper level of your own experience, a deeper layer of your own self growth.  Have patience with yourself and ask questions that lead you to a deeper understanding.  If you find yourself out of sorts, do not just rush through your day feeling that way.  Stop, take a few deep breaths and ask yourself the questions, "What am I feeling?  What emotion am I feeling?  What sensation in my body am I feeling?  What does this remind me of?  What have I not been paying attention to?"  Just ask yourselves the questions that lead you to understand rather than rushing through the day feeling out of sorts. 

Do the Keepers have any final messages about March 2010?

The message that the Keepers have is a reminder that the whole reason you came into your life at this time on Planet Earth is to do the work that is occurring now.  All of you are already in the energy of 2012.  There is nothing that you are waiting for.  The work that you are doing in your life, the challenges that have come up and the new truths that are emerging for you are divine.  These are precisely the things that your soul and the souls of others have been stuck with for millennia.  Now, today, this month in your very own life, as you bravely encounter the challenges that you face, you are helping to unravel and enlighten patterns and energies that have been stuck in humanity for generations. 

Do not imagine that you are waiting for something.  There is no one and nothing to wait for.  You are here to do this work and there is no event coming in the future that will resolve this work for you.  There is no leader or public figure who will come and resolve this work for you.  Whatever you have facing you in your personal life now holds the truth and therefore the keys to your own enlightenment.  Bravely step forward into the things that are yours to resolve in your personal life.  Trust in that as you resolve those things, as you come to face your own personal truths and take full accountability for your own sphere of influence in the world, that you are helping to weave together the fabric for the entire human race!

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