Tag: solar flares (page 2 of 4)

One Month Into 2012 & We’ve Been Solar Fried!

Did your DNA get sunburned during January 2012? Does your head feel like it’s three times larger than normal…whatever “normal” is at this point? How’s your digestive tract been working, or rather, not working? How’s your Pituitary and other...

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Denise Le Fay: One Month Into 2012 & We’ve Been Solar Fried!


by Denise

Did your DNA get sunburned during January 2012? Does your head feel like it's three times larger than normal...whatever "normal" is at this point? How's your digestive tract been working, or rather, no...

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Solar Eclipse in the USA May 20, 2012

This is a video about the upcoming eclipse on May 20, 2012 where our Sun lines up with our Central Sun Alcyone. Related posts: The Gift of Solar Flares Spending time in the sun always lifts our spirits, makes us feel alive, energised and positive. Well...

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Djwhal Khul: “Lemuria Being Revisited Now”


Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon (Complimentary every week)

November 3, 2011

(Channeling begins)

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

Alright. We’re certainly seeing quite an es...

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Hidden Coming To Light


I wanted to share with you and your readers the dream I had last night, based on (apparently) my article on the website entitled, “Let the Sun Shine.”


First, I must share that this is a...

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high council of orion message for 8th october


8 October 2011

Channeler: Karen Doonan

Welcome beloveds we are here to guide and support ALL at this time. Much is changing and reshaping itself across the planet and it is this changing that we wish to guide upon at this time...

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AA Gabriel: The Flexible Reality of Life


2 October 2011

Channeler: Shanta Gabriel

Dear Ones,

The flexible reality of life at this time allows deep wells of creativity to be tapped within the human mind. Drawing the darkest polarities into awareness and light allo...

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Denise Le Fay: 2011 & 2012 Increasing Solar Energies & Coming Into Cosmic Alignment


It’s the last couple days of September 2011 as I write this and I want to share something I’ve been perceiving for a while now. I’ve been seeing that much of 2011 and all the way through December 21, 2012, the Sun is...

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The “End” of the Mayan calendar, Solar Flares and Earth Changes

Calleman We have now celebrated the Cosmic Convergence and there is less than one night and one day before the fulfillment of the evolutionary plan for all of creation (or at least the attainment of the top level). As predicted the Ninth wave of this ...

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Solar Effects – Gaia’s Daughter of Truth


29 September 2011

Channeler: Gaia's Daughter of Truth

Much attention and concern is being directed towards the sun these days. Solar flares, sunspots, mass coronal ejections (MCE) and so on. Like all this activity was new,...

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Expanding Your Personality Into Your Divinity


a message from Goddess of Creation channeled by Shelly Dressel

Sunday, 21 August, 2011  (posted 1 September, 2011)

The energies in this channel are particularly strong! The month of August has been infused with extra ene...

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The Central Spiritual Sun & Solar Flares


a message from Goddess of Creation channeled by Shelly Dressel

Sunday, 7 August, 2011  (posted 17 August, 2011)

This channel was given to us specifically to assist with the infusions of energy during August 2011. There a...

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Expect Wonderful Digest: Re-booting


12 August 2011 

By Meredith Murphy

Hello you beautiful being ♥

The energy of the last couple of days has been VERY difficult.  Early this week began with solar flares/solar winds, and of a magnitude quite ...

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