Tag: Sohin (page 1 of 2)

Kris Won: Alpha ship


7 May 2012

Channeler: Kris-Won

Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

During the last weeks, the number of men and women - especially women - who have begun to channel messages has increased, many of which are being published in ...

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The Eagle has landed


20 February 2012

Hello my name is Cristofer and I have been urged by my guides to share in writing with you some of my thoughts and feelings. I am not your average channeler, I usually use my intuition to guide my actio...

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Kris Won – Greetings From Alpha Spaceship! – 3 January 2012


Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

Dear brothers and sisters, it pleases us greatly to tell you about the unstoppable achievements we are attaining, which are preventing more and more, those who conspire anonymously to continue with ...

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Kris Won, December 21, 2011


Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

We have found ourselves in numerous occasions in which we have had to intervene in matters related to purely internal subjects of the humanity of this planet, but which, without our intervention, wo...

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Kris Won, November 10, 2011


Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

We are entering a new stage in the process of Ascension as a human race on this planet. We could say, without wishing to exaggerate, that the time you are in at this very moment is of enormous impor...

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Kris Won, October 31, 2011


Kris Won, October 31, 2011

Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

Many of you are wondering (we are well aware) about our physical form, and how and what material are our ships made of. And we are always ready to answer all your ques...

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Kris Won, August 29, 2011


Kris Won, August 29, 2011

Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

We renew on this day the messages transmitted through Kris-Won, after a brief period of interruption. We know that many people among you were awaiting our return. As yo...

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Kris Won, May 8, 2011


Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

According to the intentions of your speakers, you will know if they really come to help you or if they have other things in mind. This advice can be applied in all spheres, not only in the terrestri...

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Kris Won, April 10, 2011


Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

It has been a long time since my last communication with you through my channel, our beloved Kris-Won. The development of our strategic plan against the dark forces, as well as its subsequent REAL ...

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Kris Won, March 6, 2011


Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

I am Sohin, chief Commander of the Stellar Spaceship, "Alpha Centaurus", I have under my command a crew of 348 people, including my officials, those who come for a visit (temporary visitor...

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Alpha Ship, February 6, 2011


Alpha Ship, February 6, 2011

Greetings, from Alpha Spaceship!

The tiny microparticles that inhabit the microcosm are in minuscule form what the stars and planets are to the cosmos (macrocosm). To quote the old adag...

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Motherships to increase around Earth by 10%

Messenger Kris-Won
Translators: Steve, Gloria
A message from Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship
April 11, 2010

“To do this, in the next few hours we will begin the preparations so that the Mother Ships, medium and small, who were fulfilling their respective missions elsewhere in the galaxy, can temporarily leave their activities and immediately join our forces of Light already present in this quadrant of the Milky Way.”Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

We are very happy to make an announcement, that is sure to make all of you tireless workers of the Light very happy. With the clear intention to increase the number of safety and defense mechanisms against the opposing forces of the Dark, the Galactic Federation of Light has decided to increase the number of Mother Ships and vessels of medium and small size, which will be added to those that were already orbiting the Earth or in fixed positions and dormant at some point in space. The number of orbiting and dormant spacecraft will be increased to a number equivalent to 10% more than those already available for protection, purification and upliftment of all fauna, flora and humanity of your beautiful blue planet.

To do this, in the next few hours we will begin the preparations so that the Mother Ships, medium and small, who were fulfilling their respective missions elsewhere in the galaxy, can temporarily leave their activities and immediately join our forces of Light already present in this quadrant of the Milky Way.

This decision was taken by the Council of the Intergalactic Confederation and transferred to the Galactic Federation of Light in order to become effective, who addresses this Milky Way galaxy in particular.

So, you can receive this news with great joy and satisfaction, since this can mean an advancement in time towards First Contact, which will result in an unquestionable acceleration of the process of Ascension for humanity on Planet Earth, as well as all of your related kingdoms: the devic, elemental, animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. It is a matter worthy of celebration, that all souls will finally see their elevation to higher levels (as a tangible fact) even earlier than expected!

