Tag: social media (page 2 of 2)

Allendale to Tots – ‘Social Media’ ~ Information is Power ~ 1/19/12


January 19th, 2012 Allendale

[Hello Allendale.] Hello, Tots my friend. I would like to begin with an update for all your fine readers. In the coming months you will see in the social media many posts about strange occurrences. ...

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Pleiadian High Consuls "Expanding your Light"


17 November 2011

Channeler: E-Galactic

Greetings Dear children of the Sun, You have all been doing so well in the progress that is being made by you individually and collectively. Know that all worlds envy the beauty of your...

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Scorpio New Moon: October 26, 2011 by B. Hand Clow


24 October 2011

Astrologer: Barbara Hand Clow

Global (and individual) balancing began with the Fall Equinox and was reinforced by the Libra New Moon on September 27-and now the time for truth and personal integrity h...

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Benefit from Living Right Now – A message from The Council of 12


Channeled by Selacia

Friday, 26 August, 2011 (posted 30 August, 2011)

Living right now has unique benefits. You are more likely to receive the gifts of this life when you understand what the gifts are and how they can change y...

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Benefit from Living Right Now


a message from The Council of 12 channeled by Selacia

Friday, 26 August, 2011

Living right now has unique benefits. You are more likely to receive the gifts of this life when you understand what the gifts are and h...

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High Council of Orion message for 20th August


20 August 2011

Channeler: Karen Doonan

We come to assist ALL at this time and ask YOU to detach from illusion as YOU seek to elevate and then maintain a higher vibration. Many of you are seeking to uncover more and more levels...

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high council of orion message for 11th august


11 August 2011

Channeler: Karen Doonan

Welcome beloveds, we are here to guide and support you at all times as you move through your life journey and we are here at this time for ALL. We are the high council of orion and we hav...

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August Forecast 2011 ~ by Lena Stevens


3 August 2011 

Channeler:  Lena Stevens


The main theme for August is Wake Up and Pay Attention. Subthemes are Responsibility and Presence.

This does not mean becoming more hyper-vigilan...

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Leaked Emails Suggest Ghostly Internet Army

By Chris Capps    2/18/11  

If you've ever been to any social networking site or internet forum you know how passionately people can voice their opinions and how disparate opinions can be from one location to another.&n...

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Whistleblower exposes attempted ET manipulation, false flag at ‘Festival’


In an exclusive January 2, 2011 50 minute video interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre on ExopoliticsTV, former Project Seagate whistleblower and Project Camelot witness Aaron McCollum has exposed an attempted recruitment by the organ...

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