Tag: sooner (page 2 of 3)

Heaven Letters April-29-2013

Heavenletter #4539 The Time of Your Life, April 29, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Time is quite a bug-a-boo in the world. Time comes and goes like the

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Galactic Federation of Light Montague Keen April-14-2013

Montague’s Message for April 14,2013

There will come a time in the near future when you will have to make a decision as to whether to stand up

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Galactic Federation Of Light Arcturians January 17 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light Arcturians January 17 2012

http://lightworkers.org/channeling/150857/message-arcturians http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com/2012/01/message-from-arcturians-11-trust-in.html Dear Ones, we are the Arcturians!

Today we come...

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HEAVEN #3852 Why Would You?, June 12, 2011


God said:  

There is no telling what tomorrow will bring. Have the idea, which is an intention, that tomorrow will bring you everything you want. Would you rather spend your thoughts on the nebulous unwanted things that tom...

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Shar Joy Thought for the Day

                                 Tonight I was outside with a friend and we saw a U.F.O.&nb...

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Important Preparation

Humanity is experiencing a quantum shift this year in every facet of our lives. The end result of this acceleration of energy, vibration, and consciousness will be an extremely positive event for everyone. Unfortunately, due to the challenges surfacing in people’s lives to be healed, many do not realize the opportunity at hand. Instead of empowering their hopes and dreams during this unique opportunity, people are being overwhelmed with fear and feelings of helplessness. For this reason, the Company of Heaven is asking Lightworkers around the world to redouble our efforts. We are One, and we have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity.  We are being called to action! The time for us to accept the responsibility of being our sister’s and brother’s keepers is NOW!

I know that many Lightworkers are also feeling overwhelmed. The difference is that regardless of outer appearances we know within the deepest recesses of our hearts that we are going to be God Victorious, and that everything we need to serve the Light on behalf of our fellow Human Beings and all Life on this planet is already within us. We are powerful beyond our knowing and when we join our hearts and minds together we are invincible. This is the level of heart commitment that we are being asked to reach at this time. The Company of Heaven is standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to amplify our unified efforts a thousand times a thousand fold.

At this very moment, our I AM Presences are increasing the frequency of vibration within our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies the maximum we can endure in every 24-hour period. This may feel a little bit stressful, but it is enabling us to receive higher frequencies of Light than we have ever experienced. Remember, Light is infinitely more powerful than the fragmented, fear-based mis-creations of our human egos which are surfacing to be healed. The more Light we can project into this surfacing negativity the faster it will be transmuted, and the sooner the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will tangibly manifest in our lives.

The year 2010 is being heralded as the Year of Manifestation by the Legions of Light serving this planet. After decades of tenacious work by millions of Lightworkers in every conceivable location on Earth, we have reached a critical mass, a tipping point, that will allow the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to begin physically manifesting. Pay attention to the positive things that are being brought to your awareness and you will confirm this for yourself. Do not focus on the bombardment of negativity that is designed to polarize people and to perpetuate fear and separation. Focus instead on the evidence of positive changes that are happening everywhere. Where your attention is, there you are. Empower only what you want to co-create in your life not the things that you do not want.

Here are some powerful invocations that have been given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. When we say these invocations with deep feeling, we join in consciousness with thousands of Lightworkers around the world who are also saying these invocations. Together we create a tremendous Chalice of Light through which the Light of God will flow to heal the maladies manifesting in our individual and our collective lives. This will clear the way for the manifestation of our hopes, our dreams, and the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.
Invoking The Violet Flame

Through the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, now blazing in my heart, I invoke ALL of the Legions of Light throughout infinity who are associated with the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame.

On behalf of myself and ALL Humanity, I AM now blazing the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame through every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth that is vibrating at a frequency less than the harmony and balance of God.

Beloved I AM, look into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity and see what yet remains to be balanced by us to any person, place, condition or thing we may have wronged at any time, in any way, for any reason.