We would also like to inform you that the efforts of all those who are working towards the upliftment and awakening of all your brothers and sisters, amongst the humans on the planet who we are proud to consider our allies, have had much to do with this decision taken by the Elders Council. Your momentum and faithful dedication has successfully convinced its wisest members that the outside help you have been receiving is well deserved, as is the increase in the number of forces concerned.

So congratulations, because this increase in our forces of Light is due entirely to the hard work and the dedication of all of you, dear lightworkers of peace, love, and justice. You have managed to convince the finest minds of the local Universe that the timing for your Existential Upliftment, through your own merits, be advanced forward, which will more quickly sentence the fall of hegemony and control of the opposing forces of darkness upon you.

For the unstoppable advancing of the Light against the diminishing and regressive forces of Planet Earth! For our victory will be achieved after the combined efforts of you and us!

Peace, Love and Light

Source: Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship

On the Web: www.navealfa.com

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March 21, 2010 This exercise is simple but extremely effective.

Channeler: Kris-Won

Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

We have been providing some tips for you all during our previous messages. We are now going to recommend a new exercise to perform each day at 12:30 in the afternoon. Stand with your legs evenly apart, approximately shoulder width, arms extended outwards, as if they were aligned with the body to make the shape of a five-pointed star, a pentagram. It is better if you close your eyes and concentrate on what you feel. Breathe slow and deep, as if sleeping or meditating. You should visualize how the energy flows from the Cosmos to you, entering through the crown chakra, namely, the etheric heart-shaped "wheel" that everyone has just above their heads, connecting them with the cosmic energies.

You may eventually feel a surge of energy that makes you tremble from head to toe. Do not be frightened by that; your body is becoming an antenna in this moment and you will feel the cosmic energy coming into you as an energy discharge, which may be faint or undetectable in some cases, while strong and violent in others, depending on the type of energy that is received at that particular time.

Always do it at 12:30 in the afternoon in the respective time zone of your countries. It is not necessary for it to be at the same moment for everyone in all nations. The important thing is to connect to the Universe at this time, since it is a time that is right in the middle of a very powerful energy band and ideal for attracting energies that come from outer space. This exercise will help you adapt your physical and subtle bodies to the emanations coming from your Central Sun and to make the most of them, enabling them to act upon your aura each day, in accordance with in conjunction with the Energies we will send you from our Ships. These Energies will progressively change your cells and DNA, making them more subtle and light. If there are many who practice this, you all will become like a large satellite dish that will help change the energy pattern of humanity in its entirety, not just the energy system of the people who practice it.

If for whatever reason you could not do it on that day at 12:30, then do the exercise whenever you remember, because it is always better to do it at another time of the day than not at all. Only try to connect mentally to this momentum and tune in to this band of space-time.

This exercise is simple but extremely effective. It has been taught recently by Kris-Won, who has already known this for some time, to one of our closest partners, and witnessed by us. We decided that it would be a good idea for a number of you to learn this, as it will help us in our task of preparing you for the New Age and for human beings of the New Earth in which you will become, as the Ascension process is revealed.

It seems as if that genius who lived in the past, Leonardo da Vinci, had understood the effectiveness of the physical position of the five-pointed star, right? We have been pleased to see that even some European currencies have been minted with the very image of da Vinci. He was an initiate who observed the Universe and the world, which surrounded him with ideas that were far superior to humans of that era. In actuality, he is a great teacher of Wisdom and now of Ascension, who continues working for the spiritual evolution of human beings on this planet.

The moment of Ascension for you as members of the human race on planet Earth is approaching rapidly, and we are confident that this moment will become a reality, always gradual in form and not abruptly, in a short space of your linear time. We have this absolute confidence because we know that those are the Plans of the Father-Mother God.

Love and Peace

Source: Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship
Channeler: Kris-Won
Translator: Steve

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