Tag: spiritual evolution (page 2 of 3)

Saul – Everyone’s frequency is rising


07/24/2011 by John Smallman

As you know, the frequency of the planet and of humanity’s energy signature is rising in preparation for the approaching New Age.  The higher the frequency of an entity’s energy signatu...

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Saul – The most important step you have ever taken to intensify your spiritual evolution


07/17/2011 by John Smallman

The barriers to humanity’s awakening are being demolished as more and more of you allow God’s Love for you to suffuse you, and you then share that Love widely with everyone you know. This op...

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Kris Won, July 13, 2011



I am Ashtar Sheran, and I am writing to ask you to be strong and try to remain even-handed to events that will be brought forth in 2011. This should not be surprising, since it is almost 2012, which so much has be...

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The Nature Of Energies


18 April 2011 GODDESS-OF-LIGHT

The nature of energies Thine own understanding of the natures of energies. A short introduction to the varieties of energies which pour through each of us, in and out and flow with the essence of t...

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Akashic Records On: Human Population


a message from Akashic Records

channeled by Jen Eramith MA

Monday, 7 March, 2011  (posted 14 March, 2011)

Is it possible to know why human beings are so numerous at this time on Earth?

There are two primary r...

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Humanity has reached the point where it can and is listening to the Voice of God


02/27/2011 by John Smallman

Your spiritual evolution is accelerating, as it must, and the divine energies surrounding and enveloping you are intensifying as you continue asking for help from your guides, angels, and from God Hims...

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Marylin Rafaelle – the Arcturians

OCTOBER 7, 2010

We of the Arcturian Group say to you the people of the earth star, that you are soon to see many happenings on your fine planet.  Energy is quickly shifting into a higher dimensional states,  leaving behind old energie...

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a message from Hillis Pugh

Thursday, 16 September, 2010 

Be thankful this day for guidance.

From the time of our spiritual conception from the Creator through the many incarnations, we are guided. We are guided thr...

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SaLuSa 10-September-2010

10 September 2010 - 7:13am

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

Let no one deny you your rights to your own beliefs, but honor another soul who has chosen a different path. It should be possible to exist side by side, with...

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the Arcturians, September 5th, 2010

Dear ones, we come today to tell you of many changes about to happen on your planet.  We are aware that we have said this before, and often you have not been aware of any changes.  This time you are going to see the changes; changes in the...

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"The Relativity of Past Lives, Karma and Completions"

Blue Star Transmissions

6-25-10 to 8-25-10

~Special Edition~ "The Relativity of Past Lives, Karma and Completions"

NOTE: Blue Star wishes to include a special message for all people. This message is to remain on the websi...

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True Freedom!

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
        2 Ix, 15 Zip, 2 Ik        

Selamat Jarin! We return, dear Hearts, with more things to discuss with you! In our past few messages, we dealt with some of the financial and political ramifications of the program put together by our Earth allies. We talked about the ultimate importance to you of personal sovereignty and how the ending of global statute or military law is to set you free from the ominous designs of the dark. Let us look at this now in greater depth to understand more about sovereignty. All humans are born free with certain unalienable rights given to them by a gracious and Loving Creator. Among these are the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. This phrase given to the writers of the American Declaration of Independence by St. Germaine is not a mere grouping of ideals. Rather, it is the distillation of a greater discourse given by Lord Surea to the Councils of Heaven that deal with the spiritual evolution of humanity on this most luscious gem that you call Mother Earth. Never forget that freedom is the very core of your sovereignty. Freedom defines you and provides the means to sustain you in physicality.       Sovereignty is a direct by-product of freedom. When you are truly free, you are fully responsible for yourself and for your community. This goes hand in hand with your spiritual or consciousness growth. Divine service is to fulfill your community and to creatively use your ability to solve the various problems that daily surround you. You truly understand how connected you are to your fellows. This connection breaths forth a great desire to forge a Loving and sustainable environment for your community. This invites actions that enhance not only your efforts but also those put forth by the spiritual collective that is your community. Sovereignty is the divine and lawful means for carrying out these positive actions. Accordingly, sovereignty has possessed a special lawful status from the very beginning of Human community as initially expressed in Hybornea and later in Lemuria and the first stages of Atlantis. This status gives each Being an equality with each other. Sovereignty is the special foundation that your good works can be built upon. It is the means by which your full creative talents can easily manifest.

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Discerning Yourself!

Diane | 06 September 06

From the source of the many messages you receive, you get a measure of what is being done on your behalf. It has been a feature of this period, that many people have been enabled to make contact with Beings that are off Earth. Never before have so many become awakened, and it is a sign of the growth of consciousness that is taking place. For those who knowingly work with their Higher Selves, it is a small step to open up a line to other Beings.

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