Reach your great loving hands of Light into all of the positively qualified energy we have released throughout our Earthly sojourns, and draw forth a thousand times as much perfection as we have ever done wrong.

Fashion from this substance of perfection a Gift of Love, whatever is necessary to balance every debt we have created which still remains unpaid to any part of Life.  

Beloved I AM, I ask you to forgive every person, place, condition or thing which may have wronged us in any way, and balance all debts owed to us by Life everywhere.

I accept this done through the Power of God I AM.   And so it is.


Through the Divinity pulsating in my heart, I consecrate my life now to the reestablishment of my Covenant with God. I clearly know and understand with my new level of Divine Consciousness, that whatever I AM thinking, feeling, saying, or doing I AM empowering, cocreating, and magnetizing into my life.

From this moment forth, I dedicate my thoughts, words, actions, and feelings to empowering and cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. I begin with me, but I know that simultaneously I AM a surrogate serving on behalf of ALL Humanity, for we are all One. As I AM lifted up, all life is lifted up with me.

I invoke the entire Company of Heaven to come forth now. Blessed Ones, please assist me in this holy endeavor, and empower these activities of Light a thousand times a thousandfold.

Beloved Father-Mother God, I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM enveloped in the invincible protection of God’s Light and Divine Love as I sojourn through my Earthly experiences.

I AM manifesting perfection in my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies.

I AM co-creating loving relationships in my life.

I AM fulfilling my Divine Purpose and reason for being, and I AM financially and creatively rewarded in my job.

I AM an example of Divine Family Life, including my place in the family of Humanity.

I AM fulfilling my Divine Potential as a son or daughter, a wife or husband, a mother or father, a grandmother or grandfather, a woman or man, as a friend, a relative, a coworker, a steward of the Earth, a teacher, a way shower, a Lightworker, and a cocreator of the New Earth.

I AM a living example of  Divine Love, Trust, Integrity, Honesty, Tolerance, Acceptance, and Reverence for ALL Life.

I AM able to listen, understand, and communicate openly and honestly with every evolving soul.

I AM effortlessly Ascending into the Divine Heart and Mind of God with every Holy Breath I take.

Within the Causal Body of God, I AM tapping into the Divine Guidance and the viable solutions that will assist me in fulfilling my Divine Plan and my purpose and reason for being.

I AM open to the Divine Guidance of my I AM Presence and the Legions of Light in the Realms of Truth. I easily communicate with these Beings of Light through open heart and mind telepathic communication.

I AM One with ALL Life, and I communicate openly with the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms as well.

I AM daily and hourly fulfilling the Immaculate Concept of my Divine Plan
and the Divine Plan for Beloved Mother Earth.

Sealing Affirmation

I now invoke the full-gathered momentum of the Violet Flame to transmute every thought, word, action, or feeling I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that would in any way interfere with or prevent these patterns of perfection for the New Earth from manifesting tangibly in the world of form.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace. 

I accept that these patterns for the New Earth are victoriously manifesting even as I speak.

In God’s most Holy Name, I AM. And so it is!

(These invocations are from the book of invocations, I AM Co-creating the New Earth by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles)

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You are that!

That which you seek, you already are. Just wake up and be that. Then you will be in the truth of life. You will be enlightened. You will be in Oneness and timelessness and so there is no soul, no journey, no separation, no seeking and no finding. Everything dissolves into the moment of NOW. Everything is revealed in Oneness.

The dimension of you that has been seeking enlightenment is the ego and the ego will never arrive at that which it is seeking. There needs to be a relaxation, a letting go. The seeking and striving and trying keeps you goal oriented and away from the doorway of the truth, which is the present moment.

When you are fully awake, there is nothing left of you from the past and nothing of you projecting into the future. Your are utterly here now.

This is the awakened state. It is an exalted state of consciousness.

At the deepest level of this state, separation dissolves and you enter into Oneness. Occasionally, through Grace, the sense of your self as an individual dissolves completely and all that exists is perfect Eternal Presence, Silence, Love and Oneness.

