Tag: spirits (page 3 of 3)

+ Light, Dark and Managing our Soul Matrix!

“Light always casts forth the Shadows, yet the Shadows define the Light!”

“Amyelichenfantalistic!”                                                                                     SethD8 – 23 Jan. 2007

We are going to have a discussion with you on what light is, what dark is, what the light can do, what the dark can do, how the light casts forth the shadows, and how you can defend yourself from the dark Overlords.

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At this time of transition, be very careful about who and what you are following. In fact, if you are following at all, that is the first indication that you are off track. For those of you who are still the students of gurus, we recommend discernment.

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Intergalactic Peace Corp

Intergalactic Peace Corp
by Helene Rothschild

Do you ever feel as though your drum beats to a different tune than the people around you? Have you possibly had the painful thought that you do not belong here, and that you want to go home? Are you sometimes plagued by a nagging thought that you are here for a purpose but you do not know what it is?

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Extraterrestrial A-Z!

Hello Gang!

I just came accross this information today. It is very interesting and somewhat mind opening. In case you haven’t noticed, lately in my art style I have been exploring beings from other worlds who are here assisting us. This guide book is sure going to make my art allot more interesting and hopefully with some good perception I will make a couple more artistic leaps in style along the way. I am committed to illustrating my perceptions through art with all of my communications and shareings. Be sure and keep checking back, becuase as my mind unfolds so does my art. And now… ET’s A-Z…

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Message from Ela 19 Jul 06


Ela |


Life in the Universe is boundless, although many on Earth have no concept of it. Even at your own level in what are called the lower dimensions, life can manifest in a number of different ways. Some of you see alternative life forms as something to be feared, but this arises from misunderstanding. Certainly there are situations which beg your careful approach, and you can be prone to interference by other entities if you are not cautious. 

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