Tag: spiritual teacher (page 2 of 2)

Archangel Michael – The Spiral Path


18 June 2011  

Channeler:  Shariq

Dear All,

As we now, at this time of Ascension, post the lunar eclipse of June 15th, find our accelerated pathways clearly defined to remember who we really are, I offer to you c...

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Angels on Earth


a message from Mother Earth/Gaia

channeled by Pamela Kribbe

Friday, 13 May, 2011  (posted 20 May, 2011)

Sweet human child,

I am the voice of the earth. I have known you forever. Your every footstep is ...

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Creating your own Guiding Light by Master Serapis Bey


10 May 2011   Channeler:  Natalie Sian Glasson


Creating your own Guiding Light by Master Serapis Bey

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-09/05/11

With great delight I have been asked to step ...

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Divine Light – A Healing Force and Tool of Protection


a message from Shanta Gabriel

Sunday, 24 April, 2011  (posted 10 May, 2011)

In the interest of the old saying, “we teach what we need to learn,”I have been focused recently on all the different ways I have be...

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Confessions of a Spiritual Teacher


a message from Sarah Biermann

Wednesday, 16 March, 2011  (posted 28 March, 2011)

Thank God(dess) I Don't Have to be Perfect

Perfection (doing it right) is not required to be a Spiritual Teacher. Actually, imperfe...

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Note: I consider this one of the most important articles I’ve ever written. If after reading it you feel so inspired, please forward this to all of your friends and lists. The next part of the article will be sent out in about a week or so.

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Quan Yin’s January Solar Eclipse Message

{mainvote} 5 January 2011 - 2:19am |  Shariq



Dear All, As we move forward today, at this momentous time of a Solar Eclipse that heralds a highly significant and rare conjunction of Jupiter (the planet of goo...

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What Can We Learn from the Mystics?

Gerald reacted to this mornings article through private E-mail, and included the following article. Thanks for the reaction, which at least gave me the idea that my ideas weren't half bad. But the article wouldn't look like a flag on a mud barge her...

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Spaciousness and Choiceless Awareness

St. Francis through Anina Davenport

Many of you who have been raising frequency for years report a feeling of spaciousness in your bodies. Where does this come from and what does it mean? Space is what you are. Space, love, emptiness, consciousness...

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Goodbye to Sol’ara An

A Message from Sol'Ara An to her website subscribers:

Dear website subscribers, I have come to a decision to let go of the website, it will be closed on Monday, March 22, 2010.

I have finally surrendered to the truth that there is something new for me to move forward to.  Letting go has never been easy for me.

I want to thank you all for your support. It has been my honor to be of service!  I am grateful to all of you for allowing me to share Divine Mother through my Soul Group energies.  I have learned so much from this experience, and my heart is flowing with great love for all of you!

I am not leaving my "work" in anyway, I am simply changing the form with which I proceed.  As many of you feel the changes I encourage you to honor your most authentic self.  Knowing that as we take the steps that spirit asks of us, letting go of our "training wheels", our road ahead shall align to the flow of our next step with gentle and rewarding energies.  I will send out messages from Divine Mother when they come through me and pass them on to those who have offered their services to send these messages out such as Spirit Library.

I look forward to sharing myself in new ways on my new blog, which will allow me to share myself in a more full way.  I shall send out information as to that address to those who want it.  Just email me with your request and I will let you know.  Sunday, March 21st will be the last day to email me at info@solara-an.com

I will keep everyone on my Prayer List that has requested to be there prior to now for as long as I continue my prayers.  If you would like to contact me to place you on my prayer list you will need to email me by Sunday, March 21st. 

I would like to offer you the following information - leaving you with a referral to others who in my humble opinion carry the divine feminine energies well:

Cyndi Silva - facilitator for metaphysicalwisdom.com website:

Cyndi offers a variety of metaphysical teachers and healers and more on this website.  She also creates the websites, and so if you are in need of a website I would highly recommend her!  Cyndi also offers "Metaphysical Wednesday's Teleconferences" every Wednesday @ 12:00pm eastern.  Please visit her website to find a wealth of wisdom! 

Cyndi is a spiritual teacher and wise woman herself and has an audio offering of her yoga and meditation CD for purchase on her website.  I think you will find this to be a wonderful gift for your inner self and the love and nurturing your body needs.

A La Lansun - website: newagepublications.com  -  A wise woman, who channels her high self has brought through a beautiful message to all who are ready to meet their true Twin Flames.  The information is more than you have heard before, and if you listen to your heart you will know if this is for you.  This is for those women ready to pick up the chalice of the divine feminine empowerment once again!

Please join -A La Lansun and Cyndi Silva on the Metaphysical Wednesday teleconference at 12:00 noon eastern time/1:00pm central to discuss "The Tonti Connection".  The article is on the metaphysicalwisdom.com website, and also on A La Lansun's website as well.  Please read this first so that you can offer your own insights as well.  I recommend this call highly!

Also find on the Metaphysical Wisdom website:  Divine Attunements with Maika Suneagle from Hawaii - a free audio of a teleconference done last week.  This is powerful and timely!  I hope you will give yourself the gift of this recording.  He also offers an 8 week teleconference series.

Well, it's time to close this door and walk through to the otherside of the great path of love to continue our journey.  We are always together, as we are all One, and so I will not say goodbye... but -  I'll be seeing you!

My Love & Blessings Always!

Sol'Ara An

Sol'Ara An
Emissary of Divine Light

Web:  www.solara-an.com 

Universal Copyright 2009-2010 is authorized. Please distribute freely as long as the URL http://www.solara-an.com is  included as the resource and the article/channeling is intact and complete as written, and is distributed on a non-commercial,  no charge basis. Also, please email the channel of your intention. All rights reserved.

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