Occasionally, the nothingness at the heart of everything is revealed.

This awakened state of consciousness exists at a level that is transcendent of the mind and ego. When the ego is exposed to this information, it creates a desire in the ego for something that is impossible for the ego to achieve. But the ego will not give up its quest. This has the effect of strengthening the ego, which thrives in an environment of fear, rejection, and struggle. The ego can never awaken. The ego can never arrive at the goal. Awakening occurs when the ego is transcended.

So the question arises as to how to awaken into Oneness. If you cannot do it, then how is it accomplished? How can we still our thoughts and open into silence. A relaxation must occur. Simply bring yourself out of the world of the mind and the ego by becoming fully present. The key to being present is to bring yourself fully present with that which is already present. If you can see it, hear it, feel it, taste it, touch or smell it in this moment, then you can be present with it. The moment you are truly present with something that is here in the moment with you, thoughts will stop. Your mind will fall silent. You will know yourself as the one who exists in this moment and no other. Then you are awake in the truth of life.

But who is awake?
No more words.
No more thoughts.
No more concepts.
No more understanding.
Just silence.

Just full, awakened, all embracing Eternal Presence. It is the Presence of pure consciousness. If you awaken into this level of fully awakened consciousness, you cannot function in the world. Quite literally, there is no time. And there is no YOU to function in the world. You would need a team of caretakers to take care of you. I am speaking from personal experience. I have been in this exalted state of consciousness for weeks at a time.

But sooner or later, a sense of individuality will be restored, so that you can function within the world of time. Restoring my sense of individuality took several months, and it was not easy. This does not mean that the ego was restored to dominance in my life. I still have an ego, but it is surrendered. There is nothing wrong with the ego. In fact, to deny the ego its place in your life is to invite it to function unconsciously.

This has happened to many who have had powerful experiences of awakening. They have identified with the enlightenment experience, which then catches them back into the mind.

Beyond all experience is the one experiencing.

To anyone who declares themselves enlightened, I would ask, “Who is enlightened?” The answer is “I AM.” And then only silence remains. Pure consciousness is your true nature. The I AM Presence is your true nature. It is silent. It is eternal. It is impersonal.

But that does not mean that you cannot also exist at the personal level. I do not mean to imply that life at the level of mind should cease. That is not possible, nor desirable. What is possible however is that you become so awake and deeply grounded in the present moment and the awakened state of Presence that you never lose your connection with the present moment, even when you do venture into the world of the mind. In other words, you no longer believe in your thoughts, memories, ideas, beliefs and opinions as the truth. You are no longer identified with any of it. You recognize that life at the level of mind is simply play. It is sometimes happy and sometimes sad, because it is a world of duality. You relax and accept the dual nature of the mind and the world of experience within time. You are no longer for or against anything. You have transcended judgment. Life is accepted fully and so too is death. Joy is accepted fully and so too is pain. But you are so deeply grounded in the moment of now, that you no longer get caught in the movements of the mind and its world of thought and emotion. You are deeply grounded in Oneness. You are able to return to silence and Presence at will. In fact, silence and Presence is always there as the foundation of your existence, and your sense of yourself.

It is time for humanity to awaken at a collective level. Enlightenment can no longer be for just a select few, who no longer participate in the world. If there is to be an awakening at a collective level, we will have to learn to function within the world. This means that we will have to find a balance between the timelessness of the fully awakened state and the world of time.

-Leonard Jacobson

Copyright Leonard Jacobson. For more info visit http://www.leonardjacobson.com or email to: info@leonardjacobson.com

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The Temple of the Dolphins

We come forth from the watery depths of the river of your souls and the inner abyss of your being.  We come forth to help you breathe deep.  Forget about your humanness and breathe deep with your heart entering a place of pure joy.  you sit upon the shoreline watching the other aspects of yourself play, For too long you keep yourself in suits and zippers and shoes when the very Being within you just wants to be set free. 

Many of you have worked in the 'Temples of the Dolphins in ancient Lemurian and Atlantis.   The sea is a part of the very fabric of your being it lives within you.  Your blood and glands pulse with the Sea from time immortal. Listen within for the Ancient Ocean breaking on the walls beneath the cliffs  Hear the sound of the birds and your heartbeat as we (the dolphins) escort you back into time, a time when you were more fluid, a time when you were bendable, more pliable. Let us swim you into a time when you enjoyed every inch of your body and your life. 

The energy of play is something that you have forgotten as you are so busy being grown up, so busy being official, so busy acting the title of your job, the title of your name, but not the 'title of your soul'.  We ask you to strip down and let the glistening essence of your celestial Dolphin come out.  Do not come out in fear of being slaughtered or being made into tuna, do not come out in fear of being in toxic waters or toxic shame.  Do not come out unless you are willing to be free, free of what haunts you, free of what burdens you, free of what keeps you in between the lines of your life.

Open up your chakras allow us to align them.  Imagine one of us from your dolphin star family, standing in front of you, body to body, chakra to chakra, heart to heart, as we blend and become One you are set free from your human constraints.  You have forgotten how simple life is, you have forgotten that all of your needs will and shall be met when you fully believe it is so.  You have forgotten about all the original love that birthed you, This love is fluid and free moving as are we; it is not to be locked away or boxed up kept on a shelf for a rainy day. It is to be shared with everyone and anyone. You have forgotten to acknowledge your brethren in the same part of the sea that you live, in your neighborhood, in your city in your country, they too are your family. 

In Mother Ocean there are no fences, no walls nor doors to keep anything out or anyone in, everything is a part of the One Ocean.  We have no enemies in the ocean because we believe it is so.  Even those that would like to make us prey, do not – because our intention is as such.  We believe we are not endangered from man, from sharks, from the larger members of our own families.  And it is so. 

We are not here for ourselves, nor have we ever been.  We are here for you.  Eventually (sooner than you realize) you will come to a point of realization that you are within all species and all species are within you, then there will be no need for us to continue our teachings in physical form.  The evolutionary patterns will shift into the next notch.   We are the dolphins.  We leave from this body, but we stay with you.  Remember our words.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 - www.thequantumawakening.com thequantumawakening@hughes.net

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Methuselan Final Housecleaning! April 4/10

Sunday, 04 April 2010 19:26

through Zilanthrah, 24th March 2010

Greetings from the realm of sunshine, bluebirds, waterfalls and never ending peace. I am Methuselah and I greet you with fondness for all that you do.

I am aware of your recent experience with opening a doorway of Light for those ready to enter into the Light. This is occurring planetary wise on a regular basis due to new energies. The energies of Love, Light and Peace act as a catalyst for those who are ready and willing to move to their next level. It has worked well for some time, yet there are those, shall we say, stubborn ones, who continue to hang on by their fingernails to what has served them for so long.

These ones have not been affected by the loving prompting of the effective energies. For those of you who are willing to assist them in your own way, we advise that you do so and we honor you for your choice but remember that it is an option of your choosing.

Can you think of anyone in your lineage whom you can remember, perhaps as a child, whom you were not particularly drawn to? It is these folks whom I refer to as stubborn, for many of them throughout their lives hung on by their fingernails to the negative aspects of their lives. Some of them did not make the transition to the Light and chose to remain in the fourth dimension where they continue to have their way through the energy of those in physical bodies. They are aware of what is transpiring around them, as well as in the 3rd dimension. They are aware that there is a better place to be, however their negative energy is so well ingrained that they pass on their option of moving on to the Lighted realm.

These ones that you might have known as a child are one example, for there are multitudes of discarnate entities from times before yours and from times of ancient days. Some of you have techniques that work well for you and we suggest that you spend time with the intention to help these ones move on. If you are not accustomed to doing this, we recommend that you go into a meditative state where you feel peace and love in your hearts with the intention of assisting these ones to their next stage of evolution. Know that when you form your intention to do this, you will be surrounded with Celestials beings, with Masters and Angels who wish to assist. There is nothing to fear, you are protected and the energy of the discarnate ones cannot affect you. Otherwise you would not be directed to do so.

Know that, if you choose this option, any relatives or friends existing in the 4th dimension will have no choice, as they are aware that there is a better place for them and that it is now the time for their next stage of evolution. They simply will leave.

It is not a difficult task, it is a matter of being willing and setting aside the time. You may be surprised at how easily this occurs and with the fulfillment that this will bring you. After all, serving Spirit in the way of helping to heal your ancestors is a high one. And you are highly capable of doing this.

You may know of humans who assist discarnate entities to move on as well as assist those who have passed on but are not yet aware that they are deceased. Some do this as part of their divine service.

There has been cleansing on Planet Earth for many a year now and these ones whose turn it is to step to the Light must come sooner or later. And now is the time. It will help to raise the frequency of the planet in a way that is observable and obvious from our realm.

We ask that you assume this responsibility and commend you for your choice. As the evolved masters that you are, you are capable of this and much more. See it as a favor you do for your family and others. Zoltair, will you please express your thoughts aloud?

Zoltair: Thank you Methuselah. Are you saying that we are shaking loose a new reality for our entire lineage?

Methuselah: Yes, put simply. And for the lineage of others as well. Create a doorway or a tunnel that is the conscious bridge connecting the 3rd and the 5th dimensions. This is how the discarnate entities shall cross over. There are other ways to assist and if you are directed by another method, please follow your intuition. Rely on guidance from Spirit and know that your intention of seeing these loved ones crossing to the Light is most important. Be sure to raise your vibration by allowing the highest feeling of Love and peace into your heart. Have it be a joyous celebration. All life is sacred and these ones are sacred and deserve a helping hand. It is worthy of celebration.

Zoltair: Are we including incarnated people such as brothers, sisters, friends or also those who have left through the death process?

Methuselah: We refer to all that you have mentioned. As far as living relatives, many humans carry discarnate entities with them. These ones shall be helped to the Light. Some may have become attracted and attached to your siblings during this lifetime. Some have been here since time immemorial, so know that your assistance will be as a key log, once it begins, there will be a parade of entities who are deceased humans and there will be a parade of discarnate ones who are living through the physical actions, thoughts and emotions of the incarnate ones.

Zoltair: Will this also apply to our neighbors and their lineage as well?

Methuselah: When you set out with the intention to assist in this way, if you have within your mind to assist your neighbor, it shall be so. You shall assist with not only housecleaning of relatives living and deceased, and neighbors, but perhaps an entire community.

Be aware that this may apply to each of you, you can do this for yourself, which is most important, for if you carry any negative energies which no longer serve you, it is time to let them know that their services are no longer necessary. See this as a final housecleaning of sorts.

Zoltair: I will make a determined effort to do this.

Methuselah: Determination is a word that we love hearing from our human kin. Know that all reading this will have an opportunity to serve in a magnificent way as it is almost beyond comprehension as to the undertaking that you will be doing and covers a vast amount of discarnate entities and energies whose time has come. They simply must move on.

If someone interested in participating requests your technique or techniques that others utilize, we encourage you to share. With honesty of your intent, energy and loving support, it will be successful. Know also that when assisting discarnate ones to the Light, guides and angels of the human being assisted will come forth to add their energies of love and support. Their stubbornness will be lessened and their transition will be easier. The weight that unhappy humans carry will be much lessened for them. They will see their way with more ease. It shall bring a lightness and grace into all aspects of their life. Even as I speak, we are aware that they are lining up. So by my comments, you know to take the time for another round. Open the door to the Light and allow them, with Love, to the next level of their journey.

Z & Z: We thank you Methuselah .

Methuselah: You are most welcome. I am Methuselah and I bid you a good day.

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Born Again, and Again, and Again…

by Owen Waters

Have you ever wondered how many incarnations make up a complete set of human experience here on earth? To many, the answer comes as quite a shock.

