Tag: specialist (page 2 of 2)

AA Metatron – Part 3/3 of the 11-11-11 & Atlantis Series – Master Crystals of Poseida


Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

The Crystals of Arkansas

And so now we skip forward 12,500 years, and we look at the role of the Atlantean colony you now call Arkansas. We tell you that there are Crystals and...

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Extraterrestrials on Earth: A challenge we can no longer ignore


Submitted by A. R. Bordon on Thu, 07/28/2011 - 12:17

Santa Monica, CALIFORNIA -- I was quite taken with Brad Steiger’s article "A Pre-Historic Nuclear War? World Before Our Own" and by the two questions that have ...

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HEAVEN #3795 The Meaning of Kindness, April 16, 2011


God said:  

What if you would really accept what I say? If you believed the truth of My estimation of you, would there be scoundrels? What would be the point? Entertainment? Mischievousness?

What would be the use of unk...

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Op de Spits Drijven…..

Is a Dutch saying which literally means 'Bringing it to a head', making the bomb burst. But you can take it even more literally, and at least partially translate it as 'Floating on the Spits'. Given the preferences of most of the dutch audience, SP!TS is the newspaper founded years ago by Frits Spits, a famous radio DJ from the seventies and eighties.'Want to see how you can float on a newspaper?

According to the header they are powered by NewNews, and sometimes lost in translation by us [That would be me @ now].

According to this header from todays paper, they have their big ears pointing upwards, so let's listen to what the stars are saying for me. I mean, this would safely be considered a quotation, but doing it for all twelve signs of the zodiac would probably be called plagiarism, which to us Dutch has a far more playful meaning, because of the Dutch word 'plagen' which means 'to tease':

For those of you who don't speak Dutch, let me explain how this sounds, and how come I am quoting it. I don't normally read newspapers, am more of a incidental headhunter than a serial killer. My friend Leo however is an addict: he reads all the dutch train papers every day, and even brings his non-training colleagues their own copies. He read me this out loud this morning, when I was already in an A-positive mood:

It is an ideal day if you need to fulfil a delicate assignment, if you wish to claim what is rightfully yours, or if you wish to rethink your strategy. Don't worry, your partners in communication will completely understand you.

Now this already felt awfully good when he read it, but as the day progressed I got inspired to formulate two stories for tonight, one about industrial espionage (delicate assignment as I later realised), and about my most ardent desire, which yes, I DO think I am entirely entitled to. Then as the day proceeded, a dirty little bug had me chasing it all around the R&D room, frequently having to combine my strengths with those of my able-bodied colleagues, to rethink our strategy..... which happened

More on that later, first I have to deliver a crashed laptop to the hardware-specialist, and I thank God (and myself) that my luck is such that the laptop isn't mine..... but Melanie's.

Love your Stars,


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Light Quotient, Star Quotient and Diamond Quotient.

Channeler: Petra Margolis

Light Quotient, Star Quotient and Diamond Quotient.

Many of us have an understanding and have heard about our Light Quotient. During some of the workshops we are teaching we have been given new information about this subject and we have been given two new Light Quotients.

The Light Quotient is the amount of crystalline energy that the body holds.

The Star Quotient is the amount of cosmic energy that the body holds.

The Diamond Quotient is the amount of Diamond energy and how far we are with transforming our physical body into a Diamond body for Cosmic Ascension.

The Star Quotient or cosmic energy is what assists us with turning the Light Quotient or crystalline energy into Diamond.

Let’s say our body is the coal (light quotient, crystalline energy) and the Star Quotient is what compresses the Light Quotient, the crystalline energy (the coal) into Diamond.

Simple enough, right?

Now how do we work on this?

I asked the ones that gave us the information, Kuthumi and Dr. Stone. Here is what they have to say.

Kuthumi and Dr. Stone on the Light Quotient, Star Quotient and Diamond Quotient.

I Am Kuthumi and I am here today with someone most of you know from his time on earth and all the books and information he was able to convey to you about the Light Quotient and Planetary Ascension, Dr Joshua David Stone.

He joined us many years ago after his completion of Planetary Ascension and Cosmic ascension, moving on to the world of the Ascended Masters. Just kidding, we actually do not have a world like that. We exist within the oneness, and as so, we speak of the oneness as being within Source.