The older you get in this life, the closer you come to gaining mastery over the main lessons of this particular life. These are lessons that you planned at a soul level before you were born. When you look back on your life, it sometimes seems that it all went by in a flash.It seems like just yesterday that you were still young enough to feel like you knew a lot about life. Now you’re older, and you’ve learned much more since, it become obvious that there’s a whole lot more to human life than anyone can learn or experience in one short incarnation.

When I lived in Los Angeles in the 1980’s, I used to look forward to visiting a past life regressionist every Tuesday afternoon. Once a week for several months, I’d be guided into a deep, altered state and recall scenes from whichever past life my soul consciousness wanted me to discover next.

Eventually, after many weeks, the novelty wore off, but I was always amazed at the wide variety of experiences that I’ve been through to build a good understanding of the experience of being a physical human on Planet Earth.

Gaining a wide-ranging experience of all the varieties of human living with its triumphs and failures takes a lot more than one life. Typically, a complete tour of human experience on earth takes 288 incarnations.

That’s a shocker, isn’t it?

Here we are, living in a culture which, for the most part, believes that this one life is all there is. Meanwhile, the real situation is that we’ve been around the wheel of reincarnation more times than we care to remember.

Here’s why there are as many as 288 lives in a complete set of human experience. There are twelve astrological signs and twelve stages of reincarnatory life experience. These stages of experience range all the way from ‘Inexperienced Human’ to ‘Mastery of the Human Experience.’ So far, that amount of variety requires 12 times 12, or 144, lives.

Then, there is the need to experience both the yin and yang versions of everything, which is typically achieved by making the choice to be either male or female for each incarnation. When you multiply 144 times 2, it equals 288.

Sooner or later, the young and inexperienced soul becomes, in human terms, an ‘old soul.’ Then, they start tying up the loose ends in their own history of experiences in preparation for graduation into the next stage of experience in the long and fascinating journey back to the ultimate source from which we all came.


*If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend!

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Owen Waters is the author of "Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom". This deeply insightful e-book combines some of today's most proven and time-tested spiritual practices into one powerful and effective package.

Available for immediate download at:

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Transformational Times Energy Forecast – It’s ‘GO’ Time

20 March 2010 - 9:52pm
Channeler: Emmanuel Dagher

Hello my miraculous friend!

Can you feel the energy of excitement in the air? We are officially now in 'GO' mode as we enter the equinox, especially since Mars went direct several days ago after being in retrograde for over three months. These past few months have been such a blessing in that they gave us the opportunity to pause and reflect within ourselves, releasing all of the old illusions and blocks we identified with that no longer serve us as we move forward. Although at times it didn't feel comfortable, if we take a look back, we notice that in these past months a massive expansion occurred within us emotionally, mentally, & spiritually, more so than ever before. We were literally pushed to our limits (core level) it seems in order for the most authentic aspect of ourselves to emerge.

The theme now is all about gigantic movement forward. For those who have been doing their inner-work, get ready for what you've been envisioning and working towards to start showing up in your life experience. Everything will seem to 'click' in place while many wonderful opportunities will present themselves to you, some completely out of the blue and unexpected, so it's important to remain present and aware enough to recognize them as they are happening. With this big thrust forward and the downloading of solar flares (light from the sun that comes into earth's atmosphere and raises its vibration) we will notice more people awaken to their authentic nature. These people will look to those who have long been on this awakened path for guidance, so those who work in areas of personal development, get ready for your services to be in high demand. For those who are still having a tough time, just take a deep breath and let the Universe relieve you of all burdens. If you continue to carry them, they will get heavier and heavier until you have no choice but to let them go. The sooner you are willing to release the doubts, worries, fears, sarcasm, resentments, negativity, false pretenses, etc... you have created, the quicker you will align yourself with the current miraculous flow of the Universe, opening yourself up to positive experiences beyond your wildest expectations.

How will this movement forward affect us globally? In the coming months, well-known figures, big businesses, systems, agendas, and industries that have been operating covertly without integrity will have a very difficult time keeping things hidden from the public any longer, especially with the current influx of energies. As things become more transparent, these old energies will begin to shift out making way for an abundance of new technologies and conscious businesses to emerge. We will also see a big advancement in the coming together of all walks of life with the intention to bring unity, tolerance, peace, and positive change to the world on a deeper level. Although at times things might seem a bit chaotic, trust that everything we are witnessing is a necessary part of the cleansing and integration process laying the foundations for the new earth love/unity matrix to emerge. Staying focused on compassion, respect, and love will greatly assist us in manifesting our most desired life experience at this time, with the full support of the Universe by our side. Hibernation time is over for now.

Buckle up your seat belts, it's going to be an exciting and extraordinary ride these next several months, especially this summer!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,

Emmanuel Dagher

©2010 Emmanuel Dagher, All Rights Reserved

You are absolutely welcome to share these forecasts with others as you feel guided!

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Metatron March Update Mar 14/10

Sunday, 14 March 2010 12:54


As we move into the Spring Tidings over the next few days, be ever mindful and disciplined in practicing loving detachment. We are at a time on the Planet when tremendous and successive waves of LOVE are pouring in. The result of this is that each One will be experiencing greater and greater challenges. Anything you have put aside, which needs dealing with will pop up now. The sooner you face challenges and get your house in order, the easier the spring cleaning will move forward.

There will be added responsibilities as Earth changes go forward. The Ones who are awake and aware of their roles in these changes will have new jobs piled on which will need tending to. Offers will pop up which come unexpectedly. You will be challenged to the max and will find it nearly impossible to say no. There are many who will need hand holding, love, support, reassurance, and collaboration in order to surf through the massive changes which will be very rapidly thrown at them in waves. Be there for these Ones, as much as possible. You will see it in your close knit groups as well. Reach out and be assistance to your friends as needed. Help with answers, or be a shoulder to cry on. Praise Respect Thank and Allow these waves of emotion to float out over the stars. Acknowledge each new challenge as a reminder to move forward decisively and swiftly, taking action steps needed to move the energy through each day. This is what is needed to bring necessary Blessings, by allowing the flow. Follow the Path of Least Resistance in times of uncertainty. When unsure of what to do, go with your first impression, your gut instinct, and keep going. This is not a time to sit stagnant.

The saying is with the Showers come Spring Flowers. The Season change now in the Northern Hemisphere from the Death Season of Winter to the New Life of Spring will be at times turbulent, as high winds, thunderstorms, and Old Man Winter usher in the gentle breezes and warm Sun of Spring.

Ask and Allow your Dream to unfold. If you are asked: What will you do when the changes come? Have the Beginnings of Your Dream formulated. Ask for Guidance to fill out the unseen parts of the Dream. Do not be surprised when you are asked to experience new things and work harder than you imagined. All of this carries great dividends in bringing as many forward as possible to a place we call No Time at Zero Point. This is where we begin forming Terra Nova. We are moving rapidly into a World where everyone is well aware we are Galactic Citizens in the Universe called Nebadon.

The new US Government System will be Unicameral. This will be a change from our current BiCameral System. The Unity of only having One Entity representing all of Congress, will simplify the change over. With the 60 or so Senators who will be left after the arrests, new Ones, with come in to lend expertise to the mix. There are Ones waiting in the Wings, who are well known, who will join Government now. The exciting development will be that our Government Members, with Others from Governments from around the World, will join the Sirian Commander in meetings on a Galactic Level of Governing ourselves as Members of Planet Earth. These meetings will include Mother Sekmet, Archangel Michael, Maitreya and Metatron, St Germain, Lady Master Nada and King of Swords, with others. These meetings are the basis of forming a New Government and New Financial Systems on Terra Nova. In these meetings there will be representatives from Niburu, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, as well as others.

We are on the threshold of the greatest changes imaginable. Stay centered and come back to peace as you traverse the powerful Equinox Energies which are washing fast and furious over All of Earth now. As challenges arise remember to love the dark ones leaving the stage. Love the Ones who have committed the atrocities as they have made it possible to return this Planet to love. Remember to use Ho'oponopono to forgive yourself as well as the dark hats as the next steps are unfolding. Find the Peace Inside as you come into the Higher Form of You.


~Lord Metatron

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The Enormous Scale of Creation

by Owen Waters

In the Middle Ages, most people worked the land. They were peasants who rarely ventured far away from their place of birth, so their concept of the world was quite small. Likewise, their concept of God the Creator was small in scale. To them, God was an all-powerful, wise, elderly, human-like figure who lived somewhere above them and would, one day, judge them in person.

People, at the time, didn't realize the massive size of the planet upon which they stood. To them, most of their universe could be seen from the top of the nearest hill. Today, with cosmology and the Hubble telescope to help us, our view of the size of the universe has been stretched farther and farther.What we have learned, since the Middle Ages, includes these realizations:

1. The Earth is not the center of the universe. Apparently, when this was discovered, it came as quite a shock.

2. The Earth is round. This was excellent news at the time: No more worrying that you might take to sea and sail off the edge of the world.

3. The Earth travels around the Sun. This means that, while modern-day life on Earth may seem to be expensive at times, it does come with the added bonus, once a year, of a free trip around the Sun.

4. The Sun is over a million times bigger than the Earth.

5. There are 200 billion other suns in our own galaxy.

6. There are well over 100 billion galaxies in the universe.

7. As big as the universe is, in order for God to be everywhere, God has to be bigger still.

When you view God as Infinite Being, the All That Is, or the Absolute, you have a sense of scale that still encompasses all of Creation, no matter how far the universe stretches. The infinity of Infinite Being encompasses all of space. The 'Being' part of Infinite Being created all of space within its consciousness.

In fact, in a universe full of infinite possibilities, how do we know that this isn't just one of many universes? The possibility that there may be infinite universes in all of Creation boggles the mind further still. If there are infinite universes, then ours is just one small one compared to the extend of Infinite Being, the Creator of all that exists.

The question is, where does the individual fit into this enormous scale of Creation?

As individuals, we each appear as a manifested part of Creation's infinite array of possibilities. However, that's just the external appearance.

The deeper into consciousness you travel, the more you become aware that the All is One. That the infinite possibilities are all expressions of the One. Beneath all expression is just the One, and the One is Infinite Being.

In the 'All is One' ultimate reality, you are not just a part of Infinite Being, you are a viewpoint of the One. Nothing can be truly separate from the One. It can only be another facet or viewpoint of the One.

That means that you are the One. You are Infinite Being.

Now, it may not be appropriate, in this external world of separate people, to announce, "I, personally, am Infinite Being." But, as you travel within, to that sacred space of your inner being, the truth dawns. You do realize that, deep down, that is what you are. You are Infinite Being, and so is everyone else, at the level of their deepest spiritual essence.

Because people are an expression of Infinite Being, the potential within each and every one of us is infinite.

There are no limits to what you will become in your journey back to your original spiritual home. And, there need be no limits in the life that you are now leading.

Society will benefit enormously when such realizations become commonplace. Today, however, the chances are that, throughout all of your life, you have been pressured to be modest. Society has been terrified of the idea that a person might think themselves important. "Don't even think about rising above your station," they cry.

Admittedly, inflated egos can be a tiresome bore, but it really is time to question any social conditioning which places limits upon human potential. A society that encourages all of its members to develop their full potential would be more supportive, creative and productive. Everyone would benefit.

The sooner more people think in terms of unlimited human potential, the sooner they will saturate the global mind atmosphere of the planet with that New Reality idea.

Just think of yourself this way:


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Owen Waters is the author of "Love, Light Laughter: The New Spirituality," which is available both as a paperback and a downloadable e-book, at:


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