It is time to release the new Information that is now available within the energies, within your universe. The Star Quotient and Diamond Quotient. Since Dr Stone was a specialist in this area while on earth, he is the one I, Kuthumi, thought would be the right person to give this new information to the ones that wish to receive.
With great pleasure I give you Dr. Joshua David Stone.

Welcome to all who are reading this, I am Joshua David Stone and I speak to you through this channel as we are now able to release the information that was held within the higher dimensions and is now available for you to receive as you wish. During my time one earth I worked on my Light Quotient, this enabled me to complete Planetary Ascension. From the moment I left our amazing planet I have been working with the Ascended Masters and many other beings of light who welcomed me in their group as an Ascended Master and I have been anxious to release all the new information that came available to me at that moment.

When I was on earth, we knew about Cosmic Ascension and I went through the process the moment I left with leaving my body behind. Now it is the time to actually go through Cosmic Ascension without leaving the Physical body behind. I am so excited that this time has come and I am waiting anxiously to greet many of you here in this new place that I have found within the oneness of God.

The Light Quotient is still an important part of the process as this is what fills your physical body with the crystalline energies. Once you are beyond a Light Quotient of 80%, you will start building your Star Quotient. The part where you go from 80% to 99.9% Light quotient will bring your Star Quotient to around 50%. From there you start to build your Diamond Quotient, turning the crystalline energy into diamond energy.

The process of Cosmic Ascension is something that has been done before, and it took many life times to complete as we all know. In this time, going up to 2012, the energy is vibrating at such speed that a new process of Cosmic Ascension is possible. Many of you have felt it already as time speeding up; some have felt like sometimes stepping out of time. This is what 2012 will be, stepping out of time for a short moment to raise the earth up and let her become one with the New Earth that is being prepared within the Higher Dimensions.

All will be welcomed on the new earth, as the new earth still will have some of the lower dimensions needed for groups that will have to complete Planetary and Cosmic Ascension. Many more dimensions will be available for you to explore and see as you will move with the earth to the new earth.

Now I am getting off subject but I am so excited that the time is almost there, the Star Quotient and Diamond Quotient, how do you work with that?

There are many different ways, but in my opinion the most important one is to be connected within to your own Source Being. Another thing is to start working with energies beyond the 5th dimension. There is so much out there and the guidance needs to come from within you.

One thing I have always said and I will say it again, learn to channel, learn to communicate with your Higher Self, your Soul, your Source being, and with that of course can come the guidance from all of the Ascended Masters and Beings of Light that are here waiting for you to give you the information, the guidance. But most importantly, live from the heart, connect with your heart, connect with the being that you are in spirit. Follow that intuition, let yourself be guided and move beyond the limitations of the 3rd dimension.

As you might know from all the books I have written, I dedicated myself completely to the ascension path, this is what I was meant to be doing. For many of you it is what you are meant to be doing, you already know this. Many will let things hold them back and you will have to move beyond this feeling, this block. This block is what we call the 3rd dimension, limitations all over. Once you can move beyond that, you will find the whole universe behind you to support you. And I can tell you now, this is the first block. Many more will come on your path as you will integrate more of your own source being into the physical body into the third dimension.

Now what about all those people that have never even heard about Planetary or Cosmic Ascension? Yes we know there are many; they will get the chance to complete this on the New Earth. They are going to need teachers though and this is why you are here. To start your world service contract that will be fully in play once you arrive onto the New Earth.

I am leaving you with one thought:

“It is easier to stay in the 3rd dimension than to step out of it.”

And this is the most important reason why so many, who have the opportunity, will not complete Planetary Ascension, let alone Cosmic Ascension.

Joshua David Stone


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The Position and the Transition Teams!

“What Team Do You Play On?” an illustration by SethD8 – 2/2/07


The Reality Creators

& The Reality Dismantlers!

Are you a density creator or are you a density dismantler? A position team member, or a transition team member. If you are reading this article, more than likely you are a density dismantler, a darkness illuminator, an energy harmonizer, a “light worker”, or in my terminology – a planetary transition team member, a Planetary Ascension Specialist. You have come here at this time in the evolutionary process of this planet for its Ascension into a star and humanity’s ascension into immortal bodies of Light